Dietsche Warande en Belfort. Jaargang 1919
(1919)– [tijdschrift] Dietsche Warande en Belfort– Gedeeltelijk auteursrechtelijk beschermd
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Owen Feltham's observations of the low countries.In this Periodical room will be left for a series of English and German reprints, a collection of old essays or pamphlets on the Low Countries. In both the great German sister-tongues there are many forgotten pages on Flemish and Dutch matters and items. To scholars as well as to ordinary readers the talks and sketches of former centuries about us and our home will be of no small interest. The following pamphlet seems to be completely out of memory on the continent. It is mentioned neither by Fruin nor ten Haeff, who both very carefully examined the English-Dutch intercourses of the 17th century. Again, in no great public library of Holland or Belgium a copy of the strange little book is to be found. In the British Isles, on the contrary, several copies escaped destruction, if not oblivion: The ‘Observations’ are kept in the Bodleian as well as in the British Museum.Ga naar voetnoot(1) As for Owen Feltham, probably he was born in 1602 and | |
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died 1668. ‘He was of a good Suffolk family, and lived for some years as chaplain in the Northamptonshire house of the Earl of Thomond at Great Billing.Ga naar voetnoot(1) He published: ‘Resolves, Divine, Morall and Politicall’. ‘His Resolves’ fell almost completely into oblivion from 1709 (the date of the twelfth edition) till 1806, when they were reprinted by Cumming. Hallam and others have condemned Feltham's prose as obscure and affected; he strains after conceits, and the comparison with Bacon's Essays, often made, is not to the advantage of Feltham. But he has a fine vein of observation and reflection; not without frequent felicities of expression.Ga naar voetnoot(2) The ‘Observations of the Low Countries’ were published in 1652, just the year of the beginning of the first Anglo-Dutch war. After some years of success the pamphlet was turned adrift till to-day. The most extensive particulars about Owen Feltham are to be found in the ‘Great Dictionary of National Biography’.Ga naar voetnoot(3) As far as concerns our publication we quote: ‘In 1652 Feltham published “A Brief Character of the Low Countries under the States. Being three weeks' Observation of the Vices and Vertues of the Inhabitants”. It has the | |
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motto: “Non seria semper” and a letter by the printer complaining that two pirated versions had been previously issued. A pirated edition, called “Three Moneths Observations of the Low Countries, especially Holland, containing a brief Description of the Country, Customes, Religions, Manners, and Dispositions of the People” 1648, was reprinted in 1652, with the title “A true and exact character of the Low Countreys, especially Holland. Or the Dutchman anatomized and truly dissected...” The authorised edition was published again in 1660, and again in 1662, when “By Owen Feltham, Esq.” appeared on the title-page’. A copy of the 1662 - edition is reprinted here. Jul. Persyn.
They are a generall sea-Land. The great Bog of Europe. There is not such another Marsh in the world that's plat. They are an universal Quagmire, Epitomiz'd, A green Cheese in pickle. There is in them an aequilibrium of mud and water. A strong Earth-quake would shake them to a chaos, from which the successive force of the Sun, rather than creation, hath a little emended them. They are the Ingredients of a black pudding, and want only stirring together. Marry 't is best making on 't in a dry Summer, else you will have more bloud than grist; and then have you no way to make it serve for any thing, but to tread it under Zona Torrida, and so dry it for Turfs. Sayes one, it affords the people one commodity beyond all the other Regions; if they die in perdition, they are so low, that they have a shorther cut to Hell than the rest of their neighbours. And for this cause perhaps all strange Religions throng thither, as naturally inclining towards their Center. Besides, their Riches shewes them to be Pluto's Region, and you all know what part that was which the Poets did of old assign him. Here is Styx, Acheron, Cocytus, and the rest of those muddy streames that have made matter for the Fablers. Almost every one is a Charon here, and if you have but a Naulum to give, you cannot want or Boat or Pilot. To confirm all, let but some of our Separatists be asked, and they shall swear that the Elizian Fields are there. It is an excellent Country for a despairing Lover; for every corner | |
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affords him willow to make a Garland on; but if justice doom him to be hang'd on any other tree, he may in spight of the sentence live long and confident. If he had rather quench his spirits than suffocate them, so rather chuse to feed Lobsters than Crows; tis but leaping from his window, and he lights in a River or Sea; for most of their dwellings stand like privies in moted-houses, hanging still over the water. If none of these cure him, keep him but a winter in a house without a stove, and that shall cool him. The Soyl is all fat, though, wanting the colour to shew it so; for indeed it is the buttock of the world, full of veins and bloud, but no bones in 't. Had St. Steven been condemned to suffer here, he might have been alive at this day; for unless it be in their paved Cities, gold is a great deal more plentiful than stoves, except it be living ones, and then for their heaviness you may take in almost all the Nation. Tis a singular place to fat Monkies in. There are Spiders as big as Shrimps and I think as many. Their Gardens being moist, abound with these. No creatures; for sure they were bred, not made; where they but as venemous as rank, to gather herbs were to hazard Martyrdom. They are so large, that you would almost believe the Hesperides were here, and there the Dragons that did guard them. You may travail the Country though you have not a guide: for you cannot baulk your road without the hazard of drowning. There is not there any use of a Harbinger. Wheresoever men go the way is made before them. Had they Cities large as their walls, Rome would be esteemed a bable. 20 miles in length is nothing for a waggon to be hurried on one of them, where if your foreman be sober, you may travail in safety, otherwise, you must have stronger faith than Peter had, else you sink immediately. A starting horse indangers you to two deaths at once, breaking of your neck, and drowning. If your way be not thus, it hangs in the water, and the Approach of your waggon shajl shake as if it were Ague-strucken. Duke d'Alva's taxing of the tenth penny frighted it into a Palsey, which all the Mountebanks they have bred since could never tell how to cure. Tis indeed but a bridge of swimming earth, or a flag somewhat thicker than ordinary, if the strings crack your course is shortned, you can neither hope for Heaven nor fear Hell, you shal be sure to stick fast between them. Marry if your Faith flow Purgatory height, you may pray if you will for that to dense you from the Mud shall soyl you. | |
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Tis a green sod in water, where if the German Eagle dares to bath himself, he 's glad again to pearch that he may dry his wings. Some things they do that seem wonders. Tis ordinary to see them fish for fire in water, which they catch in nets and transport to land in their boats, where they spread it more smoothly than a Mercer doth his Velvet when he would hook in an heir upon his comming to age. Thus lying in a field, you would think you saw a Cantle of Green Cheese spread over with black butter. If Aetna be hells mouth or fore-gate, sure here is found the Postern. 'Tis the Port-Esquiline of the world, where the full earth doth vent her crude black gore, which the Inhabitants scrape away for fuel, as men with spoones do excrements from Civit-Cats. Their ordinary packhorses are all of wood, cary their bridles in their tails, and their burdens in their bellies. A strong tyde and a stiff Gale are the spurs that make them speedy. When they travel they touch no ground; and when they stand still they ride; and are never in danger but when they drink up too much of their way. There is a Province among them, where every woman carries a Cony in a Lambskin. 'T is a custom and not one that travels ever leaves it behind her. Now guess if you can what beast that is, which is clad in a fur both of hair and wool. They dresse their meat in aqua Coelesti, for it springs not as ours from the Earth, but comes to them, as Manna to the Israelites, falling from heaven. This they keep underground till it stinks, and then they pump it out again for use. So when you wash your hands with one hand, you had need hold your nose with the other; for though it be not Cordial, 't is certainly a strong water. The Elements are here at variance, the subtile overswaying the grosser. The fire consumes the earth, and the air the water, they burn Turffs, and drain their grounds with windmills; As if the Cholick were a remedy for the Stone; And they would prove against Philosophy the Worlds Conflagration to be natural, even shewing thereby that the very Element of Earth is combutible. The Land that they have they keep as neatly as a Courtier does his Beard. They have a method in mowing. 'T is so interveind with Water and Rivers, that it is impossible to make a Common among them. Even the Brownists are here at a stand, only they hold their pride in wrangling | |
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for that which they never will find. Our Justices would be much at ease although our English poor were still among them: For whatsoever the do, they can break no hedges. Sure had the wise men of Gotham lived here, they would have studyed some other death for their Cuckow. Their Ditches they frame as they list; and distinguish them into nooks, as my Lord Majors Cook doth his Custards. Clense them they do often; but 't is as Physicians give their potions, more to catch the fish, tham cast the Mud out. Though their Country be part of a main land, yet every house almost stands in an Island. And that though a Boor dwell in it, looks as smug as a Lady that hath newly lockt up her colours, and laid by her frous. A gallant masquing suit sits not more compleat, than a coat of thatch though of many years wearing. If it stand dry 't is imbraced by Vines, as if it were against the nature of a Dutchman not to have Bacchus his neighbour. If you find it lower seated, 't is only a close Arborin a plump of Willows and Alders; pleasant enough while the Dog - daies last; But those part once, you must practice wading, or be prisoner till the next spring. Only a hard frost, with the help of a sledge may release you. The Bridge to this is an outlandish Plank with a box of stones to poize it withall, which with the least help turns round, like the Executioner when he whips off a head. That when the Master is over, stands drawn, and then he is in his Castle. 'Tis sure his fear that renders him suspicious. That he may therefore certainly see who enters, you shall ever finde his window made over his door. But it may be, that is to shew you his Pedigree, for though his Ancestors were never known, their Arms are there; wich (in spight of Heraldry) shal bear their Atchivement with a Helmet for a Baron at least. Marry the Field perhaps shall be charged with 3 basquets, to shew what trade his father was. Escutcheons are as plentifull as Gentry is scarce. Every man there is his own Herald; and he that has but wit enough to invent a Coat, may challinge it as his own. When you are entred the house, the first thing you encounter is a Looking-glasse. No question but a true Embleme of politic hospitality; for though it reflect your self in your own figure, 't is yet no longer than while you are there before it. When you are gone once, it flatters the | |
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next commer, without the least remembrance that you ere were there. The next are the vessels of the house marshalled about the room like watchmen. All as neat as if you were in a Citizens Wives Cabinet; for unless it be themselves, they let none of Gods creatures lose any thing of their native beauty. Their houses, especially in their Cities, are the best eye-beauties of their Country. For cost and sight they for exceed our English, but they want their magnificence. Their lining is yet more rich than their out-side; not in hangings but pictures, which even the poorest are there furnisht with. Not a cobler but has his toyes for ornaments. Were the knacks of all their houses set together, there would not be such another Bartholmew fair in Europe. Their Artists for these are as rare as thought; for they can paint you a fat hen in her feathers; and if you want the language you may learn a great deal of Dutch by their signes; for what they are, they ever write under them to by this device, hang up more honesty than they keep. Coaches are as rare as Comets: and those that live loosely need not fear one punishment which often vexes such with us; They may be sure. though they be discovered, they shall not be carted. All their Merchandise they drawn through the streets on Sledges; or as we on Hurdles do traitors to execution. Their rooms are but severall land-boxes: if so, you must either go out to spit, or blush when you see the Map brought. Their beds are no other than land-cabines. high enough to need a ladder or stairs. Up once, you are walled in with wainscot, and that is good discretion to avoid the trouble of making your will every night; for once falling out else would break your neck perfectly. But if you die in it, this comfoot you shall leave your friends, that you dy'de in lean linnen. Whatsoever their estates be, their houses must be fair. Therefore from Amsterdam they have banisht Sea-cole, lest it soyl their buildings, of which the statelier sort are sometimes sententious, and in the front carry some conceit of the Owner. As to give you a taste in these: Christus Adjutor Meus;
Hoc abdicato Perenne Quaero;
Hic hedio tutius Itur.
Every door seems studded with Diamonds. The nails and hinges hold a constant brightness, as if rust there were not a quality incident to Iron. | |
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Their houses they keep cleaner than their bodies; their bodies than their souls. Goe to one, you shall finde the Andirons shut up in net-work. At a second, the warming-pan muffled in Italian Cutwork. At a third the Sconce clad in Cambrick. And like a Crown advanced in the middle of the house, for the woman there is the head of the husband, so takes the horn to her own charge, which she sometimes multiplies, and bestowes the increase on her man. 'Tis true, they are not so ready at this play as the English; for neither are they so general by bred to 't, nor are their men such linnenlifters. Idlenesse and Courtship has not banish't honesty. They speak more, and do lesse; yet doth their blood boyl high and their veins are full, which argues strongly that when they will they may take up the custome of entertaining strangers. And having once done it, I believe they will be notable; for I have heard they trade more for love than money, but 'tis of the sport not the man, and therefore when they like the pastime they will reward the Gamester; otherwise their grosse feed and clownish breeding hath spoiled them for being nobly minded. And if you once in public discover her private favours or pretend to more than is civil, she falls off like fairy wealth disclosed, and turns like beer with lightning to a sourenesse, which neither Art nor labour can ever make sweet again. But this I must give you on report only; experience here 'n hath neither made me fool nor wise. The people are generally Boorish; yet none but may be bred to a Statesman, they having all this gift not to be so nice-conscienced but that they can turn out religion, to let in policy, Their Country is the God they worship. Warre is their Heaven. Peace is their Hell, and the Spaniard is the Devill they hate. Custome is their Law and their will reason. You may sooner convert a Jew, than make an ordinary Dutch-man yield to Arguments that crosse him. An old Baud is easilyer turned Puritan, than a Waggoner perswaded not to bait thrice in nine miles. And when he doth, his horses must not stirre, but have their manger brought them into the way, where in a top-sweat they eat their grasse, and drink their water, and presently after hurry away. For they ever drive as if they were all the sonnes of Nimshi, and were furiously either pursuing an enemy or flying him. His spirits are generated from the English Beer, and that make him | |
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headstrong. His body is built of pitckled Herring. And they render him testy: these with a little Butter, Onyons and Holland Cheese are the ingredients of an ordinary Dutchman; which a voyage to the East-Indies, with the heat of the Equinoctiall, Consolidates. If you see him fat, he hath been rooting in a Cabbage ground and that bladdered him. Viewing him naked, you will pray him to pull off his Masque and Gloves, or wish him to hide his face, that he may appear more lovely. For that and his hands are Aegypt, however his body be Europe. He hath exposed them so much to the Sun and water, as he is now his own disguise, and without a Vizard, may serve in any Antimasque you put him in. For their conditions they are Churlish as their breeder Neptune; and without doubt very ancient; for they were bred before manners were in fashion. Yet all they have not they account superfluity, which they say mendeth some and marreth many. They should, make good Justices; for they respect neither persons nor apparell. A boor in his liquord shop, shall have as much good use as a Courtier in his bravery: Nay more, for he that is but Courtly or Gentile, is among them like a Merlyn after Michaelmas in the field with Crowes. They wonder at and envy, but worship no such Images. Marry with a Silver hook you shall catch these Gudgeons presently. The love of gain being to them as naturall as water to a Goose, or Carrion to any kite that flies. They are seldom deceived; for they trust nobody; so by consequence are better to hold a fort than win it; yet they can do both. Trust them you must if you travel. For to ask a Bill of particulars, is to purre in a Waspes nest; you must pay what they ask, as sure as if it were the assesment of a Subsidy. Complement is an idleness they were never trained up in, and 'tis their happiness that Court vanities have not stole away their mindes from businesse. Their being Sailors and Souldiers have marred two parts already, if they bath once in Court oile they are painted Trapdores. And shall then let the Jewes build a City where Harlem Mere is, and after cosen 'em on't. They shall abuse a stranger for nothing, and after a few base terms scotch one another to a Carbonado, or as they do their Roaches when they fry them. | |
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Nothing can quiet them but money and liberty, yet when they have them they abuse both; but if you tell them so you awake their fury; and you may sooner calm the Sea than conjure that into compass again. Their anger hath no eyes; and their judgement doth not flow so much from reason as passion and partiality. They are in a manner all Aquatiles: and therefore the Spaniard calls them Water-Doggs. To this though you need not condiscend; yet withall, you may think they can catch you a duck as soon. Sea-Gulls do not swim more readily: nor More-hens from their nest run sooner to the water. Every thing is so made to swim among them, as it is a question if Elizeus his Axe were now floating there, it would be taken for a miracle. They love none but those that do for them; and when they leave off, they neglect them. They have no friends but their kindred; which at every wedding, feast among themselves like Tribes. All that help them not, they hold popish; and take it for an argument of much honesty, to rail bitterly against the king of Spain. And certainly, this is the badge of an ill Nature, when they have once cast off the yoke, to be must virulent against those to whom of right the owe respect and service. Grateful dispositions, though by their Lords they be exempt from service, will yet be paying reverence and affection. I am confident, that had they not been once the Subjects of Spain, they would have loved the nation better. But now out of dying Duties ashes all the Blases of hostility and flame. And tis sufficient ground to contemn their eternal hate, to know the world remembers, they were once the lawful subjects of that most Catholique Crown. Their shipping is the Babel which they boast on for the glory of their Nation. 'Tis indeed a wonder, and they will have it so. But we may well hope they will never be so mighty by Land, lest they shew us how doggedly they can insult where they get the mastery. 'Tis their own Chronicle business, which can tell you that at the Seige of Leyden, a Fort being held by the Spanish, by the Dutch was after taken by assault. The Defendants were put to the sword, where one of the Dutch in the fury of the slaughter, ript up the Captains body, and with a barbarous hand tore out the yet living heart panting among the reeking bowels, then with his teeth rent it still warm with blood into gobbets, which he spitted over the battlements, in defiance to the rest of the Army. | |
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Oh Tigers breed! The Scythian-Bear could nere have been more savage. To be necessitated into cruelty is a misfortune to the strongly tempted to it; but to let spleen rave, and mad it in resistless blood, shewes nature steepd it'h lived gall of passion; and beyond all brutishness displayes the unnoble tyranny of a prevailing Coward. Their Navies are the whip of Spain, or the Arm wherenith they pull away his Indies. Nature hath not bred them so active for the land as some others: But at Sea they are water-Devils, to attempt things incredible. In Fleets they can fight close, and rather hazard all than save some, while others perish: but single they will flag and fear like birds in a bush, when the Sparrow-Hawks bells are heard. A Turkish Man of War is as dreadful to them as a Falcon to a Mallard: from whom their best remedy is to steal away. But if they come to blowes, they want the valiant stoutnesse of the English, who will rather expire bravely in a bold resistance, than yield to the lasting slavery of becoming captives to so barbarous an enemy. And this shewes they have not learned yet even Pagan Philosophy, which ever preferred an honourable death before a life thralled to perpetuall slavery. Their slips ly like high woods in winter: And if you view them on the Northside you frieze without hope, for they ride so thick, that you can through them see no Sun to warm you with. Sailers among them are as common as beggars with us. They can drink, rail, swear, niggle, steal, and be lowice alike; but examining their use, a mess of their knaves are worth a million of ours: for they in a boisterous rudeness can work, and live, and toil, whereas ours will rather laze themselves to poverty; and like Cabages left out in winter, rot away in the loathsomness of a nauseous sloth. Almost all among them are Seamen born, and like frogs can live both on land and water. Not a Country Wriester (Vrijster) but can handle an oar, steer a boat, raise a mast and bear you out in the roughest streights you come in. The ship she avouches much better for sleep than a bed. Being full of humours, that is her cradle, which luls and rocks her to a dull phlegmatickness, most of them looking like a full grown Oyster boild. Slime, humid air, water, and wet dyet, have so bagg'd their cheeks, that some would take their paunches to be gotten above their chin. The Countries government is a Democracy, and there had need be | |
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many to rule such a rabble of rude ones. Tell them of a king, and they could cut your throat in earnest. The very name carries servitude in it, and they hate it more than a Jew doth Images, a woman old age, or a Non-conformist a surplice. None among them hath Authority by inheritance, that were the way in time to parcel out their Country to Families. They are chosen all as our kings chuse Sheriffs for the Counties: not for their sin of wit, but for the wealth they have to bear it out withall; which they so over-affect, that Myn Here shall walk the streets as Usurers go to Bandy-Houses, all alone and melancholy. And if they may be had cheap, he will daub his faced cloke with two penniworth of pickled Herrings which himself shall carrie home in a string. A common voice hath given him preeminence and he loses it by living as he did when he was but a Boor. But if you pardon what is past, they are about thinking it time to learn more civility. Their justice is strict, if it crosse not Policy: but rather than hinder Traffique tolerates any thing. There is not under heaven such a Den of several Serpents as Amsterdam is, you may be what Devil you will, so you push not the State with your horns. 'Tis an University of all Religions, which grow here confusedly (like stocks in a Nursery) without either order or pruning. If you be unsetled in your Religion, you may here try all, and take at last what you like best. If you fancy none, you have a pattern to follow, of two, that would be a Church by themselves. 'Tis the Fair of all the Sects, where all the Pedlers of Religion have leave to vent their toies, their Ribauds, and phanatick Rattles. And should it be true, it were a cruel brand which Romists stick upon them. For (say they) as the Chameleon changes into all Colours but white: so they admit of all Religions but the true; for the Papist only may not exercise his in publiek; yet his restraint they plead is not in hatred but justice, because the Spaniard abridges the Protestant. And they had rather shew a little spleen, than not cry quit with their Enemy. His act is their Warrant; which they retaliate justly. And for this reason rather than the Dunkirks they take shall not dy, Amsterdam having none of their own, shall borrow a hangman from Harlem. Now albeit the Papists do them wrong herein, yet can it not excuse their boundles Toleration, which shews they place their Republick in a higher esteem than Heaven itself: and had rather crosse upon God than it. | |
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For whosoever disturbs the civil Government is lyable to punishment: But the Decrees of Heaven, and Sanctions of the Deity, any one may break uncheck'd, by professing what false Religion he please, so Consulary Rome of old, brought all the straggling Gods of other Nations to the City, where blinded superstition paid an Adoration to them. In their Families they all are equals, and you have no way to know the master and Mistress, but by taking them in bed together. It may be those are they: Otherwise Malky can prate as much, laugh as loud, be as bold, and sit as well as her Mistress. Had Logicians lived here first, Father and Son had never passed so long for Relatives. They are here Individuals, for no Demonstrance of Duty or Authority can distinguish them, as if they were created together, and not born successively. And as for your Mother, bidding her goodnight, and kissing her, is punctual blessing. Your man shall be saucy, and you must not strike; if you do, he shall complain to the Schout, and perhaps have recompence. 'Tis a dainty place to please boies in; for your Father shall bargain with your Schoolmaster not to whip you: if he doth, he shall revenge it with his knife, and have Law for it. Their apparel is civil enough and good enough but very uncomely; and hath usually more stuff than shape. Only their Huykes are commodious in winter: Out tis to be lamented that they have not wit enough to lay them by when Summer comes. Their women would have good faces if they did not mar them with makeing. Their Ear-wyers have so nipt in their Cheeks that you would think some faiery, to do them a mischief, had pincht them behind with Tongs. These they dress, as if they would shew you all their wit lay behind, and they needs would cover it. And thus ordered, they have much more forehead than face. They love the English Gentry well, and when souldiers come over to be billetted among them, they are Emulous in chusing of their guest, who fares much the better for being liked by his Hostess. Men and women are there starched so blew, that if they once grow old. you would verily believe you saw Winter walking up to the neck in a Barrel of Indigo: And therefore they rail at England for spending no more Blewing. Your man among them is else clad tolerably, unles he inclines to the | |
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Sea-fashion: and then are his breeches, yawning at the knees, as if they were about to swallow his legs unmercifully. They are far there from going naked, for of a whole woman you can see but half a face. As for her hand, that shews here a sore Labourer; which you shall ever find as it were in recompence loaden with Rings to the cracking of her fingers. If you look lower, the's a Monkey chain'd about the middle, and had rather want it in diet, than not have silver links to hang her keyes in. Their Gowns are fit to hide great Bellies, but they make them shew so unhansome that men do not care for getting them. Marry this you shall find to their commendation, their smocks are ever whiter than their skin. Where the woman lyes in, the Ringle of the door does penance, and is lapped about with linnen; either to shew you that loud knocking may wake the child; or else that for a moneth the Ring is not to be run at. But if the child be dead, there is thrust out a Nosegay tyed to a sticks end; perhaps for an emblem of the life of man, which may wither as soon as born; or else to let you know, that though these fade upon their gathering, yet from the same stock, the next year, a new shoot may spring. You may rail at us for often changing; but I assure you with them is a great deal more following the fashion; which they will plead for as the ignorant Laity for their faith. They will keep it because their Meesters lived in it. Thus they wil rather keep an old fault though they discover errors in it, than in an easie change to meet a certain Remedy. For their dyet, they eat much and spent little: when they set out a Fleet to the Indies, it shall live three moneths on the Offals, which we here feare would surfeit our swine: yet they feed on 't, and are still the same Dutchmen. In their houses Roots and Stockfish are staple-commodities. If they make a feast and add flesh, they have art to keep it hot more daies, than a Pigshead in Py-Corner. Salt meats and sowre cream, they hold him a fool that loves not, onely the last they correct with Sugar, and are not half so well pleased with having it sweet at first, as with letting it sowre that they may sweeten it again, as if a woman were not half so pleasing being easily won, as after a scolding fit she comes by man to be calmed again. Fish indeed they have brave and plentiful; and herein practice hath made them Cooks as good as ere Lucullus his latter kitchin had, which | |
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is some recompence for their wilfulness, for you can neither pray nor buy them to alter their own Cookery. To a feast they come readily, but being set once you must have patience. They are longer eating meat than me preparing it. If it be to supper, you conclude timely when you get away by day-break. They drink down the evening starre, and drink up the morning starre. At those times it goes hard with a stranger, all in courtesie will be drinking to him, and all that do so he must pledge; till he doth, the fill'd Cups circle round his Trencher, from whence they are not taken away till emptied. For though they give you day for payment, yet they will not abate the sum. They sit not there as we in England, men together, and women first; but ever intermingled with a man between: and instead of Marchpanes, and such juncates, tis good manners if any be there, to carry away a piece of Apple-Py in your pocket. The time they there spend, is in eating well, in drinking much, and prating most. For truth is, the compleatest drinker in Europe is your English Gallant. The is no such consumer of liquor as the Quaffing off of his Healths. Time was the Dutch had the better of it; but of late he hath lost it by prating too long over his pot. He sips, and laughs, and tells his tale, and in a Tavern is more prodigal of his time than his Wine. He drinks as if he were short winded; and as it were eats his drink by morsels, rather besieging his brains than assaulting them. But the Englishman charges home on the sudden, swallows it whole, and like a hasty tide, fills, and flowes himself, till the mad brain swims, and tosses on the hasty fume. As if his Liver were burning out his stomach, and he striving to quench it, drowns it. So the one is drunk sooner, and the other longer. As if striving to recover the wager, the Dutchman would still be the perfectest soker. In this Progress you have seen some of their vices; now view a fairer object. Solomon tells of four things that are small and full of wisdome, the Pismire, the Grasse-hopper, the Coney, and the Spider. For Providence they are the Pismires of the world: and having nothing but what grasse affords them; are yet for almost all Provisions, the store-house of the whole of Christendom. What is it which there may not be found in plenty? They making by their industry all the fruits of the vast Earth their own. What Land can boast a privilege that they do not | |
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partake of? They have not of their own enough materials to compile one ship; Yet how many nations do they furnish? The remoter angles of the world do by their pains deliver them their sweets and being of themselves in want, their diligence hath made them both Indies neerer home. They are frugal to the saving of Eg-shels, and maintain it for a Maxime, that a thing lasts longer mended than new. Their Cities are their Mole-hills; their Schutes and Flyboats creep and return with their store for winter. Every one is busie and carries his grain; as is every City were a several Hive, and the Bees not permitting a drone to inhabit; For idle persons must finde some other mansion. And lest necessity bereave men of means to set them on work, there are publique Banks that (without use) lend upon parons to all the poor that want. There is a season when the Pismires fly, and so each summer they likewise swarm abroad with their Armies. The Ant, sayes one, is a wise creature, but a shrewd thing in a Garden or Orchard. And truly so are they; for they look upon others too litle, and upon themselves too much. And wheresoever they light in a pleasant or rich soyl, like suckers lower plants, they rob from the root of that tree which gives them shade and protection, so their wisdom is not indeed Heroick or Numnial; as Courting an Universall Good; But rather narrow and restrictive; As being a wisdom but for themselves. Which to speak plainly, is descending into craft; and is but the sinister part of that which is really Noble and Coelestiall. Nay in all they hold so true a proportion with the Emmet, as you shall not find they want so much as the sting. For dwelling in Rocks they are Conies. And while the Spanish tumber plaies about them, they rest secure in their own inaccessible Berries. Where have you under Heaven, such impregnable Fortifications? Where Art beautifies Nature and Nature makes Art invincible; Herein indeed they differ; the Conies find Rocks, and they make them. And as they would invert the miracle of Moses, They raise them in the bosom of the waves; where within these twenty years, ships furrowed in the pathless Ocean, the peacefull plough non unbowels the fertile earth, which at night is carried home to the fairest Mansions in Holland. Every Tow hath his Garrison; and the keyes of the Gates in the nighttime are not trusted but in the State-house. From these holds they | |
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bold abroad for provisions, and then return to their fastnesses replenished. For war they are grasse-hoppers and without a king, go forth in bands to conquer kings. They have not only defended themselves at their own home, but have braved the Spaniard at his. In Anno 1599, under the command of Van der Does, was the Grand Canary taken. The chief City sackt; the king of Spain's Ensignes taken down, and the colours if his Excellency set up in their room. In the year 1600 the battel of Nieuport was a gallant piece, when with the losse of a thousand or little more, they slew 7000 of their enemies, took above a 100 Ensigns, the Admirall of Arragon a prisoner. The very furniture of the Arch Duke's own Chamber and Cabinet yea the signet that belonged to his hand. In 1607 they assailed the Armada of Spain in the Bay of Gibraltar, under covert of the Castle and Towns Ordnance, & with the losse of 150, slew above 2000, and ruined the whole Fleet. Certainly a bolder attempt hath ever scarce been done. The Indian Mastiff never was more fierce against the angry Lion. Nor can the Cock in his crowing valour, become more prodigal of blood than they. There hardly is upon earth such a school of Martial Discipline. Tis the christian worlds Academy for Arms; whither all the neighbour-Nations resort to be instructed; where they may observe how unresistible a blow many small grains of powder will make, being heaped together, which yet if you separate, can do nothing but sparkle and die. Their recreation is the practice of Arms; And they learn to be souldiers sooner than men. Nay, as if they placed a Religion in Arms, every Sunday is concluded with the train'd Bands marching through their Cities. For industry, they are spiders, and are in the Palaces of Kings. Of old they were the guard of the person of the Roman Emperor; And by the Romans themselves declared to be their friends and companions. There is none have the like intelligence; Their Merchants are at this day the greatest of the Universe. What Nation is it where they have not insinuated? Nay, which they have not almost anatomized & even discovered the very intrinsick veins of it? Even among us, they shame us with their industry, which makes them seem as if they had a faculty from the worlds creation, out of water to make dry land appear. They win our drowned grounds which we cannot recover, and chase back Neptune to his own old Banks. | |
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All that they do is by such labour as it seems extracted out of their own bowels. And in their wary thrift, they hang by such a slender sustentation of life, that one would think their own weight should be enough to crack it. Want of idleness keeps them from want. And 't is their Diligence makes them Rich. A fruitful soil encreaseth the Harvest. A plentifull sunne augmenteth the store; and seasonable showres drop fatness on the Crop we reap. But no Rain fructifies more than the dew of sweat. You would think being with them you were in old Israel, for you find not a beggar among them. Nor are they mindful of their own alone; but strangers also partake of their Care and Bounty. If they will depart they have money for their Convoy. If they stay, they have work provided. If unable, they find an Hospitall. Their Providence extends even from the Prince to the catching of flies. And lest you lose an afternoon by fruitless mourning, by two of the clock all Burials must end. Wherein to prevent the wast of ground, they pile Coffin upon Coffin till the sepulchre be full. In all their Manufactures they hold a truth and constancy: for they are as fruits from Trees, the same every year that they are as first; Not Apples one year and Crobs the next; and so for ever after. In the sale of these they also are at a word, they will gain rather than exact, and have not that way whereby our Citizens abuse the wise, and cover the ignorant; and by their infinite over-asking for commodities proclaim to the world that they would cheat all if it were in their power. The Depravation of Manners they punish with contempt, but the defects of nature they favor with Charity. Even their Bedlam is a place so curious, that a Lord might live in it; Their Hospital might lodge a Lady: so that safely you may conclude, amongst them even Poverty and Madness do both inhabit handsomly. And though vice makes everything turn sordid, yet the State will have the very correction of it to be neat, as if they would shew that though obedience fail, yet Government must be still itself, and decent. To prove this, they that do but view their Bridewell will think it may receive a Gentleman though a Gallant. And so their prison a wealthy Citizen. But for a poor man tis his best policy to be laid there, for he that cast him in must maintain him. Their Language though it differ from the higher Germany, yet hath it the same ground, and is as old as Babel. And albeit harsh, yet so lofty | |
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and full a Tongue as made Goropius Becanus maintain it for the speech of Adam in his Paradise. And surely if there were not other reasons against it, the significancy of the Ancient Tentonick might carry it from the primest Dialect. Stevin of Bruges reckons up 2170 Monosillables, which being compounded, how richly do they grace a Tongue? A Tongue that for the general profession is extended further than any that I know. Through both the Germanies, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, and sometimes France, England, Spain. And still among us all our old words are Dutch, with yet so little change, that certainly it is in a manner the same that it was 2000 years agoe, without the too much mingled borrowings of their neighbour Nations. The Germans are a people that more than all the world I think may boast sincerity, as being for some thousands of years a pure and unmixed people. And surely I see not but their conduction by Tuisco from the building of Babel, may passe as unconfuted story, they yet retaining the Appellation from his Name. They are a large and numerous people, having ever kept their own, and transported Colonies into other Nations. In Italy were the Longobards; In Spain the Gothes and Vandals; In France the Franks or Franconians; In England the Saxons: having in all these left reverend Steps of their Antiquity and Language. It is a noble Testimony that so grave an Historian as Tacitus has left still extant of them, and written above fifteen hundred years agoe: Deliberant dum fingere nesciunt; Constituunt dum errare non possunt. They deliberate when they cannot dissemble: and resolve when they cannot erre. Two hundred and ten years he reckons the Romans were in conquering them. In which space on either side were the losses sad and fatal. So as neither the Samnites, the Carthaginians, the Spaniards, the Gaules, no nor the Parthians ever troubled them like the Germans. They slew and took prisoners several Commanders of the highest rank, as Carbo, Cassius, S. Canrus Auielius, Cervilius Cepio, and M. Manlius. They defeated five Consulary Armies and Varus with three legions, yet after all this he concludes, Triumphati magis quam victi sunt. They were rather triumphed than conquered. To confirm this the keeping of their own language is an argument unanswerable. They change wherof ever follows upon the fully vanquished, as we may see it did in Italy, France, Spain, England. And this he speaks of the Nation in general: nor was the opinion of | |
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the Romans less worthy in particular concerning these lower Provinces which made for their valor and warlike minds, stile them by the name of Gallia Belgica, and especially of the Batavians, which were the Hollanders and part of Guelders. You may hear in what honorable terms he mentions them, where speaking of the several people of Germany, he saies. Omnium harum Gentium virtute proecipui Batavi: Nam nec tribucis contemnuntur, nec publicanus atterit: excempti oneribus et collationibus et tantum in usum proeliorum sepositi, velut tela atque Arma Bellis reservantur. Of all these Nations the principal in valiant virtue are the Batavians: for neither are they become despicable by paying of Tribute, nor oppressed too much by the Farmer of public Revenues, but free from Taxes and Contributions of servility; they are specially set apart for the fight, as Armour and weapons onely reserv'd for warre. All this even at this day they seem to make good. For of all the world they are the people that thrive and grow rich by the war, like the Porcpisce, that playes in the storm, but at other times keeps sober under the water. War, which is the worlds ruin, and ravins upon the beauty of all, is to them Prosperity and Ditation. And surely the reason of this is their strength in shipping, the open Sea, their many fortified Town, and the Country by reason of its lowness and plentiful Irriguation becoming unpassable for an Army when the winter but approaches. Otherwise it is hardly possible that so small a parcell of Mankind, should brave the most potent Monarch of Christendom, who in his own hands holds the Mines of the wars sinews, Money, and hath now got a command so wide, that out of his Dominions the Sunne can neither rise nor set. The whole seventeen Provinces are not above a thousand English miles in circuit. And in the States hands there is not seven of those. Yet have they in the field sometimes 60000 souldiers, besides those which they alwaies keep in Garrisow, which cannot be but a considerable number near thirty thousand more. There being in the whole Countries above two hundred wall'd Towns and Cities. So that if they have People for the war, one would wonder where they should get money to pay them; They being, when they have an Army in the field, at a thousand pound a day charge extraordinary. To maintain this, their Excise is an unwasted Mine, which with the Infinitenes of their Traffick and their untired Industry, is by every part of the world in something or other contributed to. | |
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The Sea yields them by two sorts of Fish only, Herrings and Cod, sixty thousand pound per annum, for which they go out sometimes seven or eight hundred boats at once, and for greater ships, they are able to set out double the number. Their Merchandise amounted in Guicciardini's time to fourteen Millions per annum. Whereas England, which is in compass almost as large again, and hath the Ocean as a Ring about her, made not above six Millions yearly: so sedulous are there Bees to labour and inrich their Hive. As they on the Sea, so the women are busie on Land in weaving of Nets, and helping to add to the heap. And though a husbands long absence might tempt them to lascivious wayes: yet they hate adultery, and are resolute in Matrimonial chastity. I do not remember that ever I read in Story of any great Lady of that nation, that hath been taxed with loosness. And questionless, tis their ever being busie makes them not have leisure for lust. 'Tis idleness that is Cupids Nurse; but business breaks his Bow, and makes his Arrowes useless. They are both Merchants and Farmers. And there act parts, which men can but discharge with us. As if they would shew that the Soul in all is masculine, and not varied into weaker sex as are the bodies that they wear about them. Whether this be from the nature of their Country, in which if they be not laborious they cannot live; or from an Innate Genius of the people by a Superiour Providence adapted to them of such a situation, from their own inclination addicted to parcimony; from custom in their way of breeding; from any Transcendency of active parts more than other Nations; or from being in their Country, like people in a City besieged, whereby their own vertues do more compact and fortifie; I will not determine. But certainly in general they are the most painful and diligent people on earth. And of all other the most truly of Vespasians opinion, to think, that Ex re qualibet bonus odor lucri; Be it raised from what it will, the smell of gain is pleasant. Yet they are in some sort Gods, for they set bounds to the Sea; and when they list let it passe them. Even their dwelling is a miracle. They live lower than the fishes. In they very laps of the floods, and incircled in their watry Arms. They are the Israelites passiifg through the Red Sea. | |
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The waters wall in them, and if they set ope their sluces shall drown up their enemies. They have strugled long with Spains Pharaoh, and they have at length inforced him to let them go. They are a Gideons Army upon the march again. They are the Indians Rat, gnawing the bowels of the Spanish Crocodile, to which they got when he gaped to swallow them. They are a serpent wreathed about the legs of that Elephant. They are the little sword fish pricking the bellie of the whale. They are the wane ot that Empire, which increas'd in Isabella, and in Charls the fifth was at full. They are a glass wherein the kings may see that though they be Soveraigns over lives and goods, yet when they usurp upon Gods part, and will be kings over conscience too, they are sometimes punisht with losse of that which lawfully is their own. That Religion too fiercely urg'd is to stretch a string till it not only jars, but cracks; and in the breaking, whips (perhaps) the streiners eye out. That an extreme taxation is to take away the hony, while the Bees keep the Hive, whereas he that would take that, should first either burn them, or drive them out. That Tyrants in their Government, are the greatest Traitors to their own States. That a desire of being too absolute is to walk upon Pinacles and the tops of Pyramides, where not only the footing is full of hazard, but even the sharpness of that they tread on may runne into their foot and wound them. That too much to regrate on the patience of but tickle Subjects, is to press a thorne till it prick your finger. That nothing makes a more desperate Rebell than a Prerogative infoced too far. That liberty in man is as the skin to the body, not to be put off, but together which life. That they which will command more than they ought, shall not at last command so much as is fit. That moderate Princes sit faster in their Regalities, than such as being but men, would yet have their power over their Subjects, as the Gods unlimited. That oppression is an iron heat till it burns the hand. That to debarre some States of ancient Priviledges, is for a Falcon to undertake to beat a flock of wild-geese out of the Fens. That to go about to compel a sullen reason to submit to a wilful peremptoriness, is so long to beat a chain'd Mastitfe into his kennell, till at last he turns and flies at your throat. That unjust policy is to shoot as they did at Ostend, into the mouth of a charged Canon, to have two Bullets returned for one. That he doth | |
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but indanger himself, that riding with too weak a Bit, provokes a headstrong horse with a spur. That tis safer to meet a valiant man weaponless, than almost a coward in Armor. That even a weak cause with a strong Castle will boil salt blood to a Rebellious Itch. That tis better keeping a Crazy body in an equal temper, than to anger humors by too sharp a Physick. That Admonitions from a dying man are too serious to be neglected. That there is nothing certain that is not impossible. That a Cobler of Flushing was one of the greatest enemies that the king of Spain ever had. To conclude, the country it self is a Moted Castle, keeping a Garnish of the richest jewels of the world in 't; the Queen of Bohemia and her Princely Children. The people in it are Jews of the New Testament, that have exchanged nothing but the Law for the Gospel: and this they rather profess than practise. Together a man of War riding at Annchor in the Downs of Germany. For forrein Princes to help them is wise self-policy. When they have made them able to defend themselves against Spain, they are at the Pale, if they enable them to offend others they go beyond it. For questionless, were this thorn out of the Spaniards side, he might be feared too soon to grasp his long intended Monarchy. And were the Spaniard but possessed Lord of the Low-Countries, or had the States but the wealth and power of Spain, the rest of Europe might be like people at Sea in a Ship on Fire: that could only chuse whether they would drown or burn. Now their war is the peace of their neighbours. So Rome when buried in her civil Broils, the Parthians lived at rest; but those concluded once, by Caesar next are they designed for conquest. If any man wonder at these contraries, let him look in his own body for as many several humors. In his own brain for as many different fancies. In his own heart for as various passions; and from all these he may learn, that there is not in all the world such another Beast as Man. |