Inhoud van tijdschriften.
Rivista delle biblioteche e degli archivi, Vol. XXIII. Numeri 9-11. Settembre-Novembre 1912.
R Venturi, La conservazione dei libri nelli biblioteche e la tecnica legatoriale (c. illustr.) - Z. Benelli, In memoria di Torello Sacconi.
Zeitschrift für Bücherfreunde. - Neue Folge 4. Jahrg. Heft 9.
L. Dorfmüller, Die Stadtbibliothek in Lindau. - E. Eisele, Vom amerikanischen Bilderbuch, m. Illustr - G. Schaaffs, Ouellenstudien zu deutschen Gedichten. - P. Schumann, Unbekannte Wertherschriften.
The librarian and book world. Vol. III No. 5 December 1912.
E. Wood, Small libraries and small incomes: what can be done with them. - Best books, annotated and classified by A.J. Hawkes. B.M. Headicar a.o. - Books for the blind. - In memoriam G.K. Fortescue. - A. Lever, The cinematograph and chronophone as educators in Public libraries.
Zentralblatt für Bibliothekswesen - XXIX Jahrg. 12 Heft. Dezember 1912.
C. Nörrenberg, Die Bibliotheken auf der Bugra. - P. Schwenke. Deutsche Nationalbibliothek und Königliche Bibliothek. -H. Meisner, Schleiermacher's Briefe. - E. Crous, Internationale Wasserzeichenforschung. - O. Günther, J.S., eine bisher nicht enträtselte Unterschrift unter einigen Wiegendrucken.
The library world. - Vol. XV. No. 78. December 1912. H.T.C., The centenary J. Edward Edwards. - A.C. Piper, A novel library experiment. - J. Duff Brown, A British library itinerary, III.- W.B. Coupland. Notes on the arrangement and compilation of bibliographies.
La Bibliofilia. - Rivista dell' Arte antica in libri, stampe, manoscritti, autografi e legature. Dirett. de Leo S. Olschki. Anno XIV. Dispensa 8a. Novembre 1912.
P. d' Ancona Di alcune opere inedite di Nicolò de Giacomo da Bologna, c. 4 tav. -P. Lugano O.S. B., Del tipografo Bresciano Bartolomeo de Zanettis, de (continuazione), c. 4 fac-sim. - E. Rostagno, Sul testo della ‘Lettera de Dante ai Cardinali italiani’ Bibliografia dell' aria (continuazione).
Le library journal. Vol. 37 No. 5 (May 1912).
H. Putnam, The quick in the ‘dead’ (Lord Roseberry on the literature of the past in libraries). - W.S. Mevrill, A code for classifiers, its scope and its problems (contin. in No. 6.) - Jessie M. Carson, The children's share in a public library. - W.R. Eastman, Library legislation in 1911. - H.L. Leupp. The University of California library.
Id. No. 6. (June 1912). A.E. Bostwick, Service systems in libraries. - E.D. Greenman State aid for public school libraries. - E.C. Richardson, The facts about old Egyptian libraries. - J. Hodnefield. The checking of serials.
Id. No. 7. (July 1912).
S. Byrd Askew, Public librairies and school libraries. - A. Diephuis, The library, and the wage earner. - J. Mattern, National and international coöperation in the field of analytical cataloging. - G.U. Utley. A.L.A. Publishing board.
Id. No. 8. (August 1912).
H.L. Elmendorf, The public library. - H. Putnam Address at the session of the Am. Lib. Assoc. June 26 at Ottawa. Ch. E. Uc Lenegan. The open door, through the book and the library; - U. S Saxe, With the children in Canada.