The Low Countries. Jaargang 5
(1997-1998)– [tijdschrift] The Low Countries–The Low Countries. Jaargang 5. Stichting Ons Erfdeel, Rekkem 1997-1998
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Dit bestand biedt, behoudens een aantal hierna te noemen ingrepen, een diplomatische weergave van jaargang 5 van The Low Countries uit 1997-1998.
De Digitale Bibliotheek voor de Nederlandse Letteren beijvert zich voor het verkrijgen van toestemming van alle rechthebbenden; eenieder die meent enig recht te kunnen doen gelden op in dit tijdschrift opgenomen bijdragen, wordt verzocht dit onverwijld aan ons te melden (
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p. 5: De titel ‘The Low Countries’ op pagina 4 en 5 is in zijn geheel op pagina 5 geplaatst. Pagina 4 is hierdoor komen te vervallen.
p. 68: Het bijschrift ‘Robert Hills, Title page of Sketches from Flanders and Holland (1816).’ op pagina 68 is bij de desbetreffende illustratie op pagina 69 geplaatst.
p. 71: Het bijschrift ‘J.M.W. Turner, Entrance of the Meuse: Orange-Merchant on the Bar, Going to Pieces; Brill Church bearing S.E. by S., Masensluys E. by S. 1819. Canvas, 175.3 × 246.4 cm. Tate Gallery, London.’ op pagina 71 is bij de desbetreffende illustratie op pagina 70 geplaatst.
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[pagina [voorplat]]
This fifth yearbook is published by the Flemish-Netherlands Foundation ‘Stichting Ons Erfdeel’, with the support of the Dutch Ministry of Education, Culture and Science (Zoetermeer) and the Flemish Ministry of Culture (Brussels). The Foundation ‘Stichting Ons Erfdeel’ also publishes the Dutch-language periodical Ons Erfdeel and the French-language periodical Septentrion. Arts et culture de Flandre et des Pays-Bas, the bilingual yearbook De Franse Nederlanden - Les Pays-Bas Français and a series of books in several languages covering various aspects of the culture of the Low Countries.
The Board of Directors of ‘Stichting Ons Erfdeel’
Honorary President: Raf Renard
President: Philip Houben
Managing Director: Jozef Deleu
Directors: Herman Balthazar / Hans Bosman / Jan Bosselaers / Annemarie Deleu-Deblaere / Jan Desmyter / Vaast Leysen / Cecile Maeyaert-Cambien / Adriaan van der Staay / Adriaan Verhulst
Address of the Editorial Board and the Administration
‘Stichting Ons Erfdeel’, Murissonstraat 260, 8931 Rekkem, Flanders, Belgium
tel. +32 56 41 12 01
fax +32 56 41 47 07
Head of Administration: Bernard Viaene Administrative Secretaries: Stephanie Debaene / Hans Verhaeghe
With The Low Countries the editors and publisher aim to present to the English-speaking world the culture and society of the Dutch-speaking area which embraces both the Kingdom of the Netherlands and also Flanders, the northern part of the Kingdom of Belgium.
The articles in this yearbook survey the living, contemporary culture of the Low Countries as well as their cultural heritage. In its words and pictures The Low Countries provides information about literature and the arts, but also about broad social and historical developments in Flanders and the Netherlands.
The culture of Flanders and the Netherlands is not an isolated phenomenon; its development over the centuries has been one of continuous interaction with the outside world. In consequence the yearbook also pays due attention to the centuries-old continuing cultural interplay between the Low Countries and the world beyond their borders.
By drawing attention to the diversity, vitality and international dimension of the culture of Flanders and the Netherlands, The Low Countries hopes to contribute to a lively dialogue between differing cultures.
issn 0779-5815
isbn 90-75862-10-5
nugi 601
Copyright © 1997 ‘Stichting Ons Erfdeel’
Printed by Die Keure, Bruges, Flanders, Belgium
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form without the prior permission of the copyright holder.
[pagina 1]
The Low Countries
Next page: Carel Willink, Landscape under a Rainy Sky (detail). 1943. Canvas, 90 × 120 cm. Collection Stichting Van Baaren, Utrecht (© Sylvia Willink).
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[pagina 5]
Arts and Society in Flanders and the Netherlands
A Yearbook
Published by the
Flemish-Netherlands Foundation ‘Stichting Ons Erfdeel’
[pagina 6]
Editorial Board
Chief Editor: Jozef Deleu
Deputy Editors: Luc Devoldere, Frits Niessen, Reinier Salverda
Secretary: Filip Matthijs
Members: Dirk van Assche, Anton Korteweg, Hans Vanacker
Design and Picture Editor: Kees Nieuwenhuijzen
Advisory Committee
Fred G.H. Bachrach, Twickenham, United Kingdom
E.M. Beekman, Amherst, ma, usa
André Brink, Cape Town, South Africa
James Brockway, The Hague, The Netherlands
Christopher Brown, London, United Kingdom
Patricia Carson, Ghent, Belgium
Jan Deloof, Zwevegem, Belgium
Theo D'haen, Leiden, The Netherlands
Bruce C. Donaldson, Melbourne, Australia
Charles Ford, London, United Kingdom
Amy Golahny, Williamsport, pa, usa
Jaap Harskamp, London, United Kingdom
Adrian van den Hoven, Windsor, Ontario, Canada
Jonathan Israel, London, United Kingdom
E.H. Kossmann, Groningen, The Netherlands
Frank Ligtvoet, New York, ny, usa
Hans van Marle, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Martin Mooij, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Arnold J. Pomerans, Colchester, United Kingdom
Ethel Portnoy, The Hague, The Netherlands
Paul R. Sellin, Los Angeles, ca, usa
William Z. Shetter, Bloomington, in, usa
Johan P. Snapper, Berkeley, ca, usa
Kees Snoek, Auckland, New Zealand
Paul Vincent, London, United Kingdom
Leo Vroman, Brooklyn, ny, usa
Rudi Wester, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
John Willemse, Pretoria, South Africa
Michael J. Wintle, Hull, United Kingdom
Manfred Wolf, San Francisco, ca, usa
Joanna Woodall, London, United Kingdom
[pagina 7]
12 | Ludo Abicht |
Antwerp, World Port and Provincial City | |
21 | Louise S. Milne |
Money and Excrement The Psychology of Capital and the Marketplace in Pieter Bruegel the Elder's ‘Dulle Griet’ | |
31 | E.H. Kossmann |
Toleration and Tolerance in the Netherlands | |
38 | Jos Bouveroux |
Pandora's Box Political Culture in Belgium | |
46 | Peter Hoefnagels |
Three Countries in One Kingdom The Netherlands Antilles and the Paradox of Independence | |
55 | Rudi Wester |
The Low Countries on the Road Travel Writing in Flanders and the Netherlands | |
61 | Fred G.H. Bachrach |
The Low Countries through British Eyes in Ages Past | |
73 | Eduard van Ermen |
Maps for Eternity Sixteenth- and Seventeenth-Century Cartography in the Low Countries | |
84 | Marc Reynebeau |
The King is Dead, Long Live the King The Uses of Reality in the Prose of Walter van den Broeck | |
Extract from ‘Letter to Baudouin’ by Walter van den Broeck | |
90 | Anne Marie Musschoot |
In Search of Self New Prose Writing in Dutch after 1985 | |
Extracts by Connie Palmen, Arnon Grunberg, Eric de Kuyper, Stefan Hertmans and Adriaan van Dis. |
[pagina 8]
103 | Anton Korteweg and Frits Niessen |
Fresh Food Ten Young Poets from Flanders and the Netherlands | |
Poems by Henk van der Waal, Marc Reugebrink, Peter van Lier, René Huigen, Peter Verhelst, Bernard Dewulf, Rogi Wieg, Peter Ghyssaert, Jo Govaerts and Mustafa Stitou | |
108 | Ella B. Schaap |
A Brief History of Dutch Tiles | |
118 | Bianca Stigter |
Exploring the Limits of the Familiar The Art of Guido Geelen | |
124 | Marc Ruyters |
The dna of Art The Ceramic Work of Tjok Dessauvage | |
130 | Wim de Poorter |
From ‘Y Mañana?’ to ‘Manneken Pis’ Thirty Years of Flemish Filmmaking | |
142 | Frans Oudejans |
Are the Programmes Really Doing It? Television in the Low Countries | |
150 | Veerle Windels |
David v. Goliath Fashion from Flanders | |
155 | Max Bruinsma |
Official Anarchy Dutch Graphic Design | |
164 | Christopher Wright |
The ‘Vanitas’ Piece in Dutch and Flemish Seventeenth-Century Painting | |
172 | Anneke Wertheim |
A Museum of Museums The Story of the Teyler Museum | |
178 | M.A. Schenkeveld-van der Dussen |
Bridging Two Cultures The Story of the Huygens Family | |
‘On the Frontispiece of “Cornflowers”’ by Constantine Huygens | |
187 | Micky Piller |
Reality and Art in the Work of Jan Dibbets and Johannes Vermeer | |
194 | Willy van den Bussche |
A Master of Everyday Life The Work of Constant Permeke | |
207 | Jan Wauters |
A Race Apart... The Flandriens and the Golden Age of Flemish Cycling | |
212 | Hugo Brems |
‘Ah, the comfort of a comparison’ The Poetry of Herman de Coninck | |
Five Poems by Herman de Coninck |
[pagina 9]
220 | Anneke Reitsma |
‘An order, within which there's room for chaos’ The Poetry of M. Vasalis | |
Seven Poems by M. Vasalis | |
228 | Ingeborg Walinga |
Paintings with an Inner Dislocation Magic Realism in the Netherlands | |
242 | Paul Depondt |
The Poetry of a Futuristic City Object-Maker and Artist Jeroen Henneman | |
247 | Pascal Lefèvre |
Flemish Comic Strips Today | |
253 | Geert Bekaert |
Architecture without Qualities The Designs of Stéphane Beel | |
258 | Marita Mathijsen |
From Dutch Student to London Schoolmaster The Literary Work of Gerrit van de Linde | |
Three Poems by The Schoolmaster |
268 | Hans Ibelings |
Continuity and Change Herman Hertzberger's Recent Architecture |
Cultural Policy
270 | Hans Vanacker |
Strolling through Flanders, Past and Present | |
271 | Reinier Salverda |
Dutch Books in London Libraries |
Film and Theatre
272 | Gerdin Linthorst |
‘I always put my actors first’ The Films of Frans Weisz | |
273 | Pieter Bots |
The Netherlands Theatre Institute Restyled | |
275 | Dirk van Assche |
Dance in Flanders | |
276 | Hana Bobkova |
‘Big black holes with the glittering of diamonds’ Theatre according to Ivo van Hove |
[pagina 10]
277 | Marie Juliette Marinus |
St Anna's Chapel in Antwerp | |
278 | Walter Prevenier |
Chivalric and Urban Culture in the Low Countries during the Late Middle Ages | |
280 | Aart van Zoest |
The Utrecht Psalter A Unique and Precious Ninth-Century Book | |
281 | Jo Tollebeek |
An Overview and a Remembering A New History of the Low Countries |
282 | Greetje van den Bergh |
Europe, Dutch and the Dutch Language Union Taking the Bull by the Horns | |
284 | Jan W. de Vries |
A Decade of Dutch Studies in Leiden |
285 | A.L. Sötemann |
Nescio, a Great Author of a Small Oeuvre | |
286 | Filip Matthijs |
Johan Snapper and ‘Vantage Points’ A Festschrift for ‘eine bunte Eminenz’ | |
288 | Frans de Rover |
Harry Mulisch's ‘The Discovery of Heaven’ An International Success | |
290 | Jolanda Vanderwal Taylor |
Anne Frank and After | |
292 | Rudi Wester |
The tls Vondel Translation Prize |
292 | Luc Devoldere |
The Royal Carillon School in Mechelen Chimes from Flanders | |
293 | Erik van den Berg |
The Beau Hunks ‘The best thing from Holland since tulips’ |
295 | Herman-Emiel Mertens |
Max Wildiers, Theologian and Cultural Philosopher |
296 | Selma Leydesdorff |
The Memoirs of Aletta Jacobs A Modest Testimony | |
298 | William Z. Shetter |
Dutch American Voices |
[pagina 11]
Visual Arts
299 | Erik Bracke |
Small, Incomplete but Charming The Museum of Decorative Art in Ghent | |
301 | Fred G.H. Bachrach |
The Jan van Goyen Quatercentenary and Britain | |
303 | Filip Matthijs |
Rubens' Landscapes The Private Works of a Public Artist | |
305 | Luc Devoldere |
Simply Marblelous On Sir Lawrence Alma-Tadema | |
306 | Steven Heene |
Two World Press Photo Prizes for Stephan Vanfleteren | |
307 | Ineke Schwartz |
Panorama Mesdag A Dutch Mega-Painting | |
309 | Filip Matthijs |
The Ghent Altarpiece A Great Miniature | |
311 | Filip Matthijs |
A New Encyclopedia of Dutch Art | |
312 | Bibliography of Dutch-Language |
Publications translated into English (traced in 1996) | |
318 | Contributors |
319 | Translators |
[pagina [achterplat]]
Prices for the yearbook 1997-98
Australia | a$ | 108 |
Belgium | bf | 1,500 |
Canada | c$ | 97 |
The Netherlands | fl | 85 |
New Zealand | nz$ | 140 |
Republic of Ireland | ir£ | 50 |
South Africa | r | 250 |
United Kingdom | £ | 50 |
USA | $ | 76 |
Other Countries: the equivalent of fl 140 / bf 2,500
All prices inclusive of shipping and bank costs
Address of the Administration
‘Stichting Ons Erfdeel’, Murissonstraat 260, 8931 Rekkem, Flanders, Belgium
tel. +32 56 41 12 01
fax +32 56 41 47 07