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Inhoud van tijdschriften
Accademie e Biblioteche d'Italia. XXIV. (1956). Nr. 1.
G. Guerrieri, Il ‘Libro d'Ore’ di Alfonso I d'Aragona. - F. Tempesti, La biblioteca di un umanista ungherese della seconda metà del Cinquecento.
Nr. 2-3. |
V.D. Tate, The philosophy of librarianship. - A. Mondolfo, Guido Biagi. - E. Nasalli Rocca, L'‘Università’ dei librai di Piacenza e i suoi statuti settecenteschi. - G. Bellini, La Biblioteca Comunale di Milano nella sua nuova sede. - P.G. Balestrieri, Contributi alla miniatura gotica veronese. Gli statuti di Cangrande. - Mostre bibliografiche. |
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Amor di Libro. IV. (1956). Nr. 2.
L. Firpo, Boccalini in Francia. - M. Leopardi, Lo stampatore e lo scrivano. - F. Riva, La ‘dimestica’ stamperia del veronese conte Giuliari. V. - E. Sioli Legnani, La prima illustrazione de I Promessi Sposi. - G. Comelli, Annali tipografici di G.B. Natolini. VIII. [fine].
Nr. 3. |
L. Firpo, Boccalini in latino. - R. Frattarolo, Tipografi e librai ebrei e non, nel napoletano, alla fine del XV secolo. [I]. - F. Schlitzer, Due soldi di letteratura. - F. Riva, La ‘dimestica’ stamperia del veronese conte Giuliari. VI.
Nr. 4. |
F. Borroni, Melchiore Delfico caricaturista. [I]. - R. Frattarolo, Tipografi e librai ebrei e non, nel napoletano, alla fine del XV secolo. II [fine]. - F. Riva, La ‘dimestica’ stamperia del veronese conte Giuliari. VII [fine].
V. (1957). Nr. 1. |
A. Seroni, Bibliografia essenziale delle opere del Firenzuola. [I]. - L. Firpo, Boccalini in Inghilterra [I]. - E. Quaranta, Influenze probabili del ‘Polifilo’ sugli affreschi dei Carracci in Palazzo Farnese. - F. Borroni, Melchiorre Delfico caricaturista. II. |
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Archives, Bibliothêques et Musées de Belgique. XXVI. (1955). Nr. 1.
G. Calmette, Des collections universitaires de l'Ancien Régime aux bibliothèques universitaires françaises contemporaines.
XXVII. (1956). Nr. 1. |
J. Dargent, Les catalogues collectifs de périodiques en France. |
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La Bibliofilía. LVII. (1955). Nr. 3.
D.E. Rhodes, A bibliography of Mantua. I. 1472-1498. - F. Babinger, Ein venedischer Lageplan der Feste Rûmeli Hisâry (2. Hälfte des XV. Jhdts.) - R. Ridolfi, Spigolature machiavelliane: la ‘contraffazione’ del Decennale. - L. Donati, Dubbi e pentimenti di Francesco Bracciolini quando fece uscire l' ‘Elezione di Urbano VIII’ (1628).
LVIII. (1956). Nr. 1. |
R. Ridolfi, Contributi sopra Niccolò Tedesco. - G. Pesenti, Libri censurati a Venezia nei secoli XVI-XVII. - A.M. Crinò, Nuovi documenti riguardanti la prima versione italiana dei Saggi morali di Bacone. |
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Bibliothêque d'Humanisme et Renaissance. XIX. (1957). Nr. 1.
K.L. Selig, A German collection of Spanish books. - G. Beck, Lord Seton und der Einband des Bassantin, Astronomique Discours in der Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris. |
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Biblos. Oesterreichische Zeitschrift für Buch- und Bibliothekswesen. 5. (1956). Nr. 2.
B. Zimmel, Die erste Sanskrit-Grammatik. Die merkwürdigen Schicksale eines verschollenen Manuskripts. - A. Ruppel, Rettet das Grab Gutenbergs! Die Gebeine des Erfinders der Druckkunst können gefunden werden.
Nr. 3.
Sonderheft Tirol, anlässlich des 4. Österreichischen Bibliothekartages 1956, Innsbruck, Sept. 1956. |
J. Hofinger, Friedrich Leithe, 1828-1896. - H. Wieser, Zwei Bände aus dem Besitz Blanca Maria Sforzas. - M. Gintsberger, Zum Gedenken Anton Roschmanns. - H. Hochenegg, Vierhundert Jahre Buchdruck in Innsbruck. - F. Karnthaler, Das Schicksal der Tiroler Klosterbibliotheken in den Jahren 1773-1790. - J. Tropper, Umschrift des alten Bandkatalogs der Innsbrucker Universitätsbibliothek. |
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The Bodleian Library Record. V. (1954-1956). Nr. 5.
M.T. d'Alverny, Le symbolisme de la sagesse et le Christ de Saint Dunstan. - C. Roth, Medieval illustrations of mousetraps. - D.M. Rogers, The ‘Friends of North Newington’; a new Pynson broadside. - P. Long, The Keiller collection of Stukeley papers.
Nr. 6. |
A.F.L. Beeston, An ancient Druze manuscript. - J.N.L. Myres and E. Clive Rouse, Further notes on the painted frieze and other discoveries in the Upper Reading Room and the Tower Room. - J.B. Whitmore, The diary of Thomas Vincent, Undermaster of Westminster School 1655. - R. Mayo, Two early Coleridge poems. - L.B. Frewer, Rhodes House Library, its function and resources. |
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The Book Collector. 5. (1956). Nr. 1.
T.P. Voronova, Western mss in the Saltykov- Shchedrin library, Leningrad. - J. Ryder, Printers' flowers. Some notes on a few selected examples. - F.R. Goff. Contemporary collectors VIII: The Rosenwald library. - P.H. Muir, Bibliomanes II: Sir Hugh Walpole. [II]. - W.B. Todd, Concealed Pope editions. - H.M. Nixon, English bookbindings XVI: A London binding by Fletcher, 1660. - T.J. Brown, English literary autographs XVII: The Brontës. - F.J.L. Kett, Insects pests of books. - J. Sparrow, Some uncollected authors IX: Samuel Parr (1747-1825).
Nr. 2. |
R. Birley, The Storer collection in Eton College Library. - C.H. Wilkinson Contemporary collectors IX: A small collection at Oxford. - A.N.L. Munby, Sir Thomas Phillipps and the disposal of his library. - H.M. Nixon, English bookbindings XVII: A London binding by Fletcher, c. 1662. - T.J. Brown, English literary autographs XVIII: William Morris, 1834-1896. - J. Hayward, The location of copies of the first editions of Giordano Bruno. - E. Kyriss, Notes on bindings from English collections at Stuttgart. - M. Sadleir, Some uncollected authors X: William Ernest Henley.
Nr. 3. |
C.W. Barrett, Contemporary collectors X: The Barrett collection. - I.G. Philip, Sir William Pickering and his books. - P.H. Muir, Further reminiscences [I]. - H.M. Nixon, English bookbindings XVIII: A mosaic binding by A. de Sauty, c. 1904. - T.J. Brown, English literary autographs XIX: Thomas Hardy, 1840-1928. - B. Rota, Some uncollected authors XI: Constance Holme. - A.M. Fern, Typographical specimen books. A check-list of the Broxbourne collection with an introduction by W. Turner Berry. |
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The Boston Public Library Quarterly. 8. (1956). Nr. 2.
A. Lutz. Early American women historians. - A.W. Heintzelman, Piranesi's prints of Paestum. - J. Alden, An outstanding gift of manuscripts. - M. Munsterberg, An early French edition of Guerino.
Nr. 3. |
J.L. Spicer, The poems of Emily
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Dickinson. - A.W. Heintzelman, Cruikshank drawings for The drunkard's children. - M. Munsterberg, An Italian romance of chivalry.
Nr. 4. |
M. Munsterberg, Early views of Beacon Hill. - G.B. Taplin, Mrs. Browning's Poems of 1850. - A.C. Ravitz, John Pierpont, abolitionist. - F. Weitenkampf, Landscape in comic art. - A.W. Heintzelman, Woodcuts by Karl Friedrich Zähringer. - E.M. Oldham, A great French mystery play. - W. Harding, The Apple-tree table tale. |
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Bulletin du Bibliophile et du Bibliothécaire. 1956. Nr. 1.
M. Brun, Contribution à l'étude des éditions des ‘Mémoires et avantures d'un homme de qualité’ et de ‘Manon Lescaut’ publiées de 1734 à 1763. (Suite et fin). - J. Duhem, Bibliotheca aeronautica vetustissima... (Suite).
Nr. 2. |
G. Vidal. Voltaire et ‘Le Médiateur d'une grande querelle.’ - R. Trinquet, L'achat du César de Montaigne. - E. Cluzel, Une édition fantôme des ‘Petits châteaux de Bohême’.
Nr. 3. |
J. Marchand, La Rochefoucauld, poète. - J. Lagny, Autour de la ‘solitude’ de Saint-Amant. Les traductions latines. - M. Cauchie, Bibliographie des poésies de Georges de Scudéry. [I].
Nr. 4. |
J. Marchand, Une pseudo édition ou contrefaçon elzevirienne du tome III de l'‘Histoire universelle’ d'Agrippa d'Aubigné, en 1626. - H. Elie, Précisions sur l'édition originale de l'Histoire des variations des églises protestantes, de Bossuet (1688). - M. Cauchie, Bibliographie des poésies de Georges de Scudéry. [II].
Nr. 5. |
E.Ph. Goldschmidt, Marcus Fugger. - J. Lethève et C. Pichois, Baudelaire et les illustrateurs des fastes napoléoniens. - M. Cauchie, Bibliographie des poésies de Georges de Scudéry (suite et fin). [III]. |
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Bulletin des Bibliothèques de France. I. (1956). Nr. 6.
H. Joly, Les archives maçonniques de Jean-Baptiste Willermoz à la Bibliothèque municipale de Lyon. - P. Riberette, Les clubs du livre.
Nr. 7-8. |
J. Lethève, Les expositions dans les bibliothèques françaises au cours des cinq dernières années.
Nr. 9. |
Th. Kleindienst, Photographie et conservation des originaux. Précautions à prendre au cours des prises de vue.
Nr. 11. |
H. Dufresne, Une vocation historique: Dom Germain Poirier. 1724-1803. |
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Bulletin of the John Rylands Library Manchester. 39. (1956). Nr. 1.
H. Wright Baker, Notes on the opening of the ‘bronze’ scrolls from Qumran. - K.C. King, The early printed versions of medieval German heroic literature. - C. Roth, A Jewish printer in Naples, 1477. |
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Bulletin of the New York Public Library. 60. (1956). Nr. 5.
D. Lacy, Books and the future: a speculation.
Nr. 6. |
Ph.M. Hutchinson, Reminiscences of Willa Cather as a teacher. With a contribution toward a bibliography of her writings.
Nr. 7. |
R.W. Stallman, Stephen Crane's letters to Ripley Hitchcock. - Ph.M. Hutchinson, The writings of Willa Cather II.
Nr. 8. |
R.W. Hill, More light on a shadowy figure. A.H. Louis, the original of E.A. Robinson's ‘Captain Craig’. - Ph.M. Hutchinson, The writings of Willa Cather III.
Nr. 9. |
J. Delafons, A.B. Grosart, ‘a prince of editors’. Tribute to a Victorian scholar.
Nr. 11-12.
Special issue. Reading without boun- |
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daries. Essays presented to Anne Carroll Moore on the occasion of the fiftieth anniversary of the inauguration of library service to children at the New York Public Library. Ed. by Frances Lander Spain. |
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Cahiers de l'Association Internationale des Etudes Françaises. Nr. 8.
L.M.J. Delaisse, Les principaux centres de production de manuscrits enluminés dans les Etats de Philippe le Bon. |
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De Gulden Passer. 33. (1955). Nr. 1-2.
L. Ceyssens, Juan Martinez de Ripalda et le troisième volume de son De ente supernaturali (1648). - L. Indestege, Een band teruggevonden uit het bezit van de Antwerpse humanist Peter Gillis, en een Spes-band, door Marcus Fugger te Leuven in 1546 besteld, na vier eeuwen terug in de stad waar hij ontstond. - C. Clair, A secret of the Laurel-tree unveiled. Another ‘Rekenboeck’ comes to light. - H. Dirkx, Bijdrage tot de bibliographie van de vroege drukken van Hendrik Conscience. [III]. - C. de Clercq, La ‘Versio belgica’ de la Bible du franciscain Guillaume Smits. - L. Elaut, De laatste vroedvrouwencatechismus. |
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Harvard Library Bulletin. X. (1956). Nr. 2.
Ph. Hofer, ‘Venuta in Roma’. - A. Sherbo, The dating and order of the fragments of Christopher Smart's Jubilate agno. - C.R. Woodring, Charles Lamb in the Harvard Library. [I, II]. - E.E. Coleman, Harvard, Millot's History, and Isaiah Thomas. - E.F. Shannon Jr. and W.H. Bond, Literary manuscripts of Alfred Tennyson in the Harvard College Library. - D.C. Weber, The foreign newspaper microfilm project, 1938-1955.
Nr. 3. |
W.H. Bond, The publication of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. - Th. Moser, ‘The Rescuer’ manuscript: a key to Conrad's development - and decline. C.R. Woodring, Charles Lamb in the Harvard Library. III. |
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The Library. 5th series. XI. (1956). Nr. 1.
W.W. Greg, Samuel Harsnett and Hayward's Henry IV. - J.S.G. Simmons, The undated Oxford broadsheet Specimen. - K. Povey, Pinholes in the 1457 Psalter. - B.J. Enright, The later auction sales of Thomas Rawlinson's library, 1727-34. [I]. - D.E. Rhodes, Santiago de Compostela and its early indulgences. - I.B. Horst, Thomas Cottesford's Two letters. - J.M. Nosworthy, Hand B in Sir Thomas More. - C. Clair, Clément Perret, calligrapher.
Nr. 2. |
G. Pollard, Changes in the style of bookbinding, 1550-1830. - T.H. Bowyer, The published forms of Sir Josiah Child's A new discourse of trade. - B.J. Enright, The later auction sales of Thomas Rawlinson's library, 1727-34. [II]. - V. Scholderer, Two unrecorded early book-advertisements. - A.I. Doyle, Thomas Betson of Syon Abbey. - R. Maud, The date of Brian Melbancke's Philotimus. - S.E. Sprott, The Osler manuscript of Herbert's Religio laici.
Nr. 3. |
J.R. Moore, The canon of Defoe's writings. - H. Carter, The types of Christopher Plantin. - G.R. Price, The manuscript and the quarto of The roaring girl. - A.L. Strout, The authorship of articles in Blackwood's Magazine, numbers XVII-XXIV (August 1818 - March 1819). - J.H.P. Pafford, Defoe's Proposals for printing the History of the Union. - D. Waddell, The writings of Charles Davenant (1656-1714).
Nr. 4. |
R. Birley, The history of Eton College Library. - G.H. Blayney, Variants in Q I of A Yorkshire Tragedy. - K. Povey, On the diagnosis of half-sheet impositions. - V. Scholderer, The Strasbourg Speculum iudiciale, 1473: with a note on the career of Johann Bekenhub. - C.E. Welch, Julian Notary and Andrew Rowe: two contemporary records. - G.D. Painter, A. Horation ghost. - D.E. Rhodes, Volcanoes, variants and the S.T.C. - W.B. Todd, The first edition of The World. - D.F. Foxon, On printing
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‘at one pull’, and distinguishing impressions by point-holes. |
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The Library Quartarly. XXVI. (1956). Nr. 3.
H.W. Winger, Regulations relating to the booktrade in London from 1357 to 1586. |
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Libri. 6. (1955-1956). Nr. 3.
M. Weitemeyer, Archive and library technique in ancient Mesopotamia. - B. Normann, The Danish Bibliographical Institute. (Dansk Bibliografisk Kontor). - T. MacCallum Walker, The subject-approach in the university library.
Nr. 4. |
J. Lethève, La documentation iconographique dans les bibliothèques. - F.A. Schmidt-Künsemüller, Die Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft und die wissenschaftlichen Bibliotheken. - C. Santoro, Les manuscrits de la bibliothèque Trivulziana de Milan.
7. (1956-1957). Nr. 1. |
E. Verona, A historical approach to corporate entries. - K.W. Humphreys, The Standing conference of national and university libraries. - K. Forstner, Salzburger Hs. - fragmente (saec. VIII ex). Ambrosius: Exameron VI, 4, 25 f; VI, 9, 67 ff. - J. Anker, Some principles of a systematically arranged subject catalogue with an index. - P. Bourgeois, L'avenir du périodique scientifique. - A. Kessen, International exchange of publications. Unesco meeting at Paris. - R. Brun, La réorganisation de la Commission du livre ancien de la FIAB. |
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The Newberry Library Bulletin. IV. (1956). Nr. 3.
A.J. Swan, The Newberry Obikhod. - H. Baron, Manuscript acquisitions in 1955. |
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Nordisk Tidskrift för Bok- och Biblioteksväsen. 42. (1955). Nr. 3-4.
S.E. Bring, Effigies corporis et animi Caroli XII. Sueciae regis a Polono nobili descripta. Randanteckningar.... (Met samenvatting in het Duits). - S. Kolsrud, Noko um Rektor Jacob Raschs skrifter. (Met samenvatting in het Duits). 43. (1956). Nr. 1. |
B. Zachrisson, Liber librorum. Bokkonstnärer i femton länder gör typografiska lösningar av Bibeln. (Met samenvatting in het Engels).
Nr. 2. |
O. Engelschiøn, H.D. Inglis' reiser i Norge i 1820 - årene. En litteraer, folkloristisk og topografisk mystifikasjon. (Met samenvatting in het Engels). - S.E. Bring, Jonas Hallström, ‘En adelmans tankar’ och ‘Den gräfwande embetsmannen’. (Met samenvatting in het Duits).
Nr. 3. |
H. Toldberg, De gamle tryk og håndskrifter af Den Danske Rimkrønike.
Nr. 4. |
C. Davidsson, Nicolaus Bergius' slaviska bok- och handskriftssamling i Uppsala universitetsbibliotek. (Met samenvatting in het Engels). |
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Revue d'Histoire Littéraire de la France. 56. (1956). Nr. 1.
R. Pierrot, Répertoire des manuscrits littéraires français vendus de 1945 à 1954. [II].
Nr. 2. |
R. Pierrot, Répertoire des manuscrits littéraires français vendus de 1945 à 1954. [III].
Nr. 3. |
R. Pierrot, Répertoire des manuscrits littéraires français vendus de 1945 à 1954. [IV]. |
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Schweizerisches Gutenbergmuseum. XLII. (1956). Nr. 3.
A. Ruppel, Die Wanderlegende vom Diebstahl der Buchdruckerkunst. - J.O. Kehrli, Hans Vollenweider und seine Johannespresse. - W. Zerbe, Ein Blick in die Werkstatt Hans Vollenweiders. - J.O.K., Wenn Wilhelm Busch es hätte erleben können. Zu einem neuen Zürcher Druck der Offizin Gebrüder Fretz A.G. |
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Zeitschrift für Bibliothekswesen und Bibliographie. III. (1956). Nr. 2.
W. Jütte, Zur Gültigkeit des deutschen Pflichtexemplarrechts. - F. Model,
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Sonderabdruckreihen. - Eine Erinnerungsstätte für Gutenberg. |
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Zentralblatt für Bibliothekswesen. 70. (1956). Nr. 5-6.
H. Alker, 25 Jahre Verzeichnis der wichtigsten Neuerwerbungen der Universitätsbibliothek in Wien. - E. Neuscheler, Raumplanung oder ‘ziehen’ im Magazin. - O.C. Hilgenberg, Über die Signatur von Bibliotheksgut. - M. Seidler, Eine Bripius - Handschrift aus dem 15. Jahrhundert.
Nr. 7-8. |
I. Schunke, Vorläufiges Verzeichnis der in der Sächsischen Landesbibliothek zu Dresden erhaltenen Krause-Einbände. - C. Schwarz, Die analystischen Allgemeinbibliographien in den europäischen Ländern der Volksdemokratie. - W. Dux, Die Verzeichnung der deutschen Hochschulschriften seit 1945.
Nr. 9-10. |
H. Henning, Die Bibliothek der Nationalen Forschungs- und Gedenkstätten der klassischen deutschen Literatur in Weimar. |