The history of the Jews in the Netherlands / ed. by J.C.H. Blom, R.G. Fuks-Mansfeld, I. Schöffer; transl. [from the Dutch] by Arnold J. Pomerans and Erica Pomerans. Oxford [etc.]: Littman Library of Jewish Civilization, 2002. xv, 508 p., [52] p. pl. (Littman library of Jewish civilization)
Transl. of: Geschiedenis van de joden in Nederland. 1995.
Huizinga, Johan
Erasmus and the Age of Reformation / Johan Huizinga; transl. from the Dutch by F. Hopman; [pref. by G.N. Clark]. London: Phoenix Press, 2002. 288 p.
First English ed. entitled: Erasmus of Rotterdam. London: Phaidon Press, 1952.
First American ed. entitled: Erasmus. New York [etc.]: Scribner, 1924.
Transl. of: Erasmus. 1924.
Huygens, Constantijn
Holy days: a verse translation of Constantijn Huygens' Heilighe Daghen / transl. [from the Dutch] by Koos Daley. Lewiston, ny [etc.]: Mellen Poetry Press, cop. 2001. viii, 19 p.
Text in English and Dutch.
Transl. of: Heilighe Daghen. 1645.
In a different light: fourteen contemporary Dutch-language poets / ed. Rob Schouten and Robert Minhinnick; transl. from the Dutch by Lloyd Haft, P.C. Evans, James Brockway [... et al.] Bridgend, Wales: Seren; Poetry Wales Press, 2002. 140 p.
Contains poems of: H.H. ter Balkt, Remco Campert, Hugo Claus, J. Eijkelboom, Anna Enquist, Eva Gerlach, Judith Herzberg, Esther Jansma, Rutger Kopland, Gerrit Kouwenaar, K. Michel, Leonard Nolens, Willem van Toorn and Hans R. Vlek.
Jacobs, M.G.P.A.
The magic of Heineken / M.G.P.A. Jacobs, W.H.G. Maas; [transl. from the Dutch: Mark Baker... et al.]. Amsterdam: Heineken, 2001. [454] p.
Publ. in cooperation with: Historion.
Transl. of: De magie van Heineken. 2001.
Jagtenberg, Yvonne
The first day at school / Yvonne Jagtenberg; [transl. from the Dutch]. London: Cat's Whiskers, 2002. 24 p.
First English ed. entitled: Jack the Wolf. Brookfield, Connecticut: Roaring Brook Press, 2002.
Transl. of: Een bijzondere dag. 2001.
Jagtenberg, Yvonne
Jack the Wolf / Yvonne Jagtenberg; [transl. from the Dutch]. 1st ed. Brookfield, Connecticut: Roaring Brook Press, 2002. [20] p.
Transl. of: Een bijzondere dag. 2001.
Japin, Arthur
The two hearts of Kwasi Boachi / Arthur Japin; transl. [from the Dutch] by Ina Rilke. New York: Random House, 2002. 400p.
First English ed.: London: Chatto & Windus, 2000.
Transl. of: De zwarte met het witte hart. 1997.
Jong, Erik de
Nature and art: Dutch garden and landscape architecture, 1650-1740 / Erik de Jong; transl. [from the Dutch] by Ann Langenakens. Philadelphia, Pa.: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2001. xii, 228 p. (Penn studies in landscape architecture)
Transl. of: Natuur en kunst: Nederlandse tuin- en landschapsarchitectuur, 1650-1740. 1993.
Kat, Otto de (pseud. of Jan Geurt Gaarlandt)
The figure in the distance / Otto de Kat; transl. from the Dutch by Arnold and Erica Pomerans. London: Harvill, 2002. 128 p.
Transl. of: Man in de verte. 1998.
Komrij, Gerrit
Forgotten city & other poems / Gerrit Komrij; transl. from the Dutch by John Irons. Plumstead: The Snail Press/Queillerie, 2001.
Transl. of a choice of his work.
Kopland, Rutger (pseud. of Rutger Hendrik van den Hoofdakker)
Memories of the unknown / Rutger Kopland; transl. from the Dutch and with an introd. by James Brockway; with a forew. by J.M. Coetzee. London: Harvill, 2001. xiv, 111 p.
Text in English and Dutch. Transl. of a choice of his work from: Onder het vee. 1996, Het orgeltje van yesterday. 1968, Alles op de fiets. 1969, Wie wat vindt, heeft slecht gezocht. 1972, Een lege plek om te blijven. 1975, Al die mooie beloften. 1978, Dit uitzicht. 1982, Voor het verdwijnt en daarna. 1985, Dankzij de dingen. 1989, Geduldig gereedschap. 1993, Tot het ons loslaat. 1997, and uncollected poems.
Krabbé, Tim
The cave / Tim Krabbé; transl. from the Dutch by Sam Garrett. London: Bloomsbury, 2001. 211 p.
First English ed.: New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2000.
Transl. of: De grot. 1997.
Krabbé, Tim
The rider / Tim Krabbé; transl. from the Dutch by Sam Garrett. London: Bloomsbury, 2002. 148 p.
Transl. of: De renner. Baarn: Rap, 1978.
Other ed.: New York: St. Martin's Press.
Kurpershoek, Marcel
Arabia of the Bedouins / Marcel Kurpershoek; transl. [from the Dutch] by Paul Vincent.
London: Saqi Books, 2001. 312 p.
Transl. of: Diep in Arabië & De laatste bedoeïen. 1996.
Original Dutch editions entitled: Diep in Arabië. 1992. (Meulenhoff editie; E 1247) and: De laatste bedoeïn. 1995. (Meulenhoff editie; 1439).
Lebacs, Diana
Caimin's secret / Diana Lebacs; [transl. from the Dutch by Laura Quast]. Amsterdam: Leopold; Amsterdam: N.A.N.A., 2001.
Publ. by order of the Stichting Culturele Manifestaties N.A.N.A. on the occasion of the Kinderboekenfestival 2001.
Transl. of: Caimins geheim. 2001.
Linschoten, Jan Huygen van
Civil and corrupt Asia: images and text in the Itinerario and the Icones of Jan Huygen van Linschoten / Ernst van den Boogaart; [transl. from the Dutch]. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2002. 128 p.
Transl. of: Het verheven en verdorven Azië: woord en beeld in het Itinerario en de Icones van Jan Huygen van Linschoten. 2000.
Loo, Tessa de (pseud. of J.M. Duyvené de Wit)
A bed in heaven / Tessa de Loo; transl. from the Dutch by Ina Rilke. London: Arcadia Books, 2002. 120 p.
Transl. of: Een bed in de hemel. 2000.
Luijten, Jan A.F.M.
Canada and Noord-Brabant: an eternal bond / Jan A.F.M. Luijten; [transl. from the Dutch].
Soesterberg: Aspekt, 2002. 76 p.
Transl. of: Canada en Noord-Brabant: een band voor altijd. 2002.
Melet, Ed
The architectural detail: Dutch architects visualise their concepts: Wiel Arets... Koen van Velzen / Ed Melet; [ed.: Els Brinkman... et al.; transl. from the