Inhoud van tijdschriften.
Zentralblatt für Bibliothekswesen. XXXI. Jahrgang. 2. Heft. Februar 1914.
C. Roth, Die Bücherzensur im alten Basel. - J. Rest, Die erste allgemeine päpstliche Zensurordnung. - C. Scherer, Die Landesbibliothek zu Fulda.
The library association record. - Vol. XVI. No. 1-3. January-March 1914.
Ch. Riddle, Music in public libraries. - H.D. Roberts, Library facilities for visitors to holiday resorts. - E.A. Baker, The library of the University of London. - T.W. Lyster, An index to periodicals wanted. - J. Mc Killop, The rural library problem. - H.R. Tedder, E.W. B. Nicholson (Bodley's librarian 1882-1912) †. - W. Pollitt, The duty of the Public library in relation to local literature and bibliography.
The library journal. - Vol. 39. No. 3. Maart 1914.
G. W. Lee, Reference books as public utilities, II. Some well-known dictionaries compared. - J. A. Rathbone, Salaries of library school graduates.
Id. No. 4. April 1914.
E.R. Perry, Aims and methods oflibrary publicity. - Ph. S. Goulding, The classification of literature in the University of Illinois Library. - S. G. Lowrie, The function of the legislation reference bureau.