schools. - M.E.. Downey, Teaching the use of the library.
Id. Nr. 10. October 1915.
E.R. Sawyer, Questionable books. - A.R. Hasse, Municipal reference libraries. - A.C. Pulling, The law library of the future.
Id. No. 11. November 1915.
A.E. Bostwick, Some tendencies of American thought. - G.W. Lee, Apportionment of specialties. - E.A. Slosson, How the public library looks to a journalist.
The library association record. Vol. XVII. Nr. 9-11. September - November 1915.
H.R. Kenwood, a. o., The risks from tuberculous infection retained in books. - E.W.D. Ward, The work of the Camps library. - L. Stanley Jast, What public libraries can do during and after the war. - E.A. Savage, A.H. Atteridge, J.E.G. de Montmorency, P. Dunn, E.A. Baker and R.A. Peddie, Literature of the war: Origin, causes and inspiring ideas. Histories and descriptions of operations. Economics and international law, Medicine and hygiene, Pure literature, Bibliography and select lists.
Nordisk Tidskrift för Bok- och Biblioteksväsen. Arg II, 1915, Nr. 3.
G. Schauman, En strid på 1840-talet om böckernas uppställning i offentliga forskarbibliothek. - O. Walde, Hur man sålde dupletter i forna tider. - Fr. Bruns, Lebensnachrichten über Lübecker Drucker des 15. Jahrhunderts. - H.O. Lange, En dansk Bogtrykker i Neapel 1478. - G. Rudbeck, Några band af Nils bokbindare och hans son Måster Bengt.
Bulletin of bibliography. Vol. 8. No. 8. October 1915.
F.W. Jenkins, Marvin Darvis Bisbee, 1845-1913. (Biographical sketches of librarians, VIII). - C.M. Hewins, The Hartford Public library holiday exhibit of Children's books. - I. Ten Eyck Firkins, Books on Slavs in the United States. - A. Hayes, Selected list on woman suffrage. - F.E. Foshay, Bibliography of twentieth century dramas, II, Irish dramas.
La Bibliofilia. - Rivista dell'arte antica in libri, stampe, manoscritti, autografi e legature, diretta da L.S. Olschki. Anno XVII. Luglio - Settembre 1915. Dispensa 4a-6a.
L.S. Olschki, La mia nuova collezione di mille incunaboli, c. 75 facs. - L. Zambra, II codice Zichy dell. Biblioteca Comunale di Budapest. - Courrier de France: Bibliothèque nationale, rapport annuel.
Zeitschrift für Bücherfreunde. 1915. Heft 7 und 8.
W. Ahrens, Der Zufall des Namens. - M. Escherich, Hans Baldungs Tätigkeit für den Holzschnitt. - K. Haebler, Zur Einführung des Buchdrucks in Spanien. - F. Hansen, Bilder in Kriegsbüchern. - P. Hennig, Lösung der alten Streitfrage ‘Antiqua oder Fraktur’ durch die experimentelle Psychologie. - F. Hirth, der Geächtete. (Zeitschrift aus 1834, m. Beiträgen von Heine und Börne). A. Kopp, Ballhorn A.B. C. - J.A. Lux, Soll man Bücher leihen? - A. Schramm, Das Deutsche Buchgewerbe- und Schriftmuseum zu Leipzig, m. Abbildgn. - J. Zeitler, Kriegsgraphik.
The library world, - Vol. XVIII. No. 209. November 1915.
W.C. Berwick Sayers, The classification of war books. - F.W.T. Lange, Books on the great war. (contin.).
Public libraries. - Vol. 20. No. 9. November 1915.
W.E. Henry, The conservation of library materials. - E. Manchester, Relation of the library to the boy scout and camp fire girl movement. - May G. Quigley, Can we use war stories to train children for peace? - Mrs. Hogue Stinchcomb, The influence on children of war pictures. - J.H. Nunn, Planning and equipping a High school library.