The Low Countries. Jaargang 15
(2007)– [tijdschrift] The Low Countries–The Low Countries. Jaargang 15. Stichting Ons Erfdeel, Rekkem 2007
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Dit bestand biedt, behoudens een aantal hierna te noemen ingrepen, een diplomatische weergave van The Low Countries. Jaargang 15 uit 2007.
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[ voorplat]
The Low Countries
arts and society in flanders and the netherlands
[ binnenkant voorplat]
This fifteenth yearbook is published by the Flemish-Netherlands Association ‘Ons Erfdeel vzw’, with the support of the Dutch Ministry of Education, Culture and Science (The Hague), the Flemish Ministry of Culture (Brussels) and the Provinces of West and East Flanders.
The Association ‘Ons Erfdeel vzw’ also publishes the Dutch-language periodical Ons Erfdeel and the French-language periodical Septentrion.
Arts, lettres et culture de Flandre et des Pays-Bas, the-bilingual yearbook De Franse Nederlanden - Les Pays-Bas Français and a series of books in several languages covering various aspects of the culture of the Low Countries.
The Board of Directors of ‘Ons Erfdeel vzw’
Herman Balthazar
Managing Director:
Luc Devoldere
Greetje van den Bergh |
Marcel Cockaerts |
Jan Desmyter |
Bert De Graeve |
Mark Leysen |
Cecile Maeyaert-Cambien |
Frits van Oostrom |
Adriaan van der Staay |
Ludo Verhoeven |
Honorary President:
Philip Houben
Address of the Editorial Board and the Administration
‘Ons Erfdeel vzw’, Murissonstraat 260,
8930 Rekkem, Flanders, Belgium
T +32 56 41 12 01, F +32 56 41 47 07,
Head of Administration:
Bernard Viaene
Administrative Secretary:
Adinda Houttekier
With The Low Countries, a yearbook founded by Jozef Deleu (Chief Editor from 1993 until 2002), the editors and publisher aim to present to the English-speaking world the culture and society of the Dutch-speaking area which embraces both the Netherlands and also Flanders, the northern part of Belgium.
The articles in this yearbook survey the living, contemporary culture of the Low Countries as well as their cultural heritage. In its words and pictures The Low Countries provides information about literature and the arts, but also about broad social and historical developments in Flanders and the Netherlands.
The culture of Flanders and the Netherlands is not an isolated phenomenon; its development over the centuries has been one of continuous interaction with the outside world. In consequence the yearbook also pays due attention to the centuries-old continuing cultural interplay between the Low Countries and the world beyond their borders.
By drawing attention to the diversity, vitality and international dimension of the culture of Flanders and the Netherlands, The Low Countries hopes to contribute to a lively dialogue between differing cultures.
ISSN 0779-5815
ISBN 978-90-75862-90-4
Statutory deposit no. D/2007/3006/1
NUR 600/612
Copyright © 2007 ‘Ons Erfdeel vzw’
Printed by Die Keure, Bruges, Flanders, Belgium
Design by Luc De Meyer (Die Keure)
All rights reserved. No-part-of this publication may be reproduced in any form without the prior permission of the copyright holder.
[pagina 1]
The Low Countries
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The Low Countries
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Published by the Flemish-Netherlands Association
Ons Erfdeel vzw
[pagina 4]
Editorial Board
Chief Editor:
Luc Devoldere
Deputy Editors:
Dirk Van Assche |
Frits Niessen |
Reinier Salverda |
Filip Matthijs
Saskia Bak |
Anton Korteweg |
Bart Van der Straeten |
Hans Vanacker |
Advisory Committee
E.M. Beekman, Amherst, ma, usa |
André Brink, Cape Town, South Africa |
Christopher Brown, Oxford, United Kingdom |
Bram Buijze, The Hague, The Netherlands |
Ian Buruma, London, United Kingdom |
Patricia Carson, Ghent, Belgium |
Jan Deloof, Zwevegem, Belgium |
Theo D'haen, Leuven, Belgium |
Bruce C. Donaldson, Melbourne, Australia |
Charles Ford, London, United Kingdom |
Amy Golahny, Williamsport, pa, usa |
Jaap Harskamp, London, United Kingdom |
Adrian van den Hoven, Windsor, Ontario, Canada |
Jonathan Israel, Princeton, nj, usa |
Frank Ligtvoet, New York, ny, usa |
Gitta Luiten, Amsterdam, The Netherlands |
Martin Mooij, Capelle a / d IJssel, The Netherlands |
Paul R. Sellin, Los Angeles, ca, usa |
William Z. Shetter, Bloomington, in, usa |
Johan P. Snapper, Berkeley, ca, usa |
Kees Snoek, Rotterdam, The Netherlands |
Paul Vincent, London, United Kingdom |
Leo Vroman, Fort Worth, tx, usa |
Rudi Wester, Paris, France |
John Willemse, Pretoria, South Africa |
Michael J. Wintle, Amsterdam, The Netherlands |
Manfred Wolf, San Francisco, ca, usa |
Joanna Woodall, London, United Kingdom |
[pagina 5]
Money Matters | |
11 | Luc Devoldere |
Art Matters (and so does Society) | |
12 | Erik Durnez |
Money is the Dross of the Earth Flemish Clay versus Dutch polder | |
21 | Robbed by a Cheque |
(An Extract from Tom Lanoye's ‘Do It!’) | |
23 | Michel Bakker |
The Aroma of Spices and Gold Traces of Amsterdam's Trading Past | |
34 | The more I get to know humanity, the more I love my dog |
(An Extract from ‘Tea Letters’) | |
36 | Peter Stabel |
Brokering Commerce, Brokering Culture in Medieval Europe | |
The Low Countries and the German Hanse | |
44 | A Businessman's Thoughts on Concentration Camps and Capitalism |
(Two Extracts from Hellema's ‘The Wrath of the Wind’) | |
46 | Ewald Pironet |
Are Diamonds Forever? | |
Antwerp, World Diamond Centre - but for how much longer? | |
52 | My cheese will is made |
(An Extract from Willem Elsschot's ‘Cheese’) | |
56 | Marc Ruyters |
Artist Seeks Market - and Vice Versa? | |
64 | Stupid People Pay More |
(An Extract from Marja Brouwers' ‘Casino’) |
[pagina 6]
67 | Guy Tegenbos |
The Welfare State in the Netherlands and Belgium A Story of Identical Challenges, Different Structures, Identical Instruments... and Jealousy | |
78 | Anything I set my hand to falls to bits |
(An Extract from J.M.H. Berckmans' ‘The Investigation Begins’) | |
81 | Filip Matthijs |
A Not So Splendid Isolation Poverty...but not as we know it | |
89 | It's only a five-minute walk from poverty to wealth |
(An Extract from Frans Pointl's ‘The Rich Have Awkward Sizes’) | |
94 | Saskia Bak |
The Dislocated and Disconcerting World of Aernout Mik | |
98 | Kees Ribbens |
Identity between Diversity and Uncertainty History in Contemporary Society | |
105 | Jo Tollebeek |
Verboeckhoven's Sheep The Rediscovery of Belgium's Nineteenth-Century Painters | |
112 | Frank Hellemans |
The Face and Voice of Flanders Six Family Novels by Erik Vlaminck Six Extracts from Novels by Erik Vlaminck | |
119 | Jaap Harskamp |
An Icicle on a Dutchman's Beard Shakespeare and the Low Countries | |
129 | Dick van Halsema |
The Tale Won't Be Ended The Poetry of J.H. Leopold ‘Birthday Party’ by J.H. Leopold | |
141 | Lieven van den Abeele |
Montage Means Power The Video-Essays of Johan Grimonprez | |
146 | Frank Hellemans |
Clarity of Head and Heart The Enlightened Narrative Art of Arthur Japin An Extract from ‘The Sound of Snow’ by Arthur Japin |
[pagina 7]
155 | Hans Ibelings |
The Chief Government Architects of Flanders and the Netherlands | |
162 | Chris Méplon |
Innovation against Forgetting Hella Jongerius' First Steps in Industrial Furniture Design | |
168 | Ernst Vermeulen |
Pierre Audi, More than a Director | |
174 | André de Poorter |
The End of Improvisation Circus in Flanders | |
182 | Dick Douwes |
Islam in the Netherlands | |
189 | Jos Nijhof |
From Poppentje to Jan Turpijn Puppet Theatre in the Low Countries | |
197 | Meryem Kanmaz & Sami Zemni |
Belgium and the Domestication of its Islamic Diaspora | |
207 | David Stroband |
The Pumping and Penetrating Needle Berend Strik's Embroidery Techniques and his Art | |
218 | Henk Pröpper |
Not a Cheerful Science | |
The Unrelenting World-Picture of Willem Frederik Hermans | |
An Extract from the Preamble to ‘Paranoia’ by Willem Frederik Hermans | |
227 | Huub Wijfjes |
New Directions for Public Broadcasting in Flanders and the Netherlands | |
239 | Kees Snoek |
Stepping Up to the Light The Poetry of Jan Eijkelboom | |
Five Poems by Jan Eijkelboom | |
249 | Luc Devoldere |
Aalst: A Flemish Provincial Town like No Other |
[pagina 8]
Chronicle | |
Architecture | |
260 | Marc Dubois |
One and a Half Kilos of Architecture | |
A new Guide to Dutch Architecture | |
Cultural Policy | |
261 | Theo Hermans |
Virtual Dutch | |
263 | Bart Van der Straeten |
A Dialogue, not a Directive | |
A Canon of Dutch History | |
Film and Theatre | |
266 | Joost Broeren |
The American Dutchman | |
Paul Verhoeven and his ‘Black Book’ | |
267 | Mark Cloostermans |
Try Not to Mention David Lynch | |
The Provocative Thrills of Abattoir Fermé | |
269 | Erik Martens |
A Budget Holiday in the Middle Ages | |
Crusade in Jeans | |
History | |
272 | Dirk Van Assche |
Remembering Herbert Hoover | |
274 | Reinier Salverda |
Dutch-Jewish Documents in the Diaspora | |
The Coppenhagen Collection in Oxford | |
276 | Herman Balthazar |
The Epic Tale of ‘Father’ Anseele | |
279 | Lucas Ligtenberg |
The Holland Land Company | |
Investing in Land in the Nascent United States | |
Literature | |
282 | Maarten Asscher |
The Village of Lieve Joris | |
284 | Jos Borré |
A Book Full of Longing | |
Tommy Wieringa and ‘Joe Speedboat’ |
[pagina 9]
Music | |
286 | Didier Wijnants |
Ben Sluijs and the Rehabilitation of the Songbird | |
Philosophy and Science | |
287 | Sybe Rispens |
In the Republic of the Learned | |
Einstein and the Netherlands | |
289 | Margot Vanderstraeten |
Christine Van Broeckhoven, a Pioneer in Alzheimer's | |
291 | Rob Hartmans |
Virtue Will Undo Us All | |
Bernard Mandeville | |
Society | |
293 | Bart Dirks |
The City's for Everyone | |
Council Elections in Belgium | |
294 | Joris van de Kerkhof |
Dutch Electorate All at Sea | |
Visual Arts | |
296 | Nic Peeters |
British Vision | |
The Art behind Inspector Morse and Mr Bean Comes to the Low Countries | |
299 | David Stroband |
Perversity, Pleasure and the Boundaries of Our Order | |
The Art of Folkert de Jong | |
303 | Nanda van den Berg |
The Sweet Smell of Success | |
Viktor & Rolf | |
306 | Filip Matthijs |
Short Takes | |
318 | Contributors |
319 | Translators |
[ binnenkant achterplat]
Address of the Administration
Ons Erfdeel vzw, Murissonstraat 260, 8930 Rekkem, Flanders, Belgium T +32 56 41 12 01, F +32 56 41 47 07, E,, vat be 0410.723.635
Prices for the yearbook 2007, no. 15
Australia a$70, Belgium €37, Canada c$60, The Netherlands €39, New Zealand nz$80, Republic of Ireland €39, South Africa r 350, United Kingdom £ 30, usa $50
Other Countries: the equivalent of €45
All prices inclusive of shipping costs
Payment by cheque: + €17.55 bank costs
[ achterplat]
The Low Countries arts and society in flanders and the netherlands