The Low Countries. Jaargang 1
(1993-1994)– [tijdschrift] The Low Countries–The Low Countries. Jaargang 1. Stichting Ons Erfdeel, Rekkem 1993-1994
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Dit bestand biedt, behoudens een aantal hierna te noemen ingrepen, een diplomatische weergave van jaargang 1 van The Low Countries uit 1993-1994.
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P. 137-138: De tekst in de linkermarge over deze pagina's is in zijn geheel bovenaan pagina 137 geplaatst.
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[pagina [voorplat]]
This first yearbook includes articles on:
Recent architecture in Rotterdam
The Dutch documentary
The authors Hugo Claus, Guido Gezelle, Rutger Kopland, Cees Nooteboom, A.F.Th. van der Heijden and Paul van Ostaijen
Musical relations between England and Flanders
Contemporary dance
Seventeenth-century painting
Dutch studies in the Anglophone world
New Amsterdam
Environmental problems
The visual artists Mariene Dumas, Mondrian, Roger Raveel and José Vermeersch
Postmodernism in Dutch-language literature
Church and ideology
Belgian federalisation
The historians Johan Huizinga and Pieter Geyl
Biotechnology in Flanders
Dutch cabaret
Newton in the Netherlands
[pagina 1]
This yearbook is published by the Flemish-Netherlands Foundation ‘Stichting Ons Erfdeel’, with the support of the Dutch Ministry of Health, Welfare and Cultural Affairs (Rijswijk) and the Flemish Ministry of Culture (Brussels). The Foundation ‘Stichting Ons Erfdeel’ also publishes the Dutch-language periodical Ons Erfdeel and the French-language periodical Septentrion, revue de culture néerlandaise, the bilingual yearbook De Franse Nederlanden - Les Pays-Bas Français and a series of booklets in different languages covering various aspects of the culture of the Low Countries.
The Board of Directors of ‘Stichting Ons Erfdeel’
President: Raf Renard
Vice-President: Philip Houben
Managing Director: Jozef Deleu
Directors: Herman Balthazar / H.W.J. Bosman / Jan Bosselaers / Hendrik Brugmans / Annemarie Deleu-Deblaere / Jan Desmyter / Vaast Leysen / Herman Liebaers / C. Reedijk / Michiel Vandekerckhove / A.J. van der Staay / Adriaan Verhulst
Address of the Editorial Board and the Administration
‘Stichting Ons Erfdeel’, Murissonstraat 260, 8931 Rekkem, Flanders, Belgium
tel. +32 (0) 56 41 12 01
fax +32 (0) 56 41 47 07
Head of Administration: Bernard Viaene
Administrative Secretaries: Hans Verhaeghe and Johan Feys
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Editorial Board
Chief Editor: Jozef Deleu
Deputy Editors: Frits Niessen, Reinier Salverda
Secretary: Filip Matthijs
Members: Theo Hermans, Anton Korteweg, Hans Vanacker, Dirk van Assche
Design and Picture Editor: Kees Nieuwenhuijzen
Advisory Committee
E.M. Beekman, Amherst, Massachusetts, usa
André Brink, Cape Town, South Africa
James Brockway, The Hague, The Netherlands
Patricia Carson, Ghent, Belgium
Jan Deloof, Zwevegem, Belgium
Theo D'haen, Leiden, The Netherlands
Bruce C. Donaldson, Melbourne, Australia
Jonathan Israel, London, United Kingdom
E.H. Kossmann, Groningen, The Netherlands
André Lefevere, Austin, Texas, usa
Frank Ligtvoet, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Martin Mooij, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Ethel Portnoy, The Hague, The Netherlands
Paul R. Sellin, Los Angeles, California, usa
William Z. Shetter, Bloomington, Indiana, usa
Johan P. Snapper, Berkeley, California, usa
C.H. Snoek, Auckland, New Zealand
Adrian van den Hoven, Windsor, Ontario, Canada
Hans van Marle, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Paul Vincent, London, United Kingdom
John Willemse, Pretoria, South Africa
Michael J. Wintle, Hull, United Kingdom
[pagina 5]
Published by the Flemish-Netherlands Foundation ‘Stichting Ons Erfdeel’
[pagina 6]
9 | Jozef Deleu |
Foreword | |
10 | Hans Ibelings |
A Paradise for Modern Architecture Recent Architecture in Rotterdam | |
17 | Paul Claes |
Claus the Chameleon | |
‘I'd like to sing you a song...’ by Hugo Claus | |
25 | E.M. Uhlenbeck |
The Threat of Rapid Language Death A Recently Acknowledged Global Problem | |
32 | Hugo Brems |
Seven Woman Poets from the Low Countries | |
Poems by Miriam Van hee, Elma van Haren, Anneke Brassinga, Anna Enquist, Christine D'haen, Eva Gerlach and Marieke Jonkman | |
39 | Ignace Bossuyt |
The Art of Give and Take Musical Relations between England and Flanders from the 15th to the 17th Centuries | |
51 | Gerdin Linthorst |
The Dutch Documentary Social Conscience, Humanism and a Taste for Experiment | |
56 | Pieter Leroy |
The Low Countries Do Smell of Manure, Don't They? Environmental Problems, Environmental Awareness and Environmental Policy in the Netherlands and Flanders |
[pagina 7]
64 | Roland Jooris |
The Painter and his Surroundings The Work of Roger Raveel | |
69 | Anne Marie Musschoot |
Postmodernism in the Literature of the Low Countries | |
75 | Saskia Bak |
‘I do not know how I shall turn out...’ The Development of the Work of Mondrian, from Naturalism to Victory Boogie-Woogie | |
83 | Walter Goddijn |
Church and Ideology in the Netherlands | |
90 | E.M. Beekman |
Grounds for Memory Colonial Literature from the Former Dutch East Indies | |
100 | Bianca Stigter |
New Fairy Tales for the Low Countries About Marlene Dumas, a South African Artist in the Netherlands | |
107 | A. Teeuw |
Indonesia and the Netherlands A Renewed Interest | |
111 | Ariejan Korteweg |
The Great Leap Forward Dance in the Low Countries: The Advantage of a Lack of Tradition | |
118 | Manu Ruys |
Belgian Federalisation | |
124 | Ludo Bekkers |
Creations of Earth and Fire The Ceramics of José Vermeersch | |
130 | E.H. Kossmann |
Huizinga and Geyl A Portrait of Two Dutch Historians | |
137 | Piet Couttenier |
‘O, this is a place!’ Aspects of the English World of Guido Gezelle | |
‘The Evening and the Rose’ by Guido Gezelle | |
144 | Cees Nooteboom |
Visiting Professor (with an essay by Frans de Rover) | |
153 | Marjan van Zijtveld |
The Mauritshuis From City Palace to National Museum | |
158 | Svetlana Alpers |
Picturing Dutch Culture |
[pagina 8]
166 | Wim Daems |
Biotechnology in Flanders Big in the Microcosm of Cells and Molecules | |
172 | Ad Zuiderent |
No Longing for Paradise The Poetry of Rutger Kopland | |
Five Poems by Rutger Kopland | |
177 | Erik Duverger |
Flemish Tapestry | |
186 | K. van Berkel |
Newton in the Netherlands | |
192 | Christopher Brown |
Dutch Painting A Personal View | |
204 | Theo Hermans |
Studying ‘Single Dutch’? What Next?! Dutch Studies in the Anglophone World | |
212 | Karel Porteman |
From First Sight to Insight The Emblem in the Low Countries | |
223 | Charles Gehring |
New Amsterdam on the Hudson The Dutch Background of New York City | |
231 | Gary Schwartz & Marten Jan Bok |
Warmth in Cold Stone The Architectural Paintings of Pieter Saenredam | |
239 | Jaap Goedegebuure |
An Artist in Remembering The Work of A.F.Th. van der Heijden | |
Extract from ‘Parents Falling’ by A.F.Th. van der Heijden | |
248 | Jos Nijhof & Paul van der Plank |
An Anatomy of Dutch Cabaret | |
254 | Paul Hadermann |
From the Message to the Medium The Poetic Evolution of Paul van Ostaijen | |
Three Poems by Paul van Ostaijen | |
262 | chronicle |
[pagina 262]
264 Janica Kleiman
Rietveld Revisited
265 Geert Bekaert
Henry van de Velde, a European Artist
266 Geert Bekaert
The Cathedral of Our Lady in Antwerp
Cultural Policy
267 Dirk van Assche
The Dutch Language Union
268 Paul van Velthoven
The Social and Cultural Planning Office
A Barometer of Dutch Well-being
269 Dirk van Assche
The Promotion of Translation in the Netherlands and Flanders
270 André Lefevere
Writers in Residence
271 Filip Matthijs
Dutch Arts An Introduction to Culture in the Netherlands
272 Hans Vanacker
The Netherlands and Flanders at the Frankfurter Buchmesse
272 Jan van Hove
Antwerp Cultural Capital of Europe 1993
274 Donald Unger
Back to Basics Paul Verhoeven's Instinct for Success
275 Wim de Poorter
Daens, or Flanders in the Year 1900
276 Pieter van Hees
The Flemish Movement
277 H. Brugmans
Digging into Bruges's Past
279 Anton Claessens
Van Dale, a Concept of Excellence
281 Myriam Guns
The Certificate of Dutch as a Foreign Language
Not such a Bad Idea
[pagina 263]
282 Jeroen Vullings
Mulisch's Intellectual Challenge
283 Martin Mooij
Poetry International Rotterdam
284 Rudi Wester
‘Freedom was the priest riding past on his bicycle with his cassock flapping in the wind.’ Lieve Joris and ‘Back to the Congo’.
285 Yann Lovelock
Keeping up J. Bernlef's ‘Driftwood House’
286 Joris Duytschaever
Willem Elsschot Villa des Roses
288 Elsa Strietman
Court and Culture
289 Paul Claes
A Crown for Christine D'haen
290 Arnold J. Pomerans
A Love Affair
291 Paul Luttikhuis
Philosophy and Science
292 Jacques de Visscher
Leo Apostel In the Tradition of the Enlightenment
293 Jacques de Visscher
Ad Peperzak Philosophy as Dialogue and Quest
294 Piet de Valkeneer
Research at the Free University of Brussels
A Breakthrough in Assisted Fertilization
295 Ed van Eeden
Elsevier and Reed A Marriage of Giants
296 Sir Michael Jenkins
Flanders An Englishman's Experience
297 Jet Vloemans
20 Years of Opzij
298 Jan Verdonck
Dutch Catholics on Women and the Priesthood
298 Kees Middelhoff
Half a Century of Trouw
300 Kees Middelhoff
Radio Netherlands World Service
301 Carlo van Baelen
Publishing in the Low Countries
Visual Arts
303 Aart van Zoest
Peter van Straaten Drawn from life
304 Ingeborg Walinga
Rudi Fuchs Grabs his Chance
305 Ludo Bekkers
The Ninth Documenta and its Director, Jan Hoet
306 Paul Depondt
Paleis Lange Voorhout
307 Joost de Geest
Panamarenko 30 Years of Thinking about Space
309 Paul Huys
Flemish Art Symbolism to Expressionism
310 Gaby Gyselen
Old Masters from the Low Countries in American Collections
311 Erik Slagter
Jan Dibbets In the Tradition of the Dutch Light
312 Joost de Geest
Splendours of Flanders Flemish Art in Cambridge
313 Karel Puype
Benoît's Smile A Minimal Registration of the Nonsensical
314 Bibliography of Dutch Publications translated into English (1991 and 1992)
[pagina [achterplat]]
Prices for the yearbook 1993-94
Australia | A$ | 108 |
Belgium | BF | 1,500 |
Canada | C$ | 97 |
The Netherlands | FI | 85 |
New Zealand | NZ$ | 140 |
Republic of Ireland | IR£ | 50 |
South Africa | R | 250 |
United Kingdom | £ | 50 |
USA | $ | 76 |
Other Countries, the equivalent of Fl 140 / BF 2,500
All prices inclusive of shipping and bank costs
Address of the Administration
Flemish-Netherlands Foundation
‘Stichting Ons Erfdeel’
Murissonstraat 260, 8931 Rekkem, Flanders, Belgium
tel. +32 (0)56 41 12 01
fax +32 (0)56 41 47 07
ISSN 0779-5815
ISBN 90-70831-53-8
NUGI 601
Copyright © 1993 ‘Stichting Ons Erfdeel’
Printed by Die Keure, Bruges, Flanders, Belgium
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form without the prior permission of the copyright holder.