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Aldis, H. G., Book production and distribution, 1625-1800 (Reprinted from the Cambridge Hist. of Eng. lit. Vol. XI). Camb. Univ. Press. 32 p. 8vo.
Collijn, Isak, Kataloge der Inkunabeln der schwedischen öffentlichen Bibliotheken. IV. Katalog der Inkunabeln der kgl. Bibliothek in Stockholm. 1. Tl. Text (XXI, 330 S.) 8vo. Nebst: Taf. 1-150 (V, 88 S.) Stockholm (Leipzig, O. Harrassowitz).
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Fordham, Sir H. G., Studies in cartobibliography, British and French, and in the bibliograpby of itineraries and road books. bondon. H. Milford. 192 p. 8vo.
6 sh.
Griffin, G. G., Writings on American history, (incl. Canada), 1912. Oxford Univ. Press. 218 p. 8vo.
8 sh. 6
Lange, F.W. F., and W.F. Berry, Books on the great war: an annotated bibliography of literature issued during the European conflict. London. Grafton. 70 p. 8vo.
2 sh. 6
Livingston, L. S., Franklin and his press at Passy. An account of the books, pamphlets and leaflets, printed there, including the long-lost ‘Bagatelles’. N.Y. GrolierClub. XII, 216 p. 8vo.
18 D.
New York (City). Public Library. List of works relating to the history and condition of the jews in various countries. N.Y. (The library) 3.278 p. 8vo.
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Open access libraries. Their planning, equipment and organisation. By various authors. Illus. London. Grafton & Co. 228 p. 8vo.
7 sh. 6
Richardson, Ernest Cushing, Biblical libraries; a sketch of library history from 3400 B.C. to A.D. 150. Princeton, N. Y., Princeton Univ. Press. 16. 252 p. 111.
$ 1.25
Contents: What is a library? The Babylonian period; The patriarchal period; The Egyptian period; The exodus; Palestine at the conquest; Period of the Judges; Saul to the captivity; The Persian period; The Greek period; New Testament times in Palestine; Roman libraries in apostolical times; Post-apostolical Roman library buildings; The Bible itselfa library. Index.