Het Boek. Serie 2. Jaargang 30
(1949-1951)– [tijdschrift] Boek, Het– Gedeeltelijk auteursrechtelijk beschermd
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Inhoud van tijdschriftenLa Bibliofilia. Anno LII. Dispensa la. 1950.Tullia Gasparrini Leporace, Le due prime edizioni degli statuti di Pavia. - Roberto Ridolfi, Le predicazioni savonaroliane sull'Arca e le edizioni del 1536. - Idem, Sulla data di un'edizione di Bartolomeo de' Libri. - Mario Ferrara, Il codice Venturi Ginori di rime antiche. | |
Book HandbookGa naar voetnoot*. 1950, nrs 8 en 9.C.A. Prance, An Ancient Whitaker. - Denis I. Duveen, F.R.I.C., Conrad Gesner and his ‘Thesaurus Evonymi Philiatri’. - Sir Sydney Cockerell, Signed Manuscripts in my collection, (3). | |
Le Courrier graphiqueGa naar voetnoot*. 15e année. No. 44, mars-avril 1950.Georges Dangon, A propos du quatrième centenaire de ‘La Défense et Illustration de la Langue Française’. Le ‘Champs fleury’ de Geoffroy Tory. - Ilse Cohnen, Les libraires-imprimeurs français en Angleterre aux XVe et XVIe siècles. Idem. No. 46, juillet-août 1950. Roger Dévigne, L'Imprimerie folklorique. Histoire des livres de colportage et du livre populaire (I). Idem. No. 47, sept. 1950. Roger Dévigne, L'Imprimerie folklorique. Histoire des livres de colportage et du livre populaire (II). - Emile Souze, Richesses bibliographiques provinciales, trésors cachés.... Idem. No. 48, oct. 1950. Georges Dangon, Senefelder à Paris. La presse portative et la boîte lithographique. Idem. No. 49, nov.-déc. 1950. Georges Dangon, Rabelais et ses imprimeurs lyonnais. - Roger Dévigne, L'Imprimerie folklorique. Histoire des livres de colportage et du livre populaire (III). | |
De Gulden Passer. Jaargang 27 (1950). Nr. 1.Luc Debaene, Rederijkers en Prozaromans. - R.L. Plancke, Middeleeuwse Handschrifteninventarissen. - A. van Elslander en L. Roose, Het Handschrift der zogenaamde ‘Refereynen van C. Crul.’ Idem. Nrs. 2, 3 en 4. Prosper Arents, Pompa introitus Fernandi. Bijdrage tot de Rubensbibliografie. | |
The Library. Fifth Series, Vol. V. Nr. 1, June 1950.W.O. Hassall, The Books of Sir Christopher Hatton at Holkham. - E. Weil, Samuel Browne, Printer to the University of Heidelberg, 1655-62. - John Dreyfus, The Baskerville Punches 1750-1950. - Maurice Kelley, Milton and the ‘Notes on Paul Best’. - Fredson Bowers, The First Edition of Dryden's Wild Gallant, 1669. - R.H. Super, The Authorship of Guy's Porridge Pot and The Dun Cow. Idem. Nr. 2, September 1950. Francis R. Johnson, Notes on English Retail Book-prices, 1550-1640. - J.M. Nosworthy, The Southouse Text of Arden of Feversham. - R.A. Skelton, Pieter van den Keere. - J.E. Gray, Still more Massinger Corrections. - | |
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Fredson Bowers, The Supposed Cancel in Southerne's The Disappointment Reconsidered. - The Sandars Readership in Bibliography. Idem. Nr. 3, December 1950. C.E. Kenney, William Leybourn, 1626-1716. - H.S. Bennett, Notes on English Retail Book-prices, 1480-1560. - P. Zagorin, The Authorship of Mans Mortallitie. - K. Povey and I.J.C. Foster, Turned Chain-lines.
Libri. Vol. 3 (1950). Nr. 1. Introductory. - Tönnes Kleberg, Bibliophiles in Ancient Rome. - Keyes D. Metcalf and Edwin E. Williams, Notes on the Farmington Plan. - Hans Widmann, Die deutsche bibliographische Situation der Gegenwart. Rückblick und Umblick. - S.R. Ranganathan, Dawn of Library Consciousness. - Eine Handschrift aus dem Besitze Jean Groliers in der Österreichischen Nationalbibliothek. Idem. Nr. 2. Alban Dold, Bericht über einen Fund stark zerstörter Fragmente-Stücke einer Vita Andreae Ap. und der Vita Evurtii Epi. - und wie ihre mühsame Bestimmung gelang. - Valter Ahlstedt, Unit Cataloguing. | |
Nordisk Tidskrift för Bok- och Biblioteksväsen. Årg. XXXVII (1950). Nr. 1.Arne Gallis, Fra den slaviske bibliotekverden. II. Jugoslavia. - Bernhard Lewin, Istanbul-Bokstaden. - Lauri O.Th. Tudeer, Ragnar Dahlberg †. Idem. Årg. XXXVII. Nr. 2. T. Vogel-Jørgensen, Hvordan aviser kan citeres. - Georg Leyh, Die Bildung des Bibliotekars. - Emanuel Sejr, Vilhelm Grundtvig †. Idem. Årg. XXXVII. Nr. 3. Gerhardt Munthe, Universitetsbiblioteket i Bergen. - Folke Dovring, Anteckningar om Drottning Kristinas Bibliotek i Rom. - Svend Dahl, J.D. Reuss og Frederik Ekkard. - Uno Willer s, ‘Redaktionsexemplaret’ av J E. Rydqvists Heimdahl. Idem. Årg. XXXVII. Nr. 4. Tönnes Kleberg, Om bibliotekens skyddsåtgärder vid Krigsfara. - J.C. Sune Lindqvist, Utländska 1600-talstidningar i Uppsala Universitetsbibliotek. | |
The Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America. Vol. XXXXIV. First Quarter 1950.Frederick R. Goff, Peter Force. - Clifton Waller Barrett, Some Bibliographical Adventures in Americana. - Ralph Hagedorn, Bibliotheca Thordarsoniana: The Sequel. - Morse Peckham, English Editions of Philip James Bailey's ‘Festus’. Idem. Second Quarter 1950. Robert Benaway Brown, The Lenox-Eames Classification Scheme at the William L. Clements Library. - Sarah Dickson, The ‘Humours’ of Samuel Rowlands. - Joseph E. Tucker, John Davies of Kidwelly (1627?-1693), Translator from the French. - Carl B. Cone, Edmund Burke's Library. Idem. Third Quarter 1950. Curt F. Bühler, Aldus Manutius: The First 500 Jears. - William R. Parker, Principles and Standards of Bibliographical Description. - William B. Todd, The Number, Order, and Authorship of the Hanover Pamphlets Attributed to Chesterfield. - Page S. Procter, Jr., William Leggett (1801-1839): Journalist and Literator. - Herman E. Spivey, Manuscript Resources for the Study of William Culler Bryant. Idem. Fourth Quarter 1950. Beverly McAnear, American Imprints concerning King's College. - Franklin B. Newman, A Consideration of the Bibliographical Problems Connected with the First Edition of Humphry Clinker. | |
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Zentralblatt für BibliothekswesenGa naar voetnoot*. Jahrgang 64 (1950). Heft 1/2.Hermann Zeltner, Die ‘Erlanger Handschrift’. - Hans Blum, Über den Codex Amiatinus und Cassiodors Bibliothek in Vivarium. Heft 3/4. Fritz Redenbacher, Das Stilproblem der frühmittelalterlichen Buchmalerei im Lichte der Geschichtsmorphologie. - Ernst Kyriss, Berichtungen zu Haebler: Rollen und Plattenstempel des 16. Jahrhunderts. Heft 5/6. Hans Widmann, Deutsche geisteswissenschaftliche Bibliographien von 1939-1949. Heft 9/10. Ernst von Frisch, Der Rubrikator Johannes Falkenstein. Heft 11/12. Wieland Schmidt, Konrad Haebler †. |