Briefwisseling 1 juli 1885 tot 15 december 1888
(1995)–Albert Verwey–
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received yr pamphlet. I enquired here & the P.O. Authorities sent a man round, who told me that most likely the book has been returned to A'dam. You have roused my curiosity & must absolutely send me another copy at once. Next. I don't know whether you ever read the 19th Century. If not get the number for May & there you will find a most interesting article on the authorship of Shakespeares plays.Ga naar eind1 You have nodoubt heard of the Baconians before now, who want to make out that S. never wrote those dramas, but attribute them all wholesale to Francis Bacon. Bythebye that was a capital article on BGa naar eind2 in Yr April number & if this new theory proves correct the author may add not a little to B's glory. Years ago this Baconian movement was started in England. Suddenly now from across the herringpond comes new light on the subject. A W. Donelly from Mass. publishes some remarkable facts he noticed in an Edition of the first Folio. Throughout it runs a ‘Cipher’ in italic words, numbers of pages, hyphenations etc, etc, which is no mere frivolous affair but tells in its way the latter part of Bacon's live & also the plots during Elizabeth's & James's reigns. The former ever racked Shakespear for the truth, but Bacon managed to save the disclosure. For fear of privacy Donelly has not yet published all his facts but in a few weeks perhaps already, he is in London & we shall see. If you can't get the may number 19th Cent, tell me & I can let you have it. What about the sonnets & the article you wrote? Have you sent it to London?Ga naar eind3 I have not yet had time to read through yr June number but anticipate much pleasure from it. I looked throug the ‘Varia’ & Nederl. Politiek.Ga naar eind4 The powers of darkness seem to be on the increase in my poor Country. Look at the Belgian Elections! 97 against 45. And here in England the Liberals & Radicals have split most hopelessly. Even Bismarck has been obliged to eat ‘humble-pie’. Must we really expect another triumph of priest & bigotry. God seems to be alive to the fact that he has lost an immense deal of prestige & has evidently made up his mind to inspire his followers with some extra quantity of zeal. Damm them all! I'm afraid however we shall have to fight a stiff round or two with clericalism. You know I daresay, that I CenciGa naar eind5 was produced here. Sorry to say, as I had been rather poorly the week before I had not seen the papers nor had I found an opportunity of securing seats. So I did not go. However it appears that people did not appreciate it. As a drama as expression of the poets feelings a mastercy of language it is of course simply beautyful; but why such a plot should be represented on a stage & and in presence even of scores of young girls, I fail to see the reason. This criticism has passed in several instances into personalities & attacks on Shelley. | |
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Don't you forget all about answering my letter this time Old boy, or I shall wire one fine afternoon. Ever yours in voor- en tegenspoed. J C G Grasé Amen! |