The Low Countries. Jaargang 4
(1996-1997)– [tijdschrift] The Low Countries–The Low Countries. Jaargang 4. Stichting Ons Erfdeel, Rekkem 1996-1997
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Dit bestand biedt, behoudens een aantal hierna te noemen ingrepen, een diplomatische weergave van jaargang 4 van The Low Countries uit 1996-1997.
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This fourth yearbook is published by the Flemish-Netherlands Foundation ‘Stichting Ons Erfdeel’, with the support of the Dutch Ministry of Education, Culture and Science (Zoetermeer) and the Flemish Ministry of Culture (Brussels). The Foundation ‘Stichting Ons Erfdeel’ also publishes the Dutch-language periodical Ons Erfdeel and the French-language periodical Septentrion. Arts et culture de Flandre et des Pays-Bas, the bilingual yearbook De Franse Nederlanden - Les Pays-Bas Français and a series of books in different languages covering various aspects of the culture of the Low Countries.
The Board of Directors of ‘Stichting Ons Erfdeel’
Honorary President: Raf Renard
President: Philip Houben
Managing Director: Jozef Deleu
Directors: Herman Balthazar / H.W.J. Bosman / Jan Bosselaers / Annemarie Deleu-Deblaere / Jan Desmyter / Vaast Leysen / C. Maeyaert-Cambien / C. Reedijk / Adriaan van der Staay / Adriaan Verhulst
Address of the Editorial Board and the Administration
‘Stichting Ons Erfdeel’, Murissonstraat 260, 8931 Rekkem, Flanders, Belgium
tel. +32 56 41 12 01
fax +32 56 41 47 07
Head of Administration: Bernard Viaene
Administrative Secretaries: Stephanie Debaene / Johan Feys / Hans Verhaeghe
With The Low Countries the editors and publisher aim to present to the English-speaking world the culture and society of the Dutchspeaking area which embraces both the Kingdom of the Netherlands and also Flanders, the northern part of the Kingdom of Belgium.
The articles in this yearbook survey the living, contemporary culture of the Low Countries as well as their cultural heritage. In its words and pictures The Low Countries provides information about literature and the arts, but also about broad social and historical developments in Flanders and the Netherlands.
The culture of Flanders and the Netherlands is not an isolated phenomenon; its development over the centuries has been one of continuous interaction with the outside world. In consequence the yearbook also pays due attention to the centuries-old continuing cultural interplay between the Low Countries and the world beyond their borders.
By drawing attention to the diversity, vitality and international dimension of the culture of Flanders and the Netherlands, The Low Countries hopes to contribute to a lively dialogue between differing cultures.
issn 0779-5815
isbn 90-70831-96-1
nugi 601
Copyright © 1996 ‘Stichting Ons Erfdeel’
Printed by Die Keure, Bruges, Flanders, Belgium
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form without the prior permission of the copyright holder.
[pagina 1]
The Low Countries
Next page: H. Koekkoek, The Kofship (detail). c. 1850. Canvas, 38 × 58 cm. Maritiem Museum Prins Hendrik, Rotterdam.
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Arts and Society in Flanders and the Netherlands
A Yearbook
Published by the
Flemish-Netherlands Foundation ‘Stichting Ons Erfdeel’
[pagina 6]
Editorial Board
Chief Editor: Jozef Deleu
Deputy Editors: Frits Niessen, Reinier Salverda
Secretary: Filip Matthijs
Members: Dirk van Assche, Anton Korteweg, Hans Vanacker
Design and Picture Editor: Kees Nieuwenhuijzen
Advisory Committee
Fred G.H. Bachrach, Twickenham, United Kingdom
E.M. Beekman, Amherst, ma, usa
André Brink, Cape Town, South Africa
James Brockway, The Hague, The Netherlands
Christopher Brown, London, United Kingdom
Patricia Carson, Ghent, Belgium
Jan Deloof, Zwevegem, Belgium
Theo D'haen, Leiden, The Netherlands
Bruce C. Donaldson, Melbourne, Australia
Charles Ford, London, United Kingdom
Amy Golahny, Williamsport, pa, usa
Jaap Harskamp, London, United Kingdom
Adrian van den Hoven, Windsor, Ontario, Canada
Jonathan Israel, London, United Kingdom
E.H. Kossmann, Groningen, The Netherlands
Frank Ligtvoet, New York, ny, usa
Hans van Marle, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Martin Mooij, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Arnold J. Pomerans, Colchester, United Kingdom
Ethel Portnoy, The Hague, The Netherlands
Paul R. Sellin, Los Angeles, ca, usa
William Z. Shetter, Bloomington, in, usa
Johan P. Snapper, Berkeley, ca, usa
Kees Snoek, Auckland, New Zealand
Paul Vincent, London, United Kingdom
Leo Vroman, Brooklyn, ny, usa
Rudi Wester, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
John Willemse, Pretoria, South Africa
Michael J. Wintle, Hull, United Kingdom
Manfred Wolf, San Francisco, ca, usa
Joanna Woodall, London, United Kingdom
[pagina 7]
12 | Hubert Savenije |
Water and the Netherlands Friends or Foes? | |
19 | Anton Korteweg and Frits Niessen |
Ten Water Poems | |
Poems by Anna Enquist, Ida Gerhardt, Jan van Nijlen, Paul Snoek, M. Vasalis, Herman de Coninck, Ad Zuiderent, Ed Leeflang, Michaël Zeeman and Maria van Daalen | |
25 | Filip Matthijs |
The Terminus of the Continent The Life and Times of Ostend | |
39 | Marc Dubois |
Art Nouveau in Flanders | |
46 | Lutgard Mutsaers and Wim Swinnen |
The Sounds of the Low Countries | |
52 | Yves Knockaert |
New Music in Flanders | |
59 | Henk Krol |
Gay behind the Dikes Homosexual Emancipation and Marriage in the Netherlands | |
65 | Magda Michielsens |
A World of Difference Women in the Netherlands and Flanders | |
74 | Erna Metdepenninghen |
‘A Tribute to Fine Schooling’ The Royal Flanders Ballet | |
80 | Hans van den Bergh |
A Champion with a Cause? Conflicting Views on Multatuli | |
Extract from ‘Max Havelaar’ by Multatuli |
[pagina 8]
91 | Jan Bank |
An Awkward Anniversary Indonesia and the Netherlands: Decolonisation Fifty Years On | |
97 | Jaap Goedegebuure |
The Quest for his Dreamland Jeroen Brouwers' East Indies Triptych | |
Extract from ‘The Flood’ by Jeroen Brouwers | |
110 | Jane Fenoulhet |
Hella S. Haasse and the Historical Novel or: The Triumph of Fact over Fiction | |
Extract from ‘Gentlemen of Tea’ by Hella S. Haasse | |
121 | Thomas Elsaesser |
‘One Train May Be Hiding Another’ History, Memory and Identity in Film and Television | |
130 | Ludo Bekkers |
Looking for the Ultimate Painting Thoughts on the Work of Raoul de Keyser | |
136 | Marc Ruyters |
Truth Kills The Art of Jan Vercruysse | |
141 | Cyrille Offermans |
Arranger of Voices The Literary Work of Leo Pleysier | |
Extracts from ‘White Always Looks Good’ and ‘The Yellow River Is Frozen’ by Leo Pleysier | |
152 | James Tanis |
The Tale of a Cow | |
163 | J.M. van der Horst |
A Brief History of the Dutch Language | |
173 | Manu Ruys |
Flemish Nationalism, a Rainbow Phenomenon | |
182 | Patricia Carson |
James van Artevelde, Myth or Reality? | |
191 | Heidrun Ludwig |
‘The Life of Man Is like unto a Flower’ The Life and Work of Maria Sybilla Merian | |
198 | Heidi van de Veire |
In Search of the Unknown South-Land Abel Tasman and New Zealand | |
206 | Ed Wingen |
The Mystery of the Milky Way The Painter Eugène Brands' Fascination | |
213 | Wiljan van den Akker |
Martinus Nijhoff, a Dutch Master of Modernism | |
Five Poems and One Fragment by Martinus Nijhoff |
[pagina 9]
220 | Erik Slagter |
Lucebert: As a Poet a Visionary, as a Painter an Eye-Witness | |
Four Poems by Lucebert | |
230 | Anne Marie Musschoot |
‘A Living Idea in Time’ The Work of Maurice Gilliams | |
Four Poems and an Extract from ‘Elias, or The Struggle with the Nightingales’ by Maurice Gilliams | |
239 | Nico J. Brederoo |
A Boxful of Styles The Work of Jan Toorop | |
249 | Hans Ibelings |
Relativity and Architecture The Work of Aldo van Eyck | |
255 | Herman-Emiel Mertens |
Edward Schillebeeckx and Christian Humanism | |
260 | James McConica |
A Dutchman for All Seasons The Life and Works of Erasmus of Rotterdam | |
Chronicle | |
Architecture | |
266 | Steven Jacobs |
Contemporary Architecture in Belgium | |
Cultural Policy | |
267 | Filip Matthijs |
Closing the Ranks and Opening the Gates The Association for Low Countries Studies | |
268 | Wilfred Jonckheere |
Dutch Studies in South Africa | |
269 | Reinier Salverda |
Dutch Cultural Policy: the Colonial Experience | |
270 | Ellen Fernhout |
Fixed Book Price in Difficulties | |
Film and Theatre | |
272 | Gerdin Linthorst |
Marleen Gorris, a Feminist Moralist | |
273 | Marc Ruyters |
Manneken Pis A Belgian Film from Flanders | |
274 | Jef de Roeck |
p.a.r.t.s. A School of Contemporary Dance |
[pagina 10]
History | |
275 | Lauran Toorians |
An Eager Apprentice Peter the Great and the Netherlands | |
276 | Ludo Milis |
England and the Low Countries in the Late Middle Ages | |
277 | Charles Ford |
Small History Geert Mak's Amsterdam | |
278 | Christiaan Berendsen |
The Netherlands as the World's First Modern Economy | |
Language | |
279 | J.G. Kruyt |
Language Databases for Dutch | |
280 | Karel Bostoen |
‘People say that Dutch is a language for horses’ James Boswell and the Dutch Language | |
282 | Valère Meus |
A Complete Dutch Course for Beginners | |
Literature | |
282 | Paul Hadermann |
The Grotesque Narratives of the Poet Paul van Ostaijen | |
284 | Jolanda Vanderwal Taylor |
The Message of Meaninglessness The Books of Willem Frederik Hermans | |
285 | Manfred Wolf |
Versions and Translations of Dutch-Language Poetry | |
286 | Paul Vincent |
Literary Translation Some Personal Experiences | |
288 | Wim Vanseveren |
Internationalism versus Nationalism The Work of Anne Provoost | |
289 | Reinier Salverda |
Beekman's Indies | |
Music | |
291 | Marc van den Hoof |
Toots Thielemans, a Poeta Universalis of Jazz | |
292 | Erik van den Berg |
Independent Record Labels in the Netherlands | |
293 | Wim Chielens |
Twenty Years of Folk in the Field at Dranouter | |
Science and Philosophy | |
294 | Baltus Zwart |
Nobel Prize for Paul J. Crutzen | |
295 | Herman-Emiel Mertens |
Louis Dupré, a Philosopher of Culture and Religion |
[pagina 11]
Society | |
297 | Martine Goossens |
The Flemish Parliament | |
299 | Aart van Zoest |
‘Let's keep it gezellig’ An Odyssey into the Dutch Psyche | |
Visual Arts | |
300 | Ed Leeflang |
Magic and Mastery The Artist Peter Vos | |
302 | Paul Huvenne |
Rubens' House Fifty Years as a Museum | |
304 | Mariët Westermann |
Jan Steen's Comic Vision | |
305 | Celeste Brusati |
Vermeer and the Art of Optical Disillusion | |
307 | Wim Pijbes |
In the Shadow of Vermeer Master Forger Han van Meegeren | |
308 | Henk Egbers |
The European Ceramics Work Centre in 's-Hertogenbosch | |
310 | Dirk van Assche |
The Etchings of Jules de Bruycker | |
311 | Filip Matthijs |
Going Out in Style Flemish Illuminated Manuscripts 1475-1550 | |
● | |
312 | Bibliography of Dutch-Language Publications translated into English (traced in 1995) |
318 | Contributors |
319 | Translators |
[pagina [achterplat]]
Prices for the yearbook 1996-97
Australia | a$ | 108 |
Belgium | bf | 1,500 |
Canada | c$ | 97 |
The Netherlands | fl | 85 |
New Zealand | nz$ | 140 |
Republic of Ireland | ir£ | 50 |
South Africa | r | 250 |
United Kingdom | £ | 50 |
usa | $ | 76 |
Other Countries: the equivalent of fl 140 / bf 2,500
All prices inclusive of shipping and bank costs
Address of the Administration
‘Stichting Ons Erfdeel’, Murissonstraat 260, 8931 Rekkem, Flanders, Belgium
tel. +32 56 41 12 01
fax +32 56 41 47 07