Mason, Caroline Atwater: The Binding of the Strong. A love story. London, Hodder & Stoughton.
f 3.90 |
Mathers, Helen: Gay Lawless. London, S. Paul.
f 3.90 |
Maud, Constance Elisabeth: A daughter of France. London, Methuen & Co.
f 3.90 |
Maugham, W.S.: The Magician. London, Wm. Heinemann.
f 3.90 |
Maxwell, W.B.: Hill Rise. London, Methuen & Co.
f 3.90 |
In this novel the writer attempts to show the life of a small country town about twenty-five miles from London. There are close studies of two or three characters, and the local interests of a considerable number of people are dealt with. It is a love story, and the affection between a father and his daughter forms an important element in it. The book ends happily. |
McCarthy, Justin H.: Julia Revelstone. A romance. London, Chatto & Windus.
f 3.90 |
McCarthy, Justin H.: The gorgeous Borgia. London, Hurst & Blackett.
f 3.90 |
Meade, L.T.: Hetty Berestord. London, Hodder & Stoughton.
f 3.90 |
Meade, L.T.: The stormy Petrel. London, Hurst & Blackett.
f 3.90 |
Merrick, Leonard: The Man, who understood Women, and other stories. London, Eveleigh Nash.
f 3.90 |
Michalski, Heinrich: Anna Kiefer. Roman. München, Georg Müller.
f 2.60; geb. f 3.25 |
Mirbeau, Octave: Le Foyer. Comédie en 3 actes. Paris, Eugène Fasquelle.
f 1.90 |
Mordtmann, A.J.: Pfingsten. Roman, Leipzig, Georg Wigand.
f 2.60; geb. f 3.25 |
Nolly, Émile: Hiên le Maboul. Roman. Paris, Calmann-Lévy.
f 1.90 |
Osbourne, Lloyd: The Adventurer. London, Wm. Heinemann.
f 4.55 |
Ouida: Helianthus. A novel. London, Macmillan & Co.
f 3.90 |
Prévost, Marcel: La fausse Bourgeoise. Paris, Lemerre.
f 1.90 |
Les trois nouvelles recueillies dans ce volume contiennent de fines études de moeurs, présentées avec beaucoup de vivacité et d'agrément. - Revue des deux Mondes. |
Pugh, Edwin: The broken Honeymoon. London, J. Milne.
f 3.90 |
Rageot, Gaston: Un grand Homme. Roman. Paris, Calmann-Lévy.
f 1.90 |
Ramuz, C.F.: Jean Luc persécuté. Roman. Paris, Perrin & Cie.
f 1.90 |
Reed, Myrthe: The Flower of the Dusk, London, New York, G. Putnam Sons.
f 3.90 |
Régnièr, Henri de: Couleur du temps Paris Société du Mercvre de France.
f 1.90 |
Renan, Ernest: Patrice. Roman. Illustration d'après Ary Renan. Paris, Calmann-Lévy.
f 3.30 |
Renard, Jules: Ragotte. Paris, Arthème Fayard.
f 0.85 |
Reumert, E.: Skön-jomfru. Köbenhavn Schuboth's Bkh.
f 2.60 |