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Index of names
Ackersdyk, W.C., 50. |
Adams, John, 16, 19, 20. |
Alcuin, 33. |
Agricola, Rudolph, 207. |
Akenside, 351. |
Alciatus, Andreas, 193, 195. |
Alfridus, 32. |
Althusius, Johannes, 369. |
Alva, Duke of, 75, 201, 216. |
Andrelinus, Faustus, 168. |
Andrewe, Laurent, 173. |
Angles, S., 23, 63. |
Anjou, Duke of, 280. |
Appelles, 375. |
Arber, Edward, 205. |
Aristoteles, 375. |
Arminius, Jacob, 233, 268, 270. |
Arthur, King, 145. |
Arundel, Count, 38. |
Ashley, Lord, earl of Shalftesbury, 342. |
Atkinson, 156. |
Awdeley, 78. |
Backhuizen van den Brink, 273. |
Baptists, 261. |
Barclay, 267. |
Barends, William, 256. |
Barham, F. 297. |
Barker, Ellis, 16. |
Bartlett, 266. |
Beaumont, 74. |
Bede, 144. |
Been, John H., 391. |
Beke, Charles F., 255. |
Belford, Grosvenor, 367. |
Belte, Johannes, 209. |
Beza, Theodorus, 193. |
Bilderdijk, William, 50, 361. |
Blades, 81. |
Blok, P., 273. |
Bodel, Johan, 145. |
Boerhaave, H., 17. |
Boisot, Admiral, 202. |
Bonerus, Edmund, 182. |
Boaistuau, 275. |
Bopp, F., 27. |
Bosboom, Toussaint, Mrs., 391. |
Boswell, 351. |
Boyle, R., 282. |
Brandt, G., 36. |
Bremer, Miss, 372. |
Brewster, William 266. |
Bridges, Robert, 63. |
Broadhead, 16. |
Brooke, Arthur, 274. |
Browne, Robert, 265. |
Brownists, 261. |
Buelens, Ch., 195. |
Bullen, A.H., 282. |
Bunyan, 261. |
Burnet, Gilbert, 338. |
Butler, 19. |
Bynnerman, Henry, 224. |
Byrne, Thomas, 354. |
Byron, Lord, 200. |
Caedmon, 39, 52, 143. |
Calvin, John, 158, 172, 272. |
Campbell, Douglas, 13, 20, 75, 266. |
Carleton, Sir Dudley, 285. |
Carpenter, W.H., 86. |
Carus, P., 297. |
Cats, Jacob, 191, 367. |
Caxton, William, 149. |
Celts, 23. |
Challoner, Rev., 157. |
Chalmers, George, 213. |
Charlemagne, 29, 145, 348. |
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Charles the Bold, 150. |
Charles the Fifth, Emperor, 64, 74, 214. |
Charles the First, King, 75, 300. |
Charles the Second, King, 75. |
Chaucer, 147. |
Chrétien de Troyes, 145. |
Christina, Queen, 34. |
Churchyard, Thomas, 213. |
Clarisse, J., 50. |
Clignett, J.A., 50. |
Colbert, 384. |
Congregationalists, 261. |
Conley, C.H., 297. |
Conscience, Hendrik, 391. |
Conway, M.D., 297. |
Coornhert, D.V., 233, 270. |
Copland, William, 180. |
Couperus, Louis, 391. |
Coverdale, Miles, 187. |
Cowper, 231. |
Cromwell, 296, 304, 369. |
Crusoe, Robinson, 322. |
Curcellaeus, Stephanus, 270. |
Curtiss, George L., 271. |
Dahn, Felix, 31. |
Danes, 23, 63. |
Dante, 261. |
Davie, Diggon, 247. |
De Backer, M.M.A., 195. |
De Bellay, 225. |
De Busbeck, 30. |
De Casteleyne, Matthys, 277. |
Defoe, Daniel, 321. |
De Fonseca, Vincente, 258. |
De Hoog, 55, 98. |
De la Gardie, 35. |
De la Halle, Adam, 145. |
Denbigh, Earl of, 283. |
Dennis, John, 360. |
De Ruyter, Admiral, 311. |
De Veer, Gerrit 253. |
De Vere, Aubrey, 372. |
De Vries, M., 49. |
De Witt, Johan, 18. |
Dexter, Henry, 266. |
Dibdin, Thomas Frognell, 157. |
Dobson, Austin, 354. |
Dorland Pieter, 161. |
Douglas, N., 297. |
Douza, Janus, 196. |
Dow, Gerard, 389. |
Drummond, R.B., 165. |
Drury, G. Thorn. 312. |
Dryden, John, 303, 305, 306. |
Du Bartas, 292. |
Duflon, G.D., 297. |
Dumas, Alexander, 392. |
Dunster, C., 297. |
Duplessis, Mornay, 280. |
Durer, Albrecht, 192. |
Dursley, Lord, 332. |
Du Thou, 194. |
Ebers, George, 392. |
Edmundson, G., 295. |
Edward III, King, 73, 370. |
Elckerlick, Everyman, 160. |
Elizabeth, Queen, 65, 66, 280. |
Episcopius, Simon, 269. |
Erasmus, Desiderius, 164, 183, 385. |
Ersch und Grube, 185. |
Evelyn, 305. |
Farlie Robert, 197. |
Faerni, Gabriel, 195. |
Field, Nathanael, 284. |
Fielding, Henry, 350. |
Fleay, 284. |
Fletcher, John, 74, 77, 284. |
Fletcher, Phineas, 292. |
Foltaire, 261. |
Fox, George, 266. |
Francis I, King, 215. |
Frederik, Henry, Prince, 299. |
Frederiks, P.G., 380. |
Froben, 165. |
Fruin, Robert, 284, 378. |
Froude, J.A., 16, 66. |
Fuller, Harold de Wolf, 275. |
Gansford, Wessel, 206. |
Garnett, Richard, 300. |
Gascoigne, George, 79, 198. |
Geoffrey of Monmouth, 145. |
Gilpin, George, 252. |
Gipsies, 78. |
Gnapheus, Guilielmus, 208. |
Godefroy, J. |
Goldsmith, Oliver, 350, 353. |
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Goose, E., 298. |
Gothis, 31. |
Granville, Fulke, 278. |
Graswinckel, 288. |
Gray, William, 279. |
Green, Henry, 194. |
Greenwood, 265. |
Grierson, Herbert J.C., 152. |
Griffith William Elliot, 13, 266. |
Grimm, Jacob and Wilhelm, 30. |
Groen van Prinsterer, 65, 378, 380. |
Grosart, Alexander, 231, 237. |
Grote, Gerard, 158. |
Grotius, Hugo, 234, 289. |
Guiciardini, 65. |
Gurteen, S.H., 297. |
Gustavus Adolphus, 292. |
Hake, Edward, 156. |
Hakluyt Society, 254. |
Halbertsma, J.H., 50. |
Hallam, 66. |
Halliwel, James O. |
Hanbury, Benjamin, 264. |
Hansa, 369. |
Harrison, 78. |
Heiand, 33, 46, 143. |
Henry the Eighth, King, 166, 184. |
Herford, Charles H., 178, 222. |
Heyne, 84. |
Hickes, George, 41. |
Hoffman von Fallersleben, 50. |
Holberg, Baron de, 354. |
Homer, 375. |
Hooft, P.C. |
Hopkins, Samnel, 266. |
Houlderus, Robert, 283. |
Howleglass, 178. |
Huebald, 47. |
Huydecoper, 30, 42. |
Independents, 261. |
Irving, Washington, 386. |
Israëls, Joseph, 389. |
Jacquerie, 371. |
Jasper, John, 268. |
Jefferson, 19. |
John, of Austria, 220. |
Johnson, Reginald Brinsley, 332. |
Johnson, Ben, 79, 223, 234. |
Johnson, Samuel, 41, 348. |
Jonckbloet, 30. |
Junius, Franciscus, 36-41, 69, 288. |
Junius, Hadrianus, 182, 191. |
Judith Tinspenning, 42. |
Juste, Th., 250. |
Jutes, 24. |
Kalff, 18, 231, 234. |
Kanzler, 50. |
Kanura, 18. |
Kempis, Thomas à, 155, 171. |
Knox, 172. |
Koch, 76. |
Koeppler, 237. |
Koolman, 83. |
Koster, L.J., 185. |
Kudrun, 46. |
Kuiper, E.T., 298. |
Kuyper, Henriette, 389. |
Laet, Gaspar, 153. |
Langhenes, Bernhard, 254. |
Langland, William, 146. |
Languet, Hubert, 279. |
Larned, Walter Cranston, 390. |
Lasco, Johannes à, 210. |
Lauder, W., 293. |
Le Brun, 337. |
Le Clerk, John, 343. |
Lee, William, 331. |
Leicester, Robert, Earl of, 195, 280. |
Leighton, John, 197. |
Lichtenstein, W., 12. |
Limborgh, Philips, 269, 343. |
Lincoln, Abraham, 369. |
Linneaus, 17. |
Lipsius, 17. 182. |
Locke, John, 321, 341. |
Locke, Thomas, 285. |
Logeman, H, 162. |
Lohengrin, 46. |
Longfellow, 387. |
Longwater, Nicholas, 154. |
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Louis XIV, 20, 305. |
Louis XIII, 285. |
Lübben, A., 85. |
Ludger, 29, 143. |
Luther, M., 153, 172. |
Lye, Edward, 41. |
Maarten, Maartens, 390. |
Macaulay, 381. |
Maccovius, 17. |
Mac Ilbraith, J.R., 298. |
Mackenal, Alexander, 266. |
Macropedius, Georgius, 208. |
Mandeville, 254. |
Manly, J.W., 162. |
Mansion, Colard, 150. |
Maresius, 17. |
Margaret, sister of Edward IV. |
Maris, brothers, 376. |
Marlowe, Christopher, 63. |
Marnix of St. Aldegonde, 249. |
Marot, Clement, 232. |
Marvell, Andrew, 309. |
Mary, daughter of Charles I, 300. |
Mary, Daughter of James II, 321. |
Mary, Bloody, 65. |
Mary van Nimwegen, 177. |
Mary Stuart, Queen of Scotland, 295. |
Masnam, Sir Francis, 344. |
Mason, Caroline Atwater, 389. |
Massmann, H.F., 32. |
Massinger, Philip, 284, 287. |
Mauritz, Prince, 285. |
Mauve, 376. |
Mayrtes, William, 155. |
Mesdag, H.W., 376. |
Meyer, C.J., 50. |
Methodists, 261. |
Middleton, Earl of, 340. |
Milburne, Luke, 156. |
Milton, John, 288. |
Mondragon, 204. |
Moonen, Arnold, 42. |
Monen, F.J., 50. |
Moody, W.V., 298. |
Moolhuizen, J.J., 290, 298. |
Moons, Magdalena, 205. |
More, Thomas, 166. |
Morus, Alexander, 288. |
Motley, John Lothrop, 377. |
Mountjoy, Lord, 164. |
Mueller, A., 298. |
Mulcaster, 241. |
Multatuli, 390. |
Neal, Daniel, 264. |
Nichols, Francis Morgan, 165, 168. |
Nicholsen, James, 189. |
Nicholson, S., 212. |
Nimmo, William P., 325. |
Norfolk, Duke of, 184. |
Normans, 24, 63. |
Norris, W., 75. |
O'Callaghan, 16. |
Oldenbarnevelt, 282. |
Oxford, Earl of, 216. |
Page, William, 156. |
Paine, Thomas, 19. |
Painter, Richard, 264. |
Painter, William, 275. |
Paludanus, 259. |
Paradin, Claude, 195. |
Parma, Duke of, 79. |
Paul, Herman, 29. |
Paulding, James Kirke, 387. |
Payne, John, 157. |
Penn, William, 14, 263. |
Penry, 265. |
Peppin, of Herstal, 47. |
Pepys, 268. |
Perelaer, 391. |
Petrarche, 224. |
Phidias, 375. |
Philippa, Queen, 147. |
Philip II, King, 74. |
Philip, William, 254. |
Pigot, Richard, 197. |
Pilgrims, 66. |
Pingsman, L. Th. W., 32. |
Pirenne, H., 371. |
Plantyn, 191. |
Plato, 375. |
Plautus, 208. |
Plutarch, English, 293, 309, 337, 338. |
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Poelenburg, Arnold, 269. |
Presbyterians, 261. |
Price, F.C., 149. |
Prior, Matthew, 321, 331. |
Putnam, Ruth, 13, 20. |
Quakers, 261. |
Quinet, Edgar, 250. |
Radbond, King, 32, 46. |
Radewyn, Florentius, 158. |
Raphelengius, Francis, 195. |
Reade, Charles, 388. |
Reinard the Fox, 48. |
Rembrandt, 389. |
Reynolds, Sir Joshua, 197, 348. |
Rhys, Ernest, 161. |
Richelieu, 288. |
Richthoven, 84. |
Rickman, 368. |
Rivet, Andreas, 17. |
Robespierre, 234. |
Robinson, John, 266. |
Rogers, Thomas, 156. |
Rogers, J. Thorold, 17, 95. |
Romans, 63. |
Rousseau, J.J., 234. |
Rubens, P.P., 17, 238. |
Ruysbroeck, Johannes, 158. |
Ruytinck, Simon, 189. |
Salmasius, 288. |
Sambucus, John, 195. |
Saxon, 24, 63, 82. |
Scheltema, P., 185. |
Schevez, William, 153. |
Schiller, K., 85. |
Schimmel, 391. |
Schmeller, 32. |
Schouten, William Cornellis, 253. |
Scot, Mary, 340. |
Scott, Walter, 385. |
Selden, John, 288. |
Seneca, 186. |
Separatists, 261. |
Sewel, William, 42, 267. |
Shaftesbury, 307, 342. |
Shakespeare, 63, 80, 275. |
Sidney, Philip, 278. |
Siegenbeek M., 50. |
Siegfried, 46. |
Simons, Menno, 266, 267. |
Sievers, 143. |
Skeat, Walter, 20, 73, 76. |
Smollett, Tobias George, 356. |
Sophia, Queen, 379. |
Southey, Robert, 360. |
Spenser, Edmund, 63, 224. |
Spinoza, 17. |
Stanhope, Dean, 157. |
Stanley, Sir William, 75. |
Staring, A.C.W., 50. |
Steen, Jan, 389. |
Stephen, Leslie, 350. |
Stevens, Henry, 189. |
Stevenson, Robert Louis, 388. |
Stockdale, Percival, 312. |
Struys, Jacob, 276. |
Stuart, 261. |
Sunderland, Earl of, 342. |
Surrey, Earl of, 213. |
Swinburne, 284. |
Symonds, J.A., 279. |
Tadema, Alma, 64. |
Taine, 64. |
Taylor, Henry, 368, 372. |
Temple, William, 304. |
Ten Brink, Jan, 18. |
Ten Kate, J.J.L., 391. |
Ten Kate, Lambert, 30, 42. |
Terentius, 208. |
Theosinda, 31. |
Te Winkel, 18, 42. |
Thym, Alberdink, 250. |
Tiele, P.A., 254. |
Tjalma, G., 250. |
Todd, Henry John, 236. |
Tollens, Hendrik, 253, 391. |
Trevelyan, 383. |
Tross, L., 50. |
Turenne, 384. |
Tyler, Watt, 371. |
Tyndale, 74, 189. |
Ulphilas, 31. |
Ussher, 144. |
Valdez, 205. |
Van Artevelde, Jacob, 370. |
Van Artevelde, Philip, 371. |
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| |
Van Cattenburg, Adriaan, 269. |
Van den Berg, S.Ph., 50. |
Van der Aa, 42, 185. |
Van der Have, J., 250. |
Van der Noot, jonkheer Jan, 69, 191, 224. |
Van Doesburgh, Jan, 173. |
Van Dyk, Anton, 313. |
Van Dyke, Henry, 17. |
Van Eeden, Fred, 391. |
Van Hutten, U., 166. |
Van Koetsveld, 390. |
Van Lennep, Jacob, 390. |
Van Linschoten, Jan Huyghen, 253. |
Van Leyden, Lucas, 192. |
Van Maerlant, Jacob, 49, 146. |
Van Meteren, E., 56, 223. |
Van Meteren, Jacob, 187. |
Van Noppen, L.C., 18. |
Van Toorenenbergen, J.J., 250. |
Van Veldeke, Henric, 47. |
Van Wassenaer, Abdam, 315. |
Van Wely, John, 287. |
Van Woude, Johanna, 391. |
Van Wijn, H., 50. |
Vere, Francis, 75. |
Vermeulen, Aug., 230. |
Verwey, Albert, 231. |
Vitriarius, 351. |
Voet, Johannes, 17. |
Voet, Paul, 17. |
Voetius, Gysbertus, 17. |
Volcanius, Bonaventura, 34, 196. |
Vondel, Joost van den, 234, 285, 288. |
Von Moltke, 34. |
Vosmaer, 390. |
Vossius, Gerardus, 34. |
Vossius, Isaac, 30, 34. |
Wagenaar, Jan, 202. |
Waghenaer Lucas Jansz, 253. |
Waller, Edmund, 312. |
Wallis, 391. |
Walsingham, Francis, 221. |
Ward, Seth, 341. |
Washington, George, 369. |
Watson, 361. |
Wesley, 263. |
Westwood, J.C., 298. |
Wettstein, J.J., 269. |
Whitney, Goffrey, 193. |
Whitney, William Dwight, 71. |
Wickliff, 146, 369. |
Wilkes, John, 351. |
William, the Conquerer, 24, 68, 69. |
William the Silent, 14, 185, 198. |
William II, Prince, 300. |
William III, Stadhoder of William III, Stadholder of Holland, King of England, 14, 305. |
William III, King of Holland, 379. |
Williams, Roger, 75, 279. |
Willoughby, Lord, 75. |
Wolsey, Cardinal, 167. |
Wood, Francis A., 162. |
Woodhull, M., 298. |
Wordsworth, 368. |
Wurfing, 32. |
Wyatt, 213. |
York, Rowland, 75. |
York, Duke of, 307. |
Young, A., 16. |