Jozef Deleu (1937-)
Writer / Editor
Het Liegend Konijn
Murissonstraat 220, 8930 Rekkem, Belgium
Daniël Depenbrock (1978-)
Environmental Planning staff member (City Council, Groningen)
Bleekveld 11, 9711 xs Groningen, The Netherlands
Luc Devoldere (1956-)
Chief Editor
‘Stichting Ons Erfdeel’
Murissonstraat 260, 8930 Rekkem, Belgium
Bernard Dewulf (1960-)
Editor De Morgen
Sint-Laureisstraat 89, 2018 Antwerp, Belgium
P.C. Emmer (1944-)
Professor of the History of European Expansion and Related Migrations (University of Leiden)
Van Beuningenlaan 32, 2334 cc Leiden, The Netherlands
J.P. Guépin (1929-)
Stadionweg 114, 1077 sv Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Kim Herbots (1978-)
Freelance journalist
Augustijnenstraat 57, 2800 Mechelen, Belgium
Marc Hooghe (1964-)
Lecturer in Sociology (University Institute Antwerp) / fwo Researcher
Breendonkstraat 24, 9000 Ghent, Belgium
Hans Ibelings (1963-)
Architecture critic
Javakade 542, 1019 se Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Peter Karstkarel (1945-)
Writer / Editor Friese Pers Boekerij
Gysbert Japicxstraat 9, 8933 az Leeuwarden, The Netherlands
Isabella Lanz (1953-)
Dance critic / Art historian
Binnenkadijk 306, 1018 az Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Pieter Leroy (1954-)
Professor at the Faculty of Political Science, section ‘Environment, Nature and Landscape’ (University of Nijmegen)
Grameystraat 4, 6525 dp Nijmegen, The Netherlands
Annemie Leysen (1948-)
Lecturer (Katholieke Hogeschool, Leuven)
Bertemstraat 7, 3001 Heverlee, Belgium
Erik Martens (1962-)
Film critic
Mellinetplein 11, 2600 Berchem, Belgium
Filip Matthijs (1966-)
Editorial secretary The Low Countries
Murissonstraat 260, 8930 Rekkem, Belgium
Ludo Meyvis (1956-)
Editor Campuskrant (Catholic University of Leuven)
Oude Markt 13, 3000 Leuven, Belgium
Wam de Moor (1936-)
Literary critic
Postweg 32, 6523 lc Nijmegen, The Netherlands
Jos Nijhof (1952-)
Theatre critic / Teacher
Berkenkade 14, 2351 nb Leiderdorp, The Netherlands
Herman Pleij (1943-)
Professor of Medieval Dutch Literature (University of Amsterdam)
Nieuwe Hilversumseweg 36, 1406 tg Bussum, The Netherlands
Anne Provoost (1964-)
c/o Atlas Publishers, P.O. Box 13, 1000 aa Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Friederike de Raat
Editor NRC Handelsblad
P.O. Box 8987, 3000 th Rotterdam. The Netherlands
Tineke Reijnders
Art critic
Zuideinde 116, 1121 dh Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Marc Ruyters (1952-)
Editor De Financieel-Economische Tijd / Art critic
Koning Albertlei 15, 2650 Edegem, Belgium
Reinier Salverda (1948-)
Professor of Dutch Language and Literature
University College London, Gower Street, London wc1e 6 bt, United Kingdom
Rutger van Santen (1953-)
Editor Wereldomroep Nederland
Theresiaplein 9, 5041 bj Tilburg, The Netherlands
G.J. Schutte (1940-)
Professor of the History of Dutch Protestantism (Free University of Amsterdam)
Roeltjesweg 10, 1217 td Hilversum, The Netherlands
Gary Schwartz (1940-)
Director Codart / Researcher
P.O. Box 162, 3600 ad Maarssen, The Netherlands
Marie Christine van der Sman (1957-)
Director Museum Meermanno-Westreenianum
Prinsessegracht 30, 2514 ap The Hague, The Netherlands
Kees Snoek (1952-)
Researcher / Literary critic Boogjes 46, 3311 vc Dordrecht, The Netherlands
Bart van der Straeten (1979-)
Editorial secretary Ons Erfdeel
Murissonstraat 260, 8930 Rekkem, Belgium
Koen Vergeer (1962-)
Literary critic / Writer
Abel Tasmanstraat 63, 3531 gt Utrecht, The Netherlands
Ernst Vermeulen (1933-)
Music critic
Albrecht Thaerlaan 63, 3571 eh Utrecht, The Netherlands
Jozef de Vos (1945-)
Professor of English Literature (University of Ghent)
Ossenstraat 38, 9000 Ghent, Belgium
Jan Wauters (1939-)
Sports journalist
G. van Kerckhovenstraat 120, 2880 Bornem, Belgium