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[De Gulden Passer 1960]
Typographica plantiniana
II. Early inventories of punches, matrices, and moulds, in the Plantin-Moretus archives
The wealth of the typographical collections of the Plantin-Moretus Museum is well known. In particular Harry Carter has recently written at some length on Plantin's collection of punches and matrices.Ga naar voetnoot1. It was perhaps the largest and finest collection to be assembled in the sixteenth century, and is the only major collection from that era to survive intact. It consists of some 4,500 punches, 16,000 matrices, 4,500 strikes and 60 moulds, most of which date from the sixteenth century.
There is no single source to which one can turn in the attempt to attribute and date all the typefaces represented by this material. Plantin's c. 1580 Folio Specimen gives showings of most of his types with the names by which he knew them, but makes no attributions and does not state whether he owned punches, matrices or only type for each. His business records with punchcutters and type-founders supply useful information on certain faces but are far from complete. A study of his books reveals how and when he used his types but gives no idea of who cut them. However, the series of inventories made of their typographical property by Plantin, his associates, and his successors provides attributions for most of the faces and establishes a framework on which all the other information can be collected and understood.
The material to which they refer comes from the hands of two schools of punchcutters whose work Plantin brought together. He imported from France typefaces by Claude Garamont, Pierre Hautin, Robert Granjon, and Guillaume I Le Bé. The work of
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these great Frenchmen derives from the finest Italian models and has never been surpassed.
The local Flemish punchcutters and typefounders, Joos Lambrecht, Ameet Tavernier and Hendrik van den Keere the YoungerGa naar voetnoot2. were working in a different tradition. Their principal work is a magnificent series of Flemish blackletter. Between 1569 and 1580 Plantin bought, and in many cases commissioned from Hendrik van den Keere series of blackletters, musics, romans, titlings and fleurons of the highest quality. Through his typecasting activities for Plantin, van den Keere became thoroughly familiar with the French styles, and in consequence his own work derives from both schools. In his romans he combines the sophisticated French forms with something of the economical proportions and sturdy weight relationships of his familiar Flemish blackletter. These romans, introduced in Holland through Plantin's Leyden office, appear to have been the first in the family of strong, economical, ‘Dutch’- style romans that reached international importance in the seventeenth century with the work of Christoffel van Dijck, Willem Janszoon Blaeu, the Voskens, Nicholas Kis, and their school and ended in the eighteenth century with the work of William Caslon and his imitators in England.
The inventories discussed in the following pages clearly outline the history of Plantin's own typographical collection. The first short list which mentions only four sets of matrices dates from 1556, the second year of Plantin's career as a printer. The inventories dating from 1561 to 1581 show the growth of his collection to its full glory; they reflect Plantin's sojourns and acquisitions in Paris, his association with the famous family of Venetian printers, the van Bomberghens, his relations with Robert Granjon and with the punch-cutting school at Ghent. The inventories of 1589-90 were drawn up at Plantin's death; they show little change in the collection since 1581 and record its distribution between the
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Moretus and the Raphelengius families. Finally the inventories of circa 1612 and 1652 reveal the success of the Moretus branch in buying back piecemeal the entire Raphelengius share, thus reassembling the collection in Antwerp where it has survived the last three centuries virtually intact.
The inventories illuminate more than this one collection. Plantin's records show that he traded extensively with Guillaume I Le Bé, the famous Parisian punchcutter and typefounder; comparison between our inventories and the c. 1598 Le Bé InventoryGa naar voetnoot3. reveals striking similarities. Comparison of Plantin's Index characterum and c. 1580 Folio Specimen with the c. 1599 Le Bé-Moretus Specimen shows that Le Bé's Garamont romans and Plantin's were with one exception the same; Plantin's records show that Le Bé provided him with most of them and was in fact the principal source of supply. The matrices which Thomas De Vechter, van den Keere's successor, took to Leyden are important in Dutch printing and some may survive at the Enschedé Foundry in Haarlem and at the Oxford University Press.Ga naar voetnoot4. The material that came into the possession of Raphelengius, Plantin's successor at Leyden, had its effect on Dutch printing although virtually all of his punches and matrices were returned to Antwerp when the Leyden office was finally closed c. 1620. The Frankfort Inventories give a glimpse of the activities that must have taken place in that great center of distribution which had such a powerful influence on northern typography in the late sixteenth and seventeenth centuries.
We have transcribed sixteen inventories compiled between 1556 and 1652 and have included every inventory that bears on the growth of the collection. We have omitted a few sixteenth and seventeenth century lists that were too small or vague to contribute much information and all inventories taken in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries since they contribute little but details on the later management of the collection. We have omitted the well known 1575 Inventory,Ga naar voetnoot5. since this is a list of types alone. Where it
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contributes information of value this has been included in the notes. The inventories are transcribed in a non-diplomatic edition; we have not indicated completed abbreviations or the length of the original lines, but we have given notice of changes in handwriting or additions from another hand by the use of brackets, and of erasures by the use of double brackets.
The inventories are arranged in chronological order. We have preceded each inventory by an introduction giving what we know of its date, its author and purpose. We have added in the margins of the text itself the number of the set to which we believe each entry refers: ST and MA prefixing a number refer to sets of punches and matrices surviving in the Plantin-Moretus collection, and LMA and LST to sets of matrices and punches no longer in the collection. We have marked the initial listing of each set by a dot (•) and provided a note immediately following the inventory giving the present number of pieces in each set, summarizing the available information on the face, and giving specimens and books in which it occurs. The references to appearances in books are mainly limited to Plantinian editions and by no means exhaustive. We shall gladly receive any complementary information on this subject. If an entry is questionable or remarkable it is marked with a square (□) and an explanatory note is provided following the initial listing notes. When a set appears for the last time in the inventories it is marked with a diamond (◆) to signify that it should not be expected to occur again, but we have found no note necessary in this case.
The complete listing of matrices for the fleurons and Hebrews was made difficult by the vague and general nature of the entries. We have listed only those sets which we have definite reason to believe that Plantin owned. For the sake of completeness, we included the lists of moulds occurring in the inventories, but we have not yet attempted to identify them.
Those who are not familiar with the system Plantin and his associates employed in referring to the sizes of their types will find a table immediately following the last of the inventories (appendix I). This is followed by two indexes. The first lists all the sets by number and gives the inventories in which each set occurs (appendix II). The second is an alphabetical list of 16th century
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punchcutters followed by the typefaces and sets of punches and matrices that are attributed to them in the inventories (appendix III).
The abbreviations which we have used, are listed in the following footnote.Ga naar voetnoot6
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We believe that the importance of these inventoriesGa naar voetnoot7 justifies this technical a treatment. With the attribution and dating of Plantin's types established, we hope to proceed to specimens as soon as preparation of photographs from the punches and the casting of new type from the matrices will allow.
Mike Parker, K. Melis, H.D.L. Vervliet
(New York, Antwerp)
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Inventory of [1556] Ar. 34, f. III-IV
From the very start of his career Plantin was interested in acquiring his own matrices. The [1556] Inventory occurs at the beginning of Plantin's first livre de vente which runs from 1 June 1556 until 1559 recording mainly sales of books and lace. Plantin wrote and dated the inventory himself. It is perhaps a memorandum of matrices sent out of the house for casting; it may not list all the matrices he then owned.
◗ ma 48 |
Garamont petit Rommain 1556 |
Du bas de la casse 29 matrices |
29 |
Capitalles 26 |
26 |
Accents points et ct. 38 |
38 |
Petittes capitales et siffres 33 |
33 |
Abbreviations et lettres concionnexes [?] 36 |
36 |
_____ |
162 |
◗ ma 54a |
Petitte Italique Grand Jonc 1556 |
Accens 15 |
15 |
Abbreviatures et points 21 |
21 |
Ligatures 21 |
21 |
Bas de la casse 24 |
24 |
Capitales droictes 23 |
23 |
Capitales couchees 23 |
23 |
_____ |
127 |
◗? ma 133 |
Cicero Italique Grand Jonc |
Capitales 23 |
23 |
Bas de la Casse 26 |
26 |
Ligatures 23 |
33 |
Points et abbreviatures 19 |
19 |
Accens 20 |
20 |
_____ |
111 |
◗ lma 63 (?) |
Gros Rommain |
Capitalles 23 |
23 |
Bas de la Casse 25 |
25 |
Ligatures 16 |
16 |
Accens 15 |
15 |
Abbreviatures 13 |
13 |
les points 11 |
11 |
_____ |
103 |
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• | MA 48, (224 matrices) Garamont petit Rommain. MA 48 was the only Garamonde, or Petit Romain, used by Plantin. The [1561], 1563, [1572] and 1581 Inventories also attribute it to Garamont. They record an increasing number of matrices partially accounted for by the 24 added by van den Keere in 1571-1572 (Ar. 153, p. 124, p. 129) and for the 19 shortened long letters added by Granjon in 1566 to adapt it for casting on Colineus (see LST 9, [1572] Inventory). This is not the better known Garamonde of Garamont for which Le Bé had the punches and for which Plantin acquired two strikes (see MA 47a, MA 114, 115, 1580 van den Keere Inventory) but is probably an earlier face.
Specimens: 1567 Index characterum, f. D[1], De claris orat.; c. 1580 Folio Specimen Garamonde Romaine, Garamonde sur la Philosophie, Colineus Romaine (as modified by Granjon).
Appearances: 1558, Olaus Magnus, RDB 6, text; L'ABC, ou Instruction Chrestienne, text; Theologia Germanica, RDB 4, text; Psalterium Davidis, text; M.A. Flaminius, Brevis Explanatio, RDB 9, text. |
• | MA 54a, (152 matrices) Petitte Italique Grand Jonc. The original matrices in MA 54a, which is Granjon's early Garamonde, or Petit Romain, Italique exactly meet the description in the inventory, including the two sets of capitals. The [1561], 1563 and [1572] Inventories attribute it to Granjon. It is the first small Granjon italic to be used by Plantin. In 1572 van den Keere added 10 matrices of accents (Ar. 153, p. 129; Ar. 116, p. 229). Plantin also knew it as the Granjonne. In 1576 van den Keere altered this face to fit it on Colineus, and it appears in the 1581 and subsequent Inventories as a Colineus Cursive (see MA 54b, 1581 Inventory). See also LMA 28, 1580 van den Keere Inventory.
Specimens: 1567 Index Characterum, f. D[1], Pro Sestio; c. 1580 Folio Specimen, Colineus Cursiue (as altered by van den Keere).
Appearances: 1545, Il Petrarca, Lyons, G. de Tournes (cf. Johnson, Italic Types of Granjon, No. 2); 1558, [G. Ruscelli =] Alexis piemontois, RDB 14, title-page; l'ABC, ou Instruction Chrestienne, passim; Olaus Magnus, RDB 6, marginal notes. |
• | MA 133, (120 matrices) Cicero Italique Grand Jonc. MA 133 is the first of Granjon's three Mediane, or Cicero, italics to appear in Plantin's books and was also the first to be cut. The [1561], 1563 and 1581 Inventories also attribute it to Granjon. The [1572] Inventory seems to attribute it wrongly to Hautin.
Appearances: 1548, Florence, L. Torrentino (cf. Johnson, Italic Types of Granjon, No. 4); 1558, Les Epistres de Phalaris, RDB 7, text. |
• | LMA 63 (?), Gros Rommain. The [1572], 1588 Frankfurt, 1589 Antwerp and c. 1612 Inventories attribute this face to Pierre Haultin. The [1561] and 1563 Inventories are confused on this point. This set seems to have been lost; although there are three sets of matrices for Texte romans besides Garamont's in the collection, MA 19, MA 80a and MA 178, none is a known Haultin face and none resembles Haultin's work.
In his first books Plantin used a Texte roman probably cut by Ameet Tavernier for which he seems to have owned only type. From 1564 he used Garamont's Texte (see MA 20a, b, 1563 Inventory). We have recognized no third Texte in his printing; we do not know whether this face was in fact one of the two Texte romans that Haultin is known to have cut or whether it may have been some third face.
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| The [1561] and [1566] Inventories were written by Plantin at the same time on two halves of the same piece of paper. Internal evidence makes it clear that they were written in the second half of 1566 (see [1566] Inventory). Both were copied in part from the 1563 Inventory, since they repeat several apparent slips from it (see MA 81, below, and LMA 63 (?), [1556] Inventory).
The title ‘Les matrices que i'avois devant la compagnee faict’ refers to the period preceding the partnership with the van Bomberghens which was contracted on 26 November 1563 (cf. the 1563 Inventory). However, the inventory relates to a period two years earlier since it does not include matrices Plantin is known to have bought at Garamont's executors' sale in November 1561 or early 1562 (see MA 72, 1563 Inventory) and other material acquired during his stay in Paris of 1562-1563 (see 1563 Inventory). |
Les matrices que i'auois deuant la compagnee faict:
• ma 67
• ma 66a |
Matrices de Nompareille Rommain et Italique auec 2. Instruments |
[fl.] 100 |
• ma 57
• ma 58a |
Les matrices du Breuiaire Rommain Italique et les 2. Instruments |
100 |
• lma 1 |
Les matrices grecques non iustifiees sur le Brevi[er] |
36 |
• ma 53a |
Colineus Rommain auec son mousle |
35 |
ma 48
ma 54a
• ma 51, 52
• ma 39 |
Garamont petit Rommain. Italique et grec de Granjon et vne Colognoise auec 〚vn〛 2. Instruments |
176 |
• lma 2 |
Philosophie de Haultin auec son mousle |
35 |
• ma 36a
• lma 3
ma 133
• ma 142, 143 |
Mediane Garamont Rommain la deuxiesme et premiere Italiques de Granion et le grec de Hautin avec 2. Instruments |
200 |
• ma 38 |
Lectre faceon descritture Granion iustifiee |
35 |
• lma 62
• ma 32, 33 |
Augustin Rommain de Hautin auec son mousle et le grec dudit Hautin auec vn mousle |
90 |
□ lma 63 (?)
• ma 69
• ma 81 |
Texte Romain Granion Italique de francois Guyot et de Hautin auec vn instrument |
66 |
Lectres non iustifiees |
• ma 147 |
Italique limmortelle de Granion |
16 |
• ma 107 |
Lectre francoise sur le median Granion |
16 |
• ma 111 |
Italique median Haultin |
12 |
• lma 4 (?) |
Matrices d Ebrieu de Prat portant ses points |
4 |
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• | MA 32, 33, (297 matrices) [Augustin] Grec Hautin. This inventory follows the 1563 in ascribing Plantin's Augustin Grec to Hautin. On this body the only Greek we have seen in Plantin's books is that of MA 32, 33, first appearing in 1564. The 1581 Inventory attributes the matrices to Granjon. The 1592 and 1622 Berner Specimens show a Graec. S. Augustine GranIon, a design that never appeared in Plantin's books. It would be extraordinary if Plantin had two different sets of matrices for a face which he used as much as this without a trace of the second appearing in his inventories or printing. The explanation appears to be that Thomas De Vechter mistakenly attributed this set of matrices to Granjon in the 1581 Inventory. The two types are extremely similar; both are copies of Garamont's Grec du Roi.
Specimens: 1567 Index Characterum, f. B [1], Qualis Hominum Vita; c. 1580 Folio Specimen, Augustine Grecque, Petite Augustine Grecque.
Appearances: 1564, Horatius, Ars Poetica, RDB 6, passim; J. Sambucus, Emblemata, RDB 27, passim; Prudentius, RDB 7, p. 6; J. Hasselius, RDB 19, passim; 1565, Nemesius, RDB 22, text. |
• | MA 36a, (195 matrices) Mediane Garamont Rommain. Outside of a local face used in a few of his earliest books this is the only Mediane Romaine Plantin used. It is attributed to Garamont in the 1563, [1572] and 1581 Inventories. The c. 1599 Le Bé-Moretus Specimen shows this to be the Cicero Romain Garamond for which Le Bé owned the punches. The later inventories show an increasing number of matrices partially accounted for by the twenty four matrices added in 1571-1572 by van den Keere (Ar. 153, p. 124, p. 129) and the nineteen shortened long letters added by Granjon in 1566 to adapt it for casting on Philosophie. (See LST 8, [1572] Inventory). See also LMA 26, 1580 van den Keere Inventory.
Specimens: 1567 Index Characterum, f. C 3, I. Offic; c. 1580 Folio Specimen, Vraye Mediane Romaine, Mediane sur la Philosophie (with short ascenders and descenders), Mediane sur la Garamonde (original condition); 1592 Berner Specimen, Romain Cicero de Garamond; 1622 Berner Specimen, Romian Cicero de Garamond; c. 1599 Le Bé-Moretus Specimen, Cicero, de Garamond.
Appearance: 1558, l'ABC, ou Instruction Chrestienne, text. |
• | MA 38, (126 matrices, 9 strikes) [Mediane] Lectre faceon d'escritture Granion. This is Granjon's famous first Civilité, the one with which he announced his invention of this form of type in 1557 (Sabbe-Audin, Die Civilité-Schriften, p. 12). See also MA 107, below. This is the only Civilité Plantin used on Mediane.
Specimen: 1567 Index Characterum, f. D 3, I Offic.
Appearances: 1557, I. Ringhier, Dialogue de la vie, Lyon, R. Granjon, [Sabbe-Audin, pl. 1], text; 1558, l'ABC, ou Instruction Chrestienne, RDB 6, text. |
• | MA 39, (85 matrices) [Petit Rommain] Colognoise. This entry can only refer to MA 39, a Fraktur which is also referred to in the 1563 and [1572] Inventories as lectre de Colongne. Plantin cast it on both Garamonde, or Petit Romain, and Philosophie bodies.
Specimen: c. 1580 Folio Specimen, Philosophie Allemande.
Appearance: 1561, [G. Ruscelli=] Alexis Piemontoys, RDB 12, text, |
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• | MA 51, 52, (368 matrices) [Petit Rommain] Grec de Granjon. The only Greek Plantin used on Garamonde, or Petit Romain, was MA 51, 52. This is also attributed to Granjon in the 1563 and 1581 Inventories. Circa 1598 Le Bé had the punches for a Petit Romain Greek by Granjon (c. 1598 Le Bé Inventory).
Specimens: 1567 Index Characterum, f. B[1], Soph. in Aiace; c. 1580 Folio Specimen, Garamonde Grecque, Colineus Grecque; 1592, 1622 Berner Specimens, Graec. Garamond de GranIon.
Appearances: 1560, Terence, RDB 2, passim; J. Laezius, De poeticorum studiorum utilitate, passim. |
• | MA 53a, (132 matrices) Colineus Rommain. None of Plantin's inventories attribute this little face to a punchcutter. Its distinctive style is similar to no other roman in the collection. Plantin found it very useful from 1555 until 1568 when he largely replaced it with Granjon's adaption of Garamont's Garamonde. (See LST 9, [1572] Inventory). For Greek small capitals used with this face, see MA 53b, [1572] Inventory.
Specimen: 1567 Index Characterum, f. D 2, II. Offic.
Appearance: 1555, P. Belon, RDB 3, index. |
• | MA 57, (165 matrices) Breuiaire Rommain. The only Bible, or Breviaire Romaine that Plantin used before he acquired Granjon's Gaillarde in the 1570's was Garamont's; MA 57 is the earliest set of matrices for this face in the collection, since Granjon's W,w, cut in 1565 (Ar. 36, f. 89), are represented by matrices justified by a different hand to the majority, and were therefore added after the initial justification. This set is attributed to Garamont in the 1563, [1572], and 1581 Inventories. Plantin was to acquire the punches for this face in 1562 or 1563. (See ST 20a, 1563 Inventory and also MA 56a, c. 1612 Inventory).
Specimens: 1567 Index Characterum, f. D 2, Orat. ad Brutum; c. 1580 Folio Specimen, Bible Romaine.
Appearances: 1559, Novum Testamentum, text; 1559, Biblia, RDB 3, text. |
• | MA 58a, (150 matrices) Breuiaire Italique. The only Bible, or Breviaire, Italique that Plantin used was MA 58a. The 1563, [1572], 1581 and Antwerp 1389 Inventories attribute it to Granjon. This box contains a set of long letters, MA 58b, from Granjon's Jolie Cursive (See ST 30, 1581 Inventory). This was apparently an attempt to adapt the Bible for casting on Jolie. The results would certainly be unsatisfactory; we have never seen the combination in use. Granjon's Mignonne italic appears to have been a version of this face (See MA 189, [1572] Inventory). Circa 1598 Le Bé had the punches for Granjon's Breviaire italique dernière taille (c. 1598 Le Bé Inventory).
Specimens: 1567 Index Characterum, f. D 2, Pro Muraena; c. 1580 Folio Specimen, Bible Cursiue; 1592, 1622 Berner Specimens, Curs. Petit Text de G.
Appearances: 1556, Il Nuovo Testamento, Lyon, J. de Tournes, Al Lettore (Johnson, Italic Types of Granjon, No. 9); 1560, Catullus, RDB 3, text; 1560, Terence, RDB 2, text. |
• | MA 66a, (110 matrices) Nompareille Italique. The only true Nompareille italic Plantin used was MA 66a. The 1563, [1572] and 1581 Inventories attribute it to Hautin. For addition of encircled numbers, see MA 66b, 1589 Antwerp Inventory.
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| Specimens: 1567 Index Characterum, f. D 3, I. Offic.; c. 1580 Folio Specimen, Non-pareile Cursiue.
Appearance: 1557, Libri Regum, marginal notes. |
• | MA 67, (135 matrices) Nompareille Rommain. The only true Nompareille roman that Plantin used was MA 67. It is attributed to Hautin in the 1563, [1572], and 1581 Inventories. See also MA 65, c. 1612 Inventory.
Specimens: 1567 Index Characterum, f. D 2, I Offic.; c. 1580 Folio Specimen, Non-pareile Romaine, Non-pareile sur la Coronele.
Appearance: 1557, Libri Regum, text; 1567, La Sainte Bible, Paris, Pierre Haultin (after Matthew Carter). |
• | MA 69, (122 matrices) [Texte] Italique de Francois Guyot. MA 69 is typical of Guyot's style. Plantin used it frequently from 1555 until 1562 after which Granjon's Texte italic largely replaces it. The 1563, [1572], 1588 Frankfort and 1589 Antwerp Inventories also attribute the matrices to Guyot.
There is also a set of strikes for this face in the collection (MA 153) as well as sets of matrices for Guyot's Ascendonica Cursive (MA 31) and Canon Romain (MA 131b) none of which appear in the inventories. They appear to be later acquisitions of the Moretus family.
Specimen: c. 1550 Folger Specimen, inc.: A.A.B.C.C.
Appearances: 1555, A. Mizauld, Ephémérides, dedication; L. Ariosto, Roland furieux, preliminary matter; Flores de Seneca, RDB 2, preliminary matter; 1557, Cicero, Quatro orationes, text. |
• | MA 81, (156 matrices) [Texte] Italique de Hautin. This inventory and that of 1563 attribute a Texte roman to Granjon and a Texte italic to Hautin. The [1572] and 1581 Inventories attribute the italic to Granjon, and the [1572], 1588 Frankfort, 1589 Antwerp and c. 1612 Inventories attribute the roman to Hautin. Since the only Texte italic that Plantin used besides Guyot's was Granjon's, it is likely that the attributions have been reversed in the 1563 Inventory, and that this mistake has been copied into the [1561]. A.F. Johnson has shown that this italic exists in two forms with different sets of capitals (see Italic Types of Granjon, Nos 5 and 6). MA 81 represents the later form, No. 6, the only version used by Plantin. See also MA 22a, 23, 1580 van den Keere Inventory.
Circa 1598 Le Bé had 82 punches for an ‘Italique Gros Romain Granjon’ (c. 1598 Le Bé Inventory). The small number of punches and the fact that he had no matrices cast doubt on the possibility that they might be for this face.
Specimens: 1567 Index Characterum, f. C 2, Paradox IIII; c. 1580 Folio Specimen, Texte Cursiue; 1592, 1622 Berner Specimens, Curs. Gros Text de GranIon.
Appearances: 1547 [1548], J. Willich, In Vergilii Bucolica commentaria, Paris, T. Richardus (Johnson, Italic Types of Granjon, No. 5); 1548, Aristotle, De Arte Poetica, Florence, L. Torrentino (Johnson, op. cit., No. 5); 1552, J. Girard, Stichostratio epigrammation, Lyons, Bonhomme (Johnson, op. cit., No. 6); 1553, De Balneis, Venice, Giunta, (Johnson, op. cit., No. 6); 1564, J. Sambucus, RDB 27, dedication; Villavicentio, RDB 20, dedication; J. Isaac, RDB 14, ad lectorem. |
• | MA 107, (103 strikes) Lectre francoise sur le median Granion [non iustifiee]. See MA 38, above. Plantin never justified or sold this set although the [1572], 1581 and 1588 Frankfort Inventories place it at Frankfort from 1572 to 1588. |
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• | MA 111, (35 matrices and 96 strikes) Italique median Haultin [non iustifie]. The 1563, [1572], 1581 and 1589 Antwerp Inventories list a strike of a Mediane italic by Hautin. The 1563, Antwerp 1589 and Raphelengius post 1590 Inventories give the number of strikes as 132. The 1652 Inventory lists 131 strikes of a Mediane Cursive with the note that some are justified; apparently Raphelengius started to have them justified but never had the work completed.
Appearance: 1558, H. Butigella, In primam partem... commentaria, Venice, P. Manutius (after Matthew Carter). |
• | MA 142, 143, (411 matrices) [Mediane] grec de Hautin. Plantin used only one Mediane Greek, MA 142, 143. The 1563 and 1581 Inventories also attribute the matrices to Hautin.
Specimens: 1567 Index Characterum, f. B[1], Menander apud Plut.; c. 1580 Folio Specimen, Mediane Grecque, Philosophie Grecque; 1592, 1622 Berner Specimens, Graec. Cicero de GranIon.
Appearance: 1549, Dioscorides, Libri octo, Paris, P. Haultin (after Matthew Carter); 1564, Prudentius, RDB 7, p. 5. |
• | MA 147, (99 strikes, 47 of which are partially justified) Italique limmortelle de Granion [non iustifiee]. The italic of MA 147 first occurs in a book published by Granjon in 1559 (Johnson, Italic Types of Granjon, No. 11). The 1563 Inventory lists 110 Immortelle Cursive strikes by Granjon. The [1572] Inventory shows that an Immortelle Cursive strike is at Frankfort. The Frankfort 1588 and Antwerp 1589 Inventories list a set of Immortelle strikes which Guyot began to justify. The c. 1612 Inventory attributes them to Guyot. They give the number as, respectively, 110, 100, and 99 strikes. Apparently Guyot started to justify these before his death in 1570 and the meaning of a note to this effect was later misconstrued.
Specimen: 1592, 1622 Berner Specimens, Curs. Garamond ou Immortel de GranIon.
Appearances: 1559, L. Domenichi, Facecies, Lyons, R. Granjon, French text (Johnson, Italic Types of Granjon, No. 11); 1559, Lyons, S. Gryphius (Johnson, ibid.). |
• | LMA 1, Brevier [grecq non iustifie.] The 1563 Inventory lists 410 strikes for the Brevier Greek of Hautin. This set does not appear again unless it is the ‘Petit Grecq complet’ of the [1572] Inventory. Apparently Plantin sold it between 1563 and 1572. See MA 140, 141, 1563 Inventory and LMA 11, [1572] Inventory. |
• | LMA 2, Philosophie de Haultin. Plantin used a Philosophie roman cut in Haultin's style from 1561 until 1580 when van den Keere's Philosophie began to replace it. The 1563 and [1572] Inventories list matrices for a Philosophie roman by Haultin. It perhaps occurs in the 1581 Inventory (mistakenly attributed to van den Keere) but is not mentioned again. Apparently Plantin sold it after acquiring van den Keere's.
Specimen: 1567 Index Characterum, f. D, V. Tuscul.
Appearances: 1558, H. Butigella, In primam partem... commentaria, Venice, Paulus Manutius (after Matthew Carter); 1561, G. Rondeletius, RDB 6, text. |
• | LMA 3, [Mediane] Italique deuxiesme de Granion. The second Granjon Mediane italic used by Plantin at this period is the Mediane Cursive Pendante. The
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| Mediane Cursive Droite does not appear until 1565. The 1563 Inventory lists matrices for a Mediane italique dernière, but they do not appear in the [1572] Inventory. Apparently Plantin sold them before 1572, perhaps to van den Keere who had matrices for a mediane Cursive couchée in 1574 (Ar. 42, f. 2; Ar. 153, p. 156). The 1580 van den Keere Inventory shows that this set was by Granjon. The post 1581 de Vechter Inventory indicates that de Vechter had it from van den Keere, and should have taken it to Leyden with him. In 1579 Plantin acquired a new set (see MA 113, 1581 Inventory).
Circa 1598 Le Bé had punches and matrices for Granjon's ‘Cicero (or Mediane) Italique derniere taille’ in addition to matrices for the ‘première taille’ and the ‘droitte’. We know of only three Mediane italics by Granjon, the Première Maigre, the Pendante and the Droite. Therefore these matrices and punches of ‘Cicero italique derniere taille’ should be for the Pendante, although it was cut a little before the Droite.
Specimens: 1567 Index Characterum, f. [C4], III. Offic.; c. 1580 Folio Specimen, Mediane Cursive pendante; 1592, 1622 Berner Specimens, Curs. Cicero de GranIon.
Appearances: 1554, Rondeletius, Libri de Piscibus Marinis, Lyons, M. Bonhomme, preliminary matter (Johnson, Italic Types of Granjon, No. 7); 1562, A. du Hecquet, Enseignement des paroisses, passim. |
• | LMA 4 (?), Ebrieu de Prat [non iustifie]. The 1563, 1589 Antwerp, and 1652 Inventories all list a set of 500 to 523 old Hebrew strikes, called in the 1563 ‘de pral’ and in the 1652 ‘Augustijn’ and always valued very low. Nothing like this quantity of old Hebrew strikes survive. However, the number of Hebrew matrices listed in the 1652 Inventory falls short of accounting for those that survive by about a hundred. It is possible that some of the surviving strikes may have been part of this mass. The origin of the set remains obscure. We do not know if there are any links with the du Prat's, a family of booksellers at Lyons, during the third quarter of the sixteenth century (Cf. Baudrier, Bibliographie lyonnaise, vol. I (1895), pp. 137, 360), or with Herman Prael, punchcutter, native of Cologne and living in Antwerp c. 1553 (Antwerp, Stadsarchief, reg. de Burbure; cf. J.W. Enschedé, in Tijdschrift voor Boek- en Bibliotheekwezen, 5 (1907), p. 191). |
• | LMA 62, Augustin Rommain de Hautin. This set is also attributed to Hautin in the 1563, [1572] and 1581 Inventories. It is a narrow face of large x-height. Plantin used it to replace a local roman, and in turn replaced it largely by Garamont's Augustine in 1564. On 27 January 1575 van den Keere sent Plantin a fount of the Augustine roman of P. Haultin on nouveau Texte (Ar. 153, p. 156), apparently the fount which appears in the c. 1580 Folio Specimen. The matrices have since disappeared.
Specimen: c. 1580 Folio Specimen, Augustine sur le Texte (with Garamont's Texte capitals).
Appearances: 1559, Summa Librorum, Venice, Paulus Manutius; 1561, Raevardus, Tribonianus, RDB 4 (both after Matthew Carter). |
□ | LMA 63 (?), Texte Romain Granion. See • MA 81 (above) for correction of this attribution to Hautin.
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| The 1563 Inventory, written and dated by Plantin, includes the material listed in the [1561] Inventory and a series of punches and matrices acquired during Plantin's more or less forced stay in Paris during the years 1562-1563 (Cf. C. de Clercq, ‘Deux épisodes plantiniens,’ in Gutenberg-Jahrbuch, 1958, pp. 155-163, for the exact circumstances). Either just before or during this sojourn Plantin attended Garamont's executors' sale and bought matrices of a Texte Hebreu by Guillaume I Le Bé (see MA 72, below). Apart from these, he seems to have bought unfinished and odd-lot punches (see ST 3, LST 1 and following series below) with perhaps a full set of Hebrew punches (ST 53) and some matrices (MA 20a, b, MA 25a). Le Bé on his part bought punches for at least four and probably six romans, Garamont's most important late work.
During 1562 Le Bé sold to Plantin cheaply ‘a cause des troubles’ the punches, matrices and mould of his Gros Hebreu Fort Gros (see ST 50, below). Perhaps for the same reason he sold Plantin the punches of Garamont's Augustine and Bible romans, which were among the most important he owned. Le Bé must have been in difficulties to sell these sets, sources of a steady future income. See ST 13a, St 20a, below.
Plantin's fortunes on the other hand were rising: in the autumn of 1563 he was able to return to Antwerp and to resume his work in partnership with wealthy associates: Goropius Becanus, Jacques de Schotti, Charles and Corneille van Bomberghen, the two latter being respectively the son and the nephew of the famous Venetian printer Daniel van Bomberghen, whose Hebrew types were brought into the company (Cf. H. van Bomberghen, Généalogie de la famille van Bomberghen, Bruxelles, 1914, passim and M. Rooses, p. 57 sqq.). |
Au nom de Dieu 1563 a Anvers |
Inventaire des Vstensiles que iay semantes pour L'Imprimerie Premierement Les matrices Justifiees |
ma 67 |
Nompareille Rommaine 〚contenant〛 Hautin contenant 124 matrices coustent |
[fl.] 35 |
ma 66a |
Nompareille Italique 〚contenant〛 Hautin contenant 110 matrices coustant |
33 |
12 |
Mousle ou Instrument a fondre lesdites lectres |
5 |
Mousle ou Instrument a fondre les lectres de 2 lignes |
5 |
ma 57 |
Breuiaire Rommaine 〚contenant〛 de Garamont contenant |
ma 58a |
Breuiaire Italique 〚contenant〛 Grandion contenant |
◗ ma 140, 141 |
Grec de Hautin contenant |
Le mousle ou Instrument a fondre lesdites 3 sortes de lectres |
Le mousle a fondre les lectres de deux lignes |
ma 53a |
Colineus Rommaine contenant |
Le mousle ou instrument pour fondre ladite lectre |
| |
| |
ma 48 |
Garamont petit Rommain commun appelle petite Essendonica 177 matrices |
45 |
14 |
ma 54a |
Italique accordante audict Rommain Granion contenant 〚359 matrices〛 |
26 |
10 |
ma 51, 52 |
Grec de Granion accordant contenant 359 matrices |
65 |
Le mousle ou Instrument pour lesdites |
5 |
ma 39 |
Lectre allemande dicte lectre de Colongne contenant 104 matrices |
15 |
12 |
Le mousle de ladite lectre colongnoise |
4 |
lma 2 |
Philosophie Romaine Hautin contenant 113 matrices |
20 |
6 |
Le mousle pour fondre ladite lectre |
5 |
ma 38 |
Mediane faceon dEscriture a la main Granion contenant 138 matrices |
36 |
16 |
ma 36a |
Mediane ou Cicero Rommaine Garamont contenant 172 matrices |
45 |
4 |
lma 3 |
Italique dessus Grandion 〚contenant〛 derniere contenant matrices |
24 |
14 |
ma 133 |
Italique autre premiere de Granion aussi contenant 126 matrices |
20 |
12 |
ma 142, 143 |
Grec de Hautin contenant 413 matrices |
51 |
6 |
Le mousle ou Instrument pour le Latin |
5 |
Le mousle ou instrument pour le grec seul |
5 |
• ma 25a |
Augustin Rommain Garamont contenant |
lma 62 |
Augustin Rommain Hautin contenant 155 matrices |
23 |
5 |
ma 32, 33 |
Grec de Hautin contenant 298 matrices couste |
59 |
10 |
Le mousle pour lesdits Rommans et grec |
5 |
• ma 20a, b |
Texte Rommain Garamont contenant |
lma 63 (?) |
Texte Rommain Granion contenant 104 matrices |
20 |
□ ma 81 |
Texte Italique Hautin contenant 154 matrices |
25 |
8 |
ma 69 |
Texte Italique Guyot contenant 121 matrices |
20 |
Le mousle ou Instruments pour lesdites lectres |
6 |
• ma 72 |
Lectre Hebraique taille de Be pour Garamont contenant 70 matrices |
17 |
10 |
Deux Instruments pour ledit Hebrieu |
6 |
• lma 5 |
Parangonne Rommaine Garamont contenant |
• ma 15 |
Parangonne Italique de Granjon contenant |
Le mousle pour lesdites lectres |
| |
| |
. lma 6 |
Petit Canon Romain de Granjon contenant |
Le mousle a fondre lesdites lectre |
. ma 2, 3a |
Gros Canon Romain de Garamont contenant 143 matrices |
40 |
Le mousle pour ladite lectre |
6 |
〚16〛 |
. ma 6 |
Gros Hebrieu fort gros de Guillaume le Be contenant |
Le mousle a fondre ladite lectre |
Matrices non Justifiees: |
ma 147 |
Une Italique appellee l'immortelle de Granjon de grosseur de la petite Essendonica contenant 110 matrices |
12 |
lma 1 |
Lectre grecque grandeur de Breviaire Hotin contenant 410 matrices |
25 |
ma 107 |
Lectre francoyse de granjon grandeur du Median |
16 |
〚16〛 |
ma 111 |
Italique grandeur de median Hotin contenant 132 matrices |
12 |
lma 7 |
Canon lectre de forme Justifie sans moule |
2 |
10 |
lma (?) 4 |
Hebrieu de pral portant ses poincts environ 500 matrices |
4 |
Poinsons |
st 13a |
Poinsons du Saint Augustin de Garamont 135 coustent |
42 |
6 |
st 20a
st 8 |
Poinsons de la lectre de Breuiaire Garamont 162 |
42 |
6 |
st 52 |
Poinsons debrieu et les accents et points nombre 70 retaille de Be coustent |
12 |
st 53 |
Autres poinsons debrieu sans point Garamont nombre 43 coustent |
4 |
10 |
st 50 |
Poinsons d'ung tresgros hebrieu Guillaume le Be 27 poinsons et 8 points |
9 |
st 3 |
Poinsons fort grosses capit. commencees Garamont nombre 35 |
4 |
10 |
lst 1
lst 2 |
Poinsons petit Canon commence Garamont 67 et 31. Capit. plus grosses |
8 |
lst 3
st 22b (?)
◆ lst 4
◆ st 76m(?)
◆ lst 5 |
Poinsons de ciftres trenchés de menus ciffres de signes et de tirets nombre 61 auec vieux poinçons imparfaicts de lAugustin dAugereau |
6 |
9 |
| |
| |
• | ST 3, (38 punches, roman and greek) Fort grosses capit. commencees Garamont. Plantin probably bought these unfinished punches at Garamont's executors' sale. Before 10 April 1565 he paid Jacques Sabon for completing 23 punches for ‘Les grosses capitales’ (Ar. 3, f. 24; Ar. 31, f. 98v). The [1566] Inventory lists ‘Grosses capitales commences par Garamont et achevees par Jaques’. Between 27 August and 17 September 1570 van den Keere billed Plantin for ‘la taille de 11. poinsons des grosses Capitales Grecques et le C. des Romaines’ (Ar. 153, p. 213). The C in ST 3 has a body differing in shape and finish from the other punches. Two forms of C appear in Plantin's books. The earlier, serifed, form [C] is from the punch Sabon finished, which apparently broke or was lost; the later form, lacking serifs, [C] is van den Keere's replacement. The bodies of the Greek punches are identical with the roman; they must therefore have been started by Garamont and only completed by van den Keere.
When Sabon finished the punches he also struck and justified matrices and cast roman type (Ar. 3, f. 24; Ar. 31, f. 98v). These matrices do not seem to appear in the [1566] or succeeding Inventories. It is possible that Sabon took them with him to Frankfort where this type appears with the earlier, serifed C.
Plantin later had at least two sets of matrices struck from these punches; see MA 78, [1572] Inventory and MA 9, 1588 Frankfort Inventory.
Specimens: 1567 Index Characterum, title-page, Index; 1573 Inventory, f. 75, Capitales Extraordinaires Rom. de Garamond; 1592, 1622 Berner Specimens Characterum seu.
Appearances: 1567, Novum Testamentum, initials; 1569-1572, Biblia Polyglotta, RDB 1 (p. 128), title-pages, etc.; books printed in Lyon c. 1570 and in Germany a little later (Carter, Types, p. 75). |
• | ST 8, (23 punches) Lectre de Breviaire Garamont. The large number of punches indicates that ST 8, Capitales de 2 Règles Bible, or Breviaire, was included with ST 20a (below). The 1581, [1590] Frankfort and 1652 Inventories specifically confirm this. Plantin never had matrices from these punches. However, the Moretus family apparently had J.M. Smit make a set between 1732 and 1736 since these capitals appear in their books shortly thereafter. MA 79b was struck from these punches, and resembles sets justified by Smit.
Appearance: 1746, Martyrologium, Antwerp, Moretus, title-page. |
• | ST 13a, (142 punches) Saint Augustin de Garamont. In a letter written to Jan Moretus on 12 December 1598 Guillaume II Le Bé stated that his father had bought Saint Augustin punches from Garamond (or from his widow, see ST 20a below) and had resold them to Plantin (cf. Ar. 95, p. 244; H. Omont, ‘Spécimens de caractères hébreux gravés à Venise et à Paris par Guillaume le Bé (1545-1574), in Société de l'histoire de Paris et de l'Ile-de-France, 14 (1887); see also Corr. X, pp. 252-254, and Updike, II, p. 6). These punches are also attributed to Garamont in the [1566], [1572], 1581, 1588 Frankfort, [1590] Frankfort, and c. 1612 Inventories. On 23 March 1575 van den Keere charged for adding 6 punches (Ar. 153, p. 159; Ar. 42, f. 3) which are still with the set. See also MA 25a, below. This roman largely replaced Hautin's in Plantin's books from 1564.
Specimens: 1567 Index Characterum, f. C 2, De Legib; c. 1580 Folio Specimen, Vraye Augustine Romaine, Petite Augustine Romaine; Augustine sur la Mediane
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| (with shortened ascenders and descenders); c. 1599 Le Bé-Moretus Specimen, Saint Augustin comme celuy de garamond; 1592, 1622 Berner Specimens, Romain S. Augustin de Garamond.
Appearances: 1564, Prudentius, RDB 7, p. 6; Horace, Ars Poetica, RDB 6; text; H. Joliffe and R. Jonson, Responsio, RDB 3, text; J. Sambucus, Emblemata, RDB 27, text; J. Hasselius, Sententia, RDB 19, text; J. Isaac, Grammatica Hebraea, RDB 14, text. |
• | ST 20a, (128 punches) Lectre de Breviaire Garamont. See MA 57, [1561] Inventory. In the letter mentioned above which Le Bé II wrote to Jan Moretus on 12 December 1598, he stated that his father had bought punches by Garamont for the Canon, Parangon Romain, Gros Romain (Texte), and Petit Romain (Garamonde) from Garamont's widow. He continued that Plantin had bought punches of the Petit Texte (Bible) and the Saint Augustin from his father who had bought them all from Garamont and sold the two sets to Plantin. (See 1563 Inventory, ST 13a).
Looking behind the apparent contradiction it seems likely that Le Bé bought the punches for all six romans at Garamont's executors' sale and then sold the Augustine and Bible to Plantin.
Besides this inventory, the [1566], [1572], 1581, and c. 1612 Inventories attribute the punches to Garamont. On 15 May 1565 Plantin paid Granjon for punches for W and w for la lectre de Breviaire (Ar. 36 f. 89) which are still with the set. For the greek small capitals Granjon cut for this set see ST 20b, [1566] Inventory. See also MA 56a, c. 1612 Inventory. |
• | ST 22b (?), (7 punches) Menus ciffres. The [1566] Inventory lists ‘Poinsons de Cifres Garamont de deux sortes’ which could be this set and the ‘ciffres trenchés’. Included with ST 22a (Hendrik van den Keere's Jolie Romaine) are these 7 punches for tiny numbers that appear to be from Garamont's hand; van den Keere used them as the numbers for his roman since they fit matrices, justified by van den Keere's hand, in MA 70, 1581 Inventory. |
• | ST 50, (33 punches) Tres gros hebrieu Guillaume le Be. This is the tenth Hebrew Guillaume I Le Bé cut. Against smokeproofs from the punches Le Bé noted that he had cut them at his house in 1559, and had sold the punches, matrices and mould to Plantin cheaply ‘à cause des troubles’ in 1562. (Bibl. Nat., Nouv. Acq. Fr., ms. 4528, f. 9, published by H. Omont, ‘Spécimen des caractères hébreux, grecs, latins... gravés par G. Le Bé’, in Mém. soc. histoire de Paris et de l'Ile de France, XV, 1888, No. 10). Plantin usually called this letter the Gros Hebrieu Fort Gros. The [1572] Inventory confirms the attribution.
Specimens: 1567 Index Characterum, f. A 2, ְיִחי; c. 1580 Folio Specimen, םידׅרּחיְּהַ; Bibl. Nat., Nouv. Acq. Fr., ms. 4528, f. 9, no. 10.
Appearance: 1568-1572, Biblia Polyglotta, RDB 1 (p. 128), title-pages. |
• | ST 52, (61 small Texte Hebrew punches including accents and points) Ebrieu et les accents et points nombre 70 retaille de Be. The [1566] Inventory attributes a set of Texte Hebrew punches to Le Bé and the [1572] Inventory two unspecified sets.
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| Doubtless Plantin had a set of Texte Hebrew punches with accents and points connected in some way with Le Bé. ST 52 meets the description. However, although the punches are cut in a manner similar to his, the characters themselves are of an older style. Le Bé did not consider himself responsible for the letter as he did not include it in the specimens of his series of Hebrews (Bib. Nat., Nouv. Acq. Fr. ms. 4528). Le Bé's notes on the same specimens indicate that Plantin owned punches for none of his known Texte Hebrews. The phrase ‘retaille de Bé’ must provide the answer. Plantin seems to have made no use of this set. |
• | ST 53, (42 Petit Texte Hebrew punches) Ebrieu sans point Garamont. The [1566] Inventory lists punches for a moyen Hebrieu de Garamont. The punches in ST 53 resemble the known punches of Garamont in all the significant details of punch-cutting manner. The style of the letters appears to be earlier than Le Bé's Vrai Texte Hebreu Façon de Venise which he cut for Garamont in the latter's house in 1551. This suggests that ST 53 may have been cut before this date. Plantin may have acquired it at Garamont's executors' sale, or perhaps from Le Bé. There may have been some connection with Le Bé since the [1572] Inventory lists ‘Poinsons de 2 aultres sortes d'Hebrieu par G le b' which can only refer to ST 52 and ST 53. Plantin appears to have made no use of these punches. |
•◆ | ST 76m(?), (4 punches) Tirets. It is possible that the four punches of an extension bracket in ST 76m are those referred to. The bodies are cut in a style very similar to that of Garamont. They do not seem to be mentioned again. |
• | LST 1, Petit Canon commence Garamont. It is likely that Plantin acquired this sort of unfinished material at Garamont's executors' sale. The [1572] Inventory indicates that these punches were intended for a body of 2 lignes Augustine. The last known mention of them occurs in the 1581 Inventory. It is unlikely that Plantin or his successors ever had them finished as no face of this sort occurs in their books. However, eight punches of approximately Petit Canon size, with bodies cut in Garamond's style and obviously truncated heads recut into 18th century letterforms are found with other punches from an eighteenth century hand in ST 8, ST 9 and ST 12. All these letters appear in the Moretus's books in the seventeen thirties. Apparently J.M. Smit, who worked for the Moretus's as a punchcutter from November 1732 until April 1736 (Ar. 793, pp. 138-159), occasionally used Garamont's unfinished punches as blanks for his own work, which may explain the loss of the rest. |
• | LST 2, Capitales plus grosses [que petit Canon]. The [1572] Inventory shows these to be punches started by Garamont for the full body of 2 lignes Augustine. No mention of them is known after the 1581 Inventory, and none seem to survive. See LST 1, above, for their possible source and fate. |
• | LST 3, Ciffres trenchés. The [1566] Inventory attributes punches for two sets of numbers to Garamont which could be this set and the menus chiffres. The [4572] Inventory lists punches for underlined and crossed out numbers, the latter apparently being by Granjon; see LST 10, Inv. [1572]. There appears to be no further mention of these punches, all of which have disappeared. However, there does sur- |
| |
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| vive a strike of underlined numbers, MA 162, which is sixteenth century in style. It is impossible to be sure whether or not these listings refer to a single entity. |
• ◆ | LST 4, Signes. Nothing further is known regarding this entry. |
• ◆ | LST 5, L'Augustin d'Augereau. Claude Garamont served his apprenticeship under Antoine Augereau, who was an important early sixteenth century Parisian punchcutter (cf. Jeanne Veyrin-Forrer, ‘Antoine Augereau, Graveur de lettres et imprimeur parisien (vers 1485?-1534)’, in Mémoires publiés par la Fédération des sociétés historiques et archéologiques de Paris et de l'Ile-de-France, VIII (1956), pp. 103-156).
He was one of the men chiefly responsible for the introduction of Griffo's ‘Bembo’ roman as the decisive model for the Parisian punchcutters shortly before his death at the stake in 1534. This Augustin was a set that Garamont might well have owned; Plantin could have bought it at the executors' sale; in this case the whole group of material could be one of the lots at that sale and the other items should be by Garamont. Plantin never used this roman and apparently parted with it quickly as no other mention of it is known. It is just possible that this is a reference to Guy Ogereau (Augereau), another and less well known Parisian punchcutter, active in the 1550's. |
• | MA 2, 3a, (137 matrices) Gros Canon Romain de Garamont. The [1572], 1581 and [1590] Frankfurt Inventories reinforce the attribution. The c. 1598 Le Bé Inventory and the c. 1599 Le Bé-Moretus Specimen show it to be the face for which Le Bé had 140 punches c. 1598, which he had acquired at Garamont's executors' sale (Ar. 95, p. 244; see also ST 13a, above). Plantin had van den Keere cut shortened letters to adapt it for a smaller body in 1570 (see ST 7, LST 6, [1572] Inventory). Plantin's only other roman on this body was van den Keere's very different Gras Canon Romain.
Specimens: 1567 Index Characterum f. B 2, III. Tuscul.; c. 1580 Folio Specimen, Moyen Canon Romain (with capitals and shortened letters by Hendrik van den Keere; see ST 7, LST 6, [1572] Inventory); 1592, 1622 Berner Specimen, Canon de Garamond; c. 1599 Le Bé-Moretus specimen, Lettre ditte Gros Canon de la taille de Garamond de laquelle on a Imprime le grand Breviaire du Roy.
Appearances: 1549, Biblia, Paris, R. Estienne, text; 1566, Ch. Estienne, Landtwinninge, RDB 46, title-page; Den Bibel, RDB 40, title-page; Iesiae profetae versio, Antwerp, Nutius, title-page. |
• | MA 6, (33 matrices) Gros Hebrieu fort gros de Guillaume le Be. See ST 50, above. |
• | MA 15, (162 matrices) Parangonne Italique de Granjon. A.F. Johnson has shown this to be one of the most popular italics by Granjon.
The [1566], [1572], 1581 and 1589 Antwerp Inventories confirm the attribution. Plantin had only this italic on Parangon. See also LMA 9(?), [1572] Inventory and MA 144, 145, 1580 van den Keere Inventory.
Specimens: 1567 Index Characterum f. C [1], III. Tuscul.; c. 1580 Folio Specimen, Paragonne Cursiue; 1592, 1622 Berner Specimen, Cursiff Parangon de GranIon.
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| Appearances: 1555, Ad principes Christianos cohortatio pacificatoria. Lyons, J. de Tournes (cf. Johnson, Italic Types of Granjon, No. 8); 1560, Frankfort, A. Wechel (Johnson, loco cit.); 1564, J. Isaac, Grammatica Hebraea, RDB 14, dedication. |
• | MA 20a, b, (176 matrices) Texte Rommain Garamont. The [1566], [1572], 1581 and c. 1612 Inventories confirm the attribution.
The c. 1598 Le Bé Inventory and the c. 1599 Le Bé-Moretus Specimen show this to be the same face for which Le Bé had 174 punches, which he acquired at Garamont's executors' sale (Ar. 95, p. 244; see also ST 13a, above).
On 23 May 1571 van den Keere charged Plantin for cutting 16 punches for ‘U J capitales vocales’ in four sorts of romans, for making 16 strikes and justifying four Garamonde matrices (Ar. 153, p. 124). None of the punches survive, (see LST 11, [1572] Inventory) but matrices for some or all of these distinctive capitals and small capitals are found in Garamont's Texte, Augustine, Mediane and Garamonde romans (MA 20; MA 25a, below; MA 36a, [1561] Inventory; MA 48, 1556 Inventory respectively). On 1 June 1572 he charged Plantin for adding eighty matrices for accents again in four sorts of romans (Ar. 153, p. 129). All or part of five accents for small capital 1, five accents for use with capitals, five long and five short accents are found in each of the above romans, a total of twenty in each. On 24 September 1574 he charged for striking and justifying a capital W for the Mediane, Augustine and Texte romans (Ar. 153, p. 153; Ar. 42, p. 1).
For the shortened letter he cut in 1570; see LST 7, [1572] Inventory. This roman largely replace Hautin's inPlantin's books from 1564. See also MA 105, 106, 1580 van den Keere Inventory.
Specimens: 1567 Index Characterum, f. C [1], ad Luceium, lib. V famil.; c. 1580 Folio Specimen, Texte Romain (with shortened descenders), Texte sur la vraye Parangonne, Texte sur la petite Parangonne; 1592, 1622 Berner Specimens, Romain Gros Text de Garamond; c. 1599 Le Bé-Moretus Specimen, Lettre ditte en france Gros Romain taille de Claude Garamond.
Appearances: 1564, Prudentius, RDB 7, dedication; G. van Berghen, De Praeservatione, RDB 24 (1565), text; J. Isaac, Grammatica Hebraea, RDB 14, text. |
• | MA 25a, (203 matrices) Augustin Rommain Garamont. See ST 13a, above. In 1571, 1572 and 1574 van den Keere added a total of twenty-five matrices to this set (Ar. 153, pp. 124, 129, 153), andin 1575 fourteen more (Ar. 153, p. 159). From 1568 Plantin used this set cast on a smaller body with shortened letters that survive as MA 25b (See [1572] Inventory). A matrix from a original punch for a fleuron in ST 13a survives as MA 188 l. |
• | MA 72, (78 matrices) Lectre Hebraique taille de Be pour Garamont. Guillaume I Le Bé wrote against a specimen of this face (Bib. Nat. Nouv. Acq. Fr., ms. 4528, No. 9) that it was his ninth hebrew, cut for Garamont in the latter's house at Paris in the summer of 1551. He notes that at Garamont's executors' sale, Wechel bought the punches while Plantin bought the moulds and matrices, which should be this set. Plantin usually referred to it as vray Texte Hebrieu a la facon de Venice. Ph. Renouard, ‘Les fondeurs de caractères parisiens et leur clientèle de province à la fin du 17e siècle’ in Bulletin du Bibliophile, 1900, pp. 3-16; 79-86, gives the date of the sale as 18 november 1561, but gives no source. If this date is correct Plantin
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| must have made a trip to Paris in November. The Plantinian archives record no such journey, but show him leaving Antwerp at Christmas, 1561 (cf. introduction to the [1561] Inventory), indicating that the sale may have taken place in early 1562. See also LMA 55, 1588 Frankfort Inventory.
Specimens: 1567 Index Characterum, f. A 3, דגַּ־וּקשְׂנַ; c. 1580 Folio Specimen, Sur le vray Texte; Bib. Nat., Nouv. Acq. Fr., ms. 4528, f. 8, No. 9.
Appearances: 1564, J. Isaac, Grammatica Hebraea, RDB 14, passim. |
• | MA 140, 141, (295 matrices, 25 strikes) [Breviaire] grec de Hautin. The 1581 Inventory confirms the attribution. This was Plantin's first greek on Bible; he replaced it in the late fifteen-sixties with Garamont's; see LMA 1, [1561] Inventory and MA 59, 60, [1566] Inventory.
Specimen: 1567 Index Characterum, f. B [1], Eurip.
Appearances: 1564, H. Joliffe - R. Jonson, Responsio, RDB 3, p. 201; 1565, Lucretius, RDB 9, index. |
• | LMA 5, Parangonne Rommaine Garamont. The [1566], [1572] and 1581 Inventories reinforce the attribution. This set appears in the inventories until at least the eighteenth century, and has since been lost. Although Plantin acquired a Parangon roman by Granjon towards the end of his life, he almost invariably used Garamont's. See MA 14, 1588 Frankfort Inventory.
The circa 1598 Le Bé Inventory indicates that Le Bé owned 161 matrices for a Petit Parangon Romain Garamond and 148 punches for a Gros Parangon rom. Garam. The Paris Gros Parangon was roughly equivalent to Plantin's Ascendonica, the Paris Petit Parangon being Plantin's Parangonne. Since no other mention is known of a Gros Parangon by Garamont, since Le Bé had no matrices by Garamont for Gros Parangon (c. 1598 Le Bé Inv.) and since he sold strikes of a Petit Parangon by Garamont to Plantin (see MA 97, Inv. van den Keere 1580) it is likely that the Garamont punches which the Le Bé Inventory calls Gros Parangon were really Petit Parangon; since the Le Bé-Moretus Specimen shows Le Bé's Parangon of Garamont to be the same as Plantin's, they should be the punches for this face. See also MA 97, 1580 van den Keere Inventory.
Specimens: 1567 Index Characterum, f. [B4], De finib.; c. 1580 Folio Specimen, Vraye Parangonne, Petite Paragonne Romaine, Parangonne sur la Reale, Parangonne sur l'Ascendonica; 1592, 1622 Berner Specimens, Romain Parangon de Garamond; c. 1599 Le Bé-Moretus Specimen, Parangonne de la taille de garamond.
Appearances: 1564, L. a Villavicentio, De Oeconomia, RDB 20, title-page; J. Isaac, Grammatica Hebraea, RDB 14, privilege. |
• | LMA 6, Petit Canon Romain de Granjon. The [1572] and 1581 Inventories reinforce the attribution to Granjon. This set appears in the inventories until at least the eighteenth century and has since been lost. Circa 1598 Le Bé had 113 punches for a Petit Canon Romain Granjon (Le Bé Inv.). The c. 1599 Le Bé-Moretus Specimen shows this to be the same face as Plantin's. It was, with occasional exceptions, the only Petit Canon roman that Plantin used. The Greek capitals, which the 1652 Inventory shows to have been associated with it, are common on his title-pages from 1565. This face is attributed to Garamont in the 1592 and 1622 Berner Specimens.
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| Specimens: 1567 Index Characterum, B 3, IIII. Tuscul.; c. 1580 Folio Specimen, Petit Canon Romain; 1592, 1622 Berner Specimens, Petit Canon de Garamond; c. 1599 Le Bé-Moretus Specimen, Lettre que nous appelons Petit Canon de la taille de Rob. Granjon.
Appearances: 1552, A. Alciati, Notitia utraque, Basle, Froben (after Matthew Carter); 1564, L. a Villavicentio, De Oeconomia, RDB 20, title-page; Prudentius, RDB 7, title-page; J. Isaac, Grammatica Hebraea, RDB 14, headings; Erasmus, Adagia, RDB 31, title-page; Nemesius, De natura hominis, RDB 22, Greek capitals on title-page. |
• | LMA 7, Canon lectre de forme Justifie. Plantin seems not to have used this set, and seems to have parted with it before 1572. It remains mysterious. See LMA 18, 1580 van den Keere Inventory. |
□ | MA 81, Texte Italique Hautin. This should be Texte Italique of Granjon; see MA 81, [1561] Inventory. |
| LMA 63 (?), Texte Rommain Granion. This should be Texte Romain of Hautin; see MA 81, [1561] Inventory. |
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The inventory of [1566] Ar. 2, f. 46
This inventory was written by Plantin on the other half of the same piece of paper as the [1561] Inventory. It lists only material acquired between 1561 and 1566 and must be considered in conjunction with the [1561] Inventory. It includes justified matrices for Granjon's Philosophie Italique which were completed by Guyot in June 1566 (see MA 99, below), but not the matrices for his Capitales sur 2 Règles Mediane, bought on 7 August 1566 (see LMA 13, [1572] Inventory). It therefore belongs to the summer of 1566.
The ‘brother’ of Plantin mentioned in the title probably refers to Pierre Porret, the printer's friend of old and his representative in Paris (Cf. Rooses, pp. 4-6; Natalie Z. Davis, ‘Christophe Plantin's childhood at Saint Just’, in De Gulden Passer, XXXV (1957), pp. 107-120).
The inventory may have been made for the accession to the partnership of Fernand de Bernuy on 23 February 1566, but it is more likely that it was a preparation for the retirement of Corneille van Bomberghen at the beginning of 1567.
The following three sets occur in the 1563 and [1572] Inventories but are left out of the [1566] or possibly the [1561] Inventory:
LST 1: unfinished punches of Garamont's Petit Canon Romain.
LST 2: unfinished punches of Garamont's titling on the full body of Petit Canon.
MA 140, 141; a strike of Haultin's Bible Grecque.
Les Vtensiles d'imprimerie acheptees par moy et mon frere depuis la compagnee faicte
• ma 160 |
Lectre dicte petit texte de Hautin entre la nonpareille et la Garamonde Breviaire ou Bible iustifiée |
63 |
| |
| |
Le mousle de ladite lectre |
6 |
st 20a
st 8M |
Les poinsons de la Breviaire ou Bible de Garamont |
100 |
◗ st 28
◗ ma 129 |
Les poinsons et matrisses iustifiees de Litalique de Grandion sur la lectre dicte Colinee |
225 |
◗ st 27
◗ ma 99 |
Les poinsons et matrices iustifiees de l'italique de Grandion sur Philosophie |
225 |
◗ ma 37 |
Les matrices de la derniere Italique de granion sur linstrument de Cicero iustifiees |
35 |
◗ st 46
◗ ma 158 |
Les poinsons et matrices iustifiees auec leur mousle de la francoise de Hamon |
100 |
_____ |
727 |
st 13a
MA 25a |
Les poinsons et matrices de la Rommaine 〚Augustin〛 de Garamont appelee Augustin |
125 |
ma 20a, b |
Les matrices du Texte Rommain de Garamont |
45 |
ma 72
ST 52 |
Les matrices et poinsons taille de Guillaume le Be de lhebrieu sur le texte auec 3. instruments |
46 |
Les matrices de Parangon Romain Garamont } |
140 |
lma 5
ma 15 |
Des matrices de Parangon italique Grandion } |
140 |
◗ ma 16, 17 |
Des matrices grecques Parangon Grandion } |
140 |
Le mousle des dites lectres le tout iustifiee } |
140 |
_____ |
1083 |
lma 6 |
Petit canon de Granion auec le mousle |
50 |
ma 2, 3a |
Gros canon de Garamont iustifiee auec le mousle |
50 |
st 50
MA 6 |
Gros hebrieu extraordinaire poinsons matrices et mousle iustifiees |
30 |
st 3 |
Grosses capitales commencees par Garamont et achevees par Jaques |
20 |
◗ MA 59, 60 |
Lectre grecque iustifiee par Garamont sur le Breuiaire |
45 |
◗ ma 27a, d(?) |
Litalique de Granion sur laugustin |
16 |
◗ st 76 o |
◗ st 76 p
st 76 q (?) |
Poinsons de et de par Grandion |
6 |
lst 3 (?)
st 22b (?) |
Poinsons de Cifres Garamont de deux sortes |
10 |
◗ st 20b |
Poinsons de petites capitales grecques Breuiaire |
6 |
| |
| |
•◆ ma 188f,g
•◆ lma 8 |
Les matrices et instrument des fleurons |
12 |
• lma 7 (?) |
Poinsons et matrices de lectres de forme |
20 |
st 53 |
Poinsons d'un moyen Hebrieu de Garamont |
10 |
_____ |
Summa fl. 1358 |
• | ST 20b, (9 punches) Petites capitales grecques Breviaire. Included with ST 20a, Garamont's Bible Romaine are 9 punches for Greek small capitals from the hand of Robert Granjon, as well as a number of roman letters replacing those by Garamont which must have been damaged or missing. Plantin used them from 1567, usually as small capitals on Colineus (see MA 53b, Inv. [1572]). They also form the capitals for the Jolie Grecque that Granjon cut for Plantin in 1574-1573 (see ST 49, 1581 Inventory).
Appearances: 1567, I.B. Porta, Magia naturalis, RDB 30, passim; Digestorum seu Pandectarum pars sexta, passim. |
• | ST 27, (101 punches) Italique de Grandion sur la Philosophie. On 3 July 1565 Plantin and Granjon drew up and signed a contract which bound Granjon to furnish punches and one strike of two italics, one on Philosophie, the other on Garamonde. Granjon promised to deliver punches and strikes for the Philosophie within four or at most five months. (Corr. X, p. 238-259). Plantin recorded the delivery of 101 punches for Philosophie italic between 20 August and 29 October 1565 (Ar. 31, f. 87v). This compact italic, similar to Granjon's better know Mediane Cursive droite (see MA 37, below) was frequently used by Plantin as a text-type from 1566 and was his only italic on this body. See MA 99, below.
Specimens: 1567 Index Characterum, f. D [1], V. Tuscul.; c. 1580 Folio Specimen, Philosophie Cursiue.
Appearance: 1566, P. Canisius, Summa Doctrinae Christianae, text. |
• | ST 28, (75 punches) L'Italique de Grandion sur la lectre dicte Colinee. This is the second of the italics Granjon contracted to cut on 3 July 1565 (see ST 27, above). Granjon promised to deliver punches and strikes for it within two months. Plantin received 90 punches in eleven deliveries between 4 July and 14 August 1565 (Ar. 31, f. 87v). For the change in size from Garamonde to Colineus, see MA 129, below. This compact little italic was one of Plantin's most popular text-types from 1566. The only other italic that he used on Colineus was van den Keere's 1576 adaption of Granjon's first Garamonde Cursive known to Plantin as the Colineus Cursive pendante. (See MA 54b, 1581 Inventory and MA 116, 1589 Antwerp Inventory).
Specimen: 1567 Index Characterum, f. D 2, De Oratore.
Appearances: 1566, Ovid, Metamorphoses, text; G. Buchanan, Paraphrasis Psalmorum Davidis, RDB 20, text; M.H. Vida, Opera Omnia, text; A. Scorelius, Poemata, RDB 28, text; Hor. Tuscanella, Ciceroniana epitheta, text; Horace, RDB 11, text; Juvenal, RDB 8, text. |
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• | ST 46, (87 punches) Francoise de Hamon. On 15 May 1564 Plantin paid Laurent van Everbroeck for a fount of ‘[lectre] facon d'Escriture Invention de Hamon’, cast on a body between Augustine and Mediane (Ar. 4, f. 8v; 3, f. 12). Plantin used only one civilité on this body which first appeared in his books in 1564. The same face was used in 1561 by a group of Parisian protestant printers, Jean le Royer, Philippe Danfrie, and Pierre Hamon for their edition of Harangue de saint Basile... traduite par Claude de Pontoux. It is possible that Plantin bought the punches during his Parisian stay in 1562-1563, as it is known that Le Royer's goods were to be confiscated on 22 August 1562 (cf. Ph. Renouard, Documents sur les imprimeurs... à Paris de 1450 à 1600, Paris, 1901, p. 93). However, since the 1563 Inventory, which lists the other material Plantin brought back from Paris, lists neither the punches nor the matrices and mould it is more likely that they came into Plantin's hands after he had made his return to Antwerp. Since the Plantinian archives do not record any charge for justifying the matrices or for the mould, and since the mould was an odd size for Plantin, it is likely that the matrices and mould came from Paris with the punches and may well be the set used by Hamon and his associates.
From the wording of Plantin's accounts (above) it is safe to assume that one of the publishers, Pierre Hamon, secretary to King Charles IX and a known calligrapher, designed the letter. However, since there is no indication that he ever practiced the highly specialized art of punchcutting, it is unlikely that he cut the punches himself, although nowhere is the name of a punchcutter specifically associated with Hamon in the cutting of this face.
However, our 1581 Inventory attributes the punches to Hautin, and the 1575 Inventory lists type for a ‘Lettre façon descripture sur la Petite Augustine de P. Hautin.’ This indication might possibly have originated from a misreading of the name P. Hamon.
The [1572] Inventory attributes the punches to Granjon, but this may be an error based on the general physical similarity (not identity) of these punches to those by Granjon. E. Picot (cf. ‘Note sur l'enlumineur parisien Guillaume Richardière et sur son beau-père Philippe Danfrie’, in Bulletin de la Société de l'histoire de Paris, XVI (1889), pp. 35-42) mentions that ‘Granjon employa ces lettres [de civilité] à Lyon, dès l'année 1557 et peut-être avant; il en concéda l'usage à Ph. Danfrie et a R. Breton, à Paris, ainsi qu'à Aimé Tavernier, a Anvers’ (p. 39, n. 4). Unfortunately Picot gives no further references or proof. The small but consistent physical differences in the punches suggest that Granjon was not the cutter; this impression is reinforced by the great differences in style between this face and the civilités cut by Granjon.
The third candidate is Ph. Danfrie (cf. P. Jammes, Catalogue No. 174, Paris, [1959], No. 2646), who in contemporary records is named ‘graveur en l'imprimerie’ (cf. Ph. Renouard, op. cit., pp. 66, 167). Guillaume Le Bé c. 1598 had two civilités by Danfrie, 174 matrices for Lettres francoises de Parengon danfrie and 114 punches for [Lettres francoises] St Augustin danfrie (Le Bé Inv.) The c. 1599 Le Bé-Moretus specimen shows two civilités of nearly identical style on Parangonne and St. Augustin bodies which may well be these two. They have little in common with Hamon's face but since Danfrie was one of Hamon's partners, the possibility that he was the cutter must not be overlooked.
The delicacy with which this face is cut most nearly resembles the known style
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| of Hautin. (Cf. H. Carter, ‘Plantin's types and their makers’, in Gedenkboek der Plantin-dagen, Antwerp, 1555, p. 261). However, although the documentary evidence seems to favour him, it is impossible at present to be certain whether he or another was actually responsible for cutting the punches. See MA 158, below.
Specimens: 1567 Index Characterum, fol. D 3, III. De Legib.; c. 1580 Folio Specimen, Petite Augustine Françoise.
Appearances: 1561, Harangue de Sainct Basile, Paris, J. le Royer, P. Danfrie, P. Hamon, text; 1564, Le Livre de l'ecclesiastique, RDB 26; La Fontaine de Vie, text. |
• | ST 76 o, (2 punches) Pointons de par Grandion. This is the only mention known of these punches for a border, but sometime before 10 April 1565 Jacques Sabon justified the matrices (Ar. 3, f. 24) and by the end of August van Everbroeck had cast type (Ar. 31, f. 69; Ar. 153, p. 47; Ar. 3, f. 35v; Ar. 4, f. 10v). The matrices for this border and the two below do not survive.
Appearances: 1566, Het Nieuwe Testament, RDB 41, page borders; Hortulus Animae, title-page. |
• | ST 76 p, (2 punches) Pointons de par Grandion. Sometime in 1565 Plantin bought from Granjon two punches and two matrices for a ‘moulure double’ (Ar. 36, f. 87). Before 10 April 1565 Sabon justified and cast them (Ar. 31, f. 98v).
Appearances: 1566, Het Nieuwe Testament, RDB 41, illustration borders. |
• | ST 76 q (?), (2 punches) Poinsons de par Grandion. This border is a smaller version of ST 76 p, above. One punch is from Granjon's hand, the other is a crude replacement. It is possible that this border was also included in the inventory. |
• | MA 16, 17, (233 matrices, 3 strikes) Grec Parangon Grandion. On 3 February 1565 Granjon agreed to supply Plantin with the punches and a strike of a Parangon Grec based on the Grecs du Roi. Plantin was to hold the punches until the set was complete, and then return them to Granjon. Plantin received 200 punches between 9 February and 29 June 1565, at which point he must have returned them as they do not appear in this inventory (Ar. 31, f. 86v). On 25 June 1565 Plantin paid Sabon for justifying 227 Parangon Greek matrices (Ar. 31, f. 98v). On 29 September he paid van Everbroeck for delivering a fount of type on the last of August, and shortly afterwards he paid him again for justifying five more matrices (Ar. 31, f. 69). This was Plantin's only Parangon Greek.
Specimens: 1567 Index Characterum, f. [A 4], inc. Ἀρχὴν ἁπάντων; c. 1580 Folio Specimen, Parangonne Grecque.
Appearances: 1565, A. de Lens, In Geometrica Elementa, RDB 21, title-page; 1566, Aristaenetus, Epistolai erotikai, RDB 12, text. |
• | MA 27a, d (?), (121 matrices) L'italique de Granion sur l'augustin. A. F Johnson has shown this to be one of Granjon's earliest italics which exists in two forms which he numbers 1 and 3 (below). Plantin used the earlier form. Therefore his matrices should have been struck between 1543 and 1548 when the later form
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| appears. This italic replaced an early local face in his books in 1557, yet there is no mention of matrices in the [1561] or 1563 Inventories, and all the matrices listed in this [1566] Inventory have been specifically acquired since the partnership. On 3 October 1563 Guyot cast for Plantin a ‘lectre Italique blanc de St Augustin taille Granjon’ (Ar. 36, f. 55; Ar. 3, f. 1v). The most likely explanation seems to be that Guyot acquired the matrices quite early, cast type from them for Plantin c. 1557 and sold them to him between 1563 and 1566.
This is the only Augustine italic Plantin used from 1557 until 1572 when it was replaced by Granjon's later Augustine italic (see MA 128, Inv. [1572]). The matrices do not appear in the [1572] and 1581 Inventories when they may have been at Frankfort, but reappear perhaps in the 1588 Frankfort and 1589 Antwerp Inventories.
Specimen: 1567 Index Characterum, f. C 3, V. Tuscul.
Appearances: 1543, Demosthenes, Oratio contra Philippi epistolam, Paris, L. Grandin (Johnson, Italic Types of Granjon, No. 1); 1548, Wildenbergius, Totius naturalis philosophiae epitome, Paris, T. Richardus (Johnson, op. cit., No. 3); 1547, Biblia, Louvain, B. Gravius, chapter headings (first version); 1557, [G. Ruscelli =] A. Piemontoys, Les Secrets, text (first version). |
• | MA 37, (129 matrices) Derniere Italique de Granion Cicero. Since the [1561] Inventory lists two Mediane (or Cicero) italics of Granjon, this must be a third. On 3 July 1565 Guyot delivered to Plantin a large font of ‘Italique mediane nieuwe de Granion’ (Ar. 4 f. 10v; Ar. 3, f. 31v). The italic of MA 37, usually known to Plantin as the ‘Mediane Italique droite a l'Allemand’, appeared in his books for the first time in 1565 (below). Handsome, yet condensed, it soon became one of his favorite text-types.
Specimens: 1567 Index Characterum, f. [C 4], De Claris Orat.; c. 1580 Folio Specimen, Mediane Cursiue droite; 1592, 1622 Berner Specimens, Littera Currens Ciceroniana.
Appearances: 1565, T. More, Opera, Louvain, P. Zangrerus, text (Johnson, Italic Types of Granjon, No. 12); 1565, Lucretius, RDB 9, Ad Lectorem. |
• | MA 59, 60, (493 matrices) Lectre grecque iustifiee par Garamont sur le Breuiaire. This Greek began to replace Hautin's in Plantin's books in the late 1560's. The [1572] and 1581 Inventories attribute the matrices to Garamont. Van den Keere's casting bills for 1574 refer to a Grec de Garramond (Ar. 153, p. 155; Ar. 42, f. 1v, 2). This is an extremely elegant little Greek, a miniature version of the Grecs du Roi.
Specimen: c. 1580 Folio Specimen, Bible Grecque.
Appearances: 1568, Cicero, De Officiis, RDB 9, pp. 294-322; 1571, Euripides, Tragoediae, RDB 12, text; 1574, Novum Testamentum graece, RDB 4, text. |
• | MA 99, (135 matrices) Italique de Grandion sur la Philosophie. See ST 27, above. Between August and October Plantin received strikes with the punches. On 15 July 1566 Plantin paid Guyot for justifying 138 Philosophie italic matrices and a large fount of type (Ar. 3, f. 32). |
• | MA 129, (133 matrices) Italique de Grandion sur la lectre dicte Colinee. See ST 28, above. Plantin received strikes with the punches in July and August of 15.65
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| On 16 December 1565 Plantin received a fount of a Bourgeoise (or Garamonde) italic from Guyot and paid him for justifying it (Ar. 3, f. 40). On 18 March 1566 Plantin paid Guyot for a fount of ‘cursiue bourgeoise dicte colineus’ and a new mould which explains the change in size from Garamonde to Colineus (Ar. 4, f. 10v). |
• | MA 158, (88 matrices) Francoise de Hamon. See ST 46, above. From 1572 until 1652 these matrices are missing from the Inventories, apparently overlooked. |
• | MA 160, (153 matrices) Petit texte de Hautin entre la nonpareille et la Garamonde Breviaire ou Bible. Plantin usually knew this face as the grosse Nonpareille. It was cast on the body he came later to call Coronel. Plantin paid Guyot for justifying the matrices, making the mould, and casting type on 8 December 1565 (Ar. 4, f. 10v; Ar. 3, f. 40). Van den Keere's Coronel replaced it in Plantin's work in 1573.
Specimens: 1567 Index Characterum, f. D 2, I. Offic.; 1575 Inventory, Grosse non pareille taille de haultin.
Appearances: 1566, Valerius Flaccus, Argonauticon, RDB 24, title-page; 1567, Topiarius, Conciones, index; Florus, De Gestis Romanorum, RDB 10, index; 1567, Le nouveau testament, Paris, Pierre Haultin, (after Matthew Caster). |
•◆ | MA 188 f, g, (4 matrices) Fleurons. In June 1566 Plantin bought from Granjon ‘le fleuron de 12. pieces’. (Ar. 31, f. 88). These four matrices are the only survivors of the one twelve piece pattern Plantin used, which first appeared in the Index Characterum of the following year.
Specimens: 1567 Index Characterum, f. A 2; 1592 Berner Specimen, bottom, right center; Ar. 153, p. 19 k, Épreuue de la petitte Antique ou Romaine de Rob, GranIon nommée la Gaillarde. en Anvers 1570, top.
Appearance: 1579, [A. Ortelius], Nomenclator Ptolemaicus, p. 5. |
•◆ | LMA 8, Fleurons. When Plantin acquired the 12 piece fleuron from Granjon (above) he also acquired another from him known as the ‘fleuron de Me G’ or the ‘fleurons a Me Guillaume olivier[?]’ (Ar. 31, f. 87v, 88). The only other fleuron of any complexity that Plantin seems to have used at this time is the six piece border used in the Index Characterum. In weight and style it has marked similarities to the twelve piece pattern and is found associated with it in the work of many printers.
Specimens: 1567 Index Characterum, title-page; 1592, 1622 Berner Specimens, border of sheets; Ar. 153, p. 19 k, Épreuue de la petitte Antique ou Romaine de Rob, GranIon nommée la Gaillarde. en Anvers 1570, bottom.
Appearance: 1579, [A. Ortelius], Nomenclator Ptolemaicus, p. 22 and 60. |
□ | ST 52 Poinsons taille de Guillaume le Be de l hebrieu sur le texte. See 1563 Inventory for correction of this attribution. |
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Inventory of [1572] Ar. 153, pp. 285-292
This inventory is written in the beautiful and characteristic hand of Hendrik van den Keere the Younger, also known as Henri du Tour, the Ghent typefounder, who worked for Plantin from 1569. It is not dated. However, it includes the justified
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matrices of Le Bé's Coronelle Hebreu, ready in August 1571 (MA 82a, below) but does not mention punches or matrices of van den Keere's Gras Canon Romain which were cut, struck and justified by 10 February 1573 (See ST 6b, MA 1b, Inv. 1581). It can therefore be dated between August 1571 and the end of 1572.
The year 1572 seems most likely, since in 1572 came the deepest crisis of Plantin's growing financial troubles, one from which he never fully recovered. Early in the year Pope Pius V refused to grant a privilege for the Biblia Polyglotta into which Plantin had sunk an enormous investment. Leon de Castro in Spain and G. Lindanus in the Low Countries were beginning a vigorous campaign against this Polyglot. Plantin, already deeply in debt, was not being regularly paid by King Philip of Spain. The recession of trade, caused by the religious wars which were reaching their height in the Low Countries, also cut seriously into his normal sources of revenue. Conditions were so bad that Plantin seriously considered selling out (cf. Corr. III, pp. 95, 109, 115, 129, 133, 144-5). However, at the end of August the new Pope, Gregory XIII, granted permission for the Polyglot and conditions eased a little; Plantin, although hampered and restricted, was able to continue work.
This inventory not only lists the material, but gives the location of each item in Antwerp, Ghent, Frankfort or Paris(?). Nothing in it was changed or corrected to keep it up to date, so it was not a ‘working’ list like the c. 1612 Inventory. It may have been one of the preparations for liquidation, a disaster which the archprinter was narrowly able to avoid.
While the inventory appears to be reasonably complete, there are four sets of matrices and one of punches which Plantin owned at this period which are not listed: MA 27a, d: matrices for Granjon's first Augustine Cursive (see [1566] Inventory), MA 53a: matrices for Plantin's first Colineus Romaine (see [1561] Inventory), MA 101c: matrices for Granjon's music on Gros Texte (see 1581 Inventory), MA 116: a strike of Granjon's Colineus Italique Poetique (see 1589 Antwerp Inventory):
ST22b: punches for Garamont's small numbers (see 1563 Inventory).
All these sets appear in later inventories. Presumably Plantin had them in his possession, perhaps at Frankfort, and had neglected to inform van den Keere of their existence. MA 27a, d, MA 101c and MA 116 are also omitted from the 1581 Inventory and only appear in the inventories taken in 1589-1590 on Plantin's death.
Also omitted is LMA 3, Plantin's first set of Granjon's Mediane Cursive Pendante (see [1561] Inventory) which he may have sold to van den Keere before 1572 (see 1580 van den Keere Inventory).
Granjon's borders (ST 76 o, p, q; [1566] Inventory) and ST 76g, one of his fleurons (see [1590] Frankfort Inventory) are not specifically listed.
Registre de touts les Poinsons, Matrices et Instruments appartenants à Christoffle Plantin:
Frappes Creuës |
ma 118, 119, etc. |
Ascendonica Cursiue |
3 frappes |
ma 7 (?) |
Ascendonica Romaine |
1 |
◆ lma 9 (?) |
Parangonne Cursiue |
1 |
| |
| |
• ma 112,
etc. (?) |
Parangonne Romaine |
2 |
• ma 176 |
Augustine Cursiue |
1 |
•◆ lma 10(?) |
Romaine dicte Granjonne |
1 |
ma 147 |
L'Immortelle Cursiue |
1 |
• ma 63 (?) |
Petite Romaine Gaillarde |
1 |
• ma 189 etc. |
La Mignonne Italicque |
1 |
• lma 11 |
Petit Grecq complet |
1 |
• ma 185, 186 |
Moyen Grecq |
1 |
ma 107 |
Lectre françoise sur la mediane de Granjon |
1 |
Tout cecy est envoyé à Francfort |
Poinsons |
• st 63 |
Poinsons des plusgrosses notes |
• st 65 |
Poinsons des moyennes notes du Missel |
• st 67 |
Poinsons des pluspetites notes |
• st 64 |
Poinsons des premieres notes de Granjon |
st 3 |
Poinsons des grosses Capitales Romaines extraordinaires de la taille de Glaude Garramont |
Gros Canon |
• lst 6 |
Poinsons des Lectres longues du gros Canon Romain |
• st 33
• st 6a |
Poinsons du gros Canon flamen auec les Capitales Romaines de la taille de Henry du Tour |
• st 7 |
Aultres poinsons de Capitales Romaines de la taille de Henry du Tour pour seruir auec le gros Canon de Garramond sur vn moindre Corps |
lst 1 |
Poinsons commencez par Garramond pour seruir du petit Canon de 2 lignes de lAugustine |
lst 2 |
Les Capitales commencees pour seruir sur le plain Corps de mesmes |
Ascendonica |
• st 9 |
Poinsons de la Romaine } Par Granjon |
• st 25 |
Poinsons de L Italicque } Par Granjon |
Parangonne |
• st 34 |
Poinsons de la Flamende par Henry du tour |
Gros Texte |
• st 44 |
Poinsons de la Lectre françoise comme escrite |
• st 45 |
Et de celle comme bastarde sur le mesme |
| |
| |
lst 7 |
Poinsons des Lectres longues du gros Texte Romain |
st 75 |
Poinsons de la petite Musicque |
Augustine |
st 13a |
Poinsons de la Romaine de Garramond |
st 46 |
Poinsons de la Lectre Françoise de Granjon |
Mediane |
lst 8 |
Poinsons des Lectres longues sur la Romaine de Garramond pour la mectre sur la Philosophie |
Philosophie |
st 27 |
Poinsons de L Italicque de Granjon |
Garramonde |
st 48 |
Poinsons de la Lectre françoise de Granjon point acheuée |
lst 9 |
Poinsons des Lectres longues pour fondre la Romaine de Garramond sur Colineus |
st 28 |
Poinsons de L Italicque Poëticque de Granjon |
Breuiere |
st 20a
st 20b
st 8 |
Poinsons de la Romaine de Garramond |
Grosse nompareille |
st 55 |
Poinsons du petit Hebrieu de G. le be |
st 50 |
Poinsons du plusgros Hebrieu de G. le be |
st 57 |
Poinsons du Syriacque par Granjon |
st 52
st 53 |
Poinsons de 2 aultres sortes d'Hebrieu par G. le b. |
◆ lst 10
◆ lst 3 (?) |
Poinsons de Chiffre brisé et aultre  |
◆ lst 11 |
Poinsons de voyelles et consones U.J. |
Touts ces Poinsons susdicts sont a Gand, chez Henry du Tour |
Matrices |
ma 90 |
Les plusgrosses notes justifices |
ma 87 |
Gand |
Les moyennes notes justifiees |
ma 85 |
Les pluspetites notes justifiées |
ma 86 |
Celles de Granjon justifiées |
Gros Canon |
ma 78 |
Anuers |
Les grosses Capitales Romaines extraordinaires |
| |
| |
ma 2, 3a
• ma 3b |
Le gros Canon Romaine de Garramond |
• lma 12 |
Les Capitales pour la Lectre susdicte |
G |
pour seruir sur vn moindre corps |
• ma 4 |
Le Gros Canon flameng auec des Capitales |
• ma 1a |
Romaines par Henry du Tour |
lma 6 |
Le petit Canon Romain de Granjon |
• ma 157 |
P |
Vn aultre vieil sur 2 Lignes de la mediane |
• lma 13 |
G |
Capitales sur 2 Lignes du Cicero par Granjon |
Ascendonica |
• ma 8 |
G |
La Romaine de Granjon |
• ma 11 |
L Italicque de Granjon |
Parangonne |
lma 5 |
La Romaine de Garramond |
ma 15 |
G |
L Italicque de Granjon |
• ma 13 |
La Flamende de Henry du Tour |
ma 16, 17 |
Le Grecq de Granjon |
Gros Texte |
ma 20a, b • ma 20c |
La Romaine de Garamond |
ma 81 |
G |
L Italicque de Granjon |
• ma 96 |
La Flamende de Henry du Tour |
ma 19 |
La Romaine de Haultin |
ma 69 |
A |
L Italicque de F. Guyot |
• ma 108
• ma 109 |
Les 2 Lectres Françoises de Granjon |
Augustine |
ma 25a
• ma 25b |
La Romaine de Garramond |
• ma 128 |
L Italicque de Granjon couchée |
ma 32, 33 |
G |
Le Grecq |
ma 26a |
L Augustine Romaine de Haultin |
Mediane |
ma 36a
• ma 36b |
La Romaine de Garramond |
ma 37 |
L Italicque droicte a l'allemande de Granjon |
□ ma 133 (?) |
G |
L Italicque de Haultin |
ma 142, 143 |
Le Grecq |
ma 38 |
A |
Lectre Françoise de Granjon |
ma 111 |
G |
L Italicque grasse de Haultin Creuë |
ma 158 |
A |
Lectre Françoise plusgrosse que mediane |
| |
| |
Philosophie |
lma 2 |
La Romaine de Haultin |
ma 99 |
G |
L Italicque de Granjon |
lma 14 |
La Flamende de H. du Tour. Creuë |
ma 39 |
A |
Lectre Allemande de Couloingne |
Garramonde |
ma 48
lma 15 |
La Romaine de Garramond |
ma 54a |
L Italicque de Granjon premiere |
ma 51, 52 |
Le Grecq |
ma 129 |
G |
L Italicque Poeticque sur Colineus de Granjon |
ma 50 |
La petite Lectre Françoise |
ma 64d, e |
Signes de lAlmanach sur la bourjoise ☉ ♓ ♐ |
ma 53b |
Petites Capitales Grecques et latines sur Colineus |
Breuiere |
ma 57 |
La Romaine de Garramond |
ma 58a |
L Italicque de Granjon |
ma 59, 60 |
G |
Le Grecq de Garramond |
ma 140, 141 |
Encore vn aultre Grecq justifié |
ma 61 |
Frappe de la Romaine de Granjon, Creuë |
Grosse Nompareille |
ma 160 |
La Romaine de Haultin, Justifiée |
ma 68 |
G |
La Flamende de H. du Tour |
ma 82a |
L Hebrieu de G. le B. |
Petite Nompareille |
ma 67 |
G |
La Romaine de Haultin, et |
ma 66a |
L Italicque de mesmes |
ma 6 |
ma 72 |
lma 4 (?) |
ma 18 |
ma 34 |
ma 40 |
ma 83c |
A |
Et toutes les matrices de l'Hebrieu et Syriac tant creues que |
ma 82b |
justifiées, qui sont tout ensemble en vne boite et chez Plantin |
ma 167a |
ma 24 |
ma 82c |
ma 82d |
ma 82e |
ma 135b |
ma 135c |
ma 83b |
ma 130 |
| |
| |
Moulles ou Instruments |
G |
Le gros moulle pour les 2 plus grosses notes |
G |
Le moulle de Cuyure pour les plus petites notes |
G |
Le moulle pour le gros Canon Romain de Garamond, et le flamen de H. du Tour |
G |
Le moulle pour le petit Canon Romain de 2 lignes de l'Augustine de Granjon |
G |
Le moulle de lAscendonica |
G |
Le moulle de la Parangonne |
G |
Le moulle du vray Texte |
G |
Le moulle du nouveau Texte moindre |
G |
Le moulle de l'Augustine Romaine |
G |
Le moulle de la mediane |
G |
Le moulle de la Philosophie |
G |
Le moulle de la vraye Garramonde |
G |
Le moulle de la Garramonde, sur Colineus |
G |
Encore vn aultre de mesmes pour l'Italicque |
G |
Le moulle de la Breuiere |
G |
Le moulle de la grosse nompareille |
G |
Le moulle de la plus petite nompareille |
G |
Le moulle de la nompareille flamende |
A |
Le moulle pour la Lectre françoise |
A |
Le moulle pour la Lectre françoise plus grosse que mediane |
A |
Le moulle pour la Lectre de Couloingne |
G |
Le moulle de 2 Lignes de la nompareille |
G |
Le moulle pour le median Grecq |
A |
Et oultre ceulx cy les moulles de l Hebrieu |
et les accents qui sont aupres des matrices en la boite |
• | ST 6a, (25 punches) Gros Canon Capitales Romaines de la taille de Henry du Tour. On 23 July 1570 van den Keere (or du Tour) charged Plantin for cutting 88 Canon punches, which can only be the Canon Flamand with these capitals (Ar. 153, p. 276; Ar. 31, f. 179). Plantin used them as a titling on 3 lines Mediane (or Cicero) from 1570, as capitals for the Canon Flamand from 1571 (see ST 33, below) and as capitals for the Gras Canon Romain from 1573 (see ST 6b, Inv. 1581). The 1581 Inventory lists them separately, but the 1388 Frankfurt and subsequent Inventories include them with the Gras Canon Romain. See also MA 1a, below.
Specimen: c. 1580 Folio Specimen, Canon Romain, Canon Flamand.
Appearance: 1570, Placcart ... interdiction monnaye d'argent, title-page. |
• | ST 7, (24 punches) Capitales Romaines de la taille de Henry du Tour pour servir avec le gros Canon de Garramond sur un moindre Corps. On 25 February 1571 van den Keere billed Plantin for cutting 24 punches for capitals on 2 lines of Mediane (or Cicero) (Ar. 153, p. 123). These can only be the capitals which Plantin used both as a titling on this body and as capitals for his adaption of Garamont's Canon which he called the Moyen Canon Romain. The 1588 Frankfort and subsequent
| |
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| Inventories include them in the same box as the punches for the Gras Canon Romain. See also LMA 12, below.
Specimen: c. 1580 Folio Specimen, Moyen Canon Romain.
Appearance: 1571, Garibay a Camalloa, Historia de... España, RDB 20, colophon. |
• | ST 9, (98 punches) Ascendonica Romaine par Granjon. On 19 May 1569 Plantin made the first payment on a Rommain petit petit Canon for which Granjon had promised to provide him with punches and four strikes. From 23 May until 16 August 1569 he received an unspecified number of punches in a series of deliveries (Ar. 31, f. 88v; Ar. 756, f. 174v). This petit petit Canon can only be Granjon's Ascendonica which quickly replaced Guyot's in Plantin's books. See also MA 8, MA 7 (?), below, LMA 58, 1588 Frankfurt Inventory.
Specimens: 1575 Inventory, f. 64v, Ascendonica Romaine; 1628 Stampena Vaticana Specimen, Carattere detto Ascendonica.
Appearances: 1570, F. Richardot, Sermon, RDB 25, title page; Gregorius Nazianzenus, Apologeticus, title-page; Breviarum Romanum, RDB 2, title-page; Heures de Nostre Dame, title-page; J. Grandamicus, Oratio funebris, RDB 12, title-page; 1571, Psalterium, introductory matter. |
• | ST 25, (100 punches) Ascendonica Italicque par Granjon. On 18 April 1570 Plantin noted that Granjon had agreed to provide him with punches and four strikes of an italic on grosse Ascendonica. He received an unspecified number of matrices and presumably punches between 22 April and 14 July 1570 in a series of deliveries (Ar. 31, f. 89). This face quickly replaced Guyot's Ascendonica in his books. See also MA 11, MA 118, 119 etc., below.
Specimen: c. 1580 Folio Specimen, Ascendonica Cursiue.
Appearances: 1570, Eximiae, sanctae atque apostolicae ... doctrinae atque auctoritates ... per F. Donckerum ... ad sanctam Synodalem societatem communicatae, heading; 1571, G. Le Fevre de la Boderie, Secrets de l'Eternité, RDB 22, title-page; Garibay a Camalloa, Historia de ... España, RDB 20, epistola dedicatoria. |
• | ST 33, (65 punches) Gros Canon flamen [de la taille de Henry du Tour]. On 23 July 1570 van den Keere charged Plantin for cutting 88 Canon punches (Ar. 153, p. 276; Ar. 31, f. 79), which can only be these with the roman capitals on 3 lines Mediane (see ST 6a above). This was Plantin's only true Canon Flemish; he used it as a text-type in his liturgical folios, sometimes using a fount of Canon Lombardic capitals (for which he only seems to have owned type) in place of the roman. See also MA 4, below.
Specimen: c. 1580 Folio Specimen, Canon Flamand.
Appearances: 1571, Psalterium, text; 1573, Antiphonarium, text. |
• | ST 34, (95 punches) Parangonne Flamende par Henry du tour. Between December 1570 and April 1571 van den Keere charged for cutting and delivered 96 punches for Parangonne flamende with a strike from each. (Ar. 153, pp. 101, 214, 123, 102). This was Plantin's only Parangonne Flemish. See also MA 13, below.
Specimen: c. 1580 Folio Specimen, Parangonne Flamande.
Appearances: 1573, Ordinancie ende Edict, RDB 29, title-page; Thesaurus theutonicae linguae, RDB 28, colophon; Antiphonarium, second text-face. |
| |
| |
• | ST 44, (156 punches from Granjon's hand) Gros Texte Lectre française comme escrite. On 21 January 1567 Plantin started a series of payments to Granjon for punches and matrices of a grosse françoise (Ar. 31, f. 88v), which can only be this letter and ST 45, below. These two were Plantin's only écritures on Texte. See also MA 108, below.
Specimen: 1567 Index Characterum, f. D 3, Pro Flacco; c. 1580 Folio Specimen, Courante sur le vray Texte.
Appearance: 1567, P. Savonne, Instruction et Maniere de tenir livres, passim. |
• | ST 45, (49 punches from Granjon's hand to be used with capitals, numbers and punctuation of ST 44, above) Gros Texte Lectre françoise comme Bastarde. These punches were probably included in the transactions for ST 44, above. See MA 109, below, for confirmation of the attribution.
Specimen: c. 1580 Folio Specimen, Bastarde.
Appearances: 1568, Vesalius, Anatomie, RDB 41, headings; Die Historie van den ouden Tobias, title-page; Heyns, ABC, title-page. |
• | ST 48, (70 punches) Garramonde Lectre françoise de Granjon point achevée. On 7 December 1566 Granjon signed an agreement with Plantin to sell him the punches and matrices of the petite françoise just cut in Antwerp (Ar. 31, f. 88). These punches are an incomplete set, and Plantin appears never to have used them. See also MA 50, below. |
• | ST 55, (33 punches) Grosse nompareille petit Hebrieu de G. le be. Against a specimen of this letter (Bib. Nat., Nouv. Acq. Fr., ms. 4528, f. 12) Le Bé wrote that he had started it in 1569 and finished it in March 1570, that it was the fifteenth Hebrew he had cut and that he had cut it for Plantin who had asked him to cut the smallest he was able. Before October 1569 Plantin paid Le Bé for punches of a petit petit hebrieu (Ar. 36, f. 134). Later Plantin came to call it Grosse Nompareille or Coronelle. This was Plantin's only Hebrew for so small a body. See MA 82a, below and MA 83a, 1590 Leyden Inventory.
Specimens: c. 1580 Folio Specimen, Hebrieu sur la Coronelle; Bib. Nat., Nouv. Acq. Fr. ms. 4528, f. 12, No. 15).
Appearance: 1572, חרות ישתוחהשתח (The Five Books of the Law), text. |
• | ST 57, (100 punches) Syriacque par Granjon. Between 9 September and 15 November 1569 Plantin made eight payments to Granjon on a ‘lettre syriacque’ (Ar. 756, f. 174v). On 21 November 1569 he noted the receipt of 108 punches and matrices of the ‘lettre Syriacque’ (Ar. 31, f. 89). On 28 July 1569 G. Postel had written to Plantin giving advice on Syriac letterforms (Corr. X, 111-112). This was Plantin's only Syriac. See also MA 130, below.
Specimen: c. 1580 Folio Specimen, Syriaque sur l'Augustine.
Appearances: 1572, Severus Alexandrinus, De ritibus baptismi, RDB 6, passim; 1569-1573, Biblia Polyglotta, RDB 1, passim. |
• | ST 63, (27 punches from van den Keere's hand) Plus grosses notes. Between 23 July 1570 and 10 June 1571 van den Keere cut 30 punches for ‘grosses, grandes, plus grosses’ or ‘plus grandes notes’ (Ar. 31, f. 179; Ar. 153, pp. 276, 101, 213, 102,
| |
| |
| 119). Plantin used this music for his liturgical folios, and primarily for the antiphonaries. For confirmation of the attribution see MA 90, below.
Specimen: 1575 Inventory, f. 77v, Notes quadrats, et lignes de L'Antiphonier.
Appearances: 1571, Psalterium, passim; 1573, Antiphonarium, passim. |
• | ST 64, (16 punches from Granjon's hand) Premieres notes de Granjon. Guyot's justifying bill for matrices indicates that these punches antedate van den Keere's musics (see MA 86, below). Since they are clearly by Granjon, they must be the ones referred to. We have yet to see this face used by Plantin, who favoured van den Keere's musics cut shortly afterwards. |
• | ST 65, (35 punches from van den Keere's hand) Moyennes notes du Missel. Between 22 March 1571 and 15 March 1572 van den Keere supplied Plantin with 36 punches for ‘moyennes notes’ or ‘notes du missel’ (Ar. 153, pp. 102, 103, 104, 116). See MA 87, below, for confirmation of the attribution. Plantin used this face primarily for missals.
Specimen: 1575 Inventory, f. 76v, Notes Moyennes du Processionel et Missels etc.
Appearances: 1572, Missale Romanum, RDB 10, passim; 1574, Missale Romanum, RDB 9, passim. |
• | ST 67, (31 punches from van den Keere's hand) Pluspetites notes. Between 24 October 1570 and 23 October 1571 van den Keere delivered to Plantin 32 punches for ‘petites’ or ‘plus petites notes’ (Ar. 153, pp. 101, 103). He added one or two more on 26 and 27 January 1573 (Ar. 153, p. 133). See MA 85 below for confirmation of the attribution. Plantin used these notes primarily for his small missals.
This was the smallest red and black music van den Keere cut, with the exception of his two little sets of four notes each for inserting music in red between lines of text in Missals set in Ascendonica and Mediane romans respectively. He sold Plantin punches, matrices and type in 1571 and 1572 (Ar. 153, pp. 103, 115, 120, 131; Ar. 116, p. 230). The punches have been lost, but the matrices survive as MA 92d and MA 92e. These sets were apparently too small for mention in the inventories.
Specimen: 1575 Inventory, f. 76v, Notes Petites du petit Missal.
Appearances: 1573, Missale Romanum, passim. |
• | ST 75, (22 punches from Granjon's hand) Petite Musique [sur le] Gros Texte. Between 7 August and 7 December 1566 Plantin bought from Granjon punches and matrices of a petitte notte (Ar. 31, f. 88). The 1581 Inventory confirms the attribution. We have yet to see a use of this face by Plantin. See also MA 101C, 1581 Inventory. |
• | LST 6, Lectres longues du gros Canon Rommain. On 23 July 1570 van den Keere charged Plantin for certain ‘poinsons du canon nombre 14’ (Ar. 31, f. 179v). On 25 January 1571 he charged for a fount of Canon roman cast on his mould, and the justification of thirteen matrices (Ar. 133, p. 95). By elimination this must be the beginning of the Moyen Canon Romain, van den Keere's adaption of Garamont's Canon for a smaller body. The punches for these long letters are mentioned once
| |
| |
| more in the 1581 Inventory and then disappear. See also MA 3b below; for the capitals see ST 7, above, and LMA 14, below. For Garamont's Canon, see MA 2, 3a, 1563 Inventory.
Specimen: c. 1580 Folio Specimen, Moyen Canon Romain.
Appearance: 1571, Garibay a Camalloa, Historia de ... España, RDB 20, colophon. |
• | LST 7, Lectres longues du gros Texte Romain. Before 23 July 1570 van den Keere charged Plantin for nine punches ‘du Texte’ (Ar. 139, f. 179v). Between August 1569 and April 1570 he justified 9 Texte roman matrices (Ar. 153, p. 71). During the same period he made adjustments to cast the Texte roman on the Hebrew Texte mould, which was smaller than the roman Texte, and cast a fount (Ar. 153, p. 43). Plantin's books show that it was Garamont's Texte roman that was so modified. See also MA 20c, below.
Specimen: c. 1580 Folio Specimen, Texte Romain.
Appearances: 1570, J. Grandamicus, Oratio Funebris, RDB 12, dedication; Horae, RDB 7, text. |
• | LST 8, Lectres longues sur la Romaine de Garramond pour la mectre sur la Philosophie. On 17 June 1566 Plantin paid Granjon for ‘14. poinsons sur le median Romain qui sont court pour faire fondre la mediane sur la Philosophie’ and on 22 June he paid for several more and received one (Ar. 31, f. 87v). On 31 October 1567 Plantin paid Guyot for justifying nineteen matrices on Philosophie (Ar. 31, f. 65v). Plantin used this shortened version of Garamont's Mediane frequently from 1568. The punches are mentioned once again in the 1581 Inventory, and then disappear. See also MA 36b, below.
Specimens: c. 1580 Folio Specimen, Mediane sur la Philosophie.
Appearances: 1558 [= c. 1580], La Theologie Germanicque, RDB 5, text; 1568, S. Grsepsius, De multiplici siclo, RDB 4, Privilege; Horae, text. |
• | LST 9, Lectres longues pour fondre la Romaine de Garramond sur Colineus. Between 1 and 11 February 1566 Plantin received from Granjon in four deliveries nineteen punches ‘qui sont sur la garamonde petit Romain pour faire fondre sur le blanc de la lectre dicte Colineus’ (Ar. 31, f. 87v). On 5 October 1567 Plantin paid Laurent van Everbroek for a fount of ‘Colineus Rommain fondue sur les matrices de Garamont’ and for justifying nineteen matrices (Ar. 31, f. 69v; see LMA 15, below). Plantin's books show that these matrices were added to MA 48. He used this shortened version of Garamont's roman frequently from 1568. Another set of matrices appears to have been later struck from these punches by the Raphelengius's. (See MA 47b, 1652 Inventory).
Specimen: c. 1580 Folio Specimen, Colineus Romaine.
Appearances: 1568, Flores Bibliae, RDB 1, text; Promptuarium Latinae Linguae, introduction; Valerius Cordus, RDB 31, text. |
•◆ | LST 10, Poinsons de chiffre brise. On 22 June 1566 Plantin received from Granjon punches for ‘chifres brises sur la Collineus’. (Ar. 31, f. 87v, 88). No other mention is known of them. Neither they, nor the matrices, survive.
Appearances: 1585, S. Stevin, De Thiende, Leyden, Plantin, RDB 3, pp. 18, 19; S. Stevin, L'Arithmetique, passim. |
| |
| |
•◆ | LST 11, Voyelles et consones U.J. On 23 May 1571 van den Keere charged Plantin for cutting ‘16. poinsons UJ. Capitales vocales en 4. sortes de Romaines’, for making sixteen strikes and justifying four matrices on Garamonde (Ar. 153, p. 124). The matrices of these easily recognized letters are to be found in MA 20ab, Garamont's Texte Romain; MA 25a, Garamont's Augustine Romaine; MA 36a, Garamont's Mediane Romaine; MA 48a, b, Garamont's Garamonde Romaine. The above is the last mention of these punches, which have since disappeared. |
• | MA 1a, (26 matrices) Gros Canon Capitales Romaines par Henry du Tour. See ST 6a, above. These matrices must have been included with the original set of eighty-eight Canon Flamand matrices (MA 4, below) which van den Keere struck and justified, billing Plantin on 23 April 1570 (Ar. 153, p. 276; Ar. 31, f. 179). The 1581 and subsequent Inventories show these matrices included with the Gras Canon Romain (See MA 1b, 1581 Inventory). |
• | MA 3b, (23 matrices) Gros Canon Romaine de Garramond. See LST 6, above. By this time the matrices for van den Keere's shortened letters to adapt Garamont's Gros Canon for a smaller body must have been included with the Gros Canon matrices. On 25 January 1571 van den Keere had charged Plantin for a fount of Canon roman cast on his mould and for justifying thirteen matrices which should be the original thirteen in MA 3b (Ar. 153, p. 89). The resulting face was known as Moyen Canon. |
• | MA 4, (65 matrices) Gros Canon flameng par Henry du Tour. See ST 33, above. These, together with van den Keere's roman capitals (see MA 1a, above), must be the eighty-eight Canon matrices which van den Keere struck and justified, billing Plantin on 23 July 1570 (Ar. 153, p. 276; Ar. 31, f. 179). The 1581 Inventory shows this set without capitals. The 1590 Leyden Inventory shows it with capitals again, which the 1652 Inventory indicates to be the Capitales de 2 Regles Mediane. (See LMA 12, below). |
• | MA 7 (?), (127 matrices) [1 Frappe creue] Ascendonica Romaine. See ST 9, above. Granjon supplied four sets of strikes with the punches. It is possible that this set which was sent to Frankfort is the same set that Conrad Bernard (Berner?) justified at Frankfort in 1601 (Ar. 991, f. 77; Ar. 992, f. 77v) which should be MA 7. |
• | MA 8, (160 matrices) Ascendonica Romaine de Granjon. See ST 9, above. Granjon supplied four sets of strikes with the punches. Between August 1569 and April 1570 van den Keere justified 118 matrices of a large roman on 2 lines Philosophie, made the mould and cast it (Ar. 153, pp. 43, 71). Two rules Philosophie is the size of Plantin's Ascendonica, which is a little larger than was then standard. The large number of matrices is explained by the addition of the capitals from Garamont's Augustine and other material by J.A. Smit in the eighteenth century. |
• | MA 11, (125 matrices) Ascendonica Italique de Granjon. See ST 25, above. Granjon supplied 4 strikes with the punches. On 29 October 1570 van den Keere charged Plantin for justifying 124 Ascendonica Cursive matrices (Ar. 153, p. 82). For the remaining three sets see MA 118, 119 etc., below. |
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• | MA 13, (97 matrices) Parangonne Flamende de Henry du Tour. See ST 34, above. Van den Keere sent 96 strikes with the punches. He justified 68 by 6 December 1570 (Ar. 153, pp. 101, 214), and presumably the rest shortly thereafter. |
• | MA 18, (38 matrices) Toutes les matrices de l'Hebrieu tout ensemble en une boite. This set of matrices is for Guillaume le Bé's twelfth hebrew, cut in 1566, which he knew as Canon and which Plantin cast on a Double Parangonne body. Plantin must have had them at this time since he used type cast from them for the Biblia Polyglotta. Sometime after 3 July 1569 he had paid Herman Gruter, a letterfounder, for justifying 41 Hebrew matrices and casting 60 lbs of type (Ar. 31, f. 139v). By process of elimination this entry should refer to MA 18. On 1 April 1571 he paid van den Keere for justifying 4 Hebrew points (Ar. 153, p. 85). This set has four points justified by a second hand. The only inventory in which it is mentioned specifically is that of 1652. The 35 Canon Hebrew punches that Le Bé had c. 1598 (Le Bé Inv.) should be the punches for this face.
Specimens: c. 1580 Folio Specimen, Double Paragonne; c. 1599 Le Bé-Moretus Specimen, Canon Hebreu par feu mon père; Bib. Nat., Nouv. Acq. Fr., ms. 4528, f. 10, No. 12.
Appearance: 1569-1573, Biblia Polyglotta, RDB 1, title-pages. |
• | MA 20c, (15 matrices) Gros Texte Romaine de Garamond. See LST 7, above. By this time the matrices for van den Keere's shortened letters to adapt Garamont's Gros Texte for a smaller body must have been included with the Gros Texte matrices. Between August 1569 and April 1570 van den Keere justified nine matrices for Texte roman (Ar. 31, f. 79v) which by elimination should be the original nine in MA 20c. The resulting face was known as Nouveau Texte Romain. |
• | MA 24, (90 matrices) Toutes les matrices de l'Hebrieu tout ensemble en une boite. This set of matrices is for a small Texte hebrew that Le Bé identifies in one of notebooks as belonging to the van Bomberghens (see Specimens, below). Plantin should have had them at this time, since MA 24 includes extended letters struck from 4 punches for which he paid Granjon on 16 January 1565 (Ar. 31, f. 86v).
Specimens: 1567 Index Characterum, f. A 3, Ex proverbiis Salomonis; c. 1580 Folio Specimen, Sur le petit Texte; Bib. Nat., ms. Rés. X, 1665, f. 8, 9, 13v, La moyenne des Bombergues de Venise.
Appearances: 1566, םינושאר םיאיבנ, RDB 1, text; Proverbia Salomonis, text. |
• | MA 25b, (22 matrices) Augustine Romaine de Garramond. By this time the matrices for shortened letters to adapt Garamont's Augustine must have been included with the Augustine Romaine matrices. There is no record of the purchase, justification or casting of these matrices, but type from them appears in Plantin's books in 1568 (below). Nineteen in MA 25b appear to be original. They are the long letters from Granjon's Gros Cicero Romain, a Mediane roman with Augustine x-height. Plantin had Granjon adapt his Garamont romans on Mediane and Garamonde with specially cut shortened long letters which are similar in style and appear in the same year (see LST 8, LST 9, above). Apparently between 1652 and 1736 the Moretus family acquired a set of matrices for the complete Gros Cicero, MA 26a. The contemporary type-face Plantin is based on type from this set.
Specimens: c. 1580 Folio Specimen, Augustine sur la Mediane.
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| Appearances: 1568, S. Grsepsius, De multiplici siclo, RDB 4, text; Eunapius, De vitis philosphorum, RDB 8, dedication; Martialis, Epigrammata, RDB 12, dedication; Schiappalaria, Il quarto libro dell'Eneide, text. |
• | MA 34, (45 matrices) Toutes les matrices de l'Hebrieu tout ensemble en une boite. In one of his notebooks Le Bé identifies this face as the Canon of the van Bomberghens (See Specimens, below). Plantin cast it on Double Augustine. He must have had these matrices at this time since in 1564 he paid Guyot for striking and justifying 55 matrices for a Hebrew on 2 règles Augustine including 10 matrices for points which seem to have since been lost (Ar. 31, f. 62v; Ar. 36, f. 77; Ar. 3, f. 43v; Ar. 116, f. 22). This was the only Hebrew Plantin used on this body.
Specimens: 1567 Index Characterum, f. A 2, untitled; c. 1580 Folio Specimen, Double Augustine; Bib. Nat., ms. Rés., X, 1665, f. 8, 9.
Appearance: 1564, Isaac, Grammatica Hebraea, RDB 14, p. 3, 4. |
• | MA 36b, (21 matrices) Mediane Romaine de Garramond. See LST 8, above. By this time Granjon's shortened letters to adapt Garamont's Mediane for Philosophie must have been included with the Mediane Romaine matrices. |
• | MA 40, (57 matrices) Toutes les matrices de l'Hebrieu tout ensemble en une boite. This is Guillaume Le Bé's eleventh Hebrew, cut in 1566, which he knew as Parangon and which Plantin cast on Double Nompareille and set to Double Mediane when he used the points. Since Plantin used it as one of the text types for the Biblia Polyglotta he must have had these matrices at this time. A fount of Hebrew on 2 lines Nompareil was cast for Plantin at the beginning of August 1568 (Ar. 153, p. 39). The only inventory to list this set separately is the 1652. The points used with this face are those of MA 83c, below. The 52 Parangon Hebrew punches that Le Bé had c. 1598 (Le Bé Inventory) should be the punches for this face.
Specimens: c. 1580 Folio Specimen, Double Mediane; c. 1599 Le Bé-Moretus Specimen, Texte a fondre sur le paragon par feu mon père; Bib. Nat., Nouv. acq. Fr., ms. 4528, f. 10, No. 11.
Appearances: 1570, S. Pagnino, Epitome, RDB 20, headings; 1569-1573, Biblia Polyglotta, RDB 1, Hebrew text. |
• | MA 50, (62 matrices, 17 strikes) Garramonde petite Lectre Françoise. See ST 48, above. Granjon sold Plantin matrices with the punches. |
• | MA 53b, (34 matrices) Petites Capitales Grecques et latines sur Colineus. The roman small capitals are from Garamont's Bible Romaine small capital punches (see ST 20a, Inv. 1563); the Greek are from the punches Granjon added to this set (see ST 20b, Inv. [1566]). On 16 December 1565, Plantin paid Guyot for justifying small capitals on a Bourgeoise, or Colineus, mould (Ar. 3, f. 40). These matrices are justified to fit Plantin's Colineus mould; he used the type with the Colineus Romaine (see MA 53a, [1561] Inventory). For appearances, see ST 20b, [1566] Inventory. |
• | MA 61, (123 matrices) Frappe de la Breutere Romaine de Granjon creuë. This can only be a strike of Granjon's Gaillarde Romaine which Plantin had cast on Bible (Breviere). This face appears in Plantin's books in 1574. Van den Keere's surviving records from October 1573 to September 1574 consist only of incomplete notes.
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| It is likely that he justified and first cast type from this set during this period. See also MA 63, below, MA 127, 1580 van den Keere Inventory. There is also an incomplete set of strikes, MA 159, which does not seem to be listed in the inventories.
Specimens: 1570 Epreuue de la petitte Antique ou Romaine de Rob, GranIon nommée la Gaillarde. en Anvers (Ar. 153, p. 19 k); c. 1580 Folio Specimen, Gaillarde Romaine, Gaillarde sur la Garamonde; 1592, 1622 [?], Berner Specimens Rom. Galliard de GranIon.
Appearance: 1574, Terence, RDB 25, text. |
• | MA 63 (?), (119 matrices) [1 Frappe Creue] Petite Romaine Gaillarde. See MA 61, above. In 1578 Plantin sold at Frankfort to the heirs of Gerlach (Nuremberg) a strike of the petite Romaine of Granjon called the Gaillarde of 129 pieces (Ar. 962, f. 71, 74v). The 1588 Frankfort Inventory lists a set of 124 justified matrices for an ‘Antique ... Lequel est rendu a francfort par les heritiers de Gerlach de Norieberg’. It is not clear why they had justified this set and then returned it to Plantin at Frankfort. The [1590] Frankfort Inventory shows that it was still at Frankfort on Plantin's death and was inherited by Jan Moretus. The c. 1612 Inventory gives the size of 124 Antiqua Romana matrices as Coronelle, one size smaller than the Gaillarde. The 1652 Inventory lists 119 justified matrices for a Colonelle Romeijn which can hardly be anything but MA 63. |
• | MA 64d, e, (31 matrices) Signes de l'Almanach sur la bourjoise. MA 64d contains signs of the zodiac, MA 64e the aspects and planets. Both sets are justified identically. These matrices are mentioned once again in the 1581 Inventory, after which they seem to be included with another set, possibly a Colineus Flamande. There is also a duplicate of MA 64d alone, MA 64c. We do not know how it came into the collection.
Appearance: 1576, P. Hassard, Almanach, passim. |
• | MA 68, (84 matrices) Grosse Nompareille Flamende de H. du Tour. On 16 June 1569 van den Keere signed a contract to provide Plantin within five or six weeks with matrices of his nompareille flamende (Ar. 153, p. 189 inserted at p. 101). Plantin paid van den Keere for the justifying before 23 July 1570, and the amount shows that the set must have had 78 matrices (Ar. 31, f. 179v). On 27 August 1570 he charged Plantin for striking 7 nompareille abbreviations (Ar. 153, p. 213), and on 29 October he charged for justifying 7 ‘nompareil duyts’ matrices (Ar. 153, p. 82). This face replaced Plantin's earlier true Nompareille Flamande by Ameet Tavernier for which Plantin had only type. (Ar. 3, f. 39; Ar. 4, f. 10v). See also ST 42, 1580 van den Keere Inventory.
Specimen: c. 1580 Folio Specimen, Non-pareile Flamande, Nonpareile sur la Bible Flamande.
Appearances: 1570, Kalendarium, text; Officium Diurnum ad Vsum Romanum, title-page; 1571, Breviarum Romanum, text. |
• | MA 78, (37 matrices) Les grosses Capitales Romaines extraordinaires. See ST 3, Inv. 1563. Between 27 August and 17 September 1570 van den Keere charged Plantin for a strike of the ‘grosses capitales’ for which he had just finished the Greek
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| punches and retempered some of the roman (Ar. 153, p. 213). These can only be Garamont's unfinished Grosses Capitales Extraordinaires. On 25 January 1571 he charged Plantin for justifying 33 matrices on the mould for plain-chant and delivered a fount of large capitals cast on this mould, (Ar. 153, pp. 89, 90) which would be the one for the ‘plusgrosses notes’ (MA 90, below). This set would have contained the Greek as well as the roman capitals. The former appear on the title page of the fifth book of the Biblia Polyglotta, RDB 1 (1573). |
• | MA 82a, (36 matrices) Grosse Nompareille LHebrieu de G. le B. See ST 55, above. Between 13 and 20 August 1571 van den Keere charged Plantin for the striking and justifying of the petit hebrieu (Ar. 153, p. 119). After 20 November 1571 he added three more matrices (Ar. 153, p. 121). |
• | MA 82b, (61 matrices) Toutes les matrices de l'Hebrieu tout ensemble en une boite. This Hebrew appears in the 1567 Index Characterum on a Double Philosophie body. Plantin paid Guyot in the summer of 1566 for justifying 63 matrices of the gros Hebreu sur la Philosophie (Ar. 31, f. 63). Plantin never used a Hebrew cast on Philosophie.
Specimen: 1567 Index Characterum, f. A 2, התׇּאַ. |
• | MA 82c, (33 matrices) Toutes les matrices de l'Hebrieu tout ensemble en une boite. This Hebrew, which Plantin called Cursive sur la petite Augustine was used earlier by the van Bomberghens as Le Bé reveals in one of his notebooks (See Specimens, below). Since it appears in Plantin's work from 1566 he should have had the matrices at this time. Before 10 April 1565 Guyot cast for Plantin an Augustin hebrieu glose (Ar. 3, f. 24).
Specimens: 1567 Index Characterum, f. A 3, תח־חרי; c. 1580 Folio Specimen, Cursiue sur la petite Augustine; Bib. Nat., ms. Rés., X, 1665, p. 7v, Texte et glosse Impression des Bombergues de Venise.
Appearances: 1566, םיכושאר םיאיבנ, RDB 1, title-page; Salomon, Proverbia, title-page. |
• | MA 82d, (57 matrices) Toutes les matrices de l'Hebrieu tout ensemble en une boite. These matrices are of an old type without sides which were once drilled for leather. They have subsequently been cut through at the hole, rejustified and notched for leather. They are the matrices for Plantin's only Hebrew on Augustine which he used from 1564, Between 19 May and 9 September 1564 Plantin paid Guyot for rejustifying 64 matrices of a Hebrew on Augustine (Ar. 31, f. 62v). On 2 July 1564 Plantin paid him for casting it (Ar. 4, f. 9v; Ar. 31, f. 62).
Specimens: 1567 Index Characterum, f. A 3, םהַנַ; c. 1580 Folio Specimen, Sur l'Augustine.
Appearance: 1564, J. Isaac, Grammatica Hebraea, RDB 14, marginal notes. |
• | MA 82 e, (42 matrices) Toutes les matrices de l'Hebrieu tout ensemble en une boite. These are all old Hebrew matrices without sides most of which are drilled for leather. They are the remainder of MA 82d, above, left over when Guyot rejustified the set. Points cast from these matrices appear in Plantin's books with type cast from MA 82d. |
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• | MA 83b, (38 matrices, 10 strikes) Toutes les matrices de l'Hebrieu tout ensemble en une boite. These matrices are for the only Hebrew Plantin used on Garamonde and Bible which appears in his books from 1565. Twenty-eight of the matrices are original, the rest additions (see ST 54, Inv. 1652). Before 10 April 1565 Guyot cast for Plantin a fount of ‘Petit Hebrieu’ (Ar. 3, f. 24) and during the same month he returned to Plantin 28 matrices of a petit texte Hebrew justified on the Bible mould (Ar. 153, p. 19).
Specimens: 1567 Index Characterum, f. A 3, Ex Ecclesiaste; c. 1580 Folio Specimen, Sur la Garamonde & Bible.
Appearances: 1565, Biblia, RDB 7 (16-mo), preface; Forerius, Iesaiae versio, passim. |
• | MA 83c, (17 matrices) Toutes les matrices de l'Hebrieu tout ensemble en une boite. These Hebrew vowels and intonations were used with type from MA 40, Le Bé's Double Mediane Hebrew (above) from 1570. The matrices are justified in exactly the same manner as MA 40, and exactly match the first casting-register of MA 40. |
• | MA 85, (38 matrices) Pluspetites notes justifiées. See ST 67, above. Van den Keere's bills to Plantin between 24 October 1570 and 23 October 1571 account for the striking and justification of 35 to 37 matrices for petites or plus petites notes (Ar. 153, pp. 101, 103); in January 1573 he added one or two more (Ar. 153, p. 133). The 1581 Inventory attributes them to van den Keere. |
• | MA 86, (20 matrices) [Notes] de Granjon justifiées. See ST 64, above. On 7 July 1570 Guyot billed Plantin for 233 lbs of ‘simpel sanck’, for the mould, and for justifying the necessary matrices (Ar. 153, p. 99). By process of elimination these should be the matrices. |
• | MA 87, (41 matrices) Moyennes notes justifiees. See ST 65, above. Van den Keere's bills to Plantin between 22 March 1571 and 15 March 1572 account for the striking and justification of 39 to 41 matrices for ‘moyennes notes’ or ‘notes du missel’ (Ar. 153, pp. 102, 103, 104, 116, 124). The 1581 Inventory attributes them to van den Keere. |
• | MA 90, (32 matrices) Plusgrosses notes justifiees. See ST 63, above. Van den Keere's bills to Plantin between 23 July 1570 and 10 June 1571 seem to account for the striking of 41 and the justification of 35 matrices for ‘grosses’ or ‘plus grasses notes’. (Ar. 153, pp. 53, 69, 101, 102, 119, 123, 213, 214, 276; Ar. 31, p. 179). The 1581 Inventory attributes them to van den Keere. |
• | MA 96, (113 matrices) Gros Texte Flamend de Henry du Tour. Between 17 September and 6 December 1570 van den Keere charged Plantin for 109 ‘gros texte missel’ strikes (Ar. 153, p. 213). Between 15 November 1570 and 1 April 1571 he justified 110 matrices ‘de text missael letter’ (Ar. 153, p. 85). On 3 October 1582 Thomas de Vechter added 5 matrices for long letters (Ar. 153, p. 336). By elimination, this ‘Text Missael Letter’ must be the Texte Flamand which was Plantin's only Flemish on this body. See also ST 35, 1580 van den Keere Inventory.
Specimen: c. 1580 Folio Specimen, Texte Flamand.
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| Appearances: 1573, Thesaurus, RDB 28, title page; Ordonancie ende Edict, RDB 29, title-page; 1571, [Proclamation] ‘Bij den Coninck...’ (Ar. 1228, p. 155), text. |
• | MA 108, (180 matrices) Gros Texte Lectre Françoise de Granjon. See ST 44a, b above. Granjon supplied strikes with the punches, for which there seems to survive no record of justification or casting. However, this was probably done by Guyot since these exactly match those in MA 109, below. The 1581 Inventory confirms the attribution. |
• | MA 109, (60 matrices) Gros Texte Lectre Françoise de Granjon. See ST 45, above. Plantin should have got a strike with the punches (see ST 44a, b, above). On 31 October 1567 he paid Guyot for justifying 66 matrices of la grosse françoise (Ar. 31, f. 65v). The 1581 Inventory confirms the attribution. |
• | MA 112, etc. (?), 2 frappes Parangonne Romaine. Plantin had in his possession at Frankfort in 1588 three strikes of Parangonne Romaine, two of them cut by Granjon consisting of 116 matrices (Inv. Frank., 1588). The 1589 Antwerp Inventory shows that the third set contained 117 strikes, and so was probably for the same roman. MA 112, MA 125 and MA 179 are 3 strikes of a Parangonne Romaine, cut clearly in Granjon's style, which consist of 116, 116 and 115 strikes respectively. It is impossible to be sure that the two strikes of Parangonne Romaine at Frankfort in 1572 are Granjon's; however, if they are not, Plantin must have sold them both before 1588 and acquired 3 more. As it is, we know that he acquired one strike ‘du parangon’ in Paris between 25 January and the end of March 1573 (Ar. 116, p. 285), which could be the third set. He also had a set of justified matrices (see MA 14, 1588, Frankfort Inventory). Plantin used this roman very little; we have seen only the capitals on a few of his title pages in the fifteen eighties. The C in all these sets is struck from a punch with an ugly break in the serif which makes it unlikely that Granjon made the strikes or owned the punches at the time. There is also in the collection a set of matrices for capitals alone, MA 84a, which does not seem to appear in any of the inventories.
Appearances: 1584, Rechten ende Costumen van Antwerpen, title-page (caps only); 1589, P. Bellonius, De neglecta stirpium cultura, RDB 25, title-page (caps only). |
• | MA 118, 119 etc., 3 frappes Ascendonica Cursive. See ST 25, above. MA 118, 119 (122 strikes), MA 121, 122 (121 strikes), and MA 182, 183 (122 strikes) are 3 strikes of Granjon's Ascendonica Cursive struck in the same manner in identical copper. There can be little doubt they and MA 11, above, make up the original four strikes that Granjon provided with the punches. Since there is no way of distinguishing between them, and since they become split up between different inventories, we shall refer to each of the three as MA 118, 119, etc. rather than give each one an arbitrary number. |
• | MA 128, (127 matrices) Augustine Italicque de Granjon couchée. Between 27 February 1567 and 19 May 1569 Plantin received from Granjon two strikes of Augustine Cursive (Ar. 31, f. 88). By 15 November 1570 van den Keere had justified 127 matrices of an Augustine italic (Ar. 153, p. 85) and by 12 August 1571 he had cast type (Ar. 153, p. 93). This must be Granjon's later Augustine Italic which
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| replaced Granjon's earlier one in Plantin's books in the early fifteen seventies. The c. 1598 Le Bé Inventory mentions the punches for an Italique St. Augustin derniere Granjon, probably the punches for this face. See also MA 176, below, and MA 28, 1590 Leyden Inventory.
Specimens: c. 1580 Folio Specimen, Vraye Augustine Cursiue, Petite Augustine Cursiue; [1592], 1622 Berner Specimens, Curs. S. Augustin de GranIon.
Appearances: 1566, Plutarch, Septem sapientium convivium, Frankfort, A. Wechel, latin text (Johnson, Italic Types of Granjon, No, 13); 1571, G. le Févre, Secrets de l'Eternité, RDB 22, p. 346; 1572, Delrio, In Solinum emendationes, text; Vergilius, Opera, text. |
• | MA 130, (147 matrices) Syriac. See ST 57, above. Some time after 3 July 1569 Plantin paid Gruter for justifying three Syriac matrices (Ar. 31, f. 139). Between August 1569 and April 1570 van den Keere charged Plantin for justifying 137 more (Ar. 153, p. 71). |
• | MA 135b, (34 strikes) Toutes les matrices de l'Hebrieu tout ensemble en une boite. In one of his notebooks Guillaume I Le Bé identifies this face as being a moyenne glose of the van Bomberghens (see Specimen, below). Plantin must have acquired it during his partnership with the van Bomberghens which ended in 1567. In April 1565 Guyot returned to him a strike of glost corsijf op die mediaen (Ar. 153, p. 20). Plantin never used the face.
Specimen: Bib. Nat., ms. Rés., X, 1665 f. 20v, la moyenne glose des Bombergues qui est tresbelle et bien taillee. |
• | MA 135c, (29 strikes) Toutes les matrices de l'Hebrieu tout ensemble en une boite. In one of his notebooks Guillaume I Le Bé identifies this face as being a petit glose of the van Bomberghens (see Specimen, below). Plantin must have acquired it during his partnership with the van Bomberghens which ended in 1567. In April 1565 Guyot returned to him a strike of cleyn glost corsijf (Ar. 153, p. 20). The face is about Garamonde, or Petit Romain, in size. Plantin never used it.
Specimen: Bib. Nat., ms. Rés., X, 1665 fol. 21v, petite glose dont sont faictes des additions a la grande bible des bombergues de Venise. |
• | MA 157, (51 matrices) Vieil petit Canon Romain sur 2 Lignes de la mediane. Although Plantin owned these old matrices he seems never to have used them.
Appearances: 1551, Ordonancie, Ghent, J. Lambrecht, Brit. Mus., 107g, 15 (29), (cf. Carter, Types, p. 179). |
• | MA 167a, (29 matrices) Toutes les matrices de l'Hebrieu tout ensemble en une boite. This type, small Texte in size, is found on one of the leaves from the van Bomberghens' books, pasted into one of Le Bé's notebooks (see Specimen, below); therefore Plantin should have acquired it before the end of his association with the van Bomberghens in 1567. He does not seem to have used it, preferring Le Bé's Vrai Texte Hebreu de la façon de Venise (See MA 72, 1563 Inventory).
Specimen: Bib. Nat., ms. Rés., X, 1665, f. 7. |
• | MA 176, (123 strikes) 1 frappe Augustine Cursive. See MA 128, above. Between 27 February 1567 and 19 May 1569 Plantin received from Granjon 2 strikes of
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| Augustine Cursive (Ar. 31, f. 88). One (MA 128) was justified by van den Keere; this should be the other. Between 14 and 28 May 1575 Plantin sent van den Keere a strike of Granjon's Augustine Cursive in exchange for a strike of van den Keere's Bourgeoise Flemende (Ar. 153, pp. 160, 161, 165; Ar. 42, f. 7v). On van den Keere's death Plantin should have received it back since it appears in the 1580 van den Keere Inventory and the 1588 Frankfort Inventory, and not in the post 1581 De Vechter Inventory. |
• | MA 185, 186, (181 strikes) 1 frappe Moyen Grecq. The 1589 Antwerp, the post 1590 Raphelengius and the 1652 Inventories give the number of matrices in the strike of Moyen or Mediane Greek as 181, 181 and 182 respectively. Plantin never used this face. |
• | MA 189, etc., 1 frappe Mignonne Italicque. It is impossible to ascertain whether this entry refers to MA 189 (124 strikes) or to MA 110a (124 strikes). The 1588 Frankfort, the 1589 Antwerp and the [1590] Frankfort Inventories show that Granjon's Mignonne Cursive consisted of 124 strikes. Mignonne is the Parisian term corresponding to Plantin's Coronel. MA 189 is the same face as MA 58a, Granjon's Bible Cursive (see 1563 Inventory), except that it lacks swash capitals and some of the less necessary ligatures. These 17 letters were apparently considered unnecessary when this face was used as an economy face cast on the smaller body.
Plantin had a second set of Mignonne Cursive strikes which he sent to van den Keere before 19 December 1571 (Ar. 153, p. 121). This was returned to Plantin in 1581 (van den Keere 1580 Inventory, post 1581 De Vechter Inventory, 1588 Frankfort Inventory). Both sets were at Frankfort in 1588 (1588 Frankfort Inventory) and both were inherited by Jan Moretus on Plantin's death (1589 Antwerp Inventory, 1590 Frankfort Inventory). Up to this point it is impossible to distinguish between the two sets, so rather than assign arbitrary set numbers we have referred to them both as MA 189 etc.
The post 1590 Raphelengius Inventory shows that Moretus sent one of these sets to Raphelengius, which reappears back in Antwerp in the 1652 Inventory. This should be MA 189, and is so listed.
The other remained in Antwerp and appears in the c. 1612 Inventory as ‘124 Mignonne Cursive p. Just’. The 1588 Frankfurt and c. 1612 Inventories also both list a set of 17 Gaillarde (or Bible) Cursive strikes. These sets had disappeared by the 1652 Inventory, which does, however, list a set of 142 Jolie Cursive strikes. Allowing for the confusion among the small sizes in the Inventory this set is probably MA 110a, b, which consists of 141 strikes of Granjon's Bible Cursive and 2 strikes that are not original. It is quite likely that the 124 Mignonne Cursive strikes of the c. 1612 Inventory were combined with the 17 Gaillarde Cursive strikes, which would be the swash letters and extra ligatures, to produce the 141 or, with one extra matrix, the 142 strikes of the Bible Cursive. We have referred to this set of Mignonne, the 17 Gaillarde strikes and the possible combination in the 1652 Inventory as MA 110a (?), MA 110b (?) and MA 110a, b. Since Plantin never justified his Mignonne strikes he never used the face in this form. |
• ◆ | LMA 9 (?), 1 frappe Parangonne Cursive. See MA 15, Inv. 1563. Between 27 April 1567 and 19 May 1569 Plantin received from Granjon 2 strikes of Parangon
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| Cursive (Ar. 31, f. 88v). Plantin had apparently already parted with one of them; this set should be the other. One or the other of them may be the Parangonne Cursive strike that van den Keere had on his death in 1580 (see MA 144, 145, 1580 van den Keere Inventory). |
• ◆ | LMA 10 (?), 1 frappe Romaine dicte Granjonne. Plantin received from Granjon between 16 August and 12 November 1569 ‘une matrice granionne’ (Ar. 31, f. 88v). In 1578 he sold at Frankfort to the heirs of Gerlach a strike of the petit Romain (or Garamonde Romaine) of Granjon, called the Granjonne (Ar. 962, f. 71, 74v). Possibly they returned this set to Plantin, or else he had another set which he did not sell (see MA 187, 1588 Frankfurt Inventory). Van den Keere had a set which went to De Vechter. De Vechter seems to have sold type cast from it to Jan Moretus (see LMA 32, post 1581 De Vechter Inventory).
Appearance: 1593, Th. Stapleton, Promptuarium Morale, Antwerp, Moretus, text. |
• | LMA 11, 1 frappe Petit Grecq complet. A strike of a ‘petit grecq’ occurs in the 1588 Frankfort, the 1589 Antwerp, the c. 1612, and the 1652 Inventories. The c. 1612 and 1652 Inventories give the number of strikes as 249 and the 1652 Inventory gives the size as Garamonde. No set fitting this description survives. Plantin had a strike of Haultin's Bible Grecq which disappears after 1563, but this had 410 strikes (see LMA 1, [1561] Inventory). |
• | LMA 12, Les Capitales pour [le gros Canon Romain de Garramond] pour servir sur un moindre corps. See ST 7, above. On 25 February 1571 van den Keere sent Plantin a strike of 24 matrices for the capitals of 2 lines Cicero with the punches (Ar. 153, pp. 123, 101), On 6 April 1571 he charged Plantin for a fount of ‘middelbaer canon romeyn’ and for justifying 24 matrices for roman capitals on his mould (Ar. 153, p. 95). They may be included with MA 4, van den Keere's Canon Flamand in the [1590] Frankfort Inventory, since the number is about right, and since they certainly were in the 1652 Inventory. However they appear separately in the c. 1612 Inventory. They have since been lost. Another set, MA 79a, does survive, which from the style should have been justified by J.M. Smit between 1732 and 1736. |
• | LMA 13, Capitales sur 2 Lignes du Cicero par Granjon. ‘On 7 August 1566 Plantin bought from Granjon a strike of capitals on two lines Mediane, or Cicero (Ar. 31, f. 88; Ar. 36, f. 110). There is no record of justification, but on 31 October 1567 Plantin paid Guyot for casting capitals on 2 règles Mediane (Ar. 31, f. 65v). The capitals which appear in the books below are typical of Granjon's style and are similar to the capitals for his Ascendonica Romaine. The matrices seem to have been lost some time since the eighteenth century. Le Bé may have bought the punches from Granjon since the c. 1598 Le Bé Inventory lists punches for ‘Lettres 2 points de Cicero rom. Granjon’.
Specimens: 1567 Index Characterum, title-page, sive; 1592, [622 Berner Specimens, Specimen.
Appearances: 1567, Horace, RDB 6, title-page; Virgil, RDB 5, title-page; Biblia, title-page; Florus, RDB 10, title-page; J. Guérin, Traicté... vraye manière d'estre preservé de peste, title-page. |
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• | LMA 14, Philosophie Flamende de H. du Tour. Creuë. Between 22 January and 4 February 1571 van den Keere charged Plantin 20 florins for a strike of Descendiane Flamende (Ar. 153, p. 214). In February 1576 he gave Plantin MA 44, his own justified set of matrices, in exchange for this set and the cost of justification. (Ar. 153, p. 184; Ar. 42, f. 9v; Ar. 116, p. 232). The widow van den Keere did not offer this set to Plantin after her husband's death; De Vechter seems to have got it since a strike of Duytsche Descendiane, or Philosophie, appears in the post 1581 De Vechter Inventory. He probably took it to Leyden. See also MA 44, 1581 Inventory and ST 38, 1580 van den Keere Inventory.
Specimen: c. 1580 Folio Specimen, Philosophie Flamande, Philosophie sur la vraye Augustine.
Appearances: 1570, Ordinancie, RDB 27, pp. 9-16, 25-32, 59-60, text; Ordinancie, RDB 33, text. |
• | LMA 15, Garramonde Romaine de Garramond. See LST 9, above. By this time the matrices for Granjon's shortened letters to adapt Garamont's Garramonde for Colineus must have been included with the Garramonde Romaine matrices. The 1581 Inventory shows that these survived until then. They have since been lost, although a set of matrices that appear to be from the same punches survives with Garamont's other roman on Garramonde (see MA 47b, 1652 Inventory). |
□ | ST 52, ST 53, Poinsons de 2 aultres sortes d'Hebrieu par G. le b. See ST 52, ST 53, 1563 Inventory, for reservations on this attribution. |
□ | ST 46, [Augustine] Poinsons de la Lectre Françoise de Granjon. This attribution directly contradicts others attributing this face to Hautin, See ST 46, [1566] Inventory. |
□ | MA 133 (?), Mediane Italicque de Haultin. This attribution appears to contradict others attributing the face to Granjon. See MA 133, Inv. 1556. If this is not Granjon's first Mediane italic, then the matrices are missing from this inventory alone. The [1572] Inventory is the only one to list a set of justified Mediane italic matrices by Haultin. |
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Van den keere inventory of 1580 Ar. 153, p. 295-303
In the summer or autumn of 1580, Hendrik van den Keere the Younger, also known as Henri du Tour le Jeune, died. He had been Plantin's typefounder from 1569.
This inventory and the one following are intimately connected with the correspondance between Plantin, the widow Elizabeth van den Keere and her husband's principal workman, Thomas De Vechter. The present inventory includes three
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consecutive lists, which we have called A, B and C. They were all written by Th. De Vechter to supplement the letters of Elizabeth van den Keere to Plantin in which she was trying to sell him her husband's material.
The surviving letters run as follows:
11 June 1580. Hendrik van den Keere wrote his last letter to Plantin; at the end he said that he had wounded himself in the leg (Corr. VI, p. 175; X, p. 177). The last entry in his account book is dated 30 July 1580. (Ar. 42, f. 22v).
4 October 1580. In a letter written by De Vechter but signed by herself, Elizabeth van den Keere offered to sell Plantin ‘all the punches, matrices and moulds of her late husband’ (Corr. X, p. 180). List A (Ar. 153, pp. 295, 296, 305), containing an offer of 22 sets of punches and 26 of matrices, accompanied this letter. This list is the only one to mention punches for the ‘peerle duytsche’. It may have been an error, a second entry for the ‘groote nompareille duytsche’, or it may be that van den Keere cut a smaller Flemish than we at present know of.
27 December 1580. Elizabeth van den Keere (hand of Th. De Vechter) wrote to Plantin noting that he had thought the price of the punches too high. She reveals that Plantin had received a written offer given to him by De Vechter (Corr. VI, pp. 206-307). List B (Ar. 153, p. 303) should be this offer. It contains the same punches as list A with the exception of the ‘peerle duytsche’. They are priced at 2250 florins, but she wrote that she would let Plantin have them for 2000 fl.
32 January 1581. Elizabeth van den Keere wrote again, this time in her own hand. She insisted that she preferred to sell to Plantin and included a list (written by Th. De Vechter) giving the number of punches in each set (Corr. VI, p. 227). This must be list C (Ar. 153, p. 299), which includes the same punches as B except for certain Lynien ende strecken (rules and braces) which Plantin's later inventories show to have been included with the preceding Granjon's Noten. Although the letter of the Widow van den Keere is not explicit, we think that a list giving the different sorts of strikes (‘rau afslaghen’) was also annexed.
15 February 1581. The contract was signed (Corr. VI, pp. 238-239). For 1400 florins Plantin bought 20 series of punches, which would be all those listed with the exception of the peerle duytsche, and twelve sets of matrices, without specifying which twelve. De Vechter and van den Keere's children were to have the right to buy back the material at the same price, an option apparently never exercized. This was not an unusual condition. It also occurs in the Egenolff-Sabon transaction of 1572 (cf. [G. Mori], Die Egenolff-Luthersche Schriftgiesserei, Frankfort, 1926, pp. 16-17).
Plantin's later inventories show that he did acquire these punches, and almost all of them survive. They also confirm that he acquired 10 sets of matrices from list A. The post 1581 De Vechter Inventory lists fourteen more, leaving two of the twenty six that may have come to Plantin, although his records are not definite about them (see MA 76, LMA 27, below).
List C shows that the widow included with the punches two strikes of the Coronelle Romaine, not otherwise mentioned. Plantin's later inventories prove that he acquired these also. It is possible that they were the two required to make up the twelve (see MA 62, MA 148, list B, below).
Van den Keere cut the bodies of his punches in three distinct shapes. The punches which he cut for Plantin can be dated and reveal that these styles are chronological. The first extends until 1569 or 1570, the second from 1569 or 1570
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until 1574; the third from 1574 until his death. This has been helpful in dating the punches that are listed below.
The post 1581 De Vechter Inventory indicates that Elizabeth van den Keere was not offering all her husband's matrices for sale; the following appear to have been withheld:
LMA 14, a strike of van den Keere's Philosophie Flamande (see [1572] Inventory). |
LMA 32, matrices for Granjon's Colineus Romaine, la Granjonne (see post 1581 De Vechter Inventory), |
LMA 33, matrices for van den Keere's Capitales de 3 Règles Mediane (ibid.), |
LMA 34, matrices for van den Keere's Fleuron sur 2 Règles Mediane (ibid.), |
LMA 35, matrices for van den Keere's Fleuron sur la Parangonne (ibid.), |
LMA 36, matrices for Granjon's Musique sur 2 Règles Augustine (ibid.), |
LMA 37, matrices for van den Keere's Fleuron sur 2 Règles Augustine (ibid.), |
LMA 38, matrices for van den Keere's Fleuron sur la Mediane (ibid.), |
LMA 39, matrices for lines and braces on Philosophie (ibid.), |
LMA 40, a strike of van den Keere's Texte Flamand (ibid.), |
LMA 41, a strike of van den Keere's Nompareille Flamande (ibid.), |
LMA 42-54, 13 sets of old matrices and strikes that probably came into van den Keere's possession through his father from Joos Lambrecht (see post 1581 De Vechter Inventory). |
List A (Ar. 153, pp. 295, 296, 305) |
Register van allen de poinsoenen ende matrysen ende Instrumenten |
Poinsoenen |
st 5 |
Groote romeinsche capitalen van 2 Reghelen text |
st 11
lst 12 |
De poinsoenen vande reale romein Capitalen van 2 Reghelen bourjoise |
st 35 |
De poinsoenen vande duijtsche missale |
st 36 |
De poinsoenen vande augustyne duytsche |
st 37 |
De poinsoenen vande mediane duytsche |
st 47 |
De poinsoenen vande mediane gheschreuen letter |
st 38 |
De poinsoenen vande descendiane duytsche |
st 16
st 15 (?) |
De poinsoenen vande philosophie romein |
st 40 |
De poinsoenen vande duytsche bourjoise |
st 41
st 39 |
De poinsoenen vande breuiere duytsche |
st 42 |
De poinsoenen vande groote nompareille duytsche |
st 21 |
De poinsoenen vande Coronelle romaine |
st 22a
st22b (?) |
De poinsoenen vande Jolye romeine |
◆ lst 13 (?) |
De poinsoenen vande peerle duytsche |
st 73
st 74 (?) |
De poinsoenen vande musyck noten op de parangonne |
| |
| |
• st 71a
• st 71b
• st 72 (?) |
Den v r m f s l met de Lijnien op granjons noten |
• st 76k, 1 |
Poinsoenen lynien ende strecken op de bourjoise |
Dit navolghende syn de matrycen |
• lma 18 |
Eerst het duyts canon ghejusteert |
• ma 144, 145 |
op de parangonne de cursive van granjon onghejusteert |
• ma 97 |
Parangonne Romeyne van Garmond onghejusteert |
• lma 19 |
Noten op de parangonne ghejusteert |
• lma 20 |
Rubrycken op de parangonne ghejusteert |
• lma 21 |
Text romeine van Amé ghejusteert |
• ma 105, 106 |
Text van Garmond romeine onghejusteert |
• ma 22a, 23 |
Text Cursyve van granjon onghejusteert |
Augustyne |
• lma 22 |
De augustyne duytsche ghejusteert |
ma 176 |
Augustyne Cursyue granjon onghejusteert |
• lma 23 |
Mediane duytsche |
• lma 24 |
Mediane romeine van Amé |
lma 3 (?) |
Mediane cursyue van granjon |
• lma 25 |
Mediane gheschreuen letter |
• lma 26 |
Mediane romeine van Garmond dit is al ghejusteert |
• ◆ lma 27 |
Philosophie Romeyne |
• ma 47a
• ma 114, 115 |
Garmond Romeine 2 afslaghen onghejusteert |
• lma 28 |
d'eerste cursyue van granjon ghejusteert |
• lma 29 |
Breuiere duytsche ghejusteert |
ma 189 etc. |
cleen cursyue van granjon |
• ma 127 |
groote breuier romein van granjon |
• lma 30 |
Groote duytsche nompareille ghejusteert |
• ma 76 (?) |
Jolye romeine |
• ma 120 etc. |
Jolye cursyue van granjon |
• lma 31 |
Capitales de 2 poincts de Cicero onghejusteert |
Poinsoenen vande blomkens |
• st 76e, f |
Looveren op de mediane |
• st 76c |
Looveren op de parangonne |
| |
| |
st 76b |
Looveren op 2 Reghelen mediane |
st 76a |
Looveren op 2 Reghelen augustyne |
Instrumenten |
1 Instrument van t Duyts canon |
1 Instrument vanden parangonne |
1 Instrument vanden text |
1 Instrument vanden augustyne |
1 Instrumenten vanden mediane |
1 Instrument vanden descendiane |
2 Instrumente vanden bourjoise ofte colineus |
2 Instrumenten vanden breuier |
1 Instrument vanden groote nompareille |
1 Instrument vande Jolye |
1 Instrument vande coronelle |
1 Instrument vande peerle |
1 Instrument van 2 Reghelen mediane |
1 Instrument van 2 Reghelen breuier |
List B (Ar. 153, p. 303) |
st 22a
st 22b (?) |
Eest 4 soorten van poinsoenen van romeinschen Letteren te weten de poinsoenen van Jolye Romein |
st 21
ma 62
ma 148 |
De poinsoenen van tcoronel Romein met 2 rau afslaghen van de selue ende een nieu Instrument |
st 16
st 15 (?) |
De poinsoenen van de philosophie romein |
st 11 |
De poinsoenen van de Reale Romein Tsamen Fl 900 st-. |
Van welcke soorten noynt gheen afslaghen vercocht en syn dan V.L. ende de poinsoenen syn suuer ende rein sonder melaenge |
st 5
lst |
12 Noch 2 soorten van poinsoenen vande Capitalen van 2 reghelen text ende de poinsoenen van capitalen van 2 reghelen Garmond fl 150 st-. |
Dit syn de duytsche poinsoenen |
st 35 |
Eerst de missale poinsoenen |
st 36 |
De augustyne duytsche poinsoenen |
st 37 |
De mediane duytsche poinsoenen |
st 47 |
De mediane gheschreuen poinsoenen |
st 38 |
De descendiane ofte philosophie poinsoenen |
st 40 |
De bourjoise ofte Garmond duytsche poinsoenen |
st 41
st 39 |
De breuier duytsche poinsoenen |
st 42 |
De nompareille duytsche poinsoenen al tsamen voor fl 900 st-. |
| |
| |
st 73
st 74 (?) |
De poinsoenen van de cleen s musycke notkens op de parangonne |
st 71a
st 71b
st 72 (?)
st 76e, f
st 76c
st 76b
st 76a
st 76k, 1 |
De poinsoenen van granjons noten met den vrmfsl op granjons noten ende de poinsoenen vande 4 soorten van Looueren te weten op de mediane op de parangonne op de 2 Reghelen mediane ende op de 2 Reghelen augustyne met de poinsoenen van de Lynien ende strecken op de bourjoise. Dit al tsamen fl 300 st -. |
Van al dit voorschreuen en es niet een poinsoen ghebroken ende dit al tsamen bedraegt de somme van fl 2250 st -.
Maer eyst dat V.L., myn ghevaerken, al begheert
Ic salt V.L. Gheven voor de somme van fl 2000 st -.
Ende aengaende vande paimenten daer van sal Ic te vreden syn
So V.L. dat begheert, tsy met renten ofte andersins. |
List C (Ar. 153, p. 299-297) |
Dit is de nombre van alle de poinsoenen |
st 11 |
De Reale Inhaudende |
104 |
st 16
st 15 (?) |
De Philosophie |
120 |
st 21 |
De Coronelle Inhaudende |
116 |
st 22a
st 22b (?) |
De Jolye Inhaudende |
109 |
st 35 |
De duytsche missale |
109 |
st 36 |
De augustyne duytsche |
72 |
st 37 |
De mediane duytsche |
70 |
st 47 |
De mediane gheschreuen |
120 |
st 38 |
De duytsche descendiane |
84 |
st 40 |
De duytsche bourjoise |
86 |
st 41
st 39 |
De duytsche breuier |
125 |
st 42 |
De duytsche nompareille |
92 |
lst 12 |
De Capitalen van 2 Reghelen bourjoise |
29 |
st 5 |
De Capitalen van 3 Reghelen mediane |
24 |
st 76e, f |
Looueren op de mediane |
4 |
st 76c |
Looueren op de parangonne |
2 |
st 76b |
Looueren op de 2 Reghelen mediane |
2 |
st 76a
st 73
st 74 (?) |
Looueren op de 2 Reghelen augustyne |
2 |
st 71a
st 71b
st 72 (?)
st 76k, 1 |
De cleen noten op de parangonne met granjons noten tsamen |
213 |
| |
| |
Dit syn rau afslaghen |
ma 97 |
Eerst Parangon Romeyne |
ma 144, 145 |
Parangon Cursyue |
ma 105, 106 |
Text Romeine |
ma 22a, 23 |
Text Cursyue |
ma 176 |
Augustyne Cursyue |
ma 47a
ma 115, 116 |
Garmond Romeine 2 afslaghen |
ma 127 |
Gaillarde Romein |
ma 118, 119 |
Bible Cursiue |
ma 120 etc. |
Jolye Cursyue |
Noch so esser seer veel copere dwelck al bereyt is an afslaen van alle soorten.
• | ST 5, (23 punches) Groote romeinsche capitalen van 2 Reghelen text. These capitals were cast on either 2 lines Texte or 3 lines Mediane. The punches are cut in van den Keere's third style, and therefore must have been cut by him between 1574 and 1580. See also LMA 33, post 1581 De Vechter Inventory.
Appearance: 1590, J. Lipsius, Epistolarum Centuriae, Leyden, Raphelengius, initials. |
• | ST 11, (53 punches) Poinsoenen vande reale romein. See MA 12, 1581 Inventory. Forty-nine punches for this set, including the capitals, have been lost since 1652. |
| |
• | ST 15 (?), (13 punches) Poinsoenen vande philosophie romein. The punches in ST 15 are all shortened lower case letters such as would be used to adapt a roman on Mediane for casting on Philosophie. The punches are cut in van den Keere's third style, and therefore must have been cut by him between 1574 and 1580. Van den Keere had a set of matrices for Garamont's Mediane Romaine (LMA 26, below) which he may have modified as Granjon had modified Plantin's a decade or so earlier. (See LST 8, [1572] Inventory). Plantin never used these letters. The puzzle of the presence of ST 15 in the collection at all would be explained if it was kept with ST 16 and it would also partially explain the large number of Philosophie punches in this Inventory (see list C, above), the 1590 Leyden and 1652 Inventories. |
| |
• | ST 16, (92 punches) Poinsoenen vande philosophie romein. See MA 43, 1581 Inventory. The punches in ST 16 are cut in van den Keere's third style and therefore must have been cut between 1574 and February 1579 when van den Keere wrote to Plantin that he was justifying the Philosophie Romaine matrices (Ar. 81, p. 453). On grounds of style a time close to the latter date is most likely. The large number of punches (120 are given in list C) indicates that another set may have been kept with this set, perhaps ST 15, above. |
| |
• | ST 21, (80 punches) Poinsoenen vande Coronelle romaine. See MA 161, 1581 Inventory. The punches in ST 21 are cut in van den Keere's second style, and
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| therefore must have been cut by him between 1570 and June 1573 when van den Keere made a note that is probably an estimate of the price for casting from the Coronelle matrices (Ar. 116, p. 229). The punches for the capitals and small capitals have been lost since 1652. |
• | ST 22a, (99 punches) Poinsoenen van de Jolye romeine. See MA 70, 1581 Inventory. The punches in ST 22 are cut in van den Keere's third style, and therefore must have been cut by him in late 1574 or 1575. They were far enough along in May 1575 for Plantin to exchange a strike of Granjon's Jolie Cursive against a strike of the Jolie Romaine, which was justified by the spring of 1576 (see MA 70, 1581 Inventory). |
• | ST 35, (114 punches) Poinsoenen van duijtsche missale. See MA 96, [1572] Inventory. These punches are cut in van den Keere's second style and must therefore have been cut by him in 1570 since late in that year he delivered a strike to Plantin (see MA 96, [1572] Inventory). |
• | ST 36, (78 punches) Poinsoenen van augustyne duytsche. The punches in ST 36 are cut in van den Keere's second style and must therefore have been cut by him between 1570 and the spring of 1572 when he sent Plantin a large fount of Augustine Flamande (Ar. 153, p. 117). This was the only Flemish on Augustine body that Plantin used. The c. 1612 Inventory lists 75 Augustine Flemish punches as bought from the Raphelengius's. The note ‘N.B. 80’ has been added later. Five punches for long f and s have been added in ST 36 by a later hand, perhaps from this note Nicolas Briot. See also LMA 22, below, and MA 30, c. 1612 Inventory.
Specimen: c. 1580 Folio Specimen, Augustine Flamande.
Appearance: 1575, Placcaet ende ordinande, RDB 37, title-page. |
• | ST 37, (70 punches) Poinsoenen van de mediane duytsche. The punches in ST 37 are cut in van den Keere's second style and therefore must have been cut by him between 1570 and late 1571 when he provided Plantin with a large fount of Mediane Flamande (Ar. 153, pp. 115, 121, 257). This was the only Mediane Flamande that Plantin used. The 1590 Leyden Inventory lists only 41 Mediane Flemish punches, but the remainder may be listed with the Colineus Flamande which is suspiciously swollen. See also LMA 23, below and MA 42, c. 1612 Inventory.
Specimen: c. 1580 Folio Specimen, Mediane Flamande.
Appearance: 1573, Ordinancie ende edict, RDB 29, text. |
• | ST 38, (83 punches) Poinsoenen van de descendiane duytsche. See LMA 14, [1572] Inventory. The punches in ST 38 are cut in van den Keere's first style and therefore must have been cut in 1570 or before. The 1590 Leyden Inventory records a drop in the number of punches from 84 to 74; the numbers were probably separated from ST 38 before 1590 and kept with another set. |
• | ST 39, (22 punches) Poinsoenen van de breuiere duytsche. ST 39 is a set of Lombardic capitals which would fit on the full body of Bible, or Brevier. The punches are cut in van den Keere's first style and therefore must have been cut by him in 1570 or before. They exactly match those in ST 41, his Bible Flamande, and
| |
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| from the number of punches listed for Brevier Duytsche in this inventory (see list C, above) they must have been kept together. Matrices for these capitals may have been included in van den Keere's set of Bible Flamande which went to De Vechter (see LMA 29, below). |
• | ST 40, (87 punches) Poinsoenen van de duytsche bourjoise. See MA 64b, 1581 Inventory. These punches are cut in both van den Keere's first and second styles, indicating that he cut them c. 1570. There are also four punches from Granjon's hand included in ST 40. Between 22 December 1565 and 1 February 1566 Plantin had bought from Granjon 5 punches and matrices ‘en flameng’ (Ar. 31, f. 87v). They would have been cut to provide missing characters in Plantin's first Flemish Colineus or Bourgeoise for which he had only type, and were then added to this set. On 21 June 1613, François Raphelengius wrote to Jan Moretus returning the Bourgeois Flemish punches (Ar. 92, p. 149). |
• | ST 41, (92 punches) Poinsoenen van de breuiere duytsche. These punches are cut in van den Keere's first style and must therefore have been cut by him in 1570 or before. See ST 39, above, also LMA 29, below.
Specimen: c. 1580 Folio Specimen, Bible Flamande, Bible sur la Philosophie, Bible sur la Garamonde.
Appearance: 1575, Junius, Emblemata, RDB 33, text. |
• | ST 42, (93 punches) Poinsoenen van de groote nompareille duytsche. See MA 68, [1572] Inventory, which shows that these punches were cut by van den Keere in 1569 or earlier. It is possible that the Peerle Duytsche (see LST 13, below) is a second entry for this set. |
• | ST 47, (116 punches) Poinsoenen van de mediane gheschreven letter. These punches are cut in van den Keere's first style and must therefore have been cut by him before 1570. On 21 June 1613 François Raphelengius wrote Jan Moretus returning the punches of the ‘Mediaen Geschreuen letter’ (Ar. 92, p. 149). See also LMA 25 and ST 76e, f, below.
Specimen: Undated specimen of this face with border, headed ‘Hendric van den Keere Lettersteker’ on display in room 7 of the Museum (Sabbe-Audin, fig. 18).
Appearance: Ch. Enschedé, Fonderies de caractères, pp. 51-56. |
• | ST 71a, (73 punches) Den VRMFSL met de Lijnien op granjons noten. List B, above, shows that the widow van den Keere included a set of Granjon's notes with the punches for VRMFSL by van den Keere (see ST 71b, below). The 73 punches in ST 71a are from Granjon's hand, and must have been cut before 1565 (see appearance, below). The 1588 Frankfort, 1590 Frankfort and c. 1612 Inventories reveal that this face wras cast on 2 lines Augustine. See also LMA 36, post 1581 De Vechter Inventory.
Appearance: 1565, J. Fruytiers, Ecclesiasticus, Antwerp, G. Silvius. |
• | ST 71b, (12 punches) Den VRMFSL met de Lijnien op granjons noten. These 12 punches are cut in van den Keere's second style, and therefore must have been cut by him between 1570 and 1574. They are a set of letters on lines to be used
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| with Granjon's music on 2 lines Augustine (ST 71a, above). They must have been included with ST 71a in the remaining inventories. Matrices from them were presumably included with LMA 36, post 1581 De Vechter Inventory. |
• | ST 72 (?), (40 punches) Noten. The total given for ST 73, ST 71a, ST 71b, and ST 76k, 1 is 213 punches. This is 87 more punches than they now total, and each of these sets is relatively complete. The accuracy of the figure is reinforced by the [1590] Frankfort, c. 1612 and 1652 Inventories which give the number as 200, c. 200 and 212 punches respectively. The [1590] Frankfort Inventory shows that Raphelengius got 62 ‘cleyn musyc’ punches from this box; the c. 1612 Inventory shows that the 62 were returned about 1612.
ST 72 and ST 74 may well be from the same hand, whose work resembles that of none of the other punchcutters represented in the museum collection. ST 72 exactly lines with ST 71a and ST 71b (above) while ST 74 exactly lines with ST 73 (below). It is possible that these two sets were included in this box with ST 71a, b and ST 73. This would do much to explain the large number of punches listed for these sets. Since ST 72 and ST 74 together total 61 punches they would then be the otherwise unexplainable 62 small music punches which Raphelengius took and returned.
Against this theory is the fact that ST 72 and ST 74 largely duplicate ST 71a, b and ST 73. In neither case can they be said to complement each other. The c. 1612 Inventory provides another puzzle as it lists the contents of the box as c. 200 punches while listing the 62 punches returned by the Raphelengius's on a separate page, the implied total being 262 punches. |
• | ST 73, (36 punches) Poinsoenen vande musyck noten op de parangonne. These punches are cut in van den Keere's second style, and therefore must have been cut by him between 1570 and 1574. See also LMA 19, below.
Specimen: c. 1580 Folio Specimen, Petite Musicque. |
• | ST 74 (?), (21 punches) Noten. See ST 72 (?), above. |
• | ST 76a, (2 punches) Looveren op 2 Regheten augustyne. These two punches are cut in van den Keere's third style, and therefore must have been cut by him between 1574 and April 1578 when he struck and justified matrices for Plantin (Ar. 42, f. 15v). These are mentioned specifically in none of the inventories, and have been lost. See also LMA 37, post 1581 De Vechter Inventory. There are 2 modern matrices, MA 188a, struck from these punches in the collection.
Appearances: 1579, Ortelius, Nomenclator Ptolemaicus, p. 11; M. Rooses, Index characterum, Bloemen, Fleurons, row 27. |
• | ST 76b, (2 punches) Looveren op 2 Reghelen mediane. These two punches are cut in van den Keere's third style, and therefore must have been cut by him between 1574 and April 1578 when he struck and justified matrices for Plantin (Ar. 42, f. 15 v). These are mentioned specifically in none of the inventories, and have been lost. See also LMA 34, post 1581 de Vechter Inventory. There are 2 modern matrices, MA 188b, struck from these punches in the collection.
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| Appearances: 1579, Ortelius, Nomenclator Ptolemaicus, p. 17; M. Rooses, Index characterum, Bloemen, Fleurons, row 26. |
• | ST 76c, (2 punches) Looveren op de parangonne. These two punches are cut in van den Keere's third style and therefore must have been cut in 1574-5 before 1 March 1575 when he delivered to Plantin 155 lbs of fleurons cut by him and cast on Parangon (Ar. 153, p. 158; Ar. 42, f. 2v). See also LMA 35, post 1581 De Vechter Inventory. Although no mention is known of them, 2 pairs of old matrices survive, MA 188d and MA 188e, as well as a pair of modern, MA 188c.
Appearances: 1577, Edict perpetuel sur l'Accord, title page; 1579, Ortelius, Nomenclator Ptolemaicus, p. 5; M. Rooses, Index characterum, Bloemen, Fleurons, row 23. |
• | ST 76 e, f, (4 punches) Looveren op de mediane. These four punches are cut in van den Keere's first style and therefore were cut by him before 1570. They appear in the same specimen as his Ecriture which was also cut before 1570 on Mediane (See ST 47, above). They are based on four of the twelve pieces of Granjon's fleuron on Texte (see MA 188f, g, Inv. [1566]) but are solid instead of shaded. See also LMA 38, post 1581 De Vechter Inventory. Although no mention is known of them, a set survives (MA 188h, i).
Specimen: Undated Specimen of van den Keere's Mediane Ecriture, headed ‘Hendric van den Keere, Lettersteker’, (Sabbe-Audin, fig. 18), border.
Appearance: 1585, Missale Romanum, RDB 2, passim. |
• | ST 76k, 1, (5 punches) Poinsoenen lynien ende strecken op de bourjoise. Bills from van den Keere for striking and justifying matrices for rules and braces during 1570, 1572, 1573 and 1575 are to be found on Ar. 153, pp. 87, 115, 116, 120, 147 and on Ar. 42, f. 2v. All the matrices have been lost. Presumably these are the punches. Since all 5 are cut in van den Keere's second style, they must have been cut between 1570 and 1574. See also MA 54a, b and MA 113, c. 1612 Inventory and LMA 59, 1652 Inventory. |
• | LST 12, Poinsoenen van Capitalen van 2 R bourjoise. There were 29 punches in this set (see list C, above). The 1588 and [1590] Frankfort Inventories indicate that these punches were for both roman and Greek capitals. Since van den Keere charged Plantin for striking and justifying matrices for capitals on two lines Garamonde, or Bourjoise, on 9 January 1578 (Ar. 42, f. 15) they must have been cut in 1577 or earlier. They appear regularly in the inventories until 1652, but have since been lost. Plantin appears never to have used capitals of this description; they remain unidentified. See also LMA 16, 1581 Inventory. |
• ◆ | LST 13 (?), Poinsoenen van de peerle duytsche. This is the only mention known of a Pearl Flemish presumably by van den Keere. It is the sole set to occur only in list A. It may be a double listing for the groote nompareil (ST 42, above), an error corrected in the two following lists. It is strange that this inventory lists a Pearl mould but no Pearl matrices. |
• | MA 22a, 23, (103 matrices, 30 strikes) Text Cursyve van granjon onghejusteert. See MA 81, [1561] Inventory. The 1588 Frankfort and subsequent Inventories show
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| that Plantin bought this set from the widow van den Keere. The 1589 Antwerp Inventory shows that 27 matrices were justified by that date. The rest were justified sometime after 1652, probably by J.M. Smit between 1732 and 1736. |
• | MA 47a, (180 matrices) Garmond Romaine 2 afslaghen onghejusteert. Between 18 April and 4 July 1573 Plantin bought in Paris matrices for a set of petit romain, or Garamonde, matrices (Ar. 116, p. 285). It is possible that they went to van den Keere, but the accounts for this period are not complete. Between 20 September and 6 October 1573 Plantin bought from Le Bé matrices for the capitals of Garamond for £ 5.10 s. (Ar. 116, p. 285). Between 3 and 24 February 1574 van den Keere received from Plantin capitals of the Garamonde and paid £ 5.10 s. for them and 10 patarts for the freight (Ar. 153, p. 152). The [1590] Frankfort Inventory shows that this strike went to Rapheiengius. It does not occur in the c. 1612 Inventory, but the 1652 Inventory lists 204 justified matrices for a Garamonde Romaine. They were apparently justified for the Rapheiengius's since at least one of the clearly recognizable symbols occurs in P. Forestus, Observationum et Curationum Chirurgicarum libri IV, Leyden, Raphelengius, 1610. The c. 1599 Le Bé-Moretus Specimen shows it to be the face for which Le Bé had 196 punches (c. 1598 Le Bé Inventory), bought at Garamont's executors' sale (Ar. 95, p. 44). Plantin never used this face (see MA 48, 1556 Inventory). See also MA 114, 115, below.
Specimens: c. 1599 Le Bé-Moretus Specimen, Lettre dite Petit Romain de la taille de Garamond qui court fort en france; 1592, 1622 Berner Specimens, Romain Garamond de Garamond. |
• | MA 62, (164 matrices) 2 rau afslaghen van de coronel Romein. See MA 161, 1581 Inventory. These two strikes appear in list B only and are probably silently included with the punches in the other two. Plantin must have acquired them since the post 1581 de Vechter Inventory doesn't list them while the 1588 Frankfort and subsequent inventories shows that Plantin had two extra Coronelle strikes. Between 31 May and 21 June 1576 van den Keere credited Plantin with transporting a strike of his Coronelle from Paris. This should be MA 62 or MA 148 since the widow van den Keere assured Plantin he had the only strikes sold of the Coronelle (see list B, above). The 1589 Antwerp Inventory lists 155 Coronelle Romaine strikes while the c. 1612 Inventory lists 156 Coronelle Romaine matrices justified by N. Briot. The box of MA 62 carries a label ‘Coronelle Romeyn de Henry du Tour iustifiée par N. Briot’. See also MA 148, below. |
• | MA 76 (?), (126 matrices) Jolye romeine. See MA 70, 1581 Inventory. Plantin may have bought these matrices since they are not listed in the post 1581 De Vechter Inventory. However, the first inventory to list a second set of Jolie Romaine matrices seems to be the 1652 Inventory, which is somewhat confused in the smaller sizes. MA 76 is equipped with the small capitals to van den Keere's Coronelle instead of the capitals of the Jolie. There are two plausible reasons for this: either van den Keere had not cut the Jolie capitals when he made this strike and so substituted the small capitals from the earlier Coronelle (see ST 21, above) or else the set is a late one and the change in capitals is due to confusion. |
• | MA 97, (153 matrices) Parangonne Romeyne van Garmond onghejusteert. See LMA 5, 1563 Inventory, Between 6 October and 29 November 1573 Plantin paid
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| Guillaume Le Bé for a strike of Garamont's Parangonne Romaine (Ar. 116, p. 285). On 14 January 1574 he sent to van den Keere a strike of the Parangon of Garamont which he had bought from Le Bé (Ar. 153, p. 152) which must be the set listed above. The 1589 Antwerp Inventory indicates that Plantin bought it from the widow van den Keere. The post 1590 Raphelengius Inventory shows that Raphelengius got it between 1590 and 1601. The 1652 Inventory lists it as justified, but not used; the justification was probably done for the Raphelengius's, since the Moretus's would not have needed a second set. The matrices in MA 97 show no trace of wear. |
• | MA 105, 106, (166 strikes) Text van Garmond romeine onghejusteert. See MA 20a, b, 1563 Inventory. Shortly after 7 December 1573 Plantin bought a strike of Garamont's Gros Texte from Guillaume Le Bé (Ar. 116, p. 285). On 4 February 1574 he sent a strike of Garamont's Gros Texte to van den Keere (Ar. 153, p. 152). The 1588 Frankfurt and subsequent Inventories show that Plantin got this set and not De Vechter. |
• | MA 114, 115, (175 strikes) Garmond Romeine 2 afslaghen onghejusteert. See MA 47a, above. The 1588 Frankfort and subsequent Inventories show that Plantin bought this strike also. |
• | MA 120 etc., Jolye cursyue van granjon. See ST 30, 1581 Inventory. In October 1574 Plantin paid Granjon for eleven strikes of the Jolie Cursive with the punches (Ar. 98, pp. 257, 265, 277). Five of these survive: MA 120 (111 strikes); MA 134 (111 strikes); MA 191 (111 strikes); MA 184 (111 strikes); MA 156 (77 strikes). Since it is impossible to tell them apart we have referred to all of them as MA 120 etc. In May 1575 he exchanged one strike with van den Keere for a strike of his Jolie Romaine (Ar. 42, f. 7v; Ar. 153, pp. 160, 165). That must be the set listed above, which later inventories indicate Plantin bought back from the widow van den Keere. Since the 1581 Inventory lists none of the remaining ten they should be at Frankfort. The 1588 Frankfort Inventory lists seven. The 1589 Antwerp, [1590] Frankfort and 1590 Leyden Inventories list one at Antwerp, six at Frankfort and four at Leyden, all of 111 strikes each. The [1590] Frankfort and 1590 Frankfort-Leyden Inventories show that five of the Frankfort six went to Moretus, the other one to Raphelengius, making five at Leyden and six at Antwerp; these six were still there c. 1612. The 1652 Inventory seems to list only one strike, but the eighteenth century inventories list ten. |
• | MA 127, (135 strikes) Groote breuier romein van granjon. See MA 61, [1572] Inventory. This must be the strike of Granjon's Gaillarde that van den Keere received from Plantin before 19 December 1571 (Ar. 153, p. 121). The 1588 Frankfort and subsequent Inventories indicate that Plantin bought the strike from the widow van den Keere. MA 127 contains eleven strikes from Garamont's Bible Romaine punches. The post 1590 Raphelengius and 1652 Inventories indicate that they were added between these two dates. |
• | MA 144, 145, (143 strikes, 3 matrices) Op de parangonne de cursive van granjon onghejusteert. See MA 15, 1563 Inventory. The 1588 Frankfort and subsequent Inventories indicate that Plantin bought this set from the widow van den Keere. Plantin may have originally sold it to van den Keere (see LMA 9 (?), [1572] Inventory). |
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• | MA 148, (151 strikes) 2 rau afslaghen van de coronel Romein. See MA 161,1581 Inventory and MA 62, above. |
• | LMA 18, Het duyts canon ghejusteert. The post 1581 De Vechter Inventoryshows that De Vechter got this set and the mould that went with it. This appearsto have been van den Keere's only Canon mould. When in April 1575 he adaptedGaramont's Gros Canon for casting on Moyen Canon (Ar. 153, p. 95; see LMA 12,[1572] Inventory) he charged Plantin for casting this roman ‘in our mould’ whichsuggests this set of matrices was for a Moyen Canon Flamand, probably the MoyenCanon Flamand which Plantin showed in his c. 1580 Folio Specimen. A set ofmatrices, MA 117, for this face does survive in the collection, but unless it is thecanon lectre de forme of the 1563 and [1566] Inventories (see LMA 7), it probablycame into the hands of the Moretus family at a late date.
This type-face, sometimes with minor variants, is found in Parisian printingfrom the very beginning of the 16th century. It appears in Antwerp printing from1522. It was widely used during the 16th and 17th centuries in the Low Countriesand in Great-Britain.
Specimen: c. 1580 Folio Specimen, Moyen Canon Flamand.
Appearances: 1504, Missale, Paris, S. Vostre; 1507, Missale, Paris, W. Hopyl;1522, Les droitz nouveaulx, Paris, Vve Le Trepperel; 1522, Een schone Exposicie, Antwerp, A. van Berghen; 1531, Saint Bernard, The Golden Pystle, London, R. Wyer; 1573, Thesaurus, RDB 28, title-page (capitals used with Gros CanonFlamand lower case). |
• | LMA 19, Noten op de parangonne ghejusteert. See ST 73, above. The post 1581De Vechter Inventory shows that De Vechter got these matrices. The type thatPlantin showed in his c. 1580 Folio Specimen was probably cast in these matrices. |
• | LMA 20, Rubrycken op de parangonne ghejusteert. Van den Keere generallymeant by Rubrycken a set of Lombardic capitals to be used as initials with a blackletter. The post 1581 De Vechter Inventory shows that De Vechter got thesematrices. |
• | LMA 21, Text romeine van Amé ghejusteert. Amé would be the Antwerppunchcutter and typefounder Ameet Tavernier. The post 1581 De Vechter Inventoryshows that De Vechter got these matrices. |
• | LMA 22, De augustyne duytsche ghejusteert. See ST 36, above. The post 1581 De Vechter Inventory shows that De Vechter got these matrices and that they werefor van den Keere's Augustine Flemish. |
• | LMA 23, Mediane duytsche [ghejusteert]. See ST 37, above. The port 1581 De Vechter Inventory shows that De Vechter got these matrices and that they werefor van den Keere's Mediane Flemish. On 5 April 1601 Franciscus Raphelengiuswrote to Jan Moretus that De Vechter had matrices for the Mediane Flemish(Ar. 92, f. 149). |
• | LMA 24, Mediane romeine van Amé [ghejusteert ]. Amé would be Ameet Tavernier. The post 1581 De Vechter Inventory shows that De Vechter got these matrices. |
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• | LMA 25, Mediane gheschreuen letter [ghejusteert ]. See ST 47 above. The post 1581 De Vechter Inventory shows that De Vechter got these matrices and that theywere for van den Keere's Mediane gheschreven. He would have taken them toLeyden with him; they may well be the set owned by the Voskens Foundry inAmsterdam in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, which Bruyn of Amsterdambought from them in 1780. When in 1847 Enschedé bought part of the foundryof Elix and Co., Amsterdam, they acquired all of Bruyn's material, including thisset; 102 matrices survive, known as Cicéro d'écriture No. 14 (cf. Enschedé, Fonderiesde caractères, pp. 51-56). |
• | LMA 26, Mediane romaine van Garmond ghejusteert. See MA 36a, [1561] Inventory. Between 18 April and 4 July 1573 Plantin bought in Paris a set of Cicero matrices. These might have been bought for van den Keere, whose records for thisperiod are incomplete. The post 1581 De Vechter Inventory shows that De Vechtergot this set. On 10 December 1592, writing from Leyden, De Vechter informed JanMoretus that his Mediane Romaine matrices by Garamont were from the samepunches as Moretus's (i.e. Le Bé's punches) but that his did not have as manycharacters. See ST 15 (?), above, for possible shortened letters. This could be thesame set that Oxford later acquired, known as True Fell Pica, which lacks, however,the shortened material (cf. [S. Morison], Notes on the ancient typographical materialsof the University of Oxford, Oxford, s.d. [1953], Vol. I, p. 19, No. 8). |
•£ | LMA 27, Philosophie Romeyne. This set appears in no other inventories; itmay have gone to Plantin, De Vechter or a third party. The matrices were probablyfor van den Keere's Philosophie Romaine (see MA 43, Inv. 1581). |
• | LMA 28, D'eerste [Garmond] cursyve van granjon ghejusteert. See MA 54a, 1556 Inventory. The post 1581 De Vechter Inventory shows that De Vechter gotthese matrices and that they were cast on Colineus. On 10 December 1592 writingfrom Leyden De Vechter informed Jan Moretus that he had Colineus Cursive matrices by Granjon called the Granjonne (Ar. 81, p. 353). Since they were cast onColineus they might have had the shortened letters van den Keere cut for Plantin(see MA 54b, Inv. 1581). This could be the same set that Oxford later acquired,which is called the Fell Long Primer Italic, but which Sacks the shortened material.(Cf. [S. Morison], Notes on the ancient typographical materials of the University ofOxford, Oxford, s.d. [1953], Vol. I, p. 21, No. 10a). |
• | LMA 29, Breviere duytsche ghejusteert. See ST 41, ST 39, above. The post 1581 De Vechter Inventory shows that De Vechter got these matrices and that they werefor van den Keere's Bible Flamande. These should have been the matrices in whichPlantin's type was cast from 1572, since van den Keere charged him for rental ofthe matrices whenever he sold him type (Ar. 153, pp. 115, 130; Ar. 42, f. 22). |
• | LMA 30, Groote duytsche nompareille ghejusteert. See ST 42, above. The post 1581 De Vechter Inventory shows that De Vechter got these matrices and that theywere for van den Keere's Nompareille Flamande. |
• | LMA 31, Capitales de 2 poincts de Cicero onghejusteert. It is uncertain whetherthese are Granjon's (see LMA 13, Inv. [1572]) or van den Keere's (see ST 7, Inv.
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| [1572]) capitals for this body. The post 1581 De Vechter Inventory shows that De Vechter got them and that he had justified them in the time that had elapsed. |
□ | st 22b (?), Poinsoenen van de Jolye romeine. For possible connection with ST 22a, see ST 22b, 1563 Inventory. |
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Inventory of 1581 Ar. 153, pp. 309-318
After his visit to Plantin at the end of 1580 (see introduction of the 1580 van denKeere Inventory) Thomas de Vechter wrote to him on 4 January 1581 (Ar. 153,p. 307), stating that he was including a list of all the punches, matrices and mouldsbelonging to Christopher Plantin and offering his services as typefounder. A noteat the end of the following list shows that it was sent by Thomas de Vechter on5 January 1581; it is clear that this is the list mentioned in de Vechter's letter.
Comparison of the matrices listed here with those in earlier and later inventoriesreveals that there is a group absent. Many of these are listed as at Frankfort in 1572,most appear in the 1588 Frankfort Inventory. It is reasonable to suppose that theywere there in 1581. The matrices in question follow:
MA 7 (?): Granjon's Ascendonica Romaine, unjustified (See [1572] Inventory),
LMA 63 (?): Hautin's Texte Romain, justified (See [1556] Inventory),
MA 27a, d (?): Granjon's first Augustine Cursive, justified (See [1566] Inventory),
MA 38: Granjon's Mediane Françoise, justified (See [1561] Inventory),
MA 39: Philosophie Allemande Lettre de Cologne, justified (See [1561] Inventory),
MA 50: Granjon's Garamonde Lettre Françoise, justified (See [1572] Inventory),
MA 53a Colineus Romaine, justified (See [1561] Inventory),
MA 69: Guyot's Texte Italique, justified (See [1561] Inventory),
MA 102: Van den Keere's Notes in 4o, unjustified (See 1588 Frankfort Inventory),
MA 107: Granjon's Mediane Françoise, unjustified (See [1561] Inventory),
MA 112 etc. (?): 2 sets of Granjon's Parangonne Romaine, unjustified (See [1572]Inventory),
MA 116: Granjon's Colineus Cursive Poetique, unjustified (See 1589 AntwerpInventory),
MA 118, 119 etc,: 3 sets of Granjon's Ascendonica Cursive, unjustified (See [1572]Inventory),
MA 120 etc.: 9 sets of Granjon's Jolie Cursive, unjustified (See 1588 FrankfortInventory and 1580 van den Keere Inventory),
MA 147: Granjon's Immortelle Cursive, unjustified (See [1561] Inventory),
MA 157: Vieil Petit Canon Romain, justified (See [1572] Inventory),
MA 158: Hamon's Petite Augustine Françoise, justified (See [1566] Inventory),
MA 185, 186: Moyen Grecq, unjustified (See [1572] Inventory),
MA 189 etc.: 1 set of Granjon's Mignonne Italique, unjustified (See [1572] Inventory),
LMA 11: Petit Grecq, unjustified (See [1572] Inventory).
In addition to these the 16 or more sets of Hebrew and the one set of Syriacmatrices that were kept together in a box in Antwerp in 1572 and which were to be
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in Leyden in 1590 are omitted (see [1572] Inventory and 1590 Leyden Inventory). They could have been in Antwerp, Frankfort or Leyden in 1581.
Also omitted is MA 63, which may be the set of Granjon's Gaillarde matricesthat the heirs of Gerlach (Nuremberg) bought at Frankfort in 1578 and seem tohave returned by 1588 (see [1572] Inventory; 1588 Frankfort Inventory).
Granjon's borders (ST 76 o, p, q, [1566] Inventory) and ST 76g, one of hisfleurons (see [1590] Frankfort Inventory) are not specifically listed.
Inventaire de touts les Poinsons, Moulles et Matrices appertenants auSr Christoffle plantin et premierement les Poinsons
Jolye |
st 30 |
Poinsons de LItalicque de R. Granjon |
st 49 |
Poinsons de Grecq de R. Granjon |
Coronelle |
st 55 |
Poinsons du petit Hebrieu de Guillaume le be |
Bijble |
st 20a
st 20b |
Poinsons de la Romaine de Garramond avec |
st 8 |
Capitales de 2 lignes du mesme Corps |
Colineus |
st 28 |
Poinsons de LItalicque Poeticque de R. Granjon |
Garramonde |
st 48 |
Poinsons de Lectre françoise de Granjon commencée |
lst 9 |
Poinsons de queues courtes pour la Romaine Garram[onde] |
Philosophie |
st 27 |
Poinsons de LItalique de R. Granjon |
Mediane |
lst 8 |
Poinsons de queues courtes pour la mesme |
Augustyne |
st 13a |
Poinsons de la Romaine de G. Garramond |
st 46 |
Poinsons de la Lectre françoise de P. Haultin |
Texte |
st 44 |
Poinsons de la Lectre françoise comme escripte |
st 45 |
Poinsons de celle comme bastarde sur la mesme |
lst 7 |
Poinsons de queues courtes pour le Gros Texte |
st 75 |
Poinsons de petite Musicque |
| |
| |
Parangonne |
st 34 |
Poinsons de la flamende de Henri du Tour |
Ascendonica |
st 9 |
Poinsons de la Romaine de R. Granjon |
st 25 |
Poinsons de LItalicque de R. Granjon |
• st 10 |
Poinsons du bas de casse de H. du Tour |
Petit Canon |
◆ lst 1 |
Poinsons de la Romaine commencée par Garramond |
◆ lst 2 |
Poinsons de Capitales sur le plain corps du mesme |
Gros Canon |
st 7 |
Poinsons de Capitales pour mectre la Romaine de Garramond sur vn moindre Corps |
◆ lst 6 |
Poinsons de queues courtes pour ladite Romaine |
st 6a |
Poinsons de Grasses Capitales de 3 lignes de Mediane |
st 33 |
Poinsons du Gros Canon flamen |
• st 32 |
Poinsons de la Grosse Lectre Castillane |
st 3 |
Poinsons des Grosses Capitales extraordinaires de Garram[ond] |
• st 6b |
Poinsons du Gras Canon Romain |
• ◆ st 1 |
Les Lectres en bois de Grosse Romaine extraordinaire |
• ◆ st 78 |
Les Grosses Capitales et commun du flamen Lectre |
• ◆ st 81 |
Les Rubryckes de la Lectre Castillane tout pour jecter en Sablon |
st 50
st 52
st 53
st 57 |
Et les Poinsons de toutes les sortes d'Hebrieu et Syriacq qui sont tout ensemble en vne boite |
Poinsons de Notes Simple Chant |
• st 66 |
Poinsons de petit Notes pour les Processionels |
st 67 |
Poinsons des petites Notes du Missel |
st 65 |
Poinsons des Moyennes Notes du Missel |
st 64 |
Poinsons des premieres Notes de Robert Granjon |
st 63 |
Poinsons des Notes grosses de LAnthiphonaire |
• st 62 |
Poinsons des petites Notes d'Espaigne |
• st 61 |
Poinsons des grosses Notes d'Espaigne |
• st 68 |
Poinsons des grosses Notes de Musicque plain Chant de la taille de Henry du Tour |
| |
| |
st 75 |
Poinsons de petite Musicque sur le Gros Texte De la Taille de Robert Granjon |
st 70 |
Poinsons des Notes de Musicque in 4o de la Taille de Henry du Tour |
Moulles ou Instruments à fondre |
1 Moulle de la petite nompareille |
1 Moulle de la Jolye |
1 Moulle de la Coronelle |
1 Moulle de la Byble |
2 Moulles de la Colineus |
1 Moulles de la Garramonde |
2 moulles de la Philosophie |
2 Moulles de la Mediane |
1 Moulle de LAugustine petite |
〚1〛 |
2 Moulle de LAugustine vraye |
1 Moulle de petit ou nouveau Texte |
〚1〛 |
2 Moulles du Gros Texte |
1 Moulle de la petite Parangonne |
1 Moulle de la Vraye Parangonne |
1 Moulle de la Reale |
1 Moulle de LAscendonica |
1 Moulle du petit Canon de 2 lignes d'Augustine |
1 Moule du Gros Canon Romain de 3 lignes d Augustine |
1 Moule de cuyure pour les petites notes du Prossionel et la lectre Castillane |
1 Le moule pour les notes de LAntiphonaire |
1 Le moule Gros pour 2 sortes de notes d'Espaigne et Grosse musicque à plain chant |
1 Le grand moulle pour les notes de musicque in 4o |
8 Moulles de L Hebrieu et ses accents qui sont tout ensemble en 2 boites |
Matrices |
Petite nompareille |
ma 67 |
Romaine de Pierre Haultin justifiée |
ma 66a |
Cursiue de Pierre Haultin justifiée |
Jolye |
ma 70 |
Romaine de Henry du tour justifiée |
ma 71 |
Cursiue de Robert Granjon justifiée |
ma 94, 95 |
Grecq de Robert Granjon |
ma 68 |
Flamende de Henry du Tour justifiée |
| |
| |
Coronelle |
ma 160 |
Romaine de Pierre Haultin justifiée |
• ma 161 |
Romaine de Henry du tour justifiée |
ma 82a |
Hebrieu de Guillaume le be justifiée |
Byble |
ma 57 |
Romaine de Giaude Garramond justifiée |
ma 61 |
Gaillarde de R. Granjon justifiée |
ma 58a |
Cursiue de Granjon justifiée |
ma 140, 141 |
Grecq de Pierre Haultin justifiée |
ma 59, 60 |
Grecq de Garramond justifiée |
Matrices |
Colineus |
ma 54a
• ma 54b |
Cursiue de Robert Granjon premiere justifiée |
ma 129 |
Cursiue Poeticque de Robert Granjon justifiée |
• ma 64b |
Flamende de Henry du tour justifiée |
ma 53b |
Petites Capitales Grecques justifiées sur le Colineus |
ma 64d, e |
Les signes pour LAlmanach des Aspects et Planetes |
lma 15 |
Et la Romaine de Garramond quon fond sur le mesme Corps auec les queues courtes |
Garramonde |
ma 48 |
Romaine de Garramond justifiée susdicte |
• ma 49a, b |
Cursiue de Robert Granjon justifiée |
ma 51, 52 |
Grecq de Robert Granjon justifiée |
Philosophie |
◆□ lma 2 (?) |
Romaine de Henry du Tour justifiée |
ma 99 |
Cursiue de Robert Granjon justifiée |
• ma 44 |
Flamende de Henry du Tour justifiée |
• ma 43 |
Romaine de Henry du Tour derniere, justifiée |
Mediane |
ma 36a
ma 36b |
Romaine de Garramond justifiée |
• ma 113 |
Italicque de Robert Granjon couchée justifiée |
ma 37 |
Italicque de Robert Granjon a lallemande justifiée |
| |
| |
ma 133 |
Italicque de Robert Granjon premiere maigre justifiée |
ma 111 |
Italicque Grasse de Pierre Haultin |
ma 142, 143 |
Grecq de Pierre Haultin justifiée |
Matrices |
Augustine petite |
ma 25b |
Laquelle on fond sur le corps susdict auec les matrices De la vraye Augustine de Garramond |
Augustine Grosse |
ma 25a |
La Romaine de Garramond susdicte justifiée |
ma 128 |
L Italicque de Granjon justifiée |
ma 32, 33 |
Le Grecq de Robert Granjon justifiée |
lma 62 |
L Augustine Romaine de Pierre Haultin Justifiée |
ma 138 |
Lectre françoise de R. Granjon justifiée |
ma 21 |
Lectre D'Allemainge justifiée |
Texte |
ma 20a, b
ma 20c |
La Romaine de Garramond justifiée |
ma 81 |
L Italicque de Robert Granjon justifiée |
ma 96 |
La Flamende de Henry du Tour justifiée |
ma 108
ma 109 |
Les 2 Lectres françoises de R. Granjon justifiée |
Parangonne |
lma 5 |
La Romaine de Garramond justifiée |
ma 15 |
L Italicque de Robert Granjon justifiée |
ma 16, 17 |
Le Grecq de Robert Granjon justifiée |
ma 13 |
La flamende de Henry du Tour justifiée |
Reale |
ma 12 |
La Romaine de Henry du Tour justifiée |
□ lma 16 |
Capitales de 2 lignes de Garramond de H. du tour justifiees |
Matrices |
Ascendonica |
ma 8 |
La Romaine de Robert Granjon justifiée |
ma 11 |
L Italicque de Robert Granjon justifiée |
lma 17 |
Le bas de Casse de la Romaine de Henry du Tour justifiée |
| |
| |
Plaisante |
lma 13 |
Capitales de 2 lignes de mediane justifiées R. Granjon |
Petit Canon |
lma 6 |
La Romaine de R. Granjon justifiée |
ma 2, 3a
ma 3b |
Le Gros Canon Romeyn de Garramond justifiée |
lma 12 |
Aultres Capitales pour mectre sur vn moindre corps justifiées |
ma 4 |
Le Gros Canon flamen sans Capitales, justifiee |
• ma 1b
ma 1a |
Le Gras Canon Romain justifiée auec grasses Capitales de 3 lignes de Mediane |
ma 78 |
Les Capitales extraordinaires de Garramond de 3 lignes de laugustine |
• ma 136, 137 |
La Lectre Castillane justifiée |
Matrices de notes Simple Chant |
• ma 88 |
Notes pour les processionels de Henry du Tour justifiées |
ma 85 |
Petites notes du Missel de Henry du Tour justifiées |
ma 87 |
Moyennes notes du Missel de Henry du Tour justifiées |
ma 86 |
Premières notes de Robert Granjon justifiées |
ma 90 |
Grosses notes de lAnthiphonaire de Henry du Tour justifiées |
• ma 89a |
Petites notes d'Espaigne de Henry du Tour justifiées |
• ma 93 |
Grosses notes d'Espaigne de H. du Tour justifiées |
Notes à plain Chant |
• ma 91a |
Notes de Grosse musicque à plain Chant de la taille de Henry du Tour justifiées |
• ma 101c |
Petite Musicque sur le Gros Texte de la taille de Robert Granjon justifiées |
• ma 100 |
Notes de musicque in 4o de la taille de H. du Tour justifiées |
Fleurons 4 sortes |
[hand of Chr. Plantin:] |
Inventaire des poinsons 38 sortes et de moulles 35 et des matrices 71 estant le tout chez la vefve feu H. du Tour envoye par Thomas de Vechter serviteur dudit defunct le 5 Janvier 1581 |
38 poinsons a 〚50〛 70 fl. |
〚1900〛 2460 fl |
71 matrices a [25] 40 fl |
2840 |
_____ |
〚4740〛 5300 |
| |
| |
•◆ | ST 1, (73 boxwood pattern letters) Les Lectres en bois de Grosse Romaine extraordinaire [pour jecter en Sablon]. On 16 April 1575 van den Keere charged Plantin for finishing these pattern letters and casting a small fount in sand (Ar. 153, p. 160; Ar. 42, f. 3v). The variation in counter sizes which gives this face such an uneven texture suggests that it was started several years earlier, at least before the competent Gras Canon Romain of 1572-1573. A large fount followed on 1 August 1575 (Ar. 153, p. 169; Ar. 42, f. 6). The body was about 2 lines Gros Canon. The pattern letters are probably listed with the woodblocks in the 1590 Leyden Inventory, since they were in Leyden in 1619 when François Raphelengius wrote returning them to Balthasar Moretus (Ar. 92, pp. 189, 195).
Specimen: c. 1580 Folio specimen, La plus grande Romaine.
Appearance: 1579, P. de Monte, Missa, title-page. |
• | ST 6b, (42 punches) Gras Canon Romain. On 10 February 1573 van den Keere charged Plantin for cutting 42 punches of a Gros Canon Romain (Ar. 153, p. 134; Ar. 116, p. 230). This was a lower case only which was used with his Grasses Capitales de 3 Règles Mediane, ST 6a (See [1572] Inventory). See also MA 1 b, below.
Specimen: c. 1580 Folio specimen, Canon Romain.
Appearances: 1573, Antiphonarium, title; A. Montanus, Psalmi Davidis, RDB 19, title-page; 1574, Commune Sanctorum, text. |
• | ST 10, (40 punches) [Ascendonica] bas de casse de H. du Tour. On 15 September 1576 Van den Keere charged Plantin for 40 punches of a new Ascendonica (Ar. 42, f. 11v). From 1578 a new Ascendonica roman appeared in Plantin's books. It consisted of the capitals, numbers and punctuation of Granjon's Ascendonica (see ST 9, [1572] Inventory) with a new lower case of slightly heavier weight. ST 10, the set of punches for this face, is cut in van den Keere's third style. It is not mentioned specifically again, but it is possible that it was included with Granjon's Ascendonica in the 1588 Frankfort, [1590] Frankfort, c. 1612 and 1652 Inventories since the latter three show a suspiciously large number of punches. See also LMA 17, below.
Specimen: c. 1580 Folio Specimen, Ascendonica Romaine.
Appearance: 1578, [Ph. Marnix de Ste-Aldegonde], Oratio Legatorum, RDB 19, colophon. |
| ST 30, (88 punches) [Jolye] Italicque de R. Granjon. The punches for the numbers, capitals, and the rest of this face are of three different lengths. Between 27 June and 7 August 1566 Plantin paid Granjon for punches of a petit petit chiffre (Ar. 31, f. 88). Between 26 August and 29 November 1573 Plantin bought matrices for a Nonpareille cursive from Granjon which can only be this face (Ar. 116, p. 285; see MA 71 below). In October of the following year he bought the punches and eleven strikes from Granjon through his son-in-law, Gillis Beys (Ar. 98, pp. 257, 265, 277; see MA 120 etc., below). It may be that the capitals were cut in late 1573 or 1574 since Plantin's first set of matrices, MA 71, was equipped with roman capitals while the surviving sets of strikes, MA 120 etc., all have sloping capitals which appear to be original with the sets. At any rate they were cut before March 1579 when van den Keere justified a set for MA 71 (Ar. 153, p. 197; Ar. 42, f. 18). See MA 71, below; MA 120 etc., 1580 van den Keere Inventory.
| |
| |
Specimen: c. 1580 Folio Specimen, Jolie Cursiue (with upright capitals).
Appearance: 1575, Ovid, Metamorphosion lib. XV, marginal notes. |
| ST 32, (50 punches) Grosse Lectre Castillane. This face was generally known to Plantin as the Canon d'Espaigne. It was cast on its own body which was somewhat larger than the Gros Canon. On 24 March 1574 van den Keere sent Plantin a proof of ‘lettres d'espagne’ and before 7 April charged him for cutting the 53 punches (Ar. 153, p. 106). The 1575 Inventory lists type for a ‘Littera Castillana Grosse Pro Antiphono Hispa’ The antiphonary was dropped, and this face, its ornamental capitals (ST 81, below) and the two musics to go with it (ST 61, ST 62, below) never saw much use. See also MA 136, 137, below.
Specimen: c. 1580 Folio Specimen, Canon d'Espaigne.
Appearances: 1574, [Edict of] Don Luis de Requesens, Bibl. Plant. R. 16.23 (101), title. |
| ST 49, (106 punches) Jolye Grecq de R. Granjon. Between 13 October 1574 and 22 July 1575 Plantin sent Granjon a series of 17 payments through his son-in-law Gillis Beys in Paris. (Ar. 98, pp. 257, 265, 268, 277, 292). Seven of these, including the first and last, refer to a ‘petit grec’. Plantin never used it as the justification of the matrices was never finished. The capitals would have been the Granjon-Garamont Bible Greek small capitals (see ST 20b, [1566] Inventory). These punches do not occur in the inventories taken on Plantin's death, but reappear in the 1652 Inventory. See also MA 94, 95, below. |
• | ST 61, (16 punches) Grosses Notes d'Espaigne. Between 24 March and 18 October 1574 van den Keere charged Plantin for cutting 16 punches for this face in three bills (Ar. 153, pp. 106, 107, 154; Ar. 42, f. 1v). An unfinished set, they were doubtless intended for the Spanish antiphonary that was never printed (see ST 32, above). See also MA 93, below. |
• | ST 62, (20 punches) Petit Notes d'Espaigne. Between 3 October 1573 and 6 July 1574 van den Keere charged Plantin for 15 punches for this face in two bills (Ar. 153, pp. 149, 106). This set also appears unfinished and must have been intended for the Spanish antiphonary (see ST 32, above and MA 89a, below). |
• | ST 66, (27 punches) Petites Notes pour les Processionels. Between 15 July and 29 August 1573 van den Keere charged Plantin for 26 punches for this face in four bills (Ar. 153, pp. 105, 144, 145, 146, 147). See MA 88, below.
Appearances: 1574, Commune Sanctorum, verso of the title-page; Processionale cathedralis Antverpiensis, passim; Processionale, RDB 10, passim. |
• | ST 68, (39 punches) Grosses Notes de Musicque plain Chant de la taille de Henry du Tour. On 16 January 1576 van den Keere wrote to Plantin discussing the plans for this face (Corr. V, p. 117-120). On 4 July 1577 he charged Plantin for 38 punches for this set (Ar. 42, f. 12v). On 11 November 1577 he added one more (Ar. 42, f. 13v). See MA 91a, below.
On 18 March 1573 van den Keere charged Plantin for cutting 10 punches and making 11 matrices of notes with lines and noted that he charged nothing for the
| |
| |
| other punches he had begun (Ar. 153, p. 135). These incomplete sets survive as ST 69 and MA 91b. They are for a plainsong of size comparable to ST 68 and must not be confused with it. They remained too incomplete for use, and do not appear in any of the inventories.
Specimen: c. 1580 Folio Specimen, Grande Musicque.
Appearances: 1578, G. de la Hèle, Missae, RDB 27, passim; 1579, P. de Monte, Missa, passim. |
• | ST 70, (43 punches) Notes de Musicque in 4o de la Taille de Henry du Tour. On 7 January 1578 van den Keere wrote to Plantin stating that he had finished 35 punches for these notes, that he planned 4 or 5 more, that the price would be 3 florins apiece, and that he took a strike for himself (Ar. 153, p. 196 bis). On 8 September 1578 he charged Plantin for the 43 punches (Ar. 42, f. 16v). This set is not mentioned after the 1589 Antwerp Inventory, and must be included with another. See also MA 100, below, and MA 102, Inv. Frankfort 1588.
Specimen: c. 1580 Folio Specimen, Moyenne Musicque.
Appearance: 1581, Papius, De Consonantiis, RDB 21, pp. 53-68. |
•◆ | ST 78, (58 pearwood pattern letters) Les Grosses Capitales et commun du flamen Lectre [pour jecter en Sablon]. On 29 April 1580 van den Keere sent Plantin a fount of 180 pieces of a large letter cast in sand and charged him for the pattern letters, mould and casting (Ar. 42, f. 22). The weight of an average letter of this fount was nearly four times that of the Plus Grande Romaine (ST 1, above) indicating that the body of this face should have been almost twice that of the roman. The number of letters seems excessive for a large titling. Therefore the only face that meets the description is ST 78, a huge Flemish letter nearly twice the body size of ST 1. The pattern letters were probably listed with the woodblocks in the 1590 Leyden Inventory, since they were in Leyden in 1619 when François Raphelengius wrote to Balthasar Moretus returning wooden punches for a Flemish poster-letter (‘huys-brief-letteren’) for sand casting (Ar. 92, pp. 189, 195). The bodies of these pattern letters extend under the kerns in such a manner that they could never have been used as types themselves.
Appearances: 1586, Proclamation of the City of Antwerp (De Moy) of 12 February 1586, initial; 1599, id. of 25 october 1599, initial. |
•◆ | ST 81, (29 boxwood pattern letters) Les Rubryckes de la Lectre Castillane [pour jecter en Sablon.] On 6 July 1574 van den Keere sent Plantin 3 lbs of Rubriques with 33 lbs of capitals of the Canon d'Espaigne (ST 32, above; Ar. 153, p. 106), ST 81 is an alphabet of Lombardic capitals. Several types cast in sand from them on the full body of the Canon d'Espaigne survive in the fount of this letter on display in the press-room of the Museum. They are not mentioned again and were probably included with the woodblocks in later inventories. |
• | MA 1b, (69 matrices) Gras Canon Romain justifiée avec grasses Capitales de 3 lignes de Mediane. See ST 6b, above. On 10 February 1573 van den Keere charged Plantin for a strike and the justification of 61 matrices along with the cutting of the punches (Ar. 153, p. 134; Ar. 116, p. 230). This was a lower case only. For the capitals, see MA 1a, [1572] Inventory. |
| |
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• | MA 12, (121 matrices) [Reale] Romaine de Henry du Tour justifiée. On 12 September 1575 van den Keere sent a trial fount of the Reale Romaine to Plantin (Ar. 153, p. 170; Ar. 42, f. 6). On 6 November he sent the first large fount and charged for striking and justifying 126 matrices and for a mould (Ar. 153, p. 181; Ar. 42, f. 8; Ar. 116, p. 232). On 5 April 1601 Franciscus Raphelengius wrote to Jan Moretus returning the Reale matrices (Ar. 92, p. 115). See ST 11, 1580 van den Keere Inventory.
Specimen: c. 1580 Folio Specimen, Reale Romaine.
Appearance: 1576, C. Clusius, Rariorum aliquot stirpium historia, RDB 12, colophon. |
• | MA 21, (122 matrices) [Grosse Augustine] Lectre d'Allemainge justifiée. Silvius used this face before Plantin (below). On 27 February 1580 van den Keere charged Plantin for making a proof of the lectre Allemande on Augustine (Ar. 42, f. 22). On 29 April 1580 he charged Plantin for revising 112 matrices of the German and adding three more (Ar. 42, f. 22). This indicates that the matrices were not new when Plantin acquired them; he may have bought Silvius's set.
Specimen: c. 1580 Folio Specimen, Augustine Allemande.
Appearances: 1567, Ordonnancie en gebot, Antwerp, W. Silvius, text; 1580, Imagines et figurae Bibliorum, Pl. 2, 7, etc., German text. |
• | MA 43, (122 matrices) [Philosophie] Romaine de Henry du Tour dernière justifiée. On 13 February 1579 van den Keere wrote to Plantin that he was justifying the matrices of the Philosophie Romaine (Ar. 81, p. 453). On 8 July 1579 he sent the first fount and charged for striking and justifying 122 matrices (Ar. 153, p. 199; Ar. 42, f. 19). See also ST 16, 1580 van den Keere Inventory.
Specimen: c. 1580 Folio Specimen, Philosophie Romaine, Philosophie sur la Mediane.
Appearances: 1580, P. Canisius, Summa Doctrinae Christianae, text. |
• | MA 44, (87 matrices) Philosophie Flamende de Henry du Tour justifiée. See LMA 14, [1572] Inventory. On 23 July 1570, Plantin bought a fount of Descendiane, or Philosophie, Flemish from van den Keere paying 12 florins for the rent of the matrices (Ar. 31, f. 179v; Ar. 153, p. 269). Plantin rented these matrices on two further occasions in 1570 (Ar. 153, p. 214). On 26 February 1576 van den Keere gave Plantin his set of justified matrices in exchange for the strike he had earlier sold Plantin and the cost of justification (see LMA 14, Inv. [1572]; Ar. 153, p. 184; Ar. 42, f. 9v; Ar. 116, p. 232). On 5 April 1601 Franciscus Raphelengius wrote to Moretus returning the matrices to Antwerp (Ar. 92, p. 115). See also ST 38, 1580 van den Keere Inventory. |
• | MA 49a, b, (157 matrices) [Garramonde] Cursiue de Robert Granjon justifiée. On 19 December 1577 van den Keere charged Plantin for justifying 152 matrices of the Valentine Cursive (Ar. 153, p. 75; Ar. 42, f. 14). On 11 April 1578 he sent Plantin a fount (Ar. 42, f. 15v). The 1589 Antwerp Inventory lists 152 Garamonde matrices for a Valentine Cursive Granjon. The c. 1598 Le Bé Inventory shows Le Bé owned the punches for this face.
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Specimens: c. 1580 Folio Specimen, Garamonde Cursiue; 1622 Berner Specimen, Curs. Garamond ou Immortel de GranIon.
Appearances: 1579, Aldus Manutius, Epitome Orthographiae, index; Horace, RDB 14, passim. |
• | MA 54b, (35 matrices) [Colineus] Cursiue de Robert Granjon premiere justifiée. On 16 June 1576 van den Keere modified Granjon's first Garamonde Cursive (see MA 54a, Inv. 1556) to fit it on Colineus. He cut punches, made strikes and justified them for six shortened letters; he justified certain Capitales couchees and six other matrices to make a total of 36 (Ar. 153, pp. 190, 191; Ar. 42, f. 10; Ar. 116, p. 232). On 18 August 1576 he added a matrix for Q and delivered the first fount (Ar. 42, f. 12; Ar. 153, p. 75). The 35 surviving matrices consist of the 6 shortened lower case letters from van den Keere's hand, 3 long letters from Granjon's Colineus Cursive Poetique (see ST 28, Inv. [1566]), 24 capitals from Granjon's Valentine Cursive (see MA 49a, b, above), an extra Q from Granjon's Philosophie Cursive (see ST 27, [1566] Inventory) and 1 later addition. The punches for van den Keere's 6 shortened letters survive as ST 29. Since this set is nowhere mentioned in the inventories, we have not been able to include it.
Specimen: c. 1580 Folio Specimen, Colineus Cursiue.
Appearances: 1576, Lucan, De Bello Civili, RDB 7, text; Felisius, Decalogi elucidatio, RDB 1, marginal notes. |
• | MA 64b, (80 matrices) [Colineus] Flamende de Henry du tour justifiée. In May 1575 van den Keere exchanged with Plantin a strike of his Bourgeoise, or Colineus Flamande for a strike of Granjon's Augustine Cursive (Ar. 153, pp. 160, 165; see MA 176, Inv. [1572]). On 19 September 1575 van den Keere sent him a fount of type and charged him for justifying the 82 matrices (Ar. 153, p. 170; Ar. 42, f. 6v). See also ST 40, 1580 van den Keere Inventory.
Specimen: c. 1580 Folio Specimen, Colineus Flamande.
Appearances: 1576, M. de Lobel, Plantarum seu stirpium historia, RDB 13, tables; P. Hassardus, Almanach, passim. |
• | MA 70, (126 matrices) [Jolye] Romaine de Henry du tour justifiée. In May 1575 van den Keere exchanged with Plantin a strike of his Jolie Romaine for a strike of Granjon's Jolie Cursive (Ar. 153, pp. 119, 160, 165). He charged Plantin for justifying this strike between 25 March and 3 April 1576 and delivered type (Ar. 153, p. 187; Ar. 42, f. 9v). See also ST 22a, 1580 van den Keere Inventory.
Specimen: c. 1580 Folio Specimen, Jolie Romaine.
Appearances: 1579, Cassiodorus, De Orthographia, RDB 12, marginal notes; Martial, Epigrammaton libre XII, marginal notes. |
• | MA 71, (137 matrices) [Jolye] Cursiue de Robert Granjon justifiée. See ST 30, above. Between 26 August and 29 November 1573 Plantin bought from Granjon matrices for his Nonpareille cursive (Ar. 116, p. 285). Between 14 and 17 October 1573 van den Keere tried casting this set on two moulds and sent proofs of both to Plantin (Ar. 153, p. 150). On 24 September 1574 he sent the first fount of the Jolie Cursive (Ar. 153, p. 153; Ar. 42, f. 1) and on 25 November 1574 he added a fount of small capitals from the Coronelle Romaine to serve as the capitals (Ar. 153, p. 155;
| |
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| Ar. 42, f. 2). Garamont's Bible small capitals seem to have been found more suitable later, since this is the set that survives. On 10 March 1579 van den Keere sent Plantin a fount of sloping capitals for the Jolie Cursive and charged him for justifying the 23 matrices. (Ar. 153, p. 197; Ar. 42, f. 18). The number of matrices in the 1590 Leyden and c. 1612 Inventories indicates that this set may have had three sets of capitals, perhaps the original Coronelle small capitals, the Bible small capitals, and the sloping capitals. The numbers in this set are different from those in the surviving strikes, MA 120 etc., and do not fit the punches in ST 30. |
• | MA 88, (34 matrices) Notes pour les processionels de Henry du Tour justifiées. See ST 66, above. Van den Keere's bills to Plantin in 1573 account for the justification of 31 matrices for this set (Ar. 153, pp. 105, 144, 145, 146). In May 1587, 39 matrices for the small notes for processionals with the copper mould were returned from Hamburg to Frankfort (Ar. 964, p. 3). |
• | MA 89a, (22 matrices) Petites notes d'Espaigne de Henry du Tour justifiées. See ST 62, above. On 3 October 1573 van den Keere, or du Tour, charged Plantin for striking and justifying 6 matrices for this set and making a mould (Ar. 153, p. 149). The preceding week he had sent a fount of type (Ar. 153, p. 148). In May of 1587, 32 matrices for small Spanish notes, eight of which were smaller than the rest, were returned from Hamburg to Frankfort (Ar. 964, f. 3). |
• | MA 91a, (63 matrices) Notes de Grosse musicque a plain Chant de la taille de Henry du Tour justifiées. See ST 68, above. On 4 July 1577 van den Keere charged Plantin for striking and justifying 58 matrices from ST 68 and four more of one line only (Ar. 42, f. 12v). On 11 November 1577 he added two more of one line (Ar. 42, f. 13v). On 9 July he had sent the first large fount of type (Ar. 42, f. 12v). It seems likely from the number of matrices that this set was included with the Grosses Notes d'Espagne in the 1589 Antwerp Inventory, and was perhaps with them in Hamburg in 1587 and Frankfort in 1588 (see MA 93, below). |
• | MA 93, (20 matrices) Grosses notes d'Espaigne de H. du Tour justifiées. See ST 61, above. Van den Keere seems to have struck and justified matrices and cast type by the dates that he charged for the punches in ST 61. In May of 1587, 76 matrices for large Spanish notes were returned from Hamburg to Frankfort (Ar. 964, f. 3) and the 1588 Frankfort Inventory shows Caslillano music matrices still there in September 1588. The 1589 Antwerp Inventory lists 84 matrices for Spanish notes as well as 49 for middle Spanish notes. Since the matrices for the Grosse Musique (MA 91a, above) are not listed, they are probably included with the large Spanish notes, and may also have been with them in 1587 and 1588. |
• | MA 94, 95, (44 matrices, 186 strikes) [Jolye] Grecq[ue] de Robert Granjon. See ST 49, above. Apparently Granjon supplied a set of strikes with the punches in 1574-1575, as was his custom, since there is no record of van den Keere making a strike. The 1590 Leyden Inventory shows that Raphelengius inherited 222 Jolie Greek strikes. The 1652 Inventory shows that some of these had by then been justified. The work was probably started for the Raphelengius's. The nine matrices for capitals from ST 20b (see Inv. [1566]) could not have been included with this set in the above inventories. |
| |
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• | MA 100, (67 matrices) Notes de musicque in 4o de la taille de H. du Tour justifiées. See ST 70, above. On 28 July 1578 van den Keere sent Plantin a trial fount of the notes in 4o (Ar. 42, f. 16). On 8 September 1578 he charged for striking 62 matrices, justifying 42 large matrices and 20 of one line, making moulds of 1, 2, 4 and 5 lines and casting 170 lbs of type (Ar. 42, f. 16v). |
• | MA 101c, (25 matrices) Petite Musicque sur le Gros Texte de la taille de Robert Granjon justifiées. See ST 75, [1572] Inventory. Plantin acquired a strike with the punches which he bought from Granjon between 7 August and 7 December 1566 (Ar. 31, f. 88). Guyot charged him for justifying 25 small matrices for notes on the last of October 1567 (Ar. 31, f. 65v). For some reason these matrices are omitted from the [1572] Inventory. They are not recognizable in the 1589 Antwerp Inventory. |
• | MA 113, (158 matrices) [Mediane] Italicque de Robert Granjon couchée justifiée. See LMA 3, [1561] Inventory. On 2 December 1579 van den Keere finished justifying for Plantin 166 matrices of the Mediane cursive pendante (Ar. 42, f. 21; Ar. 153, p. 78) and on 29 April 1580 he delivered the first fount of type (Ar. 42, f. 22). The c. 1612 Inventory indicates that the 166 matrices included linien en strecken (rules and braces), material since lost. |
• | MA 136, 137, (61 matrices, 1 strike) La Lectre Castillane justifiée. See ST 32, above. On 24 March 1574 van den Keere sent Plantin a proof of the lettres d'Espagne and on 15 May 1574 he charged for justifying 62 matrices of the Lectre Castillane (Ar. 153, p. 106). |
• | MA 138, (76 matrices) [Augustine Grosse) Lectre française de R. Granjon justifiée. On 4 September 1578 van den Keere received from Plantin the strike of the Lectre Françoise sur l'Augustine (Ar. 42, f. 14v). On 29 April 1580 he charged Plantin for justifying 125 matrices of a lectre escripte d'Augustine and casting a trial fount (Ar. 42, f. 22v). Forty-eight matrices seem to have been lost since 1652.
Specimen: c. 1580 Folio Specimen, untitled, inc.: Qui ne s'esmerveillera.
Appearance: 1581, P. de Heuiter, Nederduitsche Orthographie, pp. 5, 6, 110, 111. |
• | MA 161, (157 matrices) Coronelle Romaine de Henry du tour justifiée. There is a note on a sheet of van den Keere's dated 23 June 1573, which is probably an estimate: Coronelle with the rent of matrices 10 s a thousand (Ar. 116, p. 229). On or after 17 October 1573 billed Plantin for justifying 156 Coronelle matrices (Ar. 153, p. 150). See also ST 21, MA 62, MA 148, 1580 van den Keere Inv. Three pairs of matrices for fleurons from punches in ST 21 survive as MA 188 m, n, o.
Specimen: c. 1580 Folio Specimen, Coronelle Romaine, Coronelle sur la Bible.
Appearances: 1573, P. Canisius, Institutiones, index; 1374, Biblia Sacra, RDB 1, text. |
•◆ | LMA 16, Capitales de 2 lignes de Garramond de H. du tour justifiees. On 9 January 1578 van den Keere charged Plantin for striking and justifying 23 matrices for capitals on 2 lines Garamonde (Ar. 42, f. 15). There is no bill for casting. These matrices appear only in this inventory and then disappear. Plantin does not seem to have ever used this letter. From the number of matrices these were roman
| |
| |
| capitals only, although the punches seem to have been for both Greek and roman (see LST 12, 1580 van den Keere Inventory). |
• | LMA 17, [Ascendonica] bas de Casse de la Romaine de Henry du Tour justifiée. See ST 10, above. On 15 May 1576 van den Keere sent Plantin a 322 lb fount of the new Ascendonica. (Ar. 42, f. 10). The bill for the punches dated 15 September 1576 includes the striking and justification of 58 matrices (Ar. 42, f. 11v). The 1590 Leyden Inventory lists 187 Ascendonica Romaine matrices, perhaps including this set with Granjon's MA 8. The 1652 Inventory lists only 117 matrices. This set may have been sold or lost in the interval. |
◻ | ST 75, [Texte] Poinsons de petite Musicque; Poinsons de petite Musicque sur le Gros Texte De la Taille de Robert Granjon. Since ST 75 is the only music on Texte for which Plantin had punches, it must have been listed twice. |
◻ | MA 32, 33 [Augustine] Grecq de Robert Granjon justifiée. See MA 32, 33, 1561 Inventory, for correction of this attribution. |
□◆ | LMA 2 (?), [Philosophie] Romaine de Henry du Tour justifiée. See LMA 2, [1561] Inventory. This set could be a second set of matrices for van den Keere's known Philosophie, or it could be a set for a second Philosophie roman by van den Keere. There is no support for either of these theories in Plantin's records or books. It could be LMA 2, Plantin's set of matrices for Haultin's Philosophie wrongly attributed and appearing in an inventory for the last time. It may be that MA 43 is listed twice. It is hard to judge which theory is the least unsatisfactory. |
| |
De vechter inventory of post 1581
Ar. 153, pp. 319-321
Thomas De Vechter seems to have been Hendrik van den Keere's foreman. After van den Keere's death he continued to work for Plantin casting type, and on one occasion justifying matrices (see MA 96, [1572] Inventory). He was at Ghent until 14 December 1581, in Antwerp from 5 January 1582 until August 1584, and in Leyden from 29 December 1584 until his death and burial on 22 March 1602 (cf. Rooses, p. 160; H.F. Wijnman, ‘Thomas de Vechter, lettergieter te Leiden, 1584-1602’, in Het Boek, 28, 1948, p. 150).
Comparison of the matrices listed in this inventory with the material in the 1580 van den Keere Inventory shows it to be the list of matrices that De Vechter received from the widow van den Keere after Plantin had bought those that he wanted; fourteen of the sets correspond exactly with the fourteen in the 1580 van den Keere Inventory which Plantin's letters and inventories indicate that he did not buy (see LMA 18-26, LMA 28-31, LMA 3 (?), below). The remainder forms two groups: one of old matrices, some of which are by Joos Lambrecht, the Ghent typefounder and predecessor of Hendrik van den Keere, and which the widow must have considered too ancient to offer Plantin, and another, containing a few new sets on
| |
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which De Vechter may have asserted a prior claim. No punches are listed but we know that Plantin bought all the widow offered for sale (cf. the 1580 van den Keere Inventory).
The list is written in De Vechter's hand, but is not dated. It is evident that it was drawn up after February 1581, when Plantin made his purchase, since one set of matrices (LMA 31, 1580 van den Keere Inv.) had been justified in the interim.
The reasons for writing and transmitting the list to Plantin are not clear. Perhaps Plantin wished to know what materials remained in Ghent after his purchase. Perhaps it was drawn up to avoid confusion of De Vechter's with Plantin's matrices, possibly when De Vechter came to Antwerp in 1582. Perhaps Plantin found it useful to have a record of the faces De Vechter could cast when the latter went on to Leyden in 1584.
In Leyden De Vechter worked in Plantin's house, run by the Raphelengius's, casting type for Plantin, the Raphelengius and Moretus families, and outside printers. It is likely that he took these matrices with him since at least some of them become common in Dutch printing of this period. On 10 December 1592 he wrote to Jan Moretus and mentioned that he had 3 sets of matrices in this list (see LMA 32, below and LMA 26, LMA 28, 1580 van den Keere Inventory; Ar. 81, p. 353). On 5 April 1601 Franciscus Raphelengius wrote to Jan Moretus and mentioned another set of De Vechter's (LMA 23, 1580 van den Keere Inv.; Ar. 92, p. 115).
The later inventories indicate that De Vechter never exercised his option to buy back any of the material Plantin acquired from the widow van den Keere with the possible exception of a set of van den Keere's Philosophie Romaine matrices (see LMA 27, 1580 van den Keere Inventory). However, the faces occurring in Dutch printing at the turn of the century raise the interesting question as to whether type from the larger collection of matrices of the Raphelengius's was also being sold outside the house in quantity.
Inventaris van al het ghene dat op den ghieterije es te weten van matrycen,
Instrumenten ende het ghuendt dat tot den ghieterije behoeft
Dese navolghende syn gheheele schriften
▸ lma 18 |
Eerst het Vlaems canon, Met het Instrument |
▸ lma 21 |
Text Romain van ameet, Met het Instrument |
▸ lma 22 |
Augustyne duytsche van Mr henrick van den keere, met het Instrument |
▸ lma 23 |
Mediane duytsche vanden voornoemd Mr henrick, Met het Instrument |
▸ lma 25 |
Mediane gheschreven letter van Mr henrick met het Instrument |
▸ lma 3 (?) |
De hanghende mediane cursyue van granjon |
▸ lma 26 |
Mediane Romaine van Garmont |
▸ lma 24 |
Mediane Romaine van ameet |
▸ lma 32 |
Colineus Romaine van Granjon Met 2 Instrumente |
| |
| |
◆ lma 28 |
Colineus Cursyue vanden voornoemd robert granjon |
◆ lma 29 |
Brevier duytsche van Mr henrick voornomt met 2 Instrumente |
◆ lma 30 |
Nompareille duytsche vanden voornoemd Mr henrick, met 2 Instrumente |
Dit navolghende syn diverschen soorten van Capitalen, ende Loovere ende Lijnien ende strecken ende musicq noten |
•◆ lma 33 |
Romainsche capitalen van 3 Regelen mediane van Mr henrick inhaudende 23 Matrycen |
◆ lma 31 |
Romainsche capitalen van 2 Regelen mediane, met het Instrument |
•◆ lma 34 |
Inhaudende 23 Matrycen, Twee Loovere up tselve |
◆ lma 20 |
Rubrycken op den parangonne Inhaudende 23 matrycen |
•◆ lma 35 |
Loover op het selue |
◆ lma 19 |
de cleen musicq noten van Mr henrick met het Instrument |
•◆ lma 36 |
De musicq noten van Granjon met het Instrument |
•◆ lma 37 |
Twee Loovere op het selue corpus |
•◆ lma 38 |
Vier matrycen van Looveren op den mediane |
•◆ lma 39 |
Lynien ende Strecken op den philosophie met 2 Instrumente Een cornel Instrument |
◆ lma 14 |
Den afslach vanden descendiane duytsche onghejusteert |
•◆ lma 40 |
De missale duytsche onghejusteert |
•◆ lma 41 |
Eenen afslach vanden nompareille duytsche onghejusteert |
Dit syn haude Instrumenten oft die niet veel en dueghen |
Eerst 2 hauden augustyn Instrumenten |
noch 1 Instrument van 2 Reghelen brevier |
noch 1 Instrument van 2 Reghelen peerle |
Dit syn hauden Matrycen |
•◆ lma 42 |
Een augustyne gheschreuen van Joos Lambrecht |
•◆ lma 43 |
Een hauden breuier van Joos Lambrecht |
•◆ lma 44 |
Een hauden bastaerde letter |
•◆ lma 45 |
Een hauden mediaen duytsche van Joos Lambrecht |
•◆ lma 46 |
Een Inghelsche descendiane |
•◆ lma 47 |
Een hauden augustyne Romaine |
•◆ lma 48 |
Een Garmon cursiue, ghesteken van Garmon |
| |
| |
▸ lma 49 |
Een hooghduytsche Letter |
▸ lma 50 |
Een Hauden Letter niet beter als stoffe |
▸ lma 51 |
Een rauwen afslach vanden bourjoise te weten vanden eersten |
▸ lma 52 |
Eene afslagh ghejusteert van den bourjoise van den eersten |
▸ lma 53 |
Noch een duytsche augustyne niet beter dan stoffe |
▸ lma 54 |
noch eenen afslach niet beter dan stoffe |
Dit is het ghene dat het opmaken aengaet, waeraf datter vele is
Dat niet veele te bedienen en heeft te weten als van hauden vylen ende meer ander bueselynghe
Het principaelste is den 3 vysen. De hoeuens, het haecken, slijpsteenen ende voorts den resten van cleender eestimatie. De vormen ende Instrumenten om int sant te ghieten, een yseren Instrument om Looden Reggeletten te ghieten, een steenen Instrument om ooc Looden Regheletten te ghieten.
•◆ | LMA 32, Colineus Romaine van Granjon. See LMA 10, [1572] Inventory. De Vechter should have inherited this set from van den Keere. On 10 December 1592 he wrote to Jan Moretus from Leyden that he had Colineus Romaine matrices by Granjon and offering to cast from them (Ar. 81, p. 353). During the following year type of la Granjonne appears in Moretus's books. |
•◆ | LMA 33, Romainsche capitalen van 3 Regelen mediane van Mr. henrick. See ST 5,1580 van den Keere Inventory. This handsome titling was common in Dutch printing at the end of the sixteenth century. If, as seems likely, De Vechter had the only matrices, it would serve as an easy indicator to the printers for whom he cast type. |
•◆ | LMA 34, Twee Loovere op [2 Reghelen mediane]. See ST 76b, 1580 van den Keere Inventory. |
•◆ | LMA 35, Loover [op den parangonne]. See ST 76c, 1580 van den Keere Inventory. Oxford has one matrix for this pattern which could be one of these which de Vechter took to Leyden. |
•◆ | LMA 36, De musicq noten van Granjon met het Instrument. See ST 71a, b, 1580 van den Keere Inventory. This music was cast on 2 lines Augustine. |
•◆ | LMA 37, Twee Loovere op [2 Reghelen Augustine]. See ST 76a, 1580 van den Keere Inventory. For body size see LMA 36, above. |
•◆ | LMA 38, Vier matrycen van Loovere op den mediane. See ST 76e, f, 1580 van den Keere Inventory. Oxford has three of the four matrices for this set, which may well be these which de Vechter took to Leyden. |
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•◻ | LMA 39, Lynien ende Strecken op den philosophie. See perhaps ST 76k, 1, 1580 van den Keere Inventory. |
•◆ | LMA 40, De missale duytsche onghejusteert. See MA 96, [1572] Inventory and ST 35, 1580 van den Keere Inventory. |
•◆ | LMA 41, Nompareille duytsche onghejusteert. See MA 68, [1572] Inventory and ST 42, 1580 van den Keere Inventory. |
•◆ | LMA 42-54. Little is known of these thirteen old faces, which are probably from the stock of Joos Lambrechts's type-foundry and which through Hendrik van den Keere the Elder probably came into the possession of Hendrik van den Keere the Younger and of Thomas de Vechter (cf. F. van der Haeghen, Bibliographie gantoise, Ghent, 1858, Vol. I, p. 56, 160). The van den eersten of LMA 51 and LMA 52 apparently refers to Joos Lambrecht. For a possible reference to LMA 51 see MA 64a, c. 1612 Inventory. |
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Frankfort inventory of [1588] Ar. 98, pp. 459-460
This inventory is dated 15 September 1588 at Frankfort. It lists the punches and matrices kept there in Plantin's shop (‘la chambre au coffre’) and warehouse (‘le Pachus’). It is written in the hand of Martine Plantin, the wife of Jan Moretus.
It is possible that this list has a connection with Plantin's second will, drawn up on 14 May 1588 (Rooses, p. 244). In it all the typographical material at Antwerp and Frankfort would become the property of Jan Moretus to the exclusion of the other heirs.
A note on the back in Jan Moretus' hand states that some of the material was returned to Antwerp, but gives no date.
Le 15e Septembre 1588
Memoire des Poinsons et matrices qui ont este a francfort le sudit Jour tant au Pachus que a la chambre au Coffre etz. Au pachus dedans la fenestre ferre il y a ce que sensuit.
No 1 vne grande boitte carre blache signe No 1 a laquelle a ce que sensuit
ma 120 etc. |
7 sept frappes de corsiue nompareille de Grandion contenant chacune frape 111 [?] Matrices en 5 paquetz |
• ma 14 |
een plat kasken met Paragon romeyn, 117 Matrysen |
ma 27a, d(?) |
een plat kasken met Augustyn corsyff, 124 Matrysen |
lma 62 |
een plat kasken met Augustyn Romeyn, 131 Matrysen |
ma 189 |
vne frappe de petite corsiue mignogne de GrandJon contient 124 Matrise |
ma 22a, 23 |
vne frappe du Text cursif |
ma 62 |
vne frappe de Coronelle romaine |
| |
| |
ma 176 |
vne frappe de Cursiue St Augustin de GrandJon contenant 124 Matrise |
ma 112 etc. |
vne frappe de Paragon romayn |
ma 7 (?) |
Assendonica romain GrandJon 1570 contient 116 Matrices |
ma 97 (?) |
Parangon de Gros gros Romain Garamond |
lma 55 |
Hebrieu sur la facon de Venise fourny en tout de la taille de G. le be |
ma 148 |
vne frappe de petit romain coronelle par Henry du tour etca |
ma 102 |
vng rouleau auecq notes de Musique en 4o |
ma 53a (?) |
vng rouleau de Colineus romeyn schrift |
ma 150 |
Affslach van St Augustyn Romeyn, 103 Matrysen |
ma 38 |
Lettre francoise mediane premiere justifiee de la taille de R. Granion |
lma 63 (?) |
Text Romyen eerst geiustert, C.P., - hautin |
ma 47a |
vne frappe de petit romain de Garamond diet la Garamonde |
ma 144, 145 |
vne frappe de cursiue Parangonne de GrandJon contient 144 Matrices |
ma 127 |
vne frappe de petit romain de GrandJon nomme la Galliarde contien 124 Matrices |
ma 69 |
Italica Texte F.G. 121 |
ma 128 (?) |
Matricez Italiq. de St Augustin, GrandJon |
Plus a laditte fenestre en diuers rouleaus et pacquets |
ma 187 |
vne frappe de petit romain de GrandJon nomme la GrandJonne contient, 118 Mat. |
ma 112 etc. |
vne frappe de du Romain paragon de GrandJon contient 116 Matrices en 6 paquets |
ma 112 etc. |
vne aultre frappe pareille contient aussy 116 matrices en 6 paquets |
ma 189 etc. |
vne frappe de petite corsiue mignogne de Grandion contient, 124 Matrices |
ma 107 |
vng rouleau avecq ung pacquet de lettre francoise de GrandJon sur la |
ma 147 |
Mediane et ditalica limmortelle, Matrysen bogost te iusteren syn F.G., 110 |
ma 185, 186
lma 11 |
vng rouleau auecq moyen Grecq complet et petit Grecq complet en 2 pacquets |
ma 118, 119 etc. |
vng rouleau auecq vng pacquet de Assendoca cursif Grandion contient 122 m[atrices] |
lma 56 |
et vng pacquet d Assendonica Grandjon contient 116 Matrices |
ma 118, 119, etc. |
vng Rouleau auecq 2 paquetz de Assendonica cursif Grandion contient chascun 122 |
ma 110b (?) |
et vng petit pacquet de corsiue Galliarde a 17 Matrices |
| |
| |
A la ditte fenestre il y a aussi |
vng petit Coffret apartenant a nous asavoir a Jehan Mourentorf et Martine Plantin |
Inuentoire de Poinsons et Matrises qui sont a la chambre au Coffre |
En vne boitte ouale blancq signe No 2 il y a ce que sensuit |
st 11 |
vne ronde boitte verde a 104 poinsonnen Real |
st 13a |
vne p[etite] boitte blanc auecq poinsons de l'Augustine romaine de Garramond |
st 3 |
vne boitte banche auecq poinsons de Grosses capitales extraordinaires |
st 27
st 28
st 30 |
vne p[etite] boitte auecq poinsons de 3 Italiques Philosophie, Colineus et Jolye |
En vne boitte ouale blanche signe No 3 Il y a ce que sensuit |
st 20a
st 20b
st 8 |
vne p[etite] boitte blanche auecq poinsons de la petite bible romaine de Garramond |
st 22 |
vne p[etite] boitte verde, a 109 Jolye |
st 21 |
vne p[etite] boitte verde, a 116 Coronelle |
lst 12 |
vne p[etite] boitte rouge met poinsonnen Capitalen op 2 reguelen Colineus |
st 76a (?) |
st 76b (?)
st 76c (?) |
met die Griecxse met die Poinsoenen van bloumen |
st 76e, f (?) |
st 32 |
vne aultre boitte blanq de poinsons de la lettre Castiliane |
En vne grande boitte carre blanche No 4 il y a ce que sensuit |
st 73
st 74 (?) |
vne boitte longette rouge met poinsoenen van paragon noten van henri vande keere |
st 71a
st 71b |
poinsoen van GrandJons noten op 2 reguelen augustyn poinsoenen van |
st 72 (?)
st 76k, 1 |
reguelen en stricken om scholastica |
st 9
st 10 (?) |
vne boitte blancq auecq poinsons de lAssendonica romaine corsiue |
st 25 |
st 6a
st 6b |
vne boitte blanche auecq poinsons du Gros Canon romain auecq les |
st 7 |
Capitales du Canon de Garramond sur vng moindre Corps |
st 16
st 15 (?) |
vne ronde boitte verde rouge a 120 romain Philosophie |
□ ma 105, 106 |
vng rouleau auecq une frappe du Gros romain de Garramond contenant 165 Matrices met 9 Matrysen van Text romeyn |
st 5 |
vng rouleau met poinsoenen van Capitalen van 3 reguelen mediaen |
| |
| |
ma 39 |
vng rouleau hooch duyts sur la Garamonde selon ladvis de C.P. |
ma 114, 115 |
vng rouleau auecq vne frappe du petit romeyn commun de Garamond dict la Garamonde contient 183 Matricez |
lma 57 |
vng rouleau C.P. Augustyn romeyn ongevesusteert |
En vne boitte ouale blanche siue No 6 il y a ce que sensuit |
ma 111 (?) |
vng pacquet de median Corsif |
ma 9 |
vng pacquet de matricez de pions de Grandes Capitales |
st 62 |
st 63 |
st 64
st 65 |
six p[etits] pacquetz de poinsons de notes simple chant |
st 66 |
st 67 |
st 68 (?)
st 61 |
En la boitte No 6 il y a quatre p[etits] pacquetz de poinsons des Grosses notes de Musicque et de Grosses notes [[simple chant]] d'Espagne |
st 44 (?) |
st 45 (?) |
En la boitte No 7 Il y a 12 p[etits] pacquetz de poinsons de lettres francoises escrittes |
st 46 (?) |
st 48 (?) |
ma 88 |
ma 85 |
En vng aultre boitte (non signe) il y a 17 rouleaus cleyn processionael noten en cleyn missaelnoten ende de Castillano met copere Instrument |
ma 89a (?) |
ma 93 (?) |
ma 78 |
vng rouleau auecq Grosses Capitales extraordinaire de Garamond |
vng rouleau auecq les Capitales 〚de la taille de Henry du Tour〛 Grecques premier de Garamond |
ma la (?) |
vng rouleau auecq reste de Capitales de la taille de henry du tour 4 paires d'instruments a fondre lettres |
ma 63 (?) |
vng petit rouleau avecq Antique Justifies a 124 Matrices |
Lequel est rendu a francfort p[ar] les heritiers de Gerlach de Norieberg |
[hand of Jan Moretus:] |
Memoire des poinsons et |
Matrices lesquels ont |
este a francfort et en |
est envoyee partie en Anvers |
• | MA 9, (23 lead matrices) Matricez de pions de Grandes Capitales. See ST 3, 1563 Inventory and MA 78, [1572] Inventory. MA 9 lacks the O, as described in the 1589 Antwerp and 1652 Inventories. |
• | MA 14, (120 matrices) Paragon romeyn, 117 Matrysen. See MA 112 etc., [1572] Inventory. Plantin used only the capitals to this face, and those occasionally. |
| |
| |
• | MA 102, (62 strikes) Notes de Musique in 4o. See ST 70 and MA 100, 1581 Inventory. Part of van den Keere's price for this face was a strike for himself (See ST 70, 1581 Inventory). Soon after 27 December 1578 he charged Plantin 50 florins for this strike, noting that he would keep it for himself but that Plantin had taken it (Ar. 42, fo 17v). The 1581 Inventory does not list it, suggesting that Plantin had it at Frankfort. |
• | MA 110b (?), (19 matrices). Vng petit pacquet de corsiue Galliarde a 17 Matrices. See MA 189 etc., [1572] Inventory. |
• | MA 150, (103 strikes) Affslach van St Augustyn Romeyn, 103 Matrysen. Plantin never justified or used this face and his records provide no clue as to its origin. |
• | MA 187, (116 strikes) Une frappe de petit romain de GrandJon nomme la GrandJonne contient, 118 Mat. See LMA 10, [1572] Inventory. The heirs of Gerlach (Nuremberg) seem to have returned the strike of Granjon's Gaillarde Romaine which they acquired from Plantin at Frankfort in 1578 w'ith the strike of the Granjonne (see MA 63, Inv. [1572]). They may have also returned the strike of the Granjonne, in which case MA 187 is the same set as LMA 10. |
• | LMA 55 (?), Hebrieu sur la facon de Venise fourny en tout de la taille de G. le be. See MA 72, 1563 Inventory. Le Bé's notes on the specimen of this face in his notebook at the Bibliothèque Nationale (see MA 72, Inv. 1563) show that André Wechel bought the punches at Garamont's executors' sale. The 1589 Antwerp Inventory shows that Plantin had a strike of this face in addition to his principal set. It is more likely that this strike was acquired and kept at Frankfort than that his principal set, MA 72, was there alone of all his sets of justified Hebrew matrices. LMA 56 is not mentioned again after the 1589 Antwerp Inventory, and was probably sold. |
• | LMA 56, Assendonica Grandjon contient 116 Matrices. See ST 9, [1572] Inventory. From the number of matrices this must be a set of strikes or matrices for the roman not the italic. It appears in the 1589 Antwerp Inventory, and is not listed again. |
• | LMA 57, Augustyn romeyn ongevesusteert. This strike seems to appear again in the [1590] Frankfort Inventory, after which it disappears. Nothing more is known of it. |
□ | MA 63 (?) Antique Justifies a 124 Matrices Lequel est rendu a francfort p[ar] les heritiers de Gerlach de Norieberg. For an explanation of this line see MA 63 (?), [1572] Inventory. |
□ | MA 105, 106, Frappe du Gros Romain de Garramond contenant 165 Matrices met 9 Matrysen van Text romeyn. These 9 matrices may have something to do with a group of matrices for long letters from Garamont's Texte Romain now in MA 19, a sixteenth century Texte Romain. |
| |
| |
After Plantin's death on 1 July 1589 difficulties arose concerning the privileges of the Moretus's in Plantin's second will. Jan Moretus made two consecutive proposals in an attempt to restore unity. The family unanimously accepted the second, which was made on 16 February 1590 (Rooses, p. 246).
This inventory and the four following have to do with these negotiations and must be considered together. This list is part of the inventory of all Plantin's Antwerp possessions written and dated by Jan Moretus 4 November 1589. Moretus was to inherit all this material.
There is a small group of six sets of matrices and one of punches that appear in earlier and later inventories but are not listed specifically in these four:
ST 49: Granjon's Jolie Grecque (see 1581 Inventory). |
MA 72: Le Bé's Vrai Texte Hebreu facon de Venise, justified (see 1563 Inventory). |
MA 76 (?): Van den Keere's Jolie Romaine, justified (see 1580 Inventory). |
MA 82e: Augustine vieille Hebreu, justified (see [1572] Inventory). |
MA 101c: Granjon's Musique sur le gros Texte, justified (see 1581 Inventory). |
MA 110b (?): Granjon's Bible-Mignonne Cursive, unjustified (see 1588 Inventory). |
MA 158: Hamon's Petite Augustine Françoise, justified (see [1566] Inventory). |
MA 72 and MA 82e may well have been included in the vague listings of the Hebrews in the 1590 Leyden Inventory. Ma 101c is probably included with one or other of the musics in this inventory. MA 76 may never have been in Plantin's possession. The whereabouts of ST 49, MA 110b and MA 158 remains a mystery.
Matrices trouuees en Anuers |
ma 51, 52 |
Garramong grecq Justifiees |
[pieces] 377 |
ma 49a, b |
Valentine cursiue granjon default Q |
152 |
ma 48
lma 15 |
Garamond Romeyn Justifiees |
216 |
ma 50 |
Lettre francoise petite sur la Garamonde de Granjon iustif. |
62 |
des M[atrice]s non Justifiees |
17 |
lma 4 (?) |
De la lettre Hebraique vielle non Justifiee y comprinses 6 Justifiees |
520 |
ma 59, 60 |
Garamond grecq mell[eure] Justifies |
493 |
ma 61 |
Galiarde Romaine Justifiee |
126 |
ma 140, 141 |
Grecq petit de la bible Justifie |
322 |
desdittes point Justifie |
25 |
ma 58a |
Breuier cursijf granjon geiusteert |
157 |
ma 102 |
Notes de Musique 4o point Justifiees |
62 |
. lma 55 |
Hebrieu sur la façon de venise forni G. le B. ongeiusteert |
69 |
ma 107 |
Lettre francoise sur la mediane |
103 |
| |
| |
ma 38 |
Lettre francoise sur la mediane premiere de R. Granjon |
137 |
ma 62 |
Coronelle Romaine ongeiusteert |
155 |
ma 97 |
Gros parangon Romain ongeiusteert |
152 |
ma 148 |
Coronel Rom. H. du tour ongeiusteert |
156 |
lma 63 (?) |
Text Romain haultin erst geiusteert |
104 |
□ ma 20a, b
□ ma 20c |
Augustyn Romain geiusteert |
185 |
◆ lma 56 |
Ascendonica Rom. granjon ongeiusteert |
116 |
ma 150 |
Augustyn Rom. ongeiusteerd en afslaghen |
103 |
Matrices trouvees en Anvers |
□ ma 81 (?) |
Augustyn cursyf geiusteert |
138 |
• ma 116 |
Petite Cursiue des poëtes de granjon point Justifiee |
131 |
ma 120 etc. |
Cursiue nompareille de granJon ongeiusteert |
111 |
ma 147 |
Italica limmortelle begost te Justeren f. guyot |
100 |
ma 187 |
Romain petit de granjon point Justif. |
118 |
ma 112 etc. |
Gros Parangon Romain point Justif. |
117 |
ma 112 etc. |
Parangon Rom. GrandJon ongeiusteert |
116 |
ma 114, 115 |
Garamonde Romaine ongeiust |
181 |
ma 70 |
Jolie Romaine Justifie Keere |
125 |
ma 67 |
Nompareille Romaine Justee |
127 |
ma 22a, 23 |
Texte Cursiue ongeiusteert y comprins 27 iustifiees |
143 |
ma 69 |
Texte Italique guyot geiusteert |
121 |
ma 128 |
Augustyn Cursiue granjon iustifie |
127 |
ma 176 |
Augustine Cursiue dudit point Justifee |
124 |
MA 118, 119 etc. |
Ascendonica Cursiue granjon point Justifiee |
122 |
lma 11 |
Petit grecq point justifie |
231 |
ma 16, 17 |
Parangon grecq iustifié |
237 |
ma 185, 186 |
Moyen grecq point Justifie |
181 |
Matrices trouvees en Anvers |
ma 111 |
Mediaen Cursiue haultin non iustifie |
132 |
ma 66a
• ma 66b |
Nompareille Cursiue iustifiee |
120 |
• ma 146 |
Mediaen Cursiue ongeiusteert |
126 |
ma 15 |
Parangon Cursiue geiusteert |
157 |
ma 144, 145 |
Parangonne Cursiue granJon ongeiusteert |
144 |
| |
| |
ma 113 |
Mediaen Cursiue pendante iustifiee |
166 |
ma 129 |
Colineus Cursiue iustifiee |
134 |
ma 54a
ma 54b |
Cursiue granjonne iustifiee |
194 |
ma 37 |
Cursiue Mediane droicte iustifiee |
124 |
ma 36a
ma 36b |
Mediaen Romain iustifiee |
232 |
ma 127 |
Galiarde Romaine granjon point Justifie |
124 |
lma 5 |
Parangon Romain iustifié |
157 |
ma 53a (?) |
Colineus Romain iustifie a demi |
124 |
ma 96 |
Augustijn duyts geiusteert |
114 |
ma 189 etc. |
Cursiue mignonne de Granjon ongeiusteert |
124 |
ma 53b |
A B Colineus et aulcuns defects du grecq |
34 |
lma 13 |
Capitalen dobbel mediaen |
23 |
lma 62 |
Augustyn Romeyn geiusteert |
131 |
ma 27a, d(?) |
Augustyn Cursyf geiusteert |
124 |
ma 14 |
Parangon Romeyn geiusteert |
117 |
ma 9 |
Matrices de grandes Capitales en plomb fault o |
22 |
ma 93
MA 91a (?) |
Matrices des Notes despagne iustifies |
84 |
ma 136, 137 |
Dela lettre du Canon espagnol iustifies |
63 |
Matrices trouvees en Anvers |
ma 85 |
Cleyn missaelnoten |
31 |
ma 88 |
Cleyn processionalnoten |
39 |
ma 90 |
ma 86 (?) |
Notes pour lantiphonaire |
79 |
MA 87 (?) |
ma 89a |
Moyennes despagne |
49 |
ma 57 |
Bybel Romeyn geiusteert |
s[umm]a |
36 sortes Justees |
26 sortes point Justees |
Poinsons trouvees en Anvers |
Une boitte en laquelle il ij a les suivants |
st 68 |
des gr[and]es notes de musique et des grosses |
st 61 |
notes pour espagne |
68 |
sont mis avec les matrices 〚matrices des grandes notes d'esspagne〛 |
〚84〛 |
| |
| |
〚de la lettre du canon espagne iustifie〛 |
〚63〛 |
◆ st 70 |
Notes moyennes de musique |
43 |
◆ st 75 |
Quelques petites notes |
20 |
st 62
st 63
st 64
st 65
st 66
st 67 |
Notes de simple chant poinsons |
152 |
st 44
st 45
st 46
st 48 |
poinsons de la lettre francoise grandes et petites |
364 |
_____ |
P[ieces] |
647 |
poinsons en tout |
• | MA 66b, (10 matrices) Nompareille Cursiue iustifiee. The matrices in MA 66b are 10 encircled Nompareille Cursive numbers. Since the 1563 Inventory lists 110 matrices and this one lists 120, these 10 must have been added between 1563 and 1589. We have not seen them used. |
• | MA 116, (126 strikes, 7 matrices) Petite Cursive des poëtes de granjon point Justifiee 131. See ST 28, [1566] Inventory. This reference can only be to a strike of Granjon's Colineus Cursive Poetique. The 1652 Inventory shows that this set of 131 Garamonde or Colineus Cursive strikes contained 7 justified matrices. In 1568 Plantin had received a bill, probably from Laurent van Everbroek, for justifying seven Colineus Cursive matrices: ss, e, o, n, t, s, C (Ar. 153, p. 60). These are the seven justified matrices in MA 116. The [1572] and 1581 Inventories list no such strike, therefore MA 116 must have been left out; perhaps it was at Frankfort. |
• | MA 146, (126 strikes) Mediaen Cursiue ongeiusteert 126. MA 146 is an early, probably local Median italic that Plantin used in a few of his early books.
Appearance: 1555, M. Bruto, La institutione, RDB 1, text (cf. facsimile reprint, Antwerp, 1955). |
◻ | MA 20a, b. MA 20c, Augustyn Romain geiusteert 185. This can only be Garamont's Texte Romain, MA 20a, b and MA 20c. |
◻ | MA 81 (?), Augustyn cursyf geiusteert 138. In this series of four Inventories there is an extra Augustine Cursive and one too few Texte Cursives. That this Augustyn Cursyf actually refers to MA 81, Granjon's Texte Cursive, seems the most likely explanation. |
◻ | MA 96, Augustijn duyts geiusteert 114. This entry can only refer to MA 96, van den Keere's Texte Flamand. See c. 1612 Inventory for correction of this error. |
| |
| |
| |
Frankfort inventory of [1590] Ar. 153, pp. 355-357
This list, written by an unknown hand, is not dated. However, the remark on the last page, written by Jan Moretus, states that it deals with material that came from Frankfort and was divided between the Moretus's and the Raphelengius's.
None of the sets listed occur in the Antwerp 1589 Inventory dated 4 November 1589, which lists all of Plantin's Antwerp property. Therefore they should still have been at Frankfort at that date. Nine of the sets are marked Raphelengius. These same nine are repeated in the Frankfort-Leyden 1590 Inventory which was completed by 14 July 1590. The c. 1612 Inventory shows that those sets not marked Raphelengius were retained by the Moretus family.
Therefore this inventory must be a list of the material returned to Antwerp at the end of 1589 or during the first half of 1590.
Memoire des poinsons et matrices venus de francfort |
Poinsons |
En une boitte no 3 |
st 21 |
Coronelle Romaine |
p[iece] 105 |
st 22a
st 22b (?) |
Raphel. |
Jolie Romaine |
p. 112 |
lst 12 |
Capitalen op 2 regulen Colineus 〚dobbel Colineus〛 Capitalen met de Griekse |
p. 29 |
st 76a, b, c, e, f, o, p, q (?)
st 76d (?)
st 76g (?) |
Raphel. |
bloemen ende linien tsamen |
p. 19 |
st 20a
st 20b
st 8 |
petite Bible Romaine auec vng alphabet de grandes capitales |
p. 175 |
st 32 |
Littera Castilliana |
p. 50 |
_____ |
p. 490 |
boitte No 2 |
st 11 |
Reale Romaine |
p. 104 |
st 13a |
Poinsons |
Augustine Romaine |
p. 157 |
st 27
st 28
st 30 |
Raphel. |
Philosophie, Colineus, Jolye Italiques |
p. 289 |
st 3 |
Capitales extraordinaires |
p. 36 |
_____ |
586 |
boitte no 4 |
st 16
st 15 (?) |
Philosophie Romain |
p. 119 |
st 6a
st 6b
st 7 (?) |
Gros Canon Romain |
p. 85 |
| |
| |
st 9
st 10 (?) |
Poinsons |
Ascendonica Romain |
p. 128 |
st 25 |
Ascendonica Cursive |
p. 104 |
st 73
st 74 (?) |
Parangon noten H. keere et
de granjon op 2 regulen augin |
st 71a
st 71b
st 72 (?) |
Raphelingen cleyn musyc 62 |
st 76k, 1 |
met linien ende stricken [op] scholasta |
p. 200 |
_____ |
p. 636 |
490 |
586 |
_____ |
p. 1712 |
st 5 |
Poinsons |
Capitalen van 3 regulen mediaen |
p. 24 |
_____ |
p. 1736 |
Matrices Justees |
ma 39 |
1 Allemande sur la Garamonde J. contenant |
p. 85 |
ma 157 |
Raphel. |
1 Petit Canon Romain viel sur deux lignes de la med. contenant |
p. 51 |
ma 2, 3a
ma 3b |
1 frappe de Garamonde grosse lettre Romaine contenant |
p. 156 |
ma 63 (?) |
1 Antiqua Romana contenant |
p. 124 |
ma 1b
ma 1a |
1 Canon Gros Romain contenant |
p. 84 |
ma 78 |
1 Capitales de Garamond extraord. et de H. du Tour |
p. 74 |
_____ |
_____ |
6 Sortes de matrices justees |
f |
Matrices point Justees |
ma 105, 106 |
1 Gros Romain Garamond contenant |
p. 165 |
ma 47a |
Raphel.i |
1 frappe de petit Romain Garamond contenant |
p. 187 |
◆ lma 57 (?) |
1 frappe dAugustine Rom. |
ma 120 etc. |
Raph.i |
6 frappes de Cursiue nompareille granjon contenant |
p. 111 |
ma 189 etc. |
1 frappe de Cursiue mignonne de granjon contenant |
p. 124 |
ma 112 etc. |
Raph.i |
1 frappe de Rom. parangon 〚contenant〛 de granjon contenant |
p. 116 |
| |
| |
ma 7 (?) |
1 frappe de Ascendonica Rom. granjon contenant |
p. 116 |
ma 118, 119 etc. |
Raph.i |
2 frappes Assendonica cursyf granjon contenant |
p. 122 |
_____ |
_____ |
14 frappes de 8 diverses sortes |
f |
[hand of Jan Moretus]
Poinsons et matrices de Francfur venus et partage Raphelengiis
• | ST 76d (?)(1 punch) Bloemen. This punch is for a fleuron to be cast on Texte. It is cut in van den Keere's second style and therefore dates from between 1570 and 1574. We do not know how Plantin acquired it; there is no record of matrices; we have not seen it used. |
• | ST 76g (?) (2 punches) Bloemen. This pair of punches is for a handsome fleuron to be cast on Texte. The punches are from Granjon's hand. Between 22 December 1565 and 1 February 1566 Plantin had bought punches and matrices for a fleuron from Granjon (Ar. 31, f. 87v). The price indicates that it should have consisted of 1 or 2 pieces. The matrices are mentioned specifically in no inventories and have since been lost. We have not seen this pattern used before the 18th century.
Appearance: 1758, A Monsieur... etc., Antwerp, Moretus, (Folio Varia, II, p. 173), center. |
◻ | ST 7 (?), Gros Canon Romain p. 85. The number of punches indicates that more than ST 6a and ST 6b are included under this heading. The 1588 Frankfort Inventory indicates that ST 7 may be the extra set (See [1572] Inventory). |
| |
Leyden inventory of 1590
Ar. 99, pp. 31-33
The following list is a part of the general inventory of Plantin's possessions written by Franciscus Raphelengius the Younger, and dated at the end 14 July 1590. It enumerates the Leyden properties to be inherited by the Raphelengius family. After the decline of the Raphelengius's printing-office between 1612 and 1619, all this material, with the possible exception of LMA 17, below, seems to have reverted to the Moretus's (see c. 1612 and 1652 Inventories).
Inventoire des Poinçons |
En dix petites boites les lettres Flamendes ensuivantes |
T 42 |
ST 37 |
90 Nompareille |
41 Mediane |
T 41
T 39 |
ST 36 |
125 Breviere |
75 Augustine |
| |
| |
st 40 |
st 35 |
113 |
Bourgeoise, etc. |
122 |
Texte |
st 38 |
st 34 |
74 |
Descendiane |
97 |
Reale ou Parangonne |
st 47 |
st 33 |
115 |
Mediane escriture |
67 |
Grand Canon |
_____ |
_____ |
517 |
402 |
402 |
En vne boite les ensuivants |
st 57 |
100 |
Lettres Syriennes |
st 50
st 52
st 53
st 55 |
172 |
Hebraiques de diverses sortes |
_____ |
1191 |
Poinsons à 15 pat. la piece l'vn portant l'autre valeur fl. 893 st 5 |
Inventaire des matrices |
En la boite A |
ma 82a (?)
• ma 83a (?)
ma 83b (?)
ma 82c (?) |
130 |
Coronelle ou petit Hebrieu |
} justees |
ma 34 (?)
ma 82b (?) |
104 |
Grosses lres Hebraiques deest Gimel |
} justees |
ma 6
ma 18
ma 40
ma 83c |
142 |
Lettres de la grand Bible |
} justees |
ma 24 (?)
ma 82d (?)
ma 167a (?) |
146 |
Texte ou Augustine Hebrieu |
} justees |
En la boite B |
(?) |
80 |
Lettres du Thalmud |
} point justees |
• ma 135a
ma 135b
ma 135c |
103 |
Cursives Hebraiques |
} point justees |
(?) |
105 |
Parangon et gros Texte d'Allemagne |
} point justees |
(?) |
85 |
Texte Hebrieu |
} point justees |
En la boite C |
ma 94, 95 |
222 |
Jolie Grecque |
} point justees |
ma 120 etc. |
111 |
} Quattre frappes de la Jolie Italique |
} point justees |
ma 120 etc. |
111 |
} Quattre frappes de la Jolie Italique |
} point justees |
ma 120 etc. |
111 |
} Quattre frappes de la Jolie Italique |
} point justees |
ma 120 etc. |
111 |
} Quattre frappes de la Jolie Italique |
} point justees |
ma 71 |
164 |
Jolie Italique justee |
} point justees |
ma 68 |
88 |
Jolie ou Bible Flamende justee |
} point justees |
| |
| |
En la boite D |
ma 161 |
160 |
Coronelle Romaine de H. du Tour } justees |
ma 160 |
177 |
Coronelle R. ou grande Nompareilie de Hautin } justees |
En la boite E |
ma 43 |
119 |
Philosophie Romaine } justees |
ma 99 |
136 |
Philosophie Cursive } justees |
ma 44 |
84 |
Philosophie Flamende } justees |
En la boite F |
ma 142, 143 |
395 |
Mediane Grecque } justees |
ma 133 |
128 |
Mediane Italicque maigre } justees |
En la boite G |
ma 25a
ma 25b |
235 |
Augustine { Romaine } justees |
ma 28 (?) |
127 |
Augustine { Cursive } justees |
ma 32, 33 |
295 |
Augustine { Grecque } justees |
En la boite H |
ma 21 |
123 |
Augustine { Allemande } justees |
ma 138 |
134 |
Augustine { Françoise } justees |
En la boite I |
ma 109 |
70 |
Texte Bastarde } justees |
ma 108 |
169 |
Texte Françoise } justees |
En la boite K |
ma 12 |
93 |
Reale { Romaine } justees |
ma 13 |
91 |
Reale { Flamende } justees |
En la boite L |
ma 8
lma 17 (?) |
187 |
Ascendonica { Romaine } justees |
ma 11 |
124 |
Ascendonica { Cursive } justees |
En la boite M |
lma 6 |
121 |
Petit Canon Romain justé |
En la boite N |
ma 4
lma 12 (?) |
86 |
Gros Canon Flamend justé |
| |
| |
En la boite O |
51 |
divers Fleurons justés et quelque Rapiamus point justé |
En la boite P |
ma 100 |
80 |
Notes de Musique in 4o justés |
En vn pacquet à part |
ma 130
ma 64b |
Les Lettres Syriennes } justées |
ma 64d, e(?) |
Coloneus Flemande } justées |
Sont en tout trente sortes de matrices justées à 30 fl. la sorte valeur fl. 900 st - |
Neuf sortes de matrices point justées à 15 fl. la sorte valeur fl. 135 st - |
• | MA 28 (?), (135 matrices) 127 Augustine Cursive justee. See MA 128, [1572] Inventory. This appears to be the first mention of MA 28, which is a set of Granjon's second Augustine Cursive. We do not know how it was acquired. It is not listed in the c. 1612 Inventory, but reappears in the 1652. |
• | MA 83a (?), (30 matrices) 130 Coronelle ou petit Hebrieu juste. See ST 55, [1572] Inventory. If this inscription can be trusted, MA 83a, which is a second set of matrices for Le Bé's Coronelle Hebreu, should have been struck and justified by this time. It seems to occur in the 1652 Inventory. |
• | MA 135a, (39 strikes) 103 Cursives Hebraiques [point justees]. The sum of the strikes in MA 135a, MA 135b and MA 135c is 102. MA 135b and MA 135c are both Hebrew cursives from the van Bomberghens (see [1572] Inventory). Possibly MA 135a, a similar Hebrew cursive, which fits on an Augustine body, is from the same source. |
◻ | LMA 12 (?), 86 Gros Canon Flamend justé. From the number of matrices this set included an extra set of capitals. The 1652 Inventory indicates that these may be LMA 12, van den Keere's Capitales sur 2 Règles Mediane. |
| |
Frankfort-Leyden inventory of [1590]
Ar. 99, p. 101
Like the 1590 Leyden Inventory, this list forms part of the inventory of Plantin's property to be inherited by the Raphelengius family. It consists of the nine sets marked Raphelengius in the [1590] Frankfort Inventory and occurs as an addition in the general inventory of Plantin's Leyden possessions, which was written by Franciscus Raphelengius the Younger and dated at the end 14 July 1590.
| |
| |
Inventoire des poinçons, matrices, et livres, etc. qui sont esté delivrez à François de Raphelengien le jeusne, fondé de procuration de Françcois son pere et Marguerite Plantin sa mere. En Anvers
Poinçons |
st 22a
st 22b (?) |
Jolie Romaine p[ieces] 112 à 15 st. pour valeur |
f. 84 st. - |
st 28 |
Colineus Cursive p. 97 |
f. 72 st. 15 |
st 72 (?)
st 74 (?) |
Petite Musique p. 62 |
f. 46 st. 10 |
st 76a, b, c, d, e, f, g, o, p, q (?) |
Fleurons etc. p. 19 |
f. 14 st. 5 |
_____ |
Summa p. 290 à 15 st pour valeur |
f. 217 st. 10 |
Matrices |
ma 157 |
Petit Canon deux reigles Mediane, viel, imperfect justé f. 30 st. - |
ma 118, 119 etc. |
Ascendonica Cursive } frappes point justees à à 15 f la sorte valeur f. 60 st. - |
ma 112 etc. |
Parangonne Romaine de Grandjon } frappes point justees à à 15 f la sorte valeur f. 60 st. - |
ma 47a |
Garramonde Romaine } frappes point justees à à 15 f la sorte valeur f. 60 st. - |
ma 120 etc. |
Jolie Cursive de Grandjon } frappes point justees à à 15 f la sorte valeur f. 60 st. - |
_____ |
f. 307 st. 10 |
Summa Montent les poinçons et matrices receus en Anvers à la somme de trois cent et sept florins et dix patars.
| |
Raphelengius inventory of post 1590
Ar. 153, p. 387
After the division of Plantin's heritage between the Moretus's and the Raphelengius's, the families kept in close contact. They sent their principal editions and prospects to each other and regularly exchanged woodblocks, copper-engravings, punches and matrices. The terms between the presses were so friendly that Moretus got back all but a fraction of the Raphelengius's typographical material when the latter closed in 1619.
The first part of the following list contains a request from Franciscus II Raphelengius to Jan Moretus for an exchange of matrices against punches. Jan Moretus agreed and wrote the details of the transaction on the latter half of the sheet of paper. The list marked A went from Moretus to Raphelengius in exchange for the list marked B.
The date is not known. Obviously it is later than 1590 when Moretus inherited the matrices in question (cf. Inventories of 1589 and 1590). The terminus ad quem
| |
| |
may be assumed as 1596, date of the death of Jeanne Rivière, to whom Jan Moretus seems to allude (cf. list A). In any case in 1601, the exchange had taken place, for in a letter to Balthasar Moretus, dated 15 March 1601 (Ar. 92, f. 113), Raphelengius stated that the punches of the Flemish Philosophie, a series included in this exchange, were in the possession of Jan Moretus.
[hand of Franciscus II Raphelengius:] |
ie voudrois avoir |
Gaillarde Romain point justé P[ieces] 124 |
f. 15 |
Garramon Grecq justé P. 377 |
f. 30 |
Mediane Cursive de Hautin point justé P. 132 en cas que c'est de la pendante |
f. 15 |
Texte Cursive point justée P. 143 |
f. 15 |
Parangonne point justée cursive P. 144 |
f. 15 |
Petit grecq non just. p. 231 en cas que ce soit Bible, Garamonde ou Philosophie, dont avez matrices justées |
f. 15 |
Petite Cursive des poëtes de Granjon, et petite Cursive mignonne de |
f. 30 |
Granjon, p. 131, p. 124 point just. apres avoir veu ce que c'est, vne des deux ou toutes deux, 〚apres avoir veu〛 et en cas qu'ayez des justees des mesmes |
fl. 135 |
Choisissez |
113 p. Poinsons Coloneus flamend, valeur a 15 st. p[iece] |
fl. 84 st. 15 |
74 p. poinsons Philosophie |
fl. 55 st. 10 |
97 p. poinsons Parangonne |
fl. 72 st. 15 |
ou matrices just. p. 91 |
fl. 30 st. |
67 p. poinsons Grand Canon flamend |
fl. 49 st. 15 |
ou matrices just. p. 86 |
fl. 30 st. |
[hand of Jan Moretus:] |
[List A] |
Ma mere [?] s'en gaude [?] pour compte de changer avec Raphelingius |
ma 127 |
Galiarde Roman point iustée |
fl. 15 |
ma 111 |
Mediane cursiue point juste de Haultin |
fl. 15 |
ma 144, 145 |
Cursiue parangon de Granjon |
fl. 15 |
ma 185, 186 |
Moyen Grec point justée |
fl. 15 |
ma 116 |
Petite cursive des poetes de Granjon sur le Colineus |
fl. 15 |
ma 189 |
Cursiue mignonne |
fl. 15 |
_____ |
fl. 90 |
ma 97 |
Gros parangon ongeiusteert |
fl. 15 |
_____ |
fl. 105 |
| |
| |
[List B] |
st 38 |
en change vng poinson de philosophie |
fl. 55 st. 10 |
ma 64b |
[1 illegible word] matrice de Coloneus iustée |
fl. 30 |
_____ |
fl. 85 st. 10 |
(?) |
une mediane [?] point justé [?] |
fl. 19 st. 10 |
_____ |
Summa |
fl. 105 |
◻ | MA 64b, Matrice de Colineus justée. The 1590 Leyden and 1590 Frankfort-Leyden Inventories show that the only set of Colineus matrices in Raphelengius's possession was a Colineus Flamande, which would be that of van den Keere, MA 64b (1581 Inventory). |
| |
Inventory of circa 1612
Ar. 215, f. 4-31
This inventory is a list of the punches and matrices in the possession of the Moretus family early in the seventeenth century. It is not dated but we find notes under some of the sets recording that they have been sent to the Raphelengius's on August the 6th, 1612. Perhaps it was drawn up after the death of Jan I Moretus (1610).
The main hand (h 1) is that of an unknown writer. The second hand (h 2) is perhaps that of Jan II Moretus managing the office from 1610-1618. The inventory is kept up to date by a series of additions in the hands of Balthasar I Moretus (h 3) who managed the office from 1610 to 1641, of Balthasar II (h 4), manager from 1641 to 1674.
The latest addition should be a set of matrices of the Moyen Canon Cursive, a face which does not appear in the Moretus's printing until the late 1640's (see LMA 58, below). Although numerous, these additions are not complete; a substantial part of the material which must have been returned by the Raphelengius family c. 1619 is not listed.
Also missing are three sets of the Moretus's music punches, probably overlooked:
ST 65: van den Keere's Moyennes Notes du Missel (See [1572] Inventory). |
ST 70: van den Keere's Musique in 4o (see 1581 Inventory). |
ST 75: Granjon's Petite Musicque sur le gros Texte (see [1572] Inventory). |
The absence of the following is unexplained:
ST 49: Granjon's Jolie Grecque (see 1581 Inventory). |
MA 76: van den Keere's Jolie Romaine, justified (see 1580 van den Keere Inventory). |
MA 158: Hamon's Petite Augustine Françoise, justified (see [1566] Inventory). |
LMA 4: Hebreu de Prat (see [1561] Inventory). |
| |
| |
lma 62 |
[h1] |
131 |
Augustine Romaine entre tables |
I H S |
ma 150 (?) |
170 |
Augustine Romaine auec quelques aultres a reuoir a loisir point Just. |
S. Marcus |
Augustine Rom. en cornets Raph. |
T 〚V〛 |
[h2] 〚remisi Raphelengio 6o Augusti 1612 per nautam〛 |
ma 27a, d |
[h1] |
124 |
Augustine Cursiue entre tables |
J H S |
ma 128 |
128 |
Augustine cursiue granjon en cornets, D |
D |
ma 176 |
124 |
Augustine cursiue point iustee de Granjon |
S. Marcus |
ma 96 |
114 |
Augustine flamende [h2?] est Text flamende |
Q |
ma 39 |
[h1] |
85 |
Allemande sur la mediane |
I |
• ma 30 |
[h3] |
71 |
Augustine Flamende |
Z |
ma 7 |
[h1] |
119 |
Asscendonica Romaine Granjon |
Q |
ma 11 |
〛ooo〛 |
[h3] |
124 |
[h1] Asscendonica Cursive R. |
N |
[h2] 〚rem. Raph 22a Sept. 1612〛 |
ma 8 (?) |
[h1] |
〚ooo〛 |
Ascendonica Romaine |
N |
[h2] 〚2 illegible words... 22 Sept.〛 |
ma 118, 119
etc. |
[h1] |
244 |
Ascendonica cursiue deux frappes point Just de 122 p[ieces] |
S. Marcus |
• ma 73a |
[h3] |
66 |
AEthiopische Matricen |
G |
ma 57 |
[h1] |
176 |
Bible Romaine |
B |
• ma 56a |
[h3] |
Bible Romeyne de R[aphelengius] |
O |
ma 58a |
[h1] |
157 |
Bible Cursiue |
C |
ma 53a (?)
ma 53b (?) |
146 |
Colineus Romaine |
B |
ma 129 |
134 |
Colineus Cursiue droicte |
D |
ma 54a
ma 54b |
204 |
Colineus cursiue pendante |
E |
[h2] |
Lignes servantes a chasque lettre y sont ionctes |
• ma 64a
ma 64 d, e
(?) |
[h1] |
126 |
Colineus Flamende [h3] plus grande |
O |
ma 64b |
Colineus Flamende melieure |
Z |
ma 161 [h1] |
〚157〛 |
[h2] |
156 |
[h1] Coronelle Romaine [h2] Raph renvoye [?] |
C |
◻ ma 63 (?) |
[h1] |
124 |
Coronelle Romaine nommee Antiqua |
I |
ma 148 |
〚312〛 |
[h2] |
156 |
[h1] Coronelle Romaine 〚deux frappes〛 |
ma 62 (?) |
[h2] |
une frappe [h1] p[oint] Just. chacun de 156 |
S. Marcus |
| |
| |
ma 62 |
[h3] |
156 |
Coronelle Romaine iustee par N. Briot et renouellee |
C 〚D〛 |
lma 6 |
[h1] |
Canon Romne petite [h2] 〚Raphelengii〛 |
L |
[h3] Raphelengii |
[h2] i'ay fait faire ç dont il y a le poinçon |
ma 2, 3a
ma 3b |
[h1] |
154 |
Canon Romaine moyenne 〚p. Just.〛 [h3] iustee |
S. Marcus |
ma 1b
maMA 1a |
[h1] |
83 |
Canon Romaine Grosse |
T |
ma 136, 137 |
63 |
Canon gros despagne |
S. Maria |
lma 58 |
[h4] |
133 |
Canon cursive |
ma 78 |
[h1] |
33 |
Capitales grandissimes en cuiure |
S. Maria |
ma 9 |
22 |
Capitales grandmes de plomb |
S. Maria |
▶ ma 149 (?) |
24 |
Capitales d Augustine Grecque [h2] sont avec les aultres en Z |
〚K〛 |
lma 12 |
24 |
Capitales Grandes de H. du Tour pour servir a moindre corps |
S. Maria |
lma 13 |
23 |
Capitales pour deux lignes Median |
K |
29 |
Capitales grauees en cuiure a fleurons mises sur bois avec nom de JHS, et Maria etc nombre 29 |
ma 96 |
114 |
Flamende 〚Augustine〛 [h3] Text |
Q |
ma 64a
ma 64d, e(?) |
[h1] |
126 |
Flamende de Colineus |
O |
ma 44 |
[h3] |
000 |
[h1] Flamande Philosophie [h3] R |
Z |
[h2] 〚misi Raphelengio 6a Aug 1612〛 |
ma 42 |
[h3] |
70 |
Flamende Mediane |
Z |
ma 30 |
71 |
Flamende Augustine |
Z |
ma 38 |
[h1] |
135 |
Françoise Mediane Granjon |
P |
ma 50 |
79 |
Francoise sur la Garamonde |
P |
ma 107 (?) |
118 |
Francoise Mediane p. Just Granjon |
S. Marcus |
ma 68 |
[h3] |
87 |
Nonpareille Duytsch |
Q |
ma 48
lma 15 |
[h1] |
214 |
Garamonde Romaine |
A |
ma 105, 106 |
165 |
Garamonde Grosse Romaine p[oint] J[usté] |
S. Marcus |
ma 114, 115 |
181 |
Garamonde petite Romaine p. J. nommee la Garamonde |
S. Marcus |
ma 61 |
126 |
Galiarde Romaine |
B |
| |
| |
ma 110b (?) |
[h3] |
17 |
Cursive ABC etc p. J. |
F |
ma 50 |
[h1] |
79 |
Garamonde françoise de Granjon |
P |
[h3] Garamond Cursiue, voiez Valentin Cursiue de Granjon |
F |
ma 187 |
[h1] |
118 |
Granjonne Romaine petite nommee la Granionne p J. |
S. Marcus |
ma 59, 60 |
493 |
Garamond Grecq. [h3] c'est la Bible Grecq |
Anna |
ma 51, 52 |
[h1] |
369 |
aultre dudit moins parfaict |
Anna |
ma 59, 60 |
〚321〛 |
[h2] |
493 |
[h1] Grecque de la Bible |
Anna |
ma 16, 17 |
[h1] |
232 |
Grecque Parangonne 237 |
Anna |
lma 11 |
249 |
Grecq petit de Parangonne p. J. |
S. Marcus |
ma 32, 33 |
296 |
Grecque Augustine R-
[h2] 〚remisi Raphelengio 14 Augusti 1612〛 |
Z |
ma 51, 52 |
[h3] |
369 |
Garamonde Grecq |
Anna |
◻ ma 140, 141 |
322 |
[?] Jolie oft Coronel Grieckx |
Anna |
ma 72 |
[h1] |
77 |
Hebrieu façon de Venise |
V |
ma 70 |
125 |
Jolie Romaine |
A |
ma 71 |
[h3] |
164 |
Iolie Cursive |
A |
◻ ma 147 |
[h1] |
99 |
Immortelle Cursiue de Guyot p. J. |
S. Marcus |
ma 36a
ma 36b |
235 |
Mediane Romaine |
G |
ma 37 |
124 |
Mediane Cursiue droicte |
K |
ma 113 |
166 |
Mediane Cursiue pendante |
P |
ma 146 |
126 |
Mediane Cursiue pendante p. Just |
S. Marcus |
ma 39 |
85 |
Mediane Allemande |
I |
ma 38 |
135 |
Mediane françoise Granjon |
P |
ma 107 |
103 |
Mediane francoise p. Just |
S. Marcus |
• ma 42 |
[h3] |
70 |
Mediane Duytsch |
Z |
ma 110a (?) |
[h1] |
124 |
Mignonne Cursiue p. Just. |
S. Marcus |
ma 101c |
25 |
Musique petite |
S |
ma 91a |
69 |
Musique la plus grande |
Y |
ma 88 |
39 |
Notes petites pour le Processionale |
R |
ma 85 |
32 |
Notes petites pour les Missels |
R |
ma 90 |
26 |
Notes grosses pour les Antiphonieres |
R |
| |
| |
ma 87 |
42 |
Notes grandes pour les Graduels |
S |
ma 93 |
22 |
Notes grosses pour le chant despaigne |
S |
ma 89a |
29 |
Notes petites pour liures d'espaigne |
X |
ma 86 |
17 |
Pour divers livres de chant |
S |
ma 102 |
62 |
Notes de Musique 4o p. Just |
S. Marcus |
ma 67 |
126 |
Nonpareille Romaine |
A |
ma 65 |
[h3] |
Nonpareille Romaine achaptee de la vefue de Th. Strong |
A |
ma 66a
ma 66b |
[h1] |
120 |
Nonpareille cursive |
C |
ma 120 etc. |
666 |
Six frappes p. Just chacun de matrices 111 |
S. Marcus |
ma 68 |
[h3] |
Nonpareille Duytsch achaptee de Raph. 〚A〛 |
F |
lma 5 |
[h1] |
158 |
Parangonne Romaine |
G |
ma 14 |
118 |
Parangonne Romaine entre tables |
I H S |
ma 112 etc. |
232 |
Deux Idem p. Just |
S. Marcus |
ma 15 |
157 |
Parangonne Cursiue |
E |
ma 43 |
Philosophie Romaine R |
N |
ma 44 |
Philosophie Flamende R |
Z |
[h2] 〚remisi Raphelengio 6a Augusti 1612〛 |
ma 12 |
[h1] |
121 |
Reale Romaine R |
V [Maria] |
ma 187 |
118 |
Romaine nommee la Granjonne petite p. J. |
S. Marcus |
ma 73b |
[h3] |
22 |
Samaritansche Matrysen |
R |
ma 20a, b
ma 20c |
[h1] |
168 |
[?] Text Rom. de 〚Granjon ramond.〛 |
H |
lma 63 (?) |
〚131〛 |
106 Text Romaine de Haultin |
H |
ma 69 |
121 |
Text Cursiue |
D |
ma 81 |
155 |
Text Cursiue [h?] melior |
F |
ma 22a, 23 |
[h1] |
135 |
Text Cursiue p. Just Excepte Le bas de casse eta ct â |
S. Marcus |
ma 49a, b |
151 |
Valentine Cursiue de Granjon |
F |
[h3] que sert pour le Garamond 〚Romeyn〛 Cursiue |
F |
[h3] |
Indice des Instruments notes auec la lettre R sont achaptés des Raphelengiens |
Instrument des Notes du Graduel |
de 3 Regles de Paragon, ou des Notes de l'Antiphonaire |
| |
| |
de 2 Regies de Paragon |
Canon d'Espaigne |
des Notes du Missel in folio |
de 2 Regles de Text |
Gros Canon Romeyn |
Petit Canon |
Ascendonica Romeyn |
Parangon Romeyn |
Petit Parangon Romein |
Poursuit l'Indice des Instruments |
Text Romeyn |
Augustyn op de Text ou Text Cursiue |
Augustyn Romeyn |
Augustyn Cursyf |
Petit Augustyn Romeyn ou 2 Regles de Coronel |
Augustyn op de Median |
Augustyn cleyn Hebreeus (R) |
Median Romeyn |
Median Cursyf |
Median (R) gestelt op Median duytsch ende Rom. |
Philosophie Romeyn |
Poursuit l'Indice des Instruments |
Garamond Romeyn |
Garamond Cursyf |
Colineus Romeyn |
Bibel Romeyn |
Bibel Cursyf |
Jolie Romeyn |
Nonpareille Romeyn |
Poursuit l'Indice des Instruments |
Instruments du petit Hebreeu R |
des poincts Hebreeus R |
3 diuers Instruments de peu de valeur, desquels on pourra voir si quelques pieces pourront seruir pour faire des aultres R |
Stricken ende Linien vide Colineus Cursyf |
Groote - - - - - - - - - - - Median Cursyf hangende |
Groote - - - - - - - - - - - Text Romeyn |
[h1] |
Poinsons |
st 13a |
Augustine Romaine de Garamond [h?] NB[riot?] 157 [h1] P[ieces] |
175 |
st 9
st 10 (?) |
Ascendonica Rommaine |
P 128 |
| |
| |
st 25 |
Asscendonica Cursiue |
P 104 |
st 20a
st 20b
st 8 |
Bible Romaine de Garamond |
P 175 |
st 27 (?) |
Colineus Cursiue [h4] pendant [h?] 〚NB[riot?] 102〛 |
P 100 |
st 27 (?) |
[h4] |
Colineus Cursiue droite |
P 102 |
st 21 |
[h1] |
Coronelle Romaine |
P 116 |
st 6a
st 6b
st 7 (?) |
Canon Romaine grosse |
P 85 |
st 32 |
Castellana grande |
P 52 |
lst 12 |
Capitales de 2 lignes 〚median〛 coronel |
P 30 |
st 5 |
Capitales de 3 lignes Mediane |
P 24 |
st 3 |
Capitales Extraordinaires |
P 36 |
st 38 |
Descendiane flamende |
P 73 |
Poinsons |
st 30 |
Iolie Cursiue |
P 94 |
st 44
st 45
st 46
st 48 |
Lettres francoises façon descripture |
P 364 |
st 68 |
Notes grandes de Musique } [h?] 39 |
[h1] |
P 72 |
st 68 |
Notes grandes de Musique } [h?] 16 |
[h1] |
P 72 |
st 61 |
et grosses Notes d'Espagne |
st 73 |
Notes de la Parangonne de Henry du Tour |
P |
st 71a
st 71b |
Notes de deux regles [?] Augustine |
ca 200 |
st 76k, 1 |
stricques et lignes pour scholastica |
st 62 (?)
st 63 (?)
st 64 (?)
st 66 (?)
st 67 (?) |
Notes de simple chant Grandes et petites |
P 123 |
st 16
st 15 (?) |
Philosophie Romaine |
P 120 |
st 11 |
Reale Romaine |
P 104 |
[h3] |
Poinsons achaptés des Raphe engiens |
st 33 |
Gros Canon Flamend |
P 67 |
st 34 |
Parangon Flamend |
P 97 |
st 35 |
Text Flamend |
P 122 |
st 36 |
Augustin Flamend [h?] NB[riot?] 80 |
[h3] |
P 75 |
| |
| |
st 37 |
Median Flamend |
P 70 |
st 47 |
Median de façon d'escriture |
P 115 |
st 40 |
Bourgeoise Flamende |
P 113 |
st 41
st 39 |
Breuier ou Bible Flamend |
P 125 |
st 42 |
Nonpareil Flamend |
P 90 |
st 22 |
Jolie Romeyn |
P 112 |
st 28 |
Colineus ou Garamond cursyf droict |
P 97 |
st 72 (?)
st 74 (?) |
Petite Musique |
P 62 |
st 76a, b, c, d, e, f, g, o, p, q (?) |
Fleurs et Linies |
P 19 |
• st 59
• st 58 |
Lettres AEthiopiques et Samaritaines |
P 85 |
[h4] |
Poinsons que i'ay trouué oultre les specifiés cy deuant |
st 50 |
Gros Hebrieu |
P 34 |
st 52
st 53 |
Moyen Hebrieu |
P |
st 57 |
Syriaque Augustyn |
P |
st 55 |
Petit Hebrieu |
P |
• | ST 58, (22 punches) Lettres Samaritaines. In a letter to Jan Moretus, dated 17 June 1591, Franciscus Raphelengius wrote that his father was immersed in the study of Arabic and that they were considering having Arabic punches made (Ar. 92, f. 89v). In October 1593 Raphelengius told Jacques Auguste de Thou in Paris that he had had punches for foreign languages specially made for Scaliger's Opus de emendatione temporum. Josephus Justus Scaliger arrived in Leyden in August 1593 (H.F. Wijnman, ‘The Origin of Arabic Typography in Leiden’ in Books on the Orient, Leyden, E.J. Brill, 1957, pp. VII-XV). When Scaliger's work appeared in 1598 it contained this Samaritan, an AEthiopic (see ST 59, below) and an Arabic. The Arabic punches and matrices were bought about 1612 by William Bedwell, the famous Arabic scholar and one of the editors of the 1611 Authorized Version of the Bible, (cfr. Leyden Univ. Library, Ms. Pap. 15, after H. Carter); he let Thomas Erpenius, professor at Leyden University, use them in that year. When Bedwell received the material, he found it ‘defective’ and could not use it (letter from T. Greaves to P. Turner, 1638, London, P.R.O., S.P. (Dom.), Charles I, vol. 331, No. 75, after H. Carter). Raphelengius nowhere states who cut these punches. Probably they were all cut by the same man. Thomas De Vechter seems to have confined himself to casting type and justifying matrices. Judocus Hondius, who is said to have learned typecutting in Ghent and to have married Coletta van den Keere [cf. Biographie nationale, V, 1876, pp. 185-189; Nieuw Nederlandsch Biographisch Woordenboek, VIII, 1911, p. 809], was in touch with Raphelengius, who in 1594 had published his Theatrum Artis Scribendi. In 1601 Franciscus
Raphelengius wrote to Jan Moretus concerning a strike of the
| |
| |
| Mediane Flamande that Hondius was to have made (Ar. 92, f. 121; see MA 42, below). H.F. Wijnman therefore believes that Hondius cut the punches and made the strikes and that Thomas De Vechter justified the matrices and cast type. The matrices were certainly struck in copper belonging to Raphelengius or De Vechter since some of them are reused strikes of faces from Plantin's collection (see MA 73b, below).
Appearance: 1598, J.J. Scaliger, Opus de emendatione temporum, Leyden, Raphelengius. |
• | ST 59, (63 punches) Lettres AEthiopiques. These punches are from the same hand as ST 58, above; the information listed under ST 58 applies equally to this set. See MA 73a, below.
Appearance: 1598, J.J. Scaliger, Opus de emendatione temporum, Leyden, Raphelengius. |
• | MA 30, (71 matrices) 71 Augustine Flamende. See ST 36, 1580 van den Keere Inventory. Since one of the entries is in the original hand this set should have been struck and justified between 1590 and c. 1612 while the Raphelengius's owned the punches. |
• | MA 42, (71 matrices) 70 Mediane Duytsch. See ST 37, 1580 van den Keere Inventory. On 15 May and 4 June 1601 Franciscus Raphelengius wrote to Jan Moretus concerning a strike of Mediane Flamande that Hondius was to make from Raphelengius's punches when he next visited Leyden. Although there is no record that the strike was definitely made, this is probably it, almost certainly justified by De Vechter. |
• | MA 56a, (173 matrices) Bible Romeyne de R[aphelengius]. See MA 57, 1561 Inventory and ST 20a, 1563 Inventory. Apparently this set was struck and justified for the Raphelengius between 1590 and 1613. |
• | MA 64a, (84 matrices) 126 Colineus Flamende plus grande. Type for this face appears in Plantin's c. 1580 Folio Specimen cast on Mediane (below). On 16 June 1572 van den Keere had charged Plantin for casting a Flemish Bourgeoise, or Colineus, on Mediane with an extra charge for renting his matrices (Ar. 153, p. 130). There is no record of Plantin acquiring this set which might be LMA 51 (post 1581 De Vechter Inventory), and the 1581 and 1589-1590 Inventories list matrices for only van den Keere's Colineus Flamande (see MA 64b, 1581 Inventory).
There can be little doubt that the 126 Colineus Flamende plus grande is MA 64a, since MA 64a is both larger and less sophisticated in cut than MA 64b, the Colineus Flamende melieure. The extra forty-two matrices were probably the signs of the zodiac, planets etc. that were also cast on Colineus and used with the Colineus Flamande in almanachs (see MA 64 d, e, [1572] Inventory).
Specimen: c. 1580 Folio Specimen, Bourgeoise sur la Mediane.
Appearance: 1575, Donghevalueerde gouden ende silveren Munte, RDB 36, text. |
• | MA 65, (119 matrices) Nonpareille Romaine achaptee de la vefue de Th. Strong. See MA 67, [1561] Inventory. This second set of Hautin's Nompareil roman matrices
| |
| |
| must have been bought from Thomas Strong's widow. Strong worked for the Moretus's as a typefounder from 1614 to 1624. His widow, Marguerite Verham and her son Jacques Strong carried on for a year longer (Ar. 785, pp. 170-182; Ar. 780, p. 258on). |
• | MA 73a, (63 matrices) 66 AEthiopische Matricen. See ST 59, above. |
• | MA 73b, (22 matrices) 22 Samaritansche Matrysen. See ST 58, above. The aleph has the E of Granjon's Ascendonica Romaine struck in its side and the taw one of van den Keere's flowers on Mediane, showing that the copper for these matrices must have been Raphelengius's or De Vechter's. |
•◆ | MA 149 (?), (26 matrices) Capitales dAugustine Grecque. The matrices in MA 149 are for a handsome sixteeenth century Greek titling about the size of normal Parangon capitals. They could have been cast on full body Augustine. We have not seen them used and they appear in no other inventories. |
• | LMA 58, 133 Canon cursive. The only Canon Cursive which appears in the Moretus books is the seventeenth century face cast on both Moyen and Petit Canon bodies which appears in the 1649 Disputationes Theologiae (below). The matrices appear in the 1652 Inventory, but have since been lost.
Appearance: 1649, R. de Arriaga, Disputationes Theologicae, Vol. V, Antwerp, Moretus, dedication. |
◻ | ST 7 (?), Canon Romain grosse p. 85. The number of punches indicates that there was another set included with van den Keere's Canon. The 1588 Frankfort Inventory indicates that it was ST 7, van den Keere's capitals on 2 Reghelen Mediane (see ST 7, [1572] Inventory). |
◻ | ST 27 (?), Colineus Cursive pendant. Colineus Cursive droite. The only Colineus Cursive punches which the Moretus's are known to have owned are those for Granjon's Colineus Cursive Poeticque, ST 28. These are listed in a later section of the inventory as being bought from the Raphelengius's. Granjon's Philosophie Cursive punches, ST 27, are nowhere listed. Therefore one or both of these mysterious entries should refer to ST 27. |
◻ | ST 36, Augustin Flamend NB 80. See ST 36, 1580 van den Keere Inventory, for explanation of NB 80. |
◻ | MA 63 (?), 124 Coronelle Romaine nommee Antiqua. Probably Granjon's Gaillarde which was cast on Bible. See MA 63 (?), [1572] Inventory. |
◻ | MA 110a (?), Mignonne Cursive. See MA 189 etc., [1572] Inventory, for first appearance. |
◻ | MA 140, 141, Jolie oft Coronel Grieckx. This entry undoubtedly refers to MA 140, 141 which is Hautin's Bible Grec. |
◻ | MA 147, 99 Immortelle Cursive de Guyot p. J. See MA 147, [1561] Inventory for correction of this attribution to Granjon. |
| |
| |
| |
Inventory of [1652]
Ar. 154, p. 1-9
This inventory was written by Balthasar II Moretus and dated January 1652. It gives the number of items in each set and is very nearly complete. Only in the smaller matrices is there some confusion as to the exact size, particularly among the strikes. It is valuable as the last inventory listing the whole of Plantin's collection. The only sets missing are these:
ST 70: van den Keere's Notes in 4o (see Inv. 1581).
ST 75: Granjon's Musique sur le gros Texte (see Inv. [1572]).
MA 120 etc.: 9 or 10 sets of Granjon's Jolie Cursive, unjustified (see Inv. 1581).
The eighteenth century inventories indicate that at least ten strikes of the Jolie Cursive survived; this inventory lists only one.
In nomine Domini. Amen
Reghister van alle de Matrysen, Poensoenen ende Ghietinstrumenten die in Januario 1652 beuonden sijn in de schapraeye staande in mijn Comptoir
Matrysen die ghebruyckt worden, staende in het bouenste deel vande voorghenoemde schapraije.
Romeyne ende Curciuen |
ma 1b
ma 1a |
91 |
Groote Canon Romeijne |
lma 58 |
133 |
Canon Cursiue |
ma 2, 3a
ma 3b |
162 |
Middelbaer Canon Romeyn in twee Caskens, onder de selue sij Gricksche Capitalen |
lma 6 |
113 |
Cleyn Canon Romeijn onder dese sijn oock Gricksche Capitaelen |
ma 7 |
119 |
Assendonica Romeyn |
ma 11 |
124 |
Assendonica Cursiue |
ma 12 |
125 |
Reale Romeyn |
lma 5 |
156 |
Parangon Romeyn |
ma 15 |
158 |
Parangon Cursiue |
ma 20 a, b
ma 20c |
183 |
Text Romeyn |
ma 81 |
156 |
Text Cursiue |
ma 25a
ma 25b |
216 |
Augustyn Romeyn |
ma 128 |
126 |
Augustin Curciue |
ma 36a
ma 36b |
214 |
Mediaen Romeijn |
ma 113 |
166 |
Mediaen Curciue hangende |
ma 37 |
123 |
Mediaen Cursiue Rechte |
| |
| |
ma 43 |
121 |
Philosophie Romeyn |
ma 48
lma 15 |
218 |
Garamonde 〚Cursiue〛 Romeyn |
ma 49a, b |
152 |
Garamonde Cursiue |
ma 53a
ma 53b (?) |
155 |
Colineus Romeyn |
ma 54a
ma 54b |
184 |
Colineus Cursiue |
ma 57 (?) |
176 |
Bybel Romeyn |
ma 58a |
157 |
Bybel Cursiue |
ma 61 |
126 |
Gallarde Romeyn |
ma 62 |
164 |
Collonele Romeyn |
ma 70 |
125 |
Jolie Romeyn |
ma 71 |
140 |
Jolie Cursiue |
ma 67 |
131 |
Nompareille Romayn |
ma 66a
ma 66b |
120 |
Nompareille Curciue |
1652 |
Reghiester van allen de Ponsoenen |
Romeynen ende Curciuen |
st 32 |
52 |
Allergrootste spaensche Canon |
st 6a
st 6b
◻ st 7 (?) |
95 |
Groot Canon Romeyn |
st 9
st 10 (?) |
128 |
Ascendonica Romeyn |
st 25 |
103 |
Ascendonica Cursiue |
st 11 |
104 |
Reale Romeyn |
st 13a |
155 |
Augustin Romeyn |
st 16
st 15 (?) |
118 |
Philosophie Romeijn |
◻ st 27 |
102 |
Colineus Cursiue rechte |
st 28 |
100 |
Colineus Cursiue rechte |
st 20a
st 20b
st 8 |
175 |
Bybel Romeyn waeronder 24 dobbel Bybel Capitaelen |
st 21 |
116 |
Colonelle Romeijn |
st 22a
st 22b (?) |
111 |
Jolie Romeijn |
st 30 |
94 |
Jolie Cursiue |
Duytsche Poensoenen |
st 33 |
65 |
Groote Canon Duytsch |
| |
| |
st 34 |
96 |
Parangonne Duijtsch |
st 35 |
117 |
Text Duijtsch |
st 36 |
80 |
Augustin Duijtsch |
st 37 |
70 |
Mediaen Duijtsch |
st 38 |
73 |
Garamonde Duijtsch |
st 40 |
83 |
Bourgeoise Duijtsch |
st 41
st 39 |
124 |
Breuier ofte Bijbel Duijtsch |
st 42 |
92 |
Nonpareil Duijtsch |
Capitaelen Romeyn |
st 3 |
36 |
Extraordinarische groote als groote Capitaelen |
st 5 |
24 |
Capitaelen van dry Regelen Mediaen |
lst 12 |
30 |
Capitaelen met eenighe blommen van Regelen Colineus |
Hebreusche Ponsoenen |
st 50 |
34 |
Allergrootste Hebreusch |
st 52 |
74 |
Augustin Hebreusch |
st 53 |
60 |
Mediaen Hebreusch |
st 54 |
20 |
Garamonde Hebreusch |
st 55 |
33 |
Jolie Hebreusch |
Ponsoenen vande Vremde Taelen |
st 57 |
78 |
Siriacsche Ponsoenen, op de Augustyn |
st 59 |
21 |
AEgyptische Ponsoenen |
st 58 |
63 |
Samaritaensche Ponsoenen |
st 49 |
108 |
Bijbel Gricksch Ponsoenen |
st 44
st 45
st 46
st 48 |
364 |
Francoische gheschreuen letter |
st 47 |
119 |
Mediaen gheschreuen letter |
Ponsoenen van de Musicquen |
st 61 |
16 |
Ponsoenen vande grootste Noten voor den Spaenschen Sangh |
st 62 (?)
st 63 (?)
st 64 (?)
st 66 (?)
st 67 (?) |
123 |
Noten van Cantus Gregorianus voor Missale Rom. fol. magno, paruo, in 4o et in 8o |
st 68 |
40 |
Ponsoenen van de Allergrootste Musicq. |
| |
| |
st 65 (?) |
32 |
Ponssoenen van Noten van het Graduale |
st 76, a, b,
c, d, e, f, g,
o, p, q, (?) |
91 |
Ponsoenen van Cleyn Musieck ende Bloemen |
st 73
st 74 (?)
st 71a
st 71b
st 72 (?)
st 76k, l |
212 |
Ponsoenen van middelbaer Musieck |
Eene Doose met Rapiamus van verscheiden quaede ponsoenen van diverse Soorten ende stucke van Instrumenten. |
8 |
Auge quaede ghietinstrumenten, met eenighe stucken van instrumenten om loije linien te ghieten. |
Matrijsen die gebruckt worden |
Capitaelen |
ma 78 |
33 |
Allergrootste Capitaelen van dry Regelen Parengon |
• lma 60 (?) |
24 |
Capitaelen van Dobbel Text |
lma 13 |
23 |
Capitaelen van dobbel mediaen |
• lma 59 |
11 |
Linien en Stucken van Genealosien |
Gricksche Matrysen |
ma 16, 17 |
238 |
Parangonne Gricksch, in twee Caskens |
ma 32, 33 |
296 |
Augustin Gricksch, in twee Caskens |
ma 142, 143 |
419 |
Mediaen Gricksch, in twee Caskens |
ma 51, 52 |
367 |
Garamond Gricksch, in twee Caskens |
ma 59, 60 |
493 |
Bybel Gricksch, in twee Caskens |
Hebreusche Matrijsen |
ma 6 |
33 |
Allergrootste Hebreusche |
ma 18 |
38 |
Dobbel Parangon Hebreusche |
ma 34 |
47 |
Dobbel Augustijn Hebreusche |
ma 40 |
57 |
Dobbel Mediaen Hebreusche |
ma 24 |
89 |
Cleyn Text Hebreusch |
ma 83c (?)
ma 82b (?)
ma 82d (?)
ma 82e (?)
ma 82c (?) |
253 |
Text oft Augustijn Hebreusche, oude en nieuwe, groote ende cleyne matrijsen. |
ma 72 |
77 |
Hebreusche a la façon de Venise, met noch eenighe stuckxkens. |
| |
| |
ma 82a (?)
ma 83a (?) |
76 |
Colonel alias Petit Hebreus |
ma 83b |
20 |
Bijbel Hebreusch |
Matrijsen van vremde vijtheemsche Taelen |
ma 130 |
155 |
Siriaksche letter op de Augustin |
ma 73b |
22 |
Samaritansche letteren |
ma 73a |
63 |
AEtiopische letteren |
Nederduytsche Matrijsen |
ma 4 |
87 |
Canon Duijtsch in twee Caskens in dewelcke oock sijn |
lma 12 |
24 |
Capitaelen van middelbaar Canon Romeyn |
ma 13 |
90 |
Parangon Duytsch |
ma 96 |
113 |
Text Duytsch |
ma 30 |
71 |
Augustin Dutsch |
ma 42 |
71 |
Mediaen Dutsch |
ma 44 |
86 |
Philosophie Duytsch |
ma 64a
ma 64d, e (?) |
125 |
Colineus Duytsch |
ma 64b |
81 |
eene soorte cleynder als Colineus, puto Coronelle Duytsch |
ma 68 |
87 |
Nonpareil Duytsch |
Hooghdutsche Matrijsen |
ma 21 |
121 |
Augustin Hooghduytsche |
ma 39 |
85 |
Mediaen Hoogduytsch |
ma 50 |
79 |
Matrijsen van de Francoische letter op den Garamonde, waeronder sijn 17. niet geiusteert. |
ma 38 |
139 |
Francoische letter op de Mediaen waer onder sijn 9. niet gheiusteert |
Matrysen van Musieck |
ma 91a |
68 |
Allergrootste Musieck |
ma 93 |
22 |
Groote Noten pro Cantu Hispanico |
ma 90 |
26 |
Groote Noten pro Antiphonale |
ma 87 |
42 |
Groote Noten pro Psalterio |
ma 89a |
29 |
Noten Cleyner pro Cantu Hispanico |
ma 85 |
33 |
Noten voor het Missale |
ma 88 |
99 |
Noten voor Processionale |
ma 86 |
16 |
Noten middelbaer voor diuersche boecken |
ma 101c |
25 |
Allercleynste Musieck |
| |
| |
Andere Matrysen die niet ghebruickt en worden staende in het onderste deel van de voornoemde schapraye |
Romeyne ende Cursijuen |
ma 136, 137 |
63 |
Grote Canon van Spagnien, gheiusteert |
ma 157 |
51 |
Cleyn Canon Romeyn gheiusteert 〚1570 van Grandjon〛 oude |
ma 8 |
117 |
Ascendonica Romeyn, gheiusteert 1570 van Grandjon |
ma 118, 119 etc. |
122 |
Ascendonica Cursiue, onghejusteert |
ma 118, 119 etc. |
122 |
Ascendonica Cursiue, onghejusteert |
ma 118, 119 etc. |
122 |
Ascendonica Cursiue, onghejusteert |
ma 14 |
117 |
Parangon Romeyn gheiusteert sommighe niet seer goet |
ma 97 |
153 |
Parangon Romeyn gheiusteert, maer niet gebruyckt |
ma 112 etc. |
116 |
Parangon Romeyn rouwen afslagh ongeiusteert |
ma 112 etc. |
116 |
Parangon Romeyn rouwen afslagh ongeiusteert |
ma 112 etc. |
116 |
Parangon Romeyn rouwen afslagh ongeiusteert |
ma 144, 145 |
148 |
Parangon cursiue, rouwen afslagh ongejusteert |
lma 63 (?) |
109 |
Test Romeyn, gheiusteert |
ma 105, 106 |
165 |
Text Romeyn, ongheiusteert |
ma 69 |
120 |
Text Cursiue, gheiusteert |
ma 22a, 23 |
135 |
Text Cursiue, ongheiusteert |
lma 62 |
132 |
Augustin Romeyn, 〚met noch eenighe matrijsen, alle onghejusteert〛, geiusteert onder dewelcke 12 ongeiusteert |
ma 28 (?) |
125 |
Augustin Cursiue gheiusteert |
ma 150 (?) |
170 |
Augustin Romeyn, met noch eenighe andere matrysen, alle ongeiusteert |
ma 27 a, d |
124 |
Augustin Cursiue gheiusteert |
ma 176 |
124 |
Augustin Cursiue ongheiusteert |
ma 133 |
150 |
Mediaen Cursiue, hangende, gheiusteert |
ma 146 |
126 |
Median Cursiue, hangende, ongejusteert |
ma 111 |
131 |
Median Cursiue, rechte, onghejusteert, waer onder eenighe gejusteert. |
Noch Romeyn ende Cursiue |
• ma 29 (?) |
126 |
Philosophie Cursiue Rechte (vt videtur) ghejusteert |
ma 99 |
135 |
Philosophie Cursiue Rechte (vt videtur) ghejusteert |
ma 129 |
134 |
Colineus Cursiue Rechte, gheiusteert |
| |
| |
ma 147 |
99 |
Colineus Cursiue hangende, gheiusteert |
ma 47a
ma 47b |
204 |
Garamonde Romeyn, ghejusteert |
ma 114, 115 |
181 |
Garamonde Romeyn, onghejusteert |
ma 187 |
118 |
Garamonde Romeyn, onghejusteert |
ma 116 |
141 |
Garamonde Cursif, onghejusteert onderdewelcke 7 gheiusteert |
ma 126 |
137 |
Garamonde Cursiue, onghejusteert can oock dienen voor Colineus Cursiue |
ma 56a |
171 |
Bijbel Romeijn ghejusteert |
ma 127 |
136 |
Gallarde Romeijn ongeiusteert |
ma 63 |
119 |
Colonelle Romeyn ghejusteert } dese twee soorten Collonel sijn grooter als de rechte Colonelle, ende schijnt de Gallarde te sijn |
ma 161 (?) |
155 |
Colonel Romeyn, ghejusteert waer onder 23 Capitaelen voor 2 Regelen colonels } dese twee soorten Collonel sijn grooter als de rechte Colonelle, ende schijnt de Gallarde te sijn |
ma 148 |
156 |
Coronelle Romeyn ongejusteert hier wt is de i end ll. die tot onze Coronelle gebruijckt wordt. |
ma 189 |
124 |
Jolie Cursiue, onghejusteert |
ma 110a
ma 110b |
142 |
Jolie Cursiue, onghejusteert |
ma 76 (?) |
129 |
Jolie Romeyn, ghejusteert |
ma 160 |
154 |
Groote nonpareil Romeijn van Haultin (putatur esse Jolie Romeijn) gejusteert |
ma 65 |
119 |
Nonpareil Romeyn, ghejusteert. gecocht van de Weduwe van Tomas Strang |
ma 120 etc. |
111 |
Nonpareil Cursiue, ongejusteert, dese Matrysen alsoo Rouw afgeslagen. |
Gricksche matrijsen, die niet gebruyckt en worden |
ma 185, 186 |
182 |
Median Grickx, ongejusteert |
lma 11 |
249 |
Garamond Grickx, (eertijds gheheeten petite Greque), ongejusteert |
ma 140, 141 |
321 |
Bijbel Grickx ghejusteert (eertijds gebruyckt) maer daer naer verworpen, doch soude op de Jolie oft Colineus connen gegoten worden |
ma 94, 95 |
222 |
Jolie Grickxsche, meest alle ongejusteert |
113 |
Hebreusche matrysen, die niet ghebruyckt en worden |
lma 4 (?) |
523 |
Augustijn Hebreeusch met de puncten ongejusteert |
52 |
Text hebreusch, onghejusteert, sonder Daghes |
45 |
Dobbel Augustin Hebreusch, ongejusteert sonder Daghes |
lma 61 (?) |
27 |
Letteren van den Talmud op de groote van Parangon onghejusteert, sijn niet veel weerdt |
| |
| |
ma 135c |
38 |
Bybel Cursijf Hebreusch, onghejusteert |
ma 135a |
30 |
Augustin Cursiue Hebreusch ongejusteert |
ma 135b |
34 |
Mediaen Cursiue Hebreusch ongejusteert |
Matrysen van vremde talen, die niet gebruyckt en worden |
◻ ma 108
◻ ma 109 |
239 |
Geschreuen ende Bastard letter met de Capitaelen ghejusteert op d'Augustin. |
◻ ma 138 |
124 |
Gheschreuen Francoische letter ghejusteert op de mediaen |
ma 107 |
103 |
Gheschreuen Francoische letter onghejusteert op de mediaen |
ma 158 |
88 |
Gheschreuen Fransche letter ghejusteerd tussen Augustyn ende mediaen |
Noch matrysen die niet gebruckt en worden |
ma 9 |
22 |
Matrysen van Loot van de Groote Capitalen van dry regelen parangon. Deest O. alle ghejusteert |
(?) |
26 |
Matrysen van Capitalen ongejusteert niet goet |
(?) |
33 |
Rapianus van Cijferen etc. onghejusteert |
(?) |
38 |
Matrysen van Bloemen ende andere Ciraeten, ghejusteert |
ma 100 |
77 |
Matrysen van Middelbaer Musicq ghejusteert met Instrument-stucken |
ma 102 |
62 |
Matrysen van Middelbaer Musicq, onghejusteert |
ma 174 |
47 |
Matrysen van middelbaer Canon Cursiue onghejusteert ende niet goet. |
Register vande Ghietinstrumenten
Groote Canon |
Middelbaer Canon |
Dobbel mediaen |
Cleyn Canon |
Ascendonica Romeyn |
Real ende Parangon Romeyn |
Parangon Cursiue |
Parangon Griekxsche op leeghe hooghe |
Cleyn Parangon |
Text Romeyn |
Augustin Romeyn op de Text |
Augustin Romeijn |
Augustin Cursiue |
Cleyn Augustin Romeijn |
Cleyn Augustin Cursiue |
Augustin op de Mediaen |
Augustin Duijtsch |
Mediaen Romeyn |
| |
| |
Mediaen Cursiue hangende |
Mediaen Cursiue Recht |
Mediaen op de Philosophie ende Philosophie Romeijn |
Garamonde Romeijn |
Colineus Duytsch |
Bybel Romeijn |
Colonelle Romeijn |
Colonel Romeijn nieuw Instrument |
Jolie Cursiue |
Nonpareille Romeijn |
Nonpareille Romeijn nieuw instrument |
Groote noten op vier Regelen |
Noten van Graduale |
Noten van Missale in folio magno |
Noten van Missale in folio paruo 4o et 8o |
Verscheyde onderleghsels, voor de Noten van Antiphonale |
Register van allen de Ponsoenen voyez cy deuant a f.A |
• | ST 54, (21 punches) 20 Garamonde Hebreusch. Twenty of the punches in ST 20 are from the same hand and are for pointed letters. They fit ten matrices and ten strikes in MA 83b, Plantin's Hebrew on Garamonde or Bible. These punches could have been cut any time between 1565 and 1652 (see MA 83 b, [1572] Inventory). We have not seen these letters used. |
• | MA 29 (?), (128 matrices) 126 Philosophie Cursiue Rechte (vt videtur) ghejusteert. MA 29 is a Mediane Cursive, sixteenth century in style. Curiously the letters are struck upside down, with the bottom of the letter towards the top edge of the matrix which controls the lining. 126 or 127 matrices appear to be original. If this entry does not refer to MA 29 it must refer to a set since lost. We have not seen it used. |
• | MA 47 b, (17 matrices) 224 Garamonde Romeyn ghejusteert. See LST 9, [1572] Inventory. The number of matrices indicates that this set must have included MA 47b as well as MA 47a. MA 47b is a set of shortened long letters to make it possible to cast this face on Colineus. On comparison with Plantin's books they appear to be from the punches Granjon cut in 1566 to modify Garamont's earlier Garamonde. It is unlikely that MA 47b is LMA 15 moved from MA 48a to MA 47a because the matrices in MA 47b are very much larger and broader than those in MA 48 (see LMA 15, Inv. [1572]). |
• | MA 126, (137 strikes) 137 Garamonde Cursiue, onghejusteert can oock dienen voor Colineus Cursiue. See ST 28, [1566] Inventory. This seems to be the earliest mention of this strike of Granjon's Colineus Cursive Poëtique. Perhaps Raphelengius had the strike made when he had the punches. |
• | MA 174 (?), (43 matrices) 44 Matrysen van middelbaer Canon Cursiue onghejusteert ende niet goet. The 43 matrices in MA 174 are justified, but so roughly that
| |
| |
| they could easily be mistaken for strikes in bad condition. The body is approximately 3 lines Augustine. We have not seen this face used. |
• | LMA 59, 11 Linien en Stucken van Genealosien. See ST 76k, l, 1580 van den Keere Inventory. These matrices must be some of those included with the Colineus Cursive MA 54, the Mediane Cursive Pendante MA 113 and one of the roman Textes as listed on f. 27 of the c. 1612 Inventory. They have since all been lost. |
• | LMA 60 (?), 24 Capitaelen van Dobbel Text. No such set survives unless this is a second entry for MA 1a. |
• | LMA 61 (?), 27 Letteren van den Talmud op de groote van Parangon onghejusteert, sijn niet veel weerdt. If this description is accurate, the matrices in question do not survive, although MA 155 contains 27 strikes of a Hebrew of Ashkenazi style which would cast on two lines Augustine. |
◻ | ST 7 (?), 95 Groot Canon Romeyn. See ST 7 (?) c. 1612 Inventory. |
◻ | ST 27, 102 Colineus Cursiue rechte. See ST 27 (?) c. 1612 Octavo Inventory. |
◻ | ST 49, 108 Bijbel Gricksch Ponsoenen. This entry can only refer to ST 49, Granjon's Jolie Grecque punches. |
◻ | ST 59, 21 AEgyptische Ponsoenen. They are Raphelengius's AEthiopic punches, which erroneously were given the number of the Samaritan punches. |
◻ | MA 108 and MA 109, 239 Geschreven ende Bastard letter met de Capitaelen ghejusteert op d'Augustin. This entry can only refer to MA 108 and MA 109, Granjon's two sets of Civilité on Texte. |
◻ | MA 110a and MA 110b, 142 Jolie Cursiue, onghejusteert. This entry can only refer to MA 110a and MA 110b, Granjon's Bible or Mignonne (Coronelle) Cursive. |
◻ | MA 138, 124 Geschreven Francoische letter ghejusteert op de mediaen. This entry can only refer to MA 138, Granjon's Augustine Civilité. |
◻ | MA 189, 124 Jolie Cursiue, onghejusteert. This entry can only refer to MA 189, Granjonne's Mignonne, or Coronelle, Cursive. |
| |
The inventories of the 18th and 19th centuries
There exist in the Plantinian records several inventories of the 18th and 19th centuries. They are rather briefly worded, sometimes vague and it is difficult to recognize specific sets from most of the descriptions. However, they indicate an increase in the number of matrices. In a few cases surviving sets from an earlier time than Plantin's, i.e. MA 5a, MA 5b, can be recognized. The origins of the later acquisitions of the Moretus family need further investigation.
| |
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Appendix I
Table of Plantin's body sizesGa naar voetnoot1.
Names of Plantin's bodies |
20 lines
in mm. |
Points |
Points |
Gros Flamand Lettre |
1088 |
144 |
155 |
La Plus Grande Romaine |
478 |
78 |
83 |
Canon d'Espaigne |
333 |
44,5 |
47,5 |
Gros Canon (Gras Canon) |
288 |
38,2 |
41 |
Moyen Canon |
228 |
30,5 |
32,2 |
Petit Canon |
189 |
25,5 |
27,2 |
AscendonicaGa naar voetnoot2. |
139 |
18,5 |
20 |
ParangonneGa naar voetnoot2. (Vraie Parangonne, Grosse Parangonne) |
132 |
17,5 |
18,7 |
Reale |
130 |
17,3 |
18,5 |
Petite Parangonne |
122 |
16,3 |
17,7 |
Texte (Vrai Texte, Gros Texte, Gros Romain) |
116 |
15,5 |
16,6 |
Nouveau Texte (Petit TexteGa naar voetnoot3.) |
109 |
14,5 |
15,5 |
Augustine (Vraie Augustine, Grosse Augustine) |
93 |
12,5 |
13,4 |
Petite Augustine |
87 |
11,5 |
12,3 |
Mediane (Cicero) |
79 |
10,5 |
11,3 |
Philosophie (Descendiane) |
70 |
9,5 |
10,3 |
Garamonde (Petit Romain, Petite Ascendonica, Bourjoise) |
65 |
8,7 |
9,4 |
Colineus (Bourjoise) |
61 |
7,9 |
8,6 |
Bible (Petit Texte, Breviaire, Gaillarde) |
52,5 |
7 |
7,6 |
Coronelle (Mignonne, Grosse Nompareille) |
45 |
6 |
6,5 |
Jolie |
43 |
5,6 |
6,1 |
Nompareille (Petite Nompareille) |
41 |
5,3 |
5,8 |
| |
| |
| |
Appendix II
Index by set number to early inventories of punches and matrices of the museum Plantin-Moretus
The following list comprises all the punches and matrices in the Plantin-Moretus collection, each set being followed by the inventories in which it occurs. The inventories set in italic are those followed by a note on the set in question.
Although the majority of the material is found in the inventories, there is a considerable quantity that is not. This can be divided into four groups: a. early sets that are for some reason overlooked in the inventories; b. material used to modify early faces to bring them up to date in the 17th and 18th centuries; c. new typefaces acquired for use by later members of the Moretus family; d. a large group of faces whose presence has yet to be definitely explained.
There are few sets which we have reason to believe that Plantin or early members of the Moretus family owned that do not occur in the inventories. They are all small sets of little significance: ST 29, ST 69, ST 79, ST 80, MA 20d, MA 64c (?), MA 64f (?), MA 91b, MA 92d, MA 92e, MA 159 (?), MA 162 (?), MA 168 (?), MA 169f. The consistency with which each set that Plantin acquired appears in each succeeding inventory makes it plain that the inventories were scrupulously compiled and that they are reasonably complete; it is difficult to imagine any large group being overlooked. The exceptions are the Hebrew faces and the fleurons; in these two cases alone the entries are so vague as to often make certain identification impossible.
The modification of early faces to bring them up to date for later use is principally the work of J.M. Smit, who worked for the Moretus family from November 1732 to April 1736 (Ar. 793, pp. 138-159); his work includes ST 13b, ST 26, MA 22b, MA 25c, MA 26b, MA 27c. His Texte Romain, ST 12, MA 41, seems to have started out as a modification of Garamont's Texte but evolved into a complete roman. There are also four faces modified by unknown seventeenth or eighteenth century cutters: MA 27b, MA 47c, MA 56b, MA 58b (?).
New punches and matrices acquired for use by later members of the Moretus family form a group that is not much larger: ST 2 (?), ST 4, ST 12, ST 14, ST 18, ST 19, MA 10, MA 35, MA 41, MA 45, MA 46, MA 55 (?), MA 151. All this material dates from the 18th century with the exception of ST 2, which is late 17th century in style.
The last group is by far the largest and most difficult to account for. It seems to include some 62 sets of matrices in various stages of completeness and 3 sets of punches: ST 19, ST 24, ST 60, MA 5a, MA 5b, MA 19, MA 26a, MA 31, MA 74a, MA 74b, MA 75, MA 77, MA 80a, MA 80b, MA 80c, MA 80d, MA 84a (?), MA 84b, MA 84c, MA 89b, MA 92a, MA 92b, MA 92c, MA 98, MA 101a, MA 101b, MA 103, MA 104a, MA 104b, MA 117 (?), MA 123, 124, MA 131a, MA 131b, MA 132, MA 139, MA 152, MA 153, MA 154a, MA 154b, MA 154c, MA 163, MA 165, MA 166, MA 169a, MA 169b, MA 169c, MA 169d, MA 169e, MA 170, MA 171, MA 172a, MA 172b, MA 172c, MA 172d, MA 172e, MA 172f, MA 172g, MA 173b, MA 173c, MA 175a, MA 175b, MA 175c, MA 177a, MA 177b,
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MA 178, MA 190. The material varies in style from early 16th or even 15th century through middle and late 16th with apparently nothing of much later date. It includes some romans, mostly incomplete, a few italics, a large and quite complete series of Flemish, two scripts, some Greek and quite a lot of music. Similarities of age, condition, style, etc. suggest that these faces do belong together; the amount of Flemish blackletter and the presence of the work by François Guyot and Ameet Tavernier suggest that the collection originated not too far from Antwerp. The large proportion of incomplete faces suggests that these may have been the odd lots of old material that collect when a foundry keeps pace with the times and modernizes its stock. The complete absence of this material from all the inventories under consideration makes it virtually certain that the Moretus family did not own it before 1652. Although it is difficult to identify specific sets in the 18th century inventories, some of those in question can be recognized. This indicates that this material came into the Moretus's hands in the second half of the 17th century or early in the 18th, although none of it appears in their books. It would seem that for some reason they bought the older material from a local foundry that was perhaps up for sale in this period, and then never put it to use. However, further investigation is needed before this question can be adequately answered.
In referring to the inventories in the following table these abbreviations have been employed:
1556 - Inventory of 1556. |
1561 - Inventory of [1561]. |
1563 - Inventory of 1563. |
1566 - Inventory of [1566]. |
1572 - Inventory of [1572]. |
1580 - van den Keere Inventory of 1580. |
1581 - Inventory of 1581. |
p |
1581 - De Vechter Inventory of post 1581. |
1588 - Frankfort Inventory of 1588. |
1589 - Antwerp Inventory of 1589. |
1590F - Frankfort Inventory of [1590]. |
1590L - Leyden Inventory of 1590. |
1590FL - Frankfort-Leyden Inventory of 1590. |
p |
1590R - Raphelengius Inventory of post 1590. |
1612 - Inventory of circa 1612. |
1652 - Inventory of 1652. |
ST 1 |
La Plus Grande Romaine, van den Keere: 1581. |
ST 2 |
Capitales de 4 R. Mediane, 17th century: no mention. |
ST 3 |
Grosses Capitales Extraordinaires, Garamont, Sabon, van den Keere: 1563, 1566, 1572, 1581, 1588, 1590F, 1612, 1652. |
ST 4 |
Capitales de 3 R. Augustine, 18th century: no mention. |
ST 5 |
Capitales de 3 R. Mediane, van den Keere: 1580, 1588, 1590F, 1612, 1652. |
ST 6a |
Grasses Capitales de 3 R. Mediane, van den Keere: 1572, 1581, 1588, 1590F, 1612, 1652. |
ST 6b |
Gras Canon Romain, van den Keere: 1581, 1588, 1590F, 1612, 1652. |
| |
| |
ST 7 |
Capitales de 2 R. Mediane, van den Keere: 1572, 1581, 1588, 1590F?, 1612?, 1652? |
ST 8 |
Capitales de 2 R. Bible, Garamont: 1563, 1566, 1572, 1581, 1588, 1590F, 1612, 1652. |
ST 9 |
Ascendonica Romaine, Granjon: 1572, 1581, 1588, 1590F, 1612, 1652. |
ST 10 |
Ascendonica Romaine, van den Keere: 1581, 1588?, 1590F?, 1612?, 1652. |
ST 11 |
Reale Romaine, van den Keere: 1580, 1588, 1590F, 1612, 1652. |
ST 12 |
Texte Romain, Smit, 18th century: no mention. |
ST 13a |
Augustine Romaine, Garamont: 1563, 1566, 1572, 1581, 1588, 1590F, 1612, 1652. |
ST 13b |
Augustine Romaine, Smit, 18th century, modifying MA 25a, MA 26a: no mention. |
ST 14 |
Augustine Romaine, van Wolsschaten, 18th century: no mention. |
ST 15 |
Mediane Romaine sur Philosophie, van den Keere, modifying Garamont (?): 1580?, 1588?, 1590F?, 1612?, 1652? |
ST 16 |
Philosophie Romaine, van den Keere: 1580, 1588, 1590F, 1612, 1652. |
ST 17 |
Garamonde Romaine, Rosart, 18th century: no mention. |
ST 18 |
Colineus Romaine, Rosart, 18th century: no mention. |
ST 19 |
Colineus Capitales Romaines, Chiffres, 15th or 16th century(?): no mention. |
ST 20a |
Bible Romaine, Garamont: 1563, 1566, 1572, 1581, 1588, 1590F, 1612, 1652. |
ST 20b |
Bible Petites Capitales Grecques, Granjon, modifying ST 20a: 1566, 1572, 1581, 1588, 1590F, 1612, 1652. |
ST 21 |
Coronelle Romaine, van den Keere: 1580, 1588, 1590F, 1612, 1652. |
ST 22a |
Jolie Romaine, van den Keere: 1580, 1588, 1590F, 1590FL, 1612, 1652. |
ST 22b |
Menus chiffres, Garamont: 1563?, 1566?, 1580?, 1588?, 1590F?, 1590FL?, 1612?, 1652? |
ST 23 |
Roman Pool. |
ST 24 |
Moyen Canon Cursive, 16th century: no mention. |
ST 25 |
Ascendonica Cursive, Granjon: 1572, 1581, 1588, 1590F, 1612, 1652. |
ST 26 |
Texte Capitales Cursives, Smit, 18th century, modifying MA 22a, 23: no mention. |
ST 27 |
Philosophie Cursive, Granjon: 1566, 1572, 1581, 1588, 1590F, 1612?, 1652. |
ST 28 |
Colineus Italique Poetique, Granjon: 1566, 1572, 1581, 1588, 1590F, 1590FL, 1612, 1652. |
ST 29 |
Garamonde Cursive sur Colineus, van den Keere, modifying MA 54a: see MA 54b, 1581. |
ST 30 |
Jolie Cursive, Granjon: 1581, 1588, 1590F, 1612, 1652. |
ST 31 |
Italic Pool. |
ST 32 |
Canon d'Espaigne, van den Keere: 1581, 1588, 1590F, 1612, 1652. |
ST 33 |
Canon Flamand, van den Keere: 1572, 1581, 1590L, 1612, 1652. |
| |
| |
ST 34 |
Parangonne Flamande, van den Keere: 1572, 1581, 1590L, 1612, 1652. |
ST 35 |
Texte Flamand, van den Keere: 1580, 1590L, 1612, 1652. |
ST 36 |
Augustine Flamande, van den Keere: 1580, 1590L, 1612, 1652. |
ST 37 |
Mediane Flamande, van den Keere: 1580, 1590L, 1612, 1652. |
ST 38 |
Philosophie Flamande, van den Keere: 1580, 1590L, p 1590R, 1612, 1652. |
ST 39 |
Bible Capitales Lombardes, van den Keere: 1580, 1590L, 1612, 1652. |
ST 40 |
Colineus Flamande, van den Keere: 1580, 1590L, 1612, 1652. |
ST 41 |
Bible Flamande, van den Keere: 1580, 1590L, 1612, 1652. |
ST 42 |
Nompareille Flamande, van den Keere: 1580, 1590L, 1612, 1652. |
ST 43 |
Gothic Pool. |
ST 44 |
Texte Courant, Granjon: 1572, 1581, 1588?, 1589, 1612, 1652. |
ST 45 |
Texte Bastard, Granjon: 1572, 1581, 1588?, 1589, 1612, 1652. |
ST 46 |
Petite Augustine Françoise, Hamon, Hautin(?): 1566, 1572, 1581, 1588?, 1589, 1612, 1652. |
ST 47 |
Mediane Écriture, van den Keere: 1580, 1590L, 1612, 1652. |
ST 48 |
Garamonde Françoise, Granjon: 1572, 1581, 1588?, 1589, 1612, 1652. |
ST 49 |
Jolie Grecque, Granjon: 1581, 1652. |
ST 50 |
Gros Hébreu Fort Gros, Le Bé: 1563, 1566, 1572, 1581, 1590L, 1612, 1652. |
ST 51 |
Double Augustine Hébreu, vowels and intonations, 16th century: no mention. |
ST 52 |
Petit Texte Hébreu (a small Texte), ‘retaille’ Le Bé: 1563, 1566, 1572, 1581, 1590L, 1612, 1652. |
ST 53 |
Petit Texte Hébreu (a small Texte), Garamont: 1563, 1566, 1572, 1581, 1590L, 1612, 1652. |
ST 54 |
Hébreu sur la Garamonde et Bible, 16th or 17th century, modifying MA 83b: 1652. |
ST 55 |
Coronelle Hébreu, Le Bé: 1572, 1581, 1590L, 1612, 1652. |
ST 56 |
Hebrew Pool. |
ST 57 |
Augustine Syriaque, Granjon: 1572, 1581, 1590L, 1612, 1652. |
ST 58 |
Texte Samaritain, 16th century: 1612, 1652. |
ST 59 |
Texte Aethiopique, 16th century: 1612, 1652. |
ST 60 |
Grosses Notes, early 16th century(?): no mention. |
ST 61 |
Grosses Notes d'Espaigne, van den Keere: 1581, 1588, 1589, 1612, 1652. |
ST 62 |
Moyennes Notes d'Espaigne, van den Keere: 1581, 1588, 1589, 1612?, 1652? |
ST 63 |
Grosses Notes de l'Antiphonaire, van den Keere: 1572, 1581, 1588, 1589, 1612?, 1652? |
ST 64 |
Premières Notes, Granjon: 1572, 1581, 1588, 1589, 1612?, 1652? |
ST 65 |
Moyennes Notes du Missel, van den Keere: 1572, 1581, 1588, 1589, 1652? |
ST 66 |
Petites Notes pour les Processionales, van den Keere: 1581, 1588, 1589, 1612?, 1652? |
| |
| |
ST 67 |
Petites Notes du Missel, van den Keere: 1572, 1581, 1588, 1589, 1612?, 1652? |
ST 68 |
Grande Musique, van den Keere: 1581, 1588?, 1589, 1612, 1652. |
ST 69 |
Grosses Notes, van den Keere: see ST 68, 1581. |
ST 70 |
Moyenne Musique, Notes in 4o, van den Keere: 1581, 1589. |
ST 71a |
Moyenne Musique sur 2 R. Augustine, Granjon: 1580, 1588, 1590F, 1612, 1652. |
ST 71b |
Lettres sur lignes sur 2 R. Augustine, van den Keere, modifying ST 71a: 1580, 1588, 1590F, 1612, 1652. |
ST 72 |
Moyenne Musique, 16th century(?): 1580?, 1588?, 1590F?, 1590FL? 1612?, 1652? |
ST 73 |
Petite Musique sur la Parangonne, van den Keere: 1580, 1588, 1590F, 1612, 1652. |
ST 74 |
Petite Musique, 16th century(?): 1580?, 1588?, 1590F?, 1590FL?, 1612?, 1652? |
ST 75 |
Petite Musique sur le Gros Texte, Granjon: 1572, 1581, 1589. |
ST 76a |
Fleuron sur 2 R. Augustine, van den Keere: 1580, 1588?, 1590F?, 1590FL?, 1612?, 1652? |
ST 76b |
Fleuron sur 2 R. Mediane, van den Keere: 1580, 1588?, 1590F?, 1590FL?, 1612?, 1652? |
ST 76c |
Fleuron sur la Parangonne, van den Keere: 1580, 1588?, 1590F?, 1590FL?, 1612?, 1652? |
ST 76d |
Fleuron sur le Texte, van den Keere: 1590F?, 1590FL?, 1612?, 1652? |
ST 76e, f |
Fleuron sur la Mediane, van den Keere: 1580, 1588?, 1590F?, 1590FL?, 1612?, 1652? |
ST 76g |
Fleuron sur le Texte, Granjon: 1590F?, 1590FL?, 1612?, 1652? |
ST 76h, i, j |
Crochets, 16th century(?): no mention. |
ST 76k, l |
Crochets sur Colineus, van den Keere: 1580, 1588, 1590F, 1612, 1652. |
ST 76m |
Crochets, 16th century(?): 1563? |
ST 76n |
Crochet, Granjon: no mention. |
ST 76o |
Moulure, Granjon: 1566, 1590F?, 1590FL?, 1612?, 1652? |
ST 76p |
Moulure, Granjon: 1566, 1590F?, 1590FL?, 1612?, 1652? |
ST 76q |
Moulure, Granjon: 1566?, 1590F?, 1590FL?, 1612?, 1652? |
ST 76r |
Colineus Signes de l'Almanach, fragment, van den Keere: no mention. |
ST 76s |
Colineus Signe de l'Almanach, unknown: no mention. |
ST 76t |
Etoile, van den Keere: no mention. |
ST 77 |
Miscellaneous Pool. |
ST 78 |
Gros Flamand Lettre, van den Keere: 1581. |
ST 79 |
Initiales Flamandes sur 5 R. Petite Augustine, 16th Century: no mention. |
ST 80 |
Initiales Flamandes sur 3 R. Mediane, 16th Century: no mention. |
ST 81 |
Rubriques pour le Canon d'Espaigne, van den Keere: 1581. |
LST 1 |
Petit Canon Romain, Garamont (unfinished): 1563, 1572, 1581. |
LST 2 |
Capitales de 2 R. Augustine, Garamont (unfinished): 1563, 1572, 1581. |
| |
| |
LST 3 |
Chiffres trenchés, Garamont(?): 1563, 1566?, 1572? |
LST 4 |
Signes, 16th century: 1563. |
LST 5 |
Augustine Romaine, Augereau: 1563. |
LST 6 |
Moyen Canon Romain, van den Keere, modifying MA 2, 3a: 1572, 1581. |
LST 7 |
Nouveau Texte Romain, van den Keere, modifying MA 20a, b: 1572, 1581. |
LST 8 |
Mediane Romaine sur Philosophie, Granjon, modifying MA 36a: 1572, 1581. |
LST 9 |
Garamonde Romaine sur Colineus, Granjon, modifying MA 48: 1572, 1581. |
LST 10 |
Chiffres Brisés sur Colineus, Granjon: 1572. |
LST 11 |
Voyelles et Consones, U et J, van den Keere, modifying MA 20a, b, MA 25a, MA 36a, MA 48: 1572. |
LST 12 |
Capitales de 2 R. Garamonde, van den Keere: 1580, 1588, 1590F, 1612, 1652. |
LST 13 |
Peerle Duytsche, van den Keere: 1580? |
MA 1a |
Grasses Capitales de 3 R. Mediane, van den Keere: 1572, 1581, 1588?, 1590F, 1612, 1652. |
MA 1b |
Gras Canon Romain, van den Keere: 1581, 1590F, 1612, 1652. |
MA 2,3a |
Gros Canon Romain, Garamont: 1563, 1566, 1572, 1581, 1590F, 1612, 1652. |
MA 3b |
Moyen Canon Romain, van den Keere, modifying MA 2, 3a: 1572, 1581, 1590F, 1612, 1652. |
MA 4 |
Canon Flamand, van den Keere: 1572, 1581, 1590L, 1652. |
MA 5a |
Canon Capitales Lombardes, 15th or 16th century: no mention. |
MA 5b |
Capitales de 2 R. Augustine, 15th or 16th century: no mention. |
MA 6 |
Gros Hébreu Fort Gros, Le Bé: 1563, 1566, 1572, 1590L, 1652. |
MA 7 |
Ascendonica Romaine, Granjon: 1572?, 1588?, 1590F?, 1612, 1652. |
MA 8 |
Ascendonica Romaine, Granjon: 1572, 1581, 1590L, 1612?, 1652. |
MA 9 |
Grosses Capitales Extraordinaires, Garamont, Sabon, van den Keere: 1588, 1589, 1612, 1652. |
MA 10 |
Capitales de 3 R. Augustine, 18th century: no mention. |
MA 11 |
Ascendonica Cursive, Granjon: 1572, 1581, 1590L, 1612, 1652. |
MA 12 |
Reale Romaine, van den Keere: 1581, 1590L, 1612, 1652. |
MA 13 |
Parangonne Flamande, van den Keere: 1572, 1581, 1590L, 1652. |
MA 14 |
Parangonne Romaine, Granjon: 1588, 1589, 1612, 1652. |
MA 15 |
Parangonne Cursive, Granjon: 1563, 1566, 1572, 1581, 1589, 1612, 1652. |
MA 16, 17 |
Parangonne Grecque, Granjon: 1566, 1572, 1581, 1589, 1612, 1652. |
MA 18 |
Double Parangonne Hébreu, Le Bé: 1572, 1590L, 1652. |
MA 19 |
Texte Romain, 16th century (?): no mention. |
MA 20a, b |
Texte Romain, Garamont: 1563, 1566, 1572, 1581, 1589, 1612, 1652. |
MA 20c |
Nouveau Texte Romain, van den Keere, modifying MA 20a, b: 1572, 1581, 1589, 1612, 1652. |
| |
| |
MA 20d |
Texte Romain, fragment, Garamont: no mention. |
MA 21 |
Augustine Allemande, 16th century: 1581, 1590L, 1652. |
MA 22a, 23 |
Texte Cursive, Granjon: 1580, 1588, 1589, 1612, 1652. |
MA 22b |
Texte Capitales Cursives, Smit, 18th century, modifying MA 22a, 23: no mention. |
MA 24 |
Petit Texte Hebreu (a small Texte), from the van Bomberghens: 1572, 1590L?, 1652. |
MA 25a |
Augustine Romaine, Garamont: 1563, 1566, 1572, 1581, 1590L, 1652. |
MA 25b |
Petite Augustine Romaine, Granjon, modifying MA 25a: 1572, 1581, 1590L, 1652. |
MA 25c |
Augustine Romaine, Smit, 18th century, modifying MA 25a: no mention. |
MA 26a |
Mediane Romaine, le Gros Cicero, Granjon: no mention. |
MA 26b |
Mediane Romaine, Smit, 18th century, modifying MA 26a: no mention. |
MA 27a |
Augustine Cursive Première, Granjon: 1566?, 1588?, 1589?, 1612, 1652. |
MA 27b |
Augustine Cursive, 18th century, modifying MA 27a: no mention. |
MA 27c |
Augustine Cursive, Smit, 18th century, modifying MA 27a: no mention. |
MA 27d |
Augustine Chiffres, 16th century: 1566?, 1588?, 1589?, 1612?, 1652? |
MA 28 |
Augustine Cursive, Granjon: 1590L?, 1652? |
MA 29 |
Mediane Cursive, 16th century(?): 1652? |
MA 30 |
Augustine Flamande, van den Keere: 1612, 1652. |
MA 31 |
Ascendonica Cursive, Guyot: see MA 69, 1561. |
MA 32, 33 |
Augustine Grecque, Haultin: 1561, 1563, 1572, 1581, 1590L, 1612, 1652. |
MA 34 |
Double Augustine Hébreu, from the van Bomberghens: 1572, 1590L?, 1652. |
MA 35 |
Augustine Romaine, van Wolsschaten, 18th century: no mention. |
MA 36a |
Mediane Romaine, Garamont: 1561, 1563, 1572, 1581, 1589, 1612, 1652. |
MA 36b |
Mediane Romaine sur Philosophie, Granjon, modifying MA 36a: 1572, 1581, 1589, 1612, 1652. |
MA 37 |
Mediane Cursive Droite, Granjon: 1566, 1572, 1581, 1589, 1612, 1652. |
MA 38 |
Mediane Lettre Françoise, Granjon: 1561, 1563, 1572, 1588, 1589, 1612, 1652. |
MA 39 |
Philosophie Allemande, 16th century: 1561, 1563, 1572, 1588, 1589, 1612, 1652. |
MA 40 |
Double Mediane Hébreu, Le Bé: 1572, 1590L, 1652. |
MA 41 |
Texte Romain, Smit, 18th century: no mention. |
MA 42 |
Mediane Flamande, van den Keere: 1612, 1652. |
MA 43 |
Philosophie Romaine, van den Keere: 1581, 1590L, 1612, 1652. |
MA 44 |
Philosophie Flamande, van den Keere: 1581, 1590L, 1612, 1652. |
MA 45 |
Garamonde Romaine, Rosart, 18th century: no mention. |
| |
| |
MA 46 |
Colineus Romaine, Rosart, 18th century: no mention. |
MA 47a |
Garamonde Romaine, Garamont: 1580, 1588, 1590F, 1590FL, 1652. |
MA 47b |
Garamonde Romaine sur Colineus, Granjon, modifying MA 47a: 1652. |
MA 47c |
Garamonde Romaine, 18th century, modifying MA 47a: no mention. |
MA 48 |
Garamonde Romaine Première, Garamont: 1556, 1561, 1563, 1572, 1581, 1589, 1612, 1652. |
MA 49a |
Garamonde Cursive, la Valentine, Granjon: 1581, 1589, 1612, 1652. |
MA 49b |
Garamonde Cursive Capitales, la Valentine, Granjon: 1581, 1589, 1612, 1652. |
MA 50 |
Garamonde Lettre Françoise, Granjon: 1572, 1589, 1612, 1652. |
MA 51, 52 |
Garamonde Grecque, Granjon: 1561 1563, 1572, 1581, 1589, 1612, 1652. |
MA 53a |
Colineus Romaine, 16th century: 1561, 1563, 1588?, 1589?, 1612?, 1652. |
MA 53b |
Colineus Petites Capitales Romaines et Grecques, Garamont, Granjon: 1572, 1581, 1589, 1612?, 1652? |
MA 54a |
Garamonde Cursive Première, Granjon: 1556, 1561, 1563, 1572, 1581, 1589, 1612, 1652. |
MA 54b |
Garamonde Cursive sur Colineus, van den Keere, modifying MA 54a: 1581, 1589, 1612, 1652. |
MA 55 |
Augustine Romaine, 18th century(?): no mention. |
MA 56a |
Bible Romaine, Garamont: 1612, 1652. |
MA 56b |
Bible Romaine, 17th or 18th century, modifying MA 56a: no mention. |
MA 57 |
Bible Romaine, Garamont: 1561, 1563, 1572, 1581, 1589, 1612, 1652? |
MA 58a |
Bible Cursive, Granjon: 1561, 1563, 1572, 1581, 1589, 1612, 1652. |
MA 58b |
Bible Cursive sur Jolie, Granjon, fragment of Jolie Cursive modifying MA 58a: see MA 58a, 1561. |
MA 59, 60 |
Bible Grecque, Garamont: 1566, 1572, 1581, 1589, 1612, 1652. |
MA 61 |
Gaillarde Romaine, Granjon: 1572, 1581, 1589, 1612, 1652. |
MA 62 |
Coronelle Romaine, van den Keere: 1580, 1588, 1589, 1612, 1652. |
MA 63 |
Gaillarde Romaine, Granjon: 1572?, 1588?, 1590F?, 1612?, 1652. |
MA 64a |
Colineus Flamande, 16th century: 1612, 1652. |
MA 64b |
Colineus Flamande, van den Keere: 1581, 1590L, p 1590R, 1612, 1652. |
MA 64c |
Colineus Signes de l'Almanach, signs of the Zodiac, 16th century: see MA 64d, e, 1572. |
MA 64d |
Colineus Signes de l'Almanach, signs of the Zodiac, 16th century: 1572, 1581, 1590L?, 1612?, 1652? |
MA 64e |
Colineus Signes de l'Almanach, aspects, planets, 16th century: 1572, 1581, 1590L?, 1612?, 1652? |
MA 64f |
Colineus Signes de l'Almanach, odd sorts: no mention. |
MA 65 |
Petite Nompareille Romaine, Haultin: 1612, 1652. |
| |
| |
MA 66a |
Petite Nompareille Cursive, Haultin: 1561, 1563, 1572, 1581, 1589, 1612, 1652. |
MA 66b |
Nompareille Cursive Chiffres Encirclées, 16th century: 1589, 1612, 1652. |
MA 67 |
Petite Nompareille Romaine, Haultin: 1561, 1563, 1572, 1581, 1589, 1612, 1652. |
MA 68 |
Nompareille Flamande, van den Keere: 1572, 1581, 1590L, 1612, 1652. |
MA 69 |
Texte Cursive, Guyot: 1561, 1563, 1572, 1588, 1589, 1612, 1652. |
MA 70 |
Jolie Romaine, van den Keere: 1581, 1589, 1612, 1652. |
MA 71 |
Jolie Cursive, Granjon: 1581, 1590L, 1612, 1652. |
MA 72 |
Vrai Texte Hébreu, Façon de Venise, Le Bé: 1563, 1566, 1572, 1612, 1652. |
MA 73a |
Texte Aethiopique, from Raphelengius: 1612, 1652. |
MA 73b |
Texte Samaritain, from Raphelengius: 1612, 1652. |
MA 74a |
Mediane Romaine, 16th century(?): no mention. |
MA 74b |
Chiffres et Capitales lignées pour musique, 16th century(?): no mention. |
MA 75 |
Mediane Romaine, 16th century(?): no mention. |
MA 76 |
Jolie Romaine, van den Keere: 1580?, 1652? |
MA 77 |
Petit Petit Canon Romain, 16th century: no mention. |
MA 78 |
Grosses Capitales Extraordinaires, Garamont, Sabon, van den Keere: 1572, 1581, 1588, 1590F, 1612, 1652. |
MA 79a |
Capitales de 2 R. Mediane, van den Keere: see LMA 12, 1572. |
MA 79b |
Capitales de 2 R. Bible, Garamont: see ST 8, 1563. |
MA 80a |
Texte Romain, 16th century(?): no mention. |
MA 80b |
Texte Chiffres, 16th century(?): no mention. |
MA 80c |
Augustine Petites Capitales, 16th century(?): no mention. |
MA 80d |
Garamonde Capitales Romaines, 16th century(?): no mention. |
MA 81 |
Texte Cursive, Granjon: 1561, 1563, 1572, 1581, 1589?, 1612, 1652. |
MA 82a |
Coronelle Hébreu, Le Bé: 1572, 1581, 1590L?, 1652? |
MA 82b |
Parangonne Hébreu, 16th century: 1572, 1590L?, 1652? |
MA 82c |
Petite Augustine Hébreu Cursive, from the van Bomberghens: 1572, 1590L?, 1652? |
MA 82d |
Augustine Vieille Hébreu, 15th or 16th century: 1572, 1590L?, 1652? |
MA 82e |
Augustine Vieille Hébreu, 15th or 16th century: 1572, 1652? |
MA 83a |
Coronelle Hébreu, Le Bé: 1590L?, 1652? |
MA 83b |
Hébreu sur la Garamonde et Bible, 16th century: 1572, 1590L?, 1652. |
MA 83c |
Double Mediane Hébreu, vowels, intonations, 16th century: 1572, 1590L, 1652? |
MA 84a |
Parangonne Capitales, Granjon: see MA 118, 119, 1572. |
MA 84b |
Augustine Capitales, fragment, 16th century(?): no mention. |
MA 84c |
Mediane Capitales Flamandes, 16th century(?): no mention. |
MA 85 |
Petites Notes du Missel, van den Keere: 1572, 1581, 1588, 1589, 1612, 1652. |
| |
| |
MA 86 |
Premières Notes, Granjon: 1572, 1581, 1589?, 1612, 1652. |
MA 87 |
Moyennes Notes du Missel, van den Keere: 1572, 1581, 1589?, 1612, 1652. |
MA 88 |
Petites Notes pour les Processionels, van den Keere: 1581, 1588, 1589, 1612, 1652. |
MA 89a |
Moyennes Notes d'Espaigne, van den Keere: 1581, 1588?, 1589, 1612, 1652. |
MA 89b |
Moyenne Musique, 16th century(?): no mention. |
MA 90 |
Grosses Notes de l'Antiphonaire, van den Keere: 1572, 1581, 1589, 1612, 1652. |
MA 91a |
Grande Musique, van den Keere: 1581, 1589?, 1612, 1652. |
MA 91b |
Grosses Notes, van den Keere: see ST 68, 1581. |
MA 92a |
Moyenne Musique, 16th century(?): no mention. |
MA 92b |
Moyenne Musique, 16th century(?): no mention. |
MA 92c |
Moyenne Musique, 16th century(?): no mention. |
MA 92d |
Petites Notes pour mettre entre les lignes de l'Ascedonica, van den Keere: see ST 67, 1572. |
MA 92e |
Petites Notes pour mettre entre les lignes de la Médiane, van den Keere: see ST 67, 1572. |
MA 93 |
Grosses Notes d'Espaigne, van den Keere: 1581, 1588?, 1589, 1612, 1652. |
MA 94, 95 |
Jolie Grecque, Granjon: 1581, 1590L, 1652. |
MA 96 |
Texte Flamand, van den Keere: 1572, 1581, 1589, 1612, 1652. |
MA 97 |
Parangonne Romaine, Garamont: 1580, 1588?, 1589, p1590R, 1652. |
MA 98 |
Parangonne Capitales, 16th century(?): no mention. |
MA 99 |
Philosophie Cursive, Granjon: 1566, 1572, 1581, 1590L, 1652. |
MA 100 |
Moyenne Musique in 4o, van den Keere: 1581, 1590L, 1652. |
MA 101a |
Moyenne Musique, 16th century(?): no mention. |
MA 101b |
Moyenne Musique, fragment, 16th century(?): no mention. |
MA 101c |
Petite Musique sur le gros texte, Granjon: 1581, 1612, 1652. |
MA 102 |
Moyenne Musique in 4o, van den Keere: 1588, 1589, 1612, 1652. |
MA 103, 104a |
Bible Grecque, 16th century(?): no mention. |
MA 104b |
Mediane Romaine, le Gros Cicero, fragment, Granjon: no mention. |
MA 105, 106 |
Texte Romain, Garamont: 1580, 1588, 1590F, 1612, 1652. |
MA 107 |
Mediane Lettre Françoise, Granjon: 1561, 1563, 1572, 1588, 1589, 1612, 1652. |
MA 108 |
Texte Courant, Granjon: 1572, 1581, 1590L, 1652. |
MA 109 |
Texte Bastard, Granjon: 1572, 1581, 1590L, 1652. |
MA 110a |
Mignonne Cursive, Granjon: 1612?, 1652; see MA 189, 1572. |
MA 110b |
Bible Cursive, Granjon, modifying MA 110a: 1588?, 1612?, 1652; see MA 189, 1572. |
MA 111 |
Mediane Italique Grasse, Haultin: 1561, 1563, 1572, 1581, 1588?, 1589, p1590R, 1652. |
MA 112 |
Parangonne Romaine, Granjon: 1572?, 1588, 1589, 1590F, 1590FL, 1612, 1652. |
MA 113 |
Mediane Cursive Pendante, Granjon: 1581, 1589, 1612, 1652. |
MA 114, 115 |
Garamonde Romaine, Garamont: 1580, 1588, 1589, 1612, 1652. |
| |
| |
MA 116 |
Colineus Italique Poetique, Granjon: 1589, p1590R, 1652. |
MA 117 |
Moyen Canon Flamand, 15th or 16th century: see LMA 18, 1580. |
MA 118, 119 |
Ascendonica Cursive, Granjon: 1572, 1588, 1590F, 1590FL, 1612, 1652. |
MA 120 |
Jolie Cursive, Granjon: 1580, 1588, 1589, 1590L, 1590F, 1590FL, 1612, 1652. |
MA 121, 122 |
Ascendonica Cursive, Granjon: see MA 118, 119, 1572. |
MA 123, 124 |
Augustine Grecque, 16th century(?): no mention. |
MA 125 |
Parangonne Romaine, Granjon: see MA 112, 1572. |
MA 126 |
Colineus Italique Poetique, Granjon: 1652. |
MA 127 |
Gaillarde Romaine, Granjon: 1580, 1588, 1589, p1590R, 1652. |
MA 128 |
Augustine Cursive, Granjon: 1572, 1581, 1588?, 1589, 1612, 1652. |
MA 129 |
Colineus Italique Poetique, Granjon: 1566, 1572, 1581, 1589, 1612, 1652. |
MA 130 |
Augustine Syriaque, Granjon: 1572, 1590L, 1652. |
MA 131a |
Canon Capitales, 16th century(?): no mention. |
MA 131b |
Canon Romain, Guyot: see MA 69, 1561. |
MA 132 |
Texte Flamand, 16th century: no mention. |
MA 133 |
Mediane Cursive Première Maigre, Granjon: 1556, 1561, 1563, 1572?, 1581, 1590L, 1652. |
MA 134 |
Jolie Cursive, Granjon: see MA 120, 1581. |
MA 135a |
Augustine Cursive Hébraique, 16th century(?): 1590L, 1652. |
MA 135b |
Mediane Cursive Hébraique, from the van Bomberghens: 1572, 1590L, 1652. |
MA 135c |
Garamonde Cursive Hébraique, from the van Bomberghens: 1572, 1590L, 1652. |
MA 136, 137 |
Canon d'Espaigne, van den Keere: 1581, 1589, 1612, 1652. |
MA 138 |
Augustine Lettre Françoise, Granjon: 1581, 1590L, 1652. |
MA 139 |
Petit Canon Capitales Grecques, 16th century(?): no mention. |
MA 140, 141 |
Bible Grecque, Haultin: 1563, 1572, 1581, 1589, 1612, 1652. |
MA 142, 143 |
Mediane Grecque, Haultin: 1561, 1563, 1572, 1581, 1590L, 1652. |
MA 144, 145 |
Parangone Cursive, Granjon: 1580, 1588, 1589, p1590R, 1652. |
MA 146 |
Mediane Cursive, 16th century: 1589, 1612, 1652. |
MA 147 |
Garamonde Cursive, l'Immortelle, Granjon: 1561, 1563, 1572, 1588, 1589, 1612, 1652. |
MA 148 |
Coronelle Romaine, van den Keere: 1580, 1588, 1589, 1612, 1652. |
MA 149 |
Parangonne Capitales Grecques, 16th century(?): 1612? |
MA 150 |
Augustine Romaine, 16th century: 1588, 1589, 1612?, 1652? |
MA 151 |
Garamonde Romaine, fragment, Rosart, 18th century: no mention. |
MA 152 |
Ascendonica Civilité, 16th century(?): no mention. |
MA 153 |
Texte Cursive, Guyot: see MA 69, 1561. |
MA 154a |
Augustine Romaine, fragment, 16th century(?): no mention. |
MA 154b |
Mediane Capitales Romaines, 15th or 16th century(?): see LMA 61 (?) 1652 Inventory. |
MA 154c |
Bible Capitales Romaines, fragment, 16th century(?): no mention. |
MA 155 |
Double Augustine Hébreu, Ashkenazi, 16th century(?): see LMA 61 (?), 1652 Inventory. |
MA 156 |
Jolie Cursive, Granjon: see MA 120, 1581. |
| |
| |
MA 157 |
Petit Canon Romain, 16th century: 1572, 1590F, 1590FL, 1652. |
MA 158 |
Petite Augustine Françoise, Hamon, Haultin(?): 1566, 1572, 1652. |
MA 159 |
Gaillarde Romaine, Granjon: see MA 61, 1572. |
MA 160 |
Coronelle, Grosse Nompareille Romaine, Haultin: 1566, 1572, 1581, 1590L, 1652. |
MA 161 |
Coronelle Romaine, van den Keere: 1581, 1590L, 1612, 1652? |
MA 162 |
Coronelle Chiffres Soulignées, 16th century(?): see LST 3, 1563. |
MA 163 |
Ascendonica Civilité, Tavernier: no mention. |
MA 164a |
Vrai Texte Hébreu, 16th century(?): no mention. |
MA 164b |
Mediane Hébreu, 16th century(?): no mention. |
MA 164c |
Double Augustine Hébreu, vowels, intonations, 16th century: no mention. |
MA 165 |
Parangonne Flamande, 16th century(?): no mention. |
MA 166 |
Grosse Augustine Romaine, 16th century(?): no mention. |
MA 167a |
Vrai Texte Hébreu, from the van Bomberghens: 1572, 1590L?, 1652? |
MA 167b |
Double Parangonne Hébreu, Ashkenazi, 16th century: no mention. |
MA 168 |
Philosophie Capitales Romaines, 16th century: no mention. |
MA 169a |
Augustine Capitales Romaines, 16th century(?): no mention. |
MA 169b |
Augustine Cursive, fragment, 16th century(?): no mention. |
MA 169c |
Mediane Cursive, fragment, 16th century(?): no mention. |
MA 169d |
Philosophie Flamande, fragment, 16th century(?): no mention. |
MA 169e |
Bible Flamande, fragment, 16th century(?): no mention. |
MA 169f |
Signes, van den Keere: no mention. |
MA 170 |
Ascendonica Flamande, 16th century(?): no mention. |
MA 171 |
Augustine Flamande, 16th century(?): no mention. |
MA 172a |
Augustine Romaine, fragment, 16th century(?): no mention. |
MA 172b |
Augustine Romaine, fragment, 16th century(?): no mention. |
MA 172c |
Augustine Romaine, fragment, 16th century(?): no mention. |
MA 172d |
Mediane Grecque, fragment, 16th century(?): no mention. |
MA 172e |
Mediane Cursive, fragment, 16th century(?): no mention. |
MA 172f |
Mediane Cursive Chiffres, 16th century(?): no mention. |
MA 172g |
Parangonne Cursive Chiffres, 16th century(?): no mention. |
MA 173a |
Vrai Texte Hébreu, 16th century(?): no mention. |
MA 173b |
Bible Flamande, fragment, 16th century(?): no mention. |
MA 173c |
Garamonde Flamande, fragment, 16th century(?): no mention. |
MA 174 |
Moyen Canon Cursive, 16th century(?): 1652? |
MA 175a |
Mediane Romaine, fragment, 16th century(?): no mention. |
MA 175b |
Philosophie Chiffres, 16th century(?): no mention. |
MA 175c |
Mediane Cursive, fragment, 16th century(?): no mention. |
MA 176 |
Augustine Cursive, Granjon: 1572, 1580, 1588, 1589, 1612, 1652. |
MA 177a |
Bible Flamande, fragment, 16th century(?): no mention. |
MA 177b |
Petit Texte Hébreu, Ashkenazi, 16th century(?): no mention |
MA 178 |
Texte Romain, 16th century(?): no mention. |
MA 179 |
Parangonne Romaine, Granjon: see MA 112, 1572. |
MA 180 |
Double Texte Hébreu, 16th century(?): no mention. |
MA 181 |
Double Texte Hébreu, 16th century(?): no mention. |
| |
| |
MA 182, 183 |
Ascendonica Cursive, Granjon: see MA 118, 119, 1572. |
MA 184 |
Jolie Cursive, Granjon: see MA 120, 1580. |
MA 185, 186 |
Mediane Grecque, 16th century(?): 1572, 1588, 1589, p1590R, 1652. |
MA 187 |
Colineus Romaine, la Granjonne, Granjon: 1588, 1589, 1612, 1652. |
MA 188a |
Fleuron sur 2 R. Augustine, van den Keere: see ST 76a, 1580. |
MA 188b |
Fleuron sur 2 R. Mediane, van den Keere: see ST 76b, 1580. |
MA 188c |
Fleuron sur la Parangonne, van den Keere: see ST 76c, 1580. |
MA 188d |
Fleuron sur la Parangonne, van den Keere: see ST 76c, 1580. |
MA 188e |
Fleuron sur la Parangonne, van den Keere: see ST 76c, 1580. |
MA 188f, g |
Fleuron sur le Texte, Granjon: 1566. |
MA 188h, i |
Fleuron sur la Mediane, van den Keere: see ST 76e, f, 1580. |
MA 188j |
Fleuron sur le Petit Canon, 16th century(?): no mention. |
MA 188k |
Fleuron sur te Texte, 16th century(?): no mention. |
MA 188l |
Fleuron sur l'Augustine, Garamont: see MA 25a, 1563. |
MA 188m |
Fleuron sur la Coronelle, van den Keere: see MA 161, 1581. |
MA 188n |
Fleuron sur la Coronelle, van den Keere: see MA 161, 1581. |
MA 1880 |
Fleuron sur la Coronelle, van den Keere: see MA 161, 1581. |
MA 188p |
Fleuron sur l'Ascendonica, 16th century(?): no mention. |
MA 188q |
Fleuron sur l'Augustine, 16th century: no mention. |
MA 188r |
Fleuron sur la Mediane, unknown: no mention. |
MA 188s |
Fleuron sur la Garamonde, 16th century: no mention. |
MA 189 |
Coronelle Cursive, la Mignonne, Granjon: 1572, 1580, 1588, 1589, 1590F, p1590R, 1652. |
MA 190 |
Ascendonica Flamande, 16th century(?): no mention. |
MA 191 |
Jolie Cursive, Granjon: see MA 120, 1580. |
MA 192, 193 |
Roman Pool. |
MA 194 |
Italic Pool. |
MA 195a. |
Gothic Pool. |
MA 195b |
Greek Pool. |
MA 195c |
Hebrew Pool. |
MA 196a |
Music Pool (two printing). |
MA 196b |
Music Pool (one printing). |
MA 197, 198 |
Miscellaneous Pool. |
LMA 1 |
Bible Grecque, Haultin: 1561, 1563. |
LMA 2 |
Philosophie Romaine, Haultin: 1561, 1563, 1572, 1581? |
LMA 3 |
Mediane Italique Pendante, Granjon: 1561, 1563, 1580?, p1581? |
LMA 4 |
Hébreu de Prat, 15th and/or 16th century: 1561?, 1563?, 1572?, 1589?, 1652? |
LMA 5 |
Parangonne Romaine, Garamont: 1563, 1566, 1572, 1581, 1589, 1612, 1652. |
LMA 6 |
Petit Canon Romain, Granjon: 1563, 1566, 1572, 1581, 1590L, 1612, 1652. |
LMA 7 |
Canon Lettre de Forme, 15th or 16th century: 1563, 1566? |
LMA 8 |
Fleuron sur le Texte, Granjon: 1566. |
LMA 9 |
Parangonne Cursive, 16th century: 1572? |
LMA 10 |
Colineus Romaine, la Granjonne, Granjon: 1572? |
| |
| |
LMA 11 |
Petit Grecq, 16th century: 1572, 1588, 1589. 1612, 1652. |
LMA 12 |
Capitales sur 2 R. Mediane, van den Keere: 1572, 1581, 1590L?, 1612, 1652. |
LMA 13 |
Capitales sur 2 R. Mediane, Granjon: 1572, 1581, 1589, 1612, 1652. |
LMA 14 |
Philosophie Flamande, van den Keere: 1572, p1581. |
LMA 15 |
Garamonde Romaine sur Colineus, Granjon, modifying MA 48: 1572, 1581, 1589, 1612, 1652. |
LMA 16 |
Capitales sur 2 R. Garamonde, van den Keere: 1581. |
LAM 17 |
Ascendonica Romaine, van den Keere: 1581, 1590L? |
LMA 18 |
Canon Flamand, 15th or 16th century: 1580, p1581. |
LMA 19 |
Petite Musique sur la Parangonne, van den Keere: 1580, p1581. |
LMA 20 |
Rubriques sur la Parangonne, 16th century: 1580, p1581. |
LMA 21 |
Texte Romain, Tavernier: 1580, p1581. |
LMA 22 |
Augustine Flamande, van den Keere: 1580, p1581. |
LMA 23 |
Mediane Flamande, van den Keere: 1580, p1581. |
LMA 24 |
Mediane Romaine, Tavernier: 1580, p1581. |
LMA 25 |
Mediane Ecriture, van den Keere: 1580, p1581. |
LMA 26 |
Mediane Romaine, Garamont: 1580, p1581. |
LMA 27 |
Philosophie Romaine, van den Keere(?): 1580. |
LMA 28 |
Garamonde Cursive Première, Granjon: 1580, p1581. |
LMA 29 |
Bible Flamande, van den Keere: 1580, p1581. |
LMA 30 |
Nompareille Flamande, van den Keere: 1580, p1581. |
LMA 31 |
Capitales sur 2 R. Mediane, 16th century: 1580, p1581. |
LMA 32 |
Colineus Romaine, la Granjonne, Granjon: p1581. |
LMA 33 |
Capitales de 3 R. Mediane, van den Keere: p1581. |
LMA 34 |
Fleuron sur 2 R. Mediane, van den Keere: p1581. |
LMA 35 |
Fleuron sur la Parangonne, van den Keere: p1581. |
LMA 36 |
Musique sur 2 R. Augustine, Granjon: p1581. |
LMA 37 |
Fleuron sur 2 R. Augustine, van den Keere: p1581. |
LMA 38 |
Fleuron sur la Mediane, van den Keere: p1581. |
LMA 39 |
Philosophie Lynien ende Strecken, 16th century: p1581. |
LMA 40 |
Texte Flamand, van den Keere: p1581. |
LMA 41 |
Nompareille Flamande, van den Keere: p1581. |
LMA 42 |
Augustyne Gheschreven, Lambrecht: p1581. |
LMA 43 |
Hauden Brevier, Lambrecht: p1581. |
LMA 44 |
Hauden Bastaerde, 15th or 16th century: p1581. |
LMA 45 |
Median Duytsche, Lambrecht: p1581. |
LMA 46 |
Inghelsche Descendiane, 15th or 16th century: p1581. |
LMA 47 |
Augustyne Romaine, 15th or 16th century: p1581. |
LMA 48 |
Garmon Cursive, Garamont: p1581. |
LMA 49 |
Hooghduytsche Letter, 15th or 16th century: p1581. |
LMA 50 |
Hauden Letter, 15th or 16th century: p1581. |
LMA 51 |
Bourjoise, Lambrecht(?): p1581. |
LMA 52 |
Bourjoise, Lambrecht(?): p1581. |
LMA 53 |
Duytsche Augustyne, 15th or 16th century: p1581. |
LMA 54 |
Afslach, 15th or 16th Century: p1581. |
LMA 55 |
Texte Hébreu, Façon de Venise, Le Bé: 1588?, 1589. |
| |
| |
LMA 56 |
Ascendonica Romaine, Granjon: 1588, 1589. |
LMA 57 |
Augustine Romaine, 16th century: 1588, 1590F? |
LMA 58 |
Canon Cursive, 17th century: 1612, 1652. |
LMA 59 |
Linien ende Stucken van Genealogien, 16th century: 1652. |
LMA 60 |
Capitales sur 2 R. Texte, 16th or 17th century: 1652? |
LMA 61 |
Parangonne Lettre du Talmud, 16th or 17th century: 1652? |
LMA 62 |
Augustine Romaine, Haultin: 1561, 1563, 1572, 1581, 1588, 1589, 1612, 1652. |
LMA 63 |
Texte Romain, Haultin: 1556?, 1561?, 1563?, 1572?, 1588?, 1589?, 1612?, 1652? |
| |
Appendix III
Index by punchcutter to the 16th century punches and matrices of the museum Plantin Moretus
Those punchcutters to whom the inventories attribute work are listed below, followed by the typefaces and sets of punches and matrices in question.
Antoine Augereau. |
Augustine Romaine: LST 5. |
Guillaume I Le Be. |
Gros Hébreu Fort Gros: ST 50, MA 6. |
Double Parangonne Hébreu: MA 18. |
Double Mediane Hébreu: MA 40. |
Vrai Texte Hébreu de la façon de Venise: MA 72, LMA 55. |
Petit Texte (a small Texte) Hébreu (‘retaille’ Le Bé): ST 52. |
Coronelle Hébreu: ST 55, MA 82a, MA 83a. |
Claude Garamont. |
Grosses Capitales Extraordinaires: ST 3, MA 9, MA 78. |
Gros Canon Romain: MA 2, 3a. |
Capitales de 2 R. Augustine: LST 2. |
Petit Canon Romain sur 2 R. Augustine: LST 1. |
Capitales de 2 R. Bible: ST 8, MA 79b. |
Parangonne Romaine: LMA 5, MA 97. |
Texte Romain: MA 20a, b, MA 105, 106, MA 20d. |
Augustine Romaine: ST 13a, MA 25a. |
Mediane Romaine: MA 36a, LMA 26. |
Garamonde Romaine Première: MA 48. |
Garamonde Romaine: MA 47a, MA 114, 115. |
Bible Romaine: ST 20a, MA 57, MA 56a. |
Chiffres trenchés (?): ST 3. |
Garamond Cursive: LMA 48. |
Grosses Capitales Grecques Extraordinaires: ST 3, MA 78. |
Capitales Grecques du Gros Canon: MA 2, 3a. |
| |
| |
Bible Grecque: MA 59, 60. |
Petit Texte (a small Texte) Hébreu: ST 53. |
Robert Granjon. |
Capitales sur 2 R. Mediane: LMA 13. |
Petit Canon Romain sur 2 R. Augustine: LMA 6. |
Ascendonica Romaine: ST 9, MA 8, MA 7, LMA 56. |
Parangonne Romaine: MA 14, MA 106, MA 112, MA 179, MA 84a. |
Mediane Romaine, le Gros Cicero: MA 26a, MA 104b. |
Augustine Romaine sur Mediane, le Gros Cicero modifying MA 25a: MA 25b. |
Mediane Romaine sur Philosophie, modifying MA 36a: LST 8, MA 36b. |
Garamonde Romaine sur Colineus, modifying MA 48: LST 9, LMA 15, MA 47b. |
Colineus Romaine, la Granjonne: MA 187, LMA 10, LMA 32. |
Gaillarde Romaine: MA 61, MA 63, MA 127, MA 159. |
Ascendonica Cursive: ST 25, MA 11, MA 118, 119, MA 121, 122, MA 182, 183. |
Parangonne Cursive: MA 15, MA 144, 145. |
Texte Cursive: MA 81, MA 22a, 23. |
Augustine Cursive Première: MA 27a. |
Augustine Cursive: MA 28, MA 128, MA 176. |
Mediane Cursive Première Maigre: MA 133. |
Mediane Cursive Pendante: LMA 3, MA 113. |
Mediane Cursive Droite à l'Allemand: MA 37. |
Philosophie Cursive: ST 27, MA 99. |
Garamonde Cursive Première: MA 54a, LMA 28. |
Garamonde Cursive, l'Immortelle: MA 147. |
Garamonde Cursive, la Valentine: MA 49a, b. |
Colineus Cursive Poétique: ST 28, MA 129, MA 116, MA 126. |
Bible Cursive: MA 58a, MA 110b. |
Coronelle Cursive, la Mignonne (version of Bible Cursive): MA 110a, MA 189. |
Jolie Cursive: ST 30, MA 71, MA 120, MA 134, MA 183, MA 191, MA 156. |
Texte Courant: ST 44, MA 108. |
Texte Bastard: ST 45, MA 109. |
Augustine Lettre Françoise: MA 138. |
Mediane Lettre Françoise: MA 38, MA 107. |
Garamonde Lettre Françoise: ST 48, MA 50. |
Capitales Grecques du Petit Canon: LMA 6. |
Parangonne Grecque: MA 16, 17. |
Garamonde Grecque: MA 51, 52. |
Bible Grecque Petites Capitales, modifying ST 20a: ST 20b, MA 53b. |
Jolie Grecque: ST 49, MA 94, 95. |
Augustine Syriaque: ST 57, MA 130. |
Premières Notes: ST 64, MA 86. |
Moyenne Musique sur 2 R. Augustine: ST 71a, LMA 36. |
Petite Musique sur le Gros Texte: ST 75, MA 101c. |
Chiffres Brisés sur Colineus: LST 10. |
Fleuron sur le Texte: MA 188f, g. |
Fleuron sur le Texte: LMA 8. |
Fleuron sur le Texte: ST 76g. |
| |
| |
Crochet sur la Colineus: ST 76n. |
Moulure: ST 76 o. |
Moulure: ST76p. |
Moulure: ST 76q. |
François Guyot. |
Canon Romain: MA 131b. |
Ascendonica Cursive: MA 31. |
Texte Cursive: MA 69, MA 153. |
Pierre Hamon. |
Petite Augustine Françoise (design only): ST 46, MA 158. |
Pierre Haultin. |
Texte Romain: LMA 63 (?). |
Augustine Romaine: LMA 62. |
Philosophie Romaine: LMA 2. |
Coronelle Romaine, La Grosse Nompareille: MA 160. |
Petite Nompareille Romaine: MA 67, MA 65. |
Mediane Cursive Grasse: MA 111. |
Petite Nompareille Cursive: MA 66a. |
Petite Augustine Françoise(?): ST 46, MA 158. |
Augustine Grecque: MA 32, 33. |
Mediane Grecque: MA 142, 143. |
Bible Grecque: MA 140, 141, LMA 1. |
Joos Lambrecht. |
Mediane Flamande: LMA 45. |
Garamonde (Bourjoise) Flamande(?): LMA 51. LMA 52. |
Vieille Bible (Brevier) Flamande(?): LMA 43. |
Augustine Écriture: LMA 42. |
Hendrik van den Keere de Jonge (Henri du Tour le Jeune). |
La Plus Grande Romaine: ST 1. |
Capitales de 3 R. Mediane: ST 5, LMA 33. |
Grasses Capitales de 3 R. Mediane: ST 6a, MA 1a. |
Gras Canon Romain: ST 6b, MA 1b. |
Moyen Canon Romain, modifying MA 2, 3a: LST 6, MA 3b. |
Capitales de 2 R. Mediane: ST 7, LMA 12, MA 79a. |
Capitales de 2 R. Garamonde: LST 12, LMA 16. |
Ascendonica Romaine: ST 10, LMA 17. |
Reale Romaine: ST 11, MA 12. |
Nouveau Texte Romain, modifying MA 20a, b: LST 7, MA 20c. |
Mediane Romaine sur Philosophie, modifying Garamont(?): ST 15. |
Philosophie Romaine: ST 16, MA 43, LMA 27(?). |
Coronelle Romaine: ST 21, MA 161, MA 62, MA 148. |
Jolie Romaine: ST 22, MA 70, MA 76. |
Garamonde Cursive sur Colineus, modifying MA 54a: ST 29, MA 54b. |
Gros Flamand Lettre: ST 78. |
Rubriques pour le Canon d'Espaigne: ST 81. |
| |
| |
Canon d'Espaigne: ST 32, MA 136, 137. |
Canon Flamand: ST 33, MA 4. |
Parangonne Flamande: ST 34, MA 13. |
Texte Flamand: ST 35, MA 96, LMA 40. |
Augustine Flamande: ST 36, LMA 22, MA 30. |
Mediane Flamande: ST 37, LMA 23, MA 42. |
Philosophie Flamande: ST 38, MA 44, LMA 14. |
Colineus Flamande: ST 40, MA 64b. |
Bible Capitales Lombardes: ST 39. |
Bible Flamande: ST 41, LMA 29. |
Nompareille Flamande: ST 42, MA 68, LMA 30, LMA 41. |
Peerle Flamande(?): LST 13(?). |
Mediane Ecriture: ST 47, LMA 25. |
Grosses Capitales Grecques Extraordinaires (completing Garamont's punches): ST 3, MA 78. |
Capitales Grecques sur 2 R. Garamonde: LST 12. |
Grosses Notes d'Espaigne: ST 61, MA 93. |
Petites Notes d'Espaigne: ST 62, MA 89a. |
Grosses Notes de l'Antiphonaire: ST 63, MA 90. |
Moyennes Notes du Missel: ST 65, MA 87. |
Petites Notes pour les Processionales: ST 66, MA 88. |
Petites Notes du Missel: ST 67, MA 85. |
Petites Notes pour mettre entre les lignes de l'Ascendonica: MA 92 d. |
Petites Notes pour mettre entre les lignes de la Mediane: MA 92e. |
Grosses Notes: ST 69, MA 91b. |
Grande Musique: ST 68, MA 91a. |
Moyenne Musique, Notes in 4o: ST 70, MA 100, MA 102. |
Lettres sur lignes sur 2 R. Augustine, modifying ST 71a: ST 71b. |
Petite Musique sur la Parangonne: ST73, LMA 19. |
Colineus Signes d'Almanach: ST 76r. |
Signes: ST 76t, MA 169f. |
Fleuron sur 2 R. Augustine: ST 76a, MA 188a, LMA 37. |
Fleuron sur 2 R. Mediane: ST 76b, MA 188b, LMA 34. |
Fleuron sur la Parangonne: ST 76c, MA 188d, MA 188e, MA 188f, LMA 35. |
Fleuron sur le Texte: ST 76d. |
Fleuron sur la Mediane: ST 76e, f, MA 188h, i, LMA 38. |
Crochets sur la Colineus: ST 76k, l. |
Voyelles et Consones, U et J, modifying MA 20a, b, MA 25a, MA 63a, MA 48: LST 11. |
Jacques Sabon. |
Grosses Capitales Extraordinaires (completing Garamont's punches): ST 3, MA 78, MA 9. |
Ameet Tavernier. |
Texte Romain: LMA 21. |
Mediane Romaine: LMA 24. |
Ascendonica Civilité: MA 163. |
- Harry Carter, ‘Plantin's Types and Their Makers’, in Gedenkboek der Plantin Dagen, Antwerp, 1955, pp. 247-269 and ‘The Types of Christopher Plantin’, in The Library, 5th Ser., XI (1956), pp. 170-179.
- Hendrik van den Keere the Elder and Younger were father and son. They both used also the French form of their name, Henri du Tour. The elder was a Ghent schoolmaster and printer, the younger a Ghent typefounder and punchcutter. The known historical facts on each are summarized in Harry Carter's articles listed in the previous footnote.
- Full references to this and the following abbreviations are given in footnote 6.
- See LMA 25, LMA 26, LMA 28, 1580 van den Keere Inventory; LMA 35, LMA 37, post 1581 de Vechter Inventory.
- Full references to this and the following abbreviations are given in footnote 6.
- The abbreviations used in this article may be read as follows:
Ar: Archives of the Plantin-Moretus Museum (Cf. J. Denucé, Inventaire des Archives Plantiniennes, Antwerp, 1926).
Berner Specimens: refer to the type-specimens issued in 1592 and 1622 by Konrad and Johann Berner, typefounders in Frankfort a. M. They were published by W.T. Berry - A.F. Johnson, Catalogue of Specimens of Printing Types by English and Scottish Printers and Founders, London, 1935, pp. XXXII, XXXVIII, and by G. Mori - R. Diehl, Frankfurter Schriftproben aus dem 16. bis 18. Jahrhundert, Frankfort a. M., 1955.
Carter, Types: H. Carter, ‘The Types of Christopher Plantin’, in The Library, 5th Ser., XI (1956), pp. 170-179.
Corr.: Correspondance de Christophe Plantin, Antwerp, 9 vol., 1883-1918; M. van Durme, Supplément à la correspondance de Christophe Plantin, Antwerp, 1955.
Enschedé, Fonderies de caractères: Ch. Enschedé, Fonderies de caractères et leur matériel dans les Pays-Bas du XVe au XIXe siècle, Haarlem, 1908.
c. 1580 Folio Specimen: refers to a specimen, printed by Plantin c. 1580 (Bibl. Plantin., Folio Varia, II, p. 125-134 and R. 24.27) and partially reproduced by Carter, Types, p. 179.
c. 1550 Folger Specimen: refers to a single copy of a type-specimen, surviving in the Folger Shakespeare Library, Washington, DC. It originated presumably from François Guyot, an Antwerp typefounder in the 1550-1570's. It will be published in John Dreyfus's forthcoming Type-Specimen Facsimiles.
Index Characterum: Index siue specimen characterum Christophori Plantini, Antwerp 1567 (Cf. the facsimile reprint, introduced by D. McMurtrie, Plantin's Index Characterum of 1567, New York, 1924).
1575 Inventory: refers to Ar. 43, which contains a list of all Plantin's types in order of size. See also p. 3.
Johnson, Italic Types of Granjon: A.F. Johnson, ‘The Italic Types of Robert Granjon’, in The Library, 4th Ser., XXI (1940), pp. 291-297.
c. 1598 Le Bé Inventory: S. Morison, L'inventaire de la Fonderie Le Bé selon la transcription de Jean Pierre Fournier, Paris, 1957 (= Documents typographiques français, I).
c. 1599 Le Bé-Moretus Specimen refers to a specimen of 21 types from the Le Bé Foundry, surviving in Ar. 153, p. 20. It appears to be part of the second round of a correspondence between Guillaume II Le Bé and Jan Moretus; the first round of which is represented by a letter of 12 December 1598 (Ar. 95, f. 244), published in Corr., X, p. 252-254. An incomplete showing of these faces can be found in Jeanne Veyrin-Forrer and André Jammes, Les premiers caractères de l'imprimerie royale. Étude sur un spécimen inconnu de 1643, Paris, 1958 (= Documents typographiques français, II).
LMA, LST: a set of matrices or punches, not or no longer in the Plantinian collection.
MA: set of matrices in the Plantin-Moretus Museum.
RDB: C. Ruelens - A. de Backer, Annales Plantiniennes, Bruxelles, 1865. The Antwerp publications of Plantin are indicated by the sole name of author and title.
Rooses: M. Rooses, Le Musée Plantin-Moretus, Antwerp, 1914.
Rooses, Index characterum: M. Rooses, Index characterum architypographiae plantinianae, Antwerp, 1905.
Sabbe-Audin: M. Sabbe - M. Audin, Die Civilité-Schriften des Robert Granjon, Wien, 1929.
ST: set of punches in the Plantin-Moretus Museum.
- Mrs. van Dessel-Wartel originally transcribed many of these inventories on behalf of the Oxford University Press. We thank the Printer to the University for graciously permitting their use.
- Measured from 16th century proofs. The Gros Flamand was measured from wooden pattern letters due to lack of suitable proofs.
- The size of the Parisian Gros Parangon or Grosse Parangonne is comparable to Plantin's Ascendonica. The Parisian Parangon or Petit Parangon is equivalent to the body Plantin called variously Parangonne, Grosse Parangonne or Vraie Parangonne.
The type that Plantin had for Guyot's Ascendonica Romaine and Italique were on a smaller body; Plantin's Ascendonica mould was somewhat larger than most.
- The size of the Parisian Gros Parangon or Grosse Parangonne is comparable to Plantin's Ascendonica. The Parisian Parangon or Petit Parangon is equivalent to the body Plantin called variously Parangonne, Grosse Parangonne or Vraie Parangonne.
The type that Plantin had for Guyot's Ascendonica Romaine and Italique were on a smaller body; Plantin's Ascendonica mould was somewhat larger than most.
- Plantin referred to Hebrews cast on Nouveau Texte as Petit Texte. This must not be confused with the usual use of Petit Texte as a synonym for Bible.