Nieuwe uitgaven.
Angermann, W., Normalbuchgrösze u. Normalgeschosshöhe. Leipzig. O. Harrassowitz. III. 35 S. 8o. m. 1 Taf. 5 Tab. u. 11 Zeichngn. (Blätter f. Volksbibliotheken 4. Ergänzungsheft.
1 M. 40
Colonial Institute, Royal. - A select bibliography of publications on foreign colonisation, German, French, Italian, Dutch, Portugese, Spanish and Belgian. London, The Institute, 48 p. 8vo.
2 sh. 6
Delannoy, P., L'université de Louvain Paris, A. Picard. XX. 230 p. 8vo. Av. 16 grav.
3 fr. 50
Contient un chapitre sur la bibliothèque.
Gerlach, M., Das alte Buch u. seine Ausstattung vom 15. bis zum 19. Jahrh. Buchdruck, Buchschmuck u. Einbände. 1376 Abbildgn. auf 74 doppelseit. Buch- u. Lichtdr.- Taf. Wien. Gerlach u. Wiedling. VIII S, 4o.
In Leinw.-Mappe 45 M.
Luxusausg., auf Japanpap. 90 M.
Library of Congress. - List of references on prison labor. Compiled under the direction of H.H. B. Meyer. Washington, Government Printing Office. 74 p. 8vo.
15 cents.
Library of Congress. - Classification: Literature. (General literary history and collections. English literature. American Literature. Fiction and juvenille literature) Washington, Government Printing Office. 273 p. 8vo.
15 cents.
Library of Congress. - Guide to the law and legal literature of Spain; prepared under the direction of E.M. Borchard, by T.W. Palmer Jr., Washington, Government Printing Office. 174 p. 8vo.
50 cents.
Sayers, W.C. Berwick, Canons of Classification. A study in bibliographical classification method. London, Grafton & Co., 74 p. 8vo.
2 sh. 6
Johnston, R. H., Special libraries. Chicago, American library association, 19 p. 8vo.