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O, uw. oh! ah! |
Oefen, w. to exercise, practise |
Oefenaar, sn. catechist |
Oefening, sn. exercise, practice |
Oefenskool, sn. school of practice |
Oefer, Oewer, sn. shore, bank |
Oek, Ook, bw. also, too |
O'enblik, sn. moment, twinkling of the eye |
O'enblikkelik, bn. en bw. momentary -ily |
O'er, fs. en bw. over, beyond, by, above, along, about, to, too |
O'eral, bw. everywhere |
O'erbabbel, w. to tell |
O'erbabbelaar, sn. tale-bearer |
O'erbabbeling, sn. tale-bearing |
O'erberg, sn. region across the mountains |
O'erbergse, bn. belonging to such region |
O'erbluf, w. to put out of countenance |
O'erbluf, bn. abashed, bashful |
O'erbly, w. to remain |
O'erblyfsel, sn. remainders, remnant |
O'erbodig, bn. superfluous |
O'erbodighyd, sn. superfluity |
O'erboord, bw. over-board |
O'erbreng, w. to transfer, transport |
O'erbrenger, sn. tell-tale, informer |
O'erbrenging, sn. transfer |
O'erbriif, w. to tell, inform by letter |
O'erbuig, w. to bend or hang over |
O'erdaad, sn. excess, superfluity |
O'erdadig, bn. superfluous |
O'erdadighyd, sn. superfluity |
O'erdag, o'erdags, bn. en bw. by day |
O'erdeel, w. to divide over again |
O'erdek, w. to cover |
O'erdekking, O'erdeksel, sn. cover |
O'erdenk, w. to consider, reflect |
O'erdenking, sn. consideration |
O'erdoen, w. to do over again |
O'erdra, w. to carry over, transport |
O'erdrewe, bn. exaggerated, excessive |
O'erdrewenhyd, sn. excessiveness |
O'erdruk, w. to reprint |
O'erdrywe, w. to drive or float over, exaggerate |
O'erdrywer, sn. exaggerator |
O'erdrywing, sn. exaggeration |
O'ereen, bw. agreed, agreeing |
O'ereenkom, w. to agree |
O'ereenkoms, sn. agreement, congruity |
O'ereenkomstig, bn. en bw. conformable -bly |
O'ereenstem, w. to agree |
O'ereenstemming, sn. agreement, harmony |
O'er-en-o'er, bw. repeatedly, thoroughly |
O'ererfelik, bn. hereditory, infectious |
O'ererwe, w. to inherit |
O'erfaar, w. to cross, pass |
O'erfaart, sn. passage |
O'erfal, sn. attack, fit |
O'erfal, w. to surprise, overtake |
O'erferwe, w. to dye again |
O'erfet, bn. very fat |
O'erfliig, w. to fly over |
O'erfloed, sn. abundance, plenty |
O'erfloedig, bn. abundant, copious |
O'erfloedighyd, sn. abundance |
O'erfloei, w. to overflow |
O'erfoer, w. to convey, transport |
O'erfoering, sn. conveyance |
O'erfol, bn. over-full, choke-full |
O'ergaan, w. to pass, desert, resolve |
O'ergang, sn. transition, desertion |
O'ergawe, sn. surrender |
O'ergé, w. to yield, give up |
O'ergewig, sn. over weight |
O'ergiit, w. to spill |
O'ergiting, sn. pouring out |
O'ergoed, bn. too good, very good |
O'ergooi, w. to throw over, spill |
O'ergroot, bn. immense |
O'erhaal, w. to fetch over, persuade, re-distil |
O'erhaas, w. to hurry |
O'erhaler, sn. persuader |
O'erhand, sn. advantage, victory |
O'erhandig, w. to hand, deliver |
O'erhands, bw. overcast |
O'erhang, w. to hang over, lean forward |
O'erhê, w. to have something to spare |
O'erheen, bw. over |
O'erheer, w. to master, domineer |
O'erheers, w. to predominate |
O'erheersing, sn. domination |
O'erhering, sn. conquest |
O'erhoeks, bn. en bw. diagonal, transversal -ly |
O'erhoop, bw. in confusion, at variance |
O'erhoor, w. to hear |
O'erhoorder, sn. hearer |
O'erhou, w. to keep, have left |
O'erhyd, sn. authority, Government |
O'erig, bn. remaining, intrusive |
O'erja, w. to judge, overdrive |
O'erjas, sn. great coat, over coat |
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O'erjurki, sn. over-all |
O'erkant, bw. on the other side |
O'erkant, sn. other side |
O'erkantse, bn. belonging to the other side |
O'erklap, w. to blab, tell |
O'erklé, w. to cover, clothe |
O'erkleed, sn. surplise, surtout |
O'erklik, w. to tell, blab |
O'erklim, w. to climb over, scale |
O'erkom, w. to overcome, surmount |
O'erkomelik, bn. surmountable |
O'erkook, w. to boil over |
O'erkort, bn. very short |
O'erkruis, bn. en bw. across, athwart |
O'erlaai, w. to overload, overburden |
O'erlading, sn. overburdening |
O'erlangs, bw. lengthwise |
O'erlas, sn. trouble, plague, nuisance |
O'erlê, w. to consider, deliberate, save |
O'erlede, bn. deceased |
O'erleer, w. to learn over again |
O'erleer, sn. upper shoe leather |
O'erlees, w. to read over, peruse |
O'erleg, sn. judgment, deliberation |
O'erlegging, sn. consideration |
O'erlewe, w. to survive, outlive |
O'erlewer, w. to deliver, to surrender |
O'erlewering, sn. delivery, tradition |
O'erlewing, sn. survivency |
O'erloop, w. to run over, overflow, desert |
O'erloping, sn. overflowing, desertion |
O'erlyde, w. to die |
O'erlyding, sn. death |
O'ermaat, sn. excess, superabundance |
O'ermag, sn. superior power, force |
O'ermagtig, bn. superior |
O'ermagtiging, sn. overpowering |
O'ermantel, sn. upper-mantle |
O'ermeester, w. to take, seize |
O'ermeet, w. to measure again |
O'ermou, sn. sham sleeve |
O'ernaai, w. to overcast, sew again |
O'ernag, w. to pass the night |
O'erneem, w. to take over, to adopt |
O'erneming, sn. purchase, acceptance |
O'erpak, w. to pack from one into another |
O'erplak, w. to paste over |
O'erplant, w. to transplant |
O'erploeg, w. to plough again |
O'erplyster, w. to plaster again |
O'erpyns, w. to meditate, to reflect |
O'erpynsing, sn. reflection |
O'erraak, w. to get over |
O'erreken, w. to reckon again |
O'erres, sn. D. remainder |
O'erroei, w. to row to another side |
O'erroep, w. to outvoice |
O'errompel, w. to surprise, overtake |
O'erry, w. to drive over |
O'erryk, w. to reach over, hand over |
O'erryking, sn. handing over |
O'erryp, bn. overripe |
O'ersaai, w. to sow again |
O'ersê, w. to repeat, say over again |
O'ersig, sn. resume, short account |
O'ersiin, w. to oversee, review |
O'ersiinbaar, bn. surveyable |
O'ersiner, sn. overseer, reviser |
O'erskadu, w. to overshadow |
O'erskadu'ing, sn. overshadowing |
O'erskawe, w. to plane again, polish |
O'erskeep, w. to transship |
O'erskeer, w. to shave or shear over again |
O'erskenk, w. to pour over |
O'erskep, w. to scoop |
O'erskeping, sn. transshipping |
O'erskerp, bn. sharp enough |
O'erskiit, sn. remains |
O'erskiit, w. to remain, shoot again |
O'erskilder, w. to paint over again |
O'ersskoen, sn. galoshe, overshoe |
O'erskot, sn. remainder, rest, remnant, residue |
O'erskreeu, w. to outcry |
O'erskrywe, w. to copy, rewrite |
O'erskrywer, sn. copier |
O'erskrywing, sn. copy, transcript |
O'erslaan, w. to omit, pass over |
O'erslag, sn. calculation, computation |
O'ersleep, w. to drag over |
O'ersmyt, w. to throw over |
O'erspan, w. to overstrain |
O'erspanning, sn. overstraining |
O'erspring, w. to leap or jump over |
O'erspry, w. to spread over |
O'erstallig, bn. en bw. lavish -ly |
O'erstap, w. to cross, step over |
O'ersteek, w. to cross |
O'erstelp, w. to overwhelm |
O'erstelpend, bn. overwhelming |
O'erstelpte, bn. overwhelmed |
O'erstem, w. to outvote, vote again |
O'erstraal, w. to shine upon |
O'erstrooi, w. to strew |
O'erstroom, w. to overflow |
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O'erstroming, sn. inundation, flood |
O'erstryk, w. to rub over |
O'erstuur, w. to sent over, steer over |
O'erswaar, bn. too heavy |
O'erswem, w. to swim over |
O'ersy, sn. opposite or other side |
O'ersyl, w. to sail over |
O'ertallig, bn. supernumerary |
O'ertap, w. to transfuse, decant |
O'erteken, w. to transcribe |
O'ertel, w. to count over |
O'ertog, sn. passage |
O'ertollig, bn. superfluous |
O'ertollighyd, sn. superfluity |
O'ertré, w. to step over, transgress |
O'ertreder, sn. transgressor |
O'ertreding, sn. transgression |
O'ertref, w. to surpass, excel |
O'ertrek, w. to cover, pass over |
O'ertrekking, sn. passing over, covering |
O'ertreksel, sn. case, covering |
O'ertuig, w. to convince, convict |
O'ertuigend, bn. convincing |
O'ertuiging, sn. conviction |
O'erwaai, w. to blow over |
O'erweeg, w. to consider, weigh |
O'erweging, sn. consideration |
O'erweldig, w. to conquer, usurp |
O'erweldiger, sn. usurper |
O'erweldiging, sn. usurpation |
O'erwerk, w. to overwork |
O'erwerk, sn. extra work |
O'erwin, w. to overcome, subdue |
O'erwinnaar, sn. conqueror |
O'erwinning, sn. victory, conquest |
O'erwit, w. to whiten, white-wash again |
O'erys, w. to overcharge |
Oes, w. to reap, gather, earn |
Oes, sn. harvest, crop |
Oesfeld, sn. grain field, reaping field |
Oester, sn. oyster |
Oestyd, sn. harvest time |
Oewer, sn. shore, bank |
Of, fw. or, either, if, whether |
Ofaal, bn. oval |
Offer, w. to sacrifice, offer up |
Offer, sn. offering, sacrifice, victim |
Offeraar, sn. offerer, sacrificer |
Offerande, sn. sacrifice, victim |
Offerdiir, sn. victim |
Offisiir, sn. Officer |
Ofskoon, bw. although, though |
Oggend, sn. morning |
Okkerneut, sn. walnut |
Okkerneutboom, sn. walnut tree |
Okshoof, sn. E. ox-head |
Oleeuenboom, sn. wild olive tree |
Oleeuenhout, sn. hard wood or timber from this tree |
Oli, w. to oil |
Oli, sn. oil |
Oliagtig, bn. oily |
Oliagtighyd, sn. oiliness |
Olifant, sn. elephant |
Oliferf, sn. oil-colours |
Olik, bn. dejected, sickly |
Olikhyd, sn. dejection, irksomeness |
Olikoek, sn. a good-for-nothing |
Olikruik, sn. oil-jar |
Olisaad, sn. oil-seed |
Olisteen, sn. oil-stone |
Olyf, sn. olive |
Olyfberg, sn. mount of olives |
Olyfboom, sn. olive-tree |
Olyfhout, sn. olive-wood |
Olyf-oli, sn. oil of olives |
Olyftak, sn. olive-branch |
Om, fs. at, for, about, to, of, on |
Om, bw. expired |
Omarm, w. to embrace |
Omarming, sn. embrace |
Ombinde, w. to tie about |
Omblaai, w. to turn a leaf |
Omblaas, w. to blow down |
Omboor, w. to hem, edge |
Omboorsel, sn. edging, binding |
Ombreng, w. to pass, dispatch |
Ombrenger, sn. killer, slayer |
Ombrenging, sn. killing |
Ombuig, w. to bend |
Ombuiging, sn. bending |
Omdam, w. to surround, embank |
Omdamming, sn. embankment |
Omdat, fw. because |
Omdom, w. to entice, pursuade |
Omdool, w. to wander about |
Omdoling, sn. wandering |
Omdra, w. to carry about |
Omdraai, sn. to turn |
Omdraaiing, sn. circumrotation |
Omfaar, w. to sail about, circumnavigate |
Omfal, w. to fall down |
Omfang, sn. circumference, extent |
Omfang, w. to encompass, contain |
Omfaring, sn. oversetting |
Omfat, w. to include, contain, imply |
Omfêr, bw. down |
Omfêrblaas, w. to blow down |
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Omfêrgooi, w. to throw down |
Omfêrhaal, w. to pull down |
Omfêrhak, w. to cut down |
Omfêrruk, w. to pull down |
Omfêrskiit, w. to shoot down |
Omfêrslaan, w. to fall down |
Omfêrsmyt, w. to fling down |
Omfêrstoot, w. to push down |
Omfêrtrek, w. to pull down |
Omferwaai, w. to blow down |
Omfladder, w. to fludder about |
Omfleg, w. to twist about |
Omfliig, w. to fly about |
Omfloei, w. to flow about |
Omfoer, w. to carry about |
Omfou, w. to fold |
Omgaan, w. to go about, associate |
Omgang, sn. procession, association |
Omgekeerd, bw. otherwise |
Omgewing, sn. surrounding |
Omgooi, w. to upset, overturn |
Omgord, w. to gird, surround |
Omgrawe, w. to entrench, dig up |
Omgrawing, sn. circumvallation |
Omgrens, w. to limit, circumscribe |
Omgroei, w. to grow about |
Omgryp, w. to grasp about |
Omhaal, w. to persuade |
Omhak, w. to fell, cut down |
Omhang, w. to put on |
Omhê, w. to have on |
Omheen, bn. about, there about |
Omhels, w. to embrace |
Omhelsing, sn. embracing |
Omhoog, bw. aloft, on high |
Omhul, w. to envelop |
Omhulsel, sn. envelope |
Omhyn, w. to fence in |
Omhyning, sn. enclosure |
Omkantel, w. to turn, roll down |
Omkap, w. to cut, hew down |
Omkeer, sn. change |
Omkeer, w. to turn, overturn |
Omkering, sn. subversion |
Omklaar, bn. entangled |
Omklink, w. to rivet, to touch glasses |
Omklinking, sn. riveting, proclaiming |
Omkom, w. to perish, come round |
Omkoming, sn. perishing |
Omkoop, w. to bribe, corrupt |
Omkoopbaar, bn. to be bribed |
Omkoopbaarhyd, sn. corruptibility |
Omkoper, sn. briber |
Omkopery, sn. bribery |
Omkoping, sn. bribery |
Omkrans, w. to wreath |
Omkrul, w. to curl up |
Omkyk, w. to look back, attend to |
Omlaag, bw. below, down |
Omlê, w. to lie down |
Omloop, sn. circulation, cutaneous disease |
Omloop, w. to run down, deceive |
Omloping, sn. circulation |
Omly, w. to lead about, lead round |
Ommuur, w. to wall |
Omnaai, w. to hem, edge |
Ompad, sn. detour |
Ompak, w. to pack otherwise |
Omplak, w. to paste round |
Omplant, w. to plant round |
Omploeg, w. to plough |
Omploeging, sn. ploughing up |
Ompraat, w. to persuade |
Omring, w. to surround, to encircle |
Omringing, sn. surrounding |
Omroep, w. to call back |
Omroer, w. to stir |
Omroering, sn. stirring |
Omrokkel, w. to entice |
Omrol, w. to roll about or up |
Omruk, w. to pull down |
Omry, w. to ride round, ride down |
Omrys, w. to travel about |
Omrysing, sn. travelling about |
Omset, w. to put on |
Omsiin, w. to look back, mind |
Omsingel, w. to surround |
Omsingeling, sn. surrounding |
Omskadu, w. to shade |
Omskans, w. to fortify, entrench |
Omskansing, sn. circumvallation |
Omskiit, w. to shoot down |
Omskommel, w. to stir about |
Omskop, w. to kick down |
Omskrywe, w. to circumscribe, particularize |
Omskrywing, sn. circumscription |
Omskud, w. to shake about |
Omskyn, w. to shine about |
Omslaan, w. to beat down, overthrow |
Omslag, sn. hem, border, trouble |
Omslagtig, bn. prolix |
Omslagtighyd, sn. prolixity |
Omsleep, w. to drag about |
Omslinger, w. to swing about, to lie about |
Omsluier, w. to veil |
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Omsmyt, w. to throw down |
Omsnuffel, w. to search, pry about |
Omsny, w. to cut down |
Omsoming, sn. hemming, bordering |
Omsons, bw. D. in vain |
Omsoom, w. to edge, border |
Omspan, w. to span, take fresh horses |
Omspelde, w. to pin about |
Omspin, w. to spin about |
Omspit, w. to dig up |
Omspoel, w. to rinse out |
Omspring, w. to jump about |
Omstaan, w. to stand about |
Omstander, sn. by-stander |
Omstandig, bn. en bw. circumstantial -ly |
Omstandighyd, sn. circumstance |
Omstoot, w. to push down |
Omstraal, w. to surround with rays |
Omstreek, sn. adjacent country |
Omstreeks, bw. about |
Omsukkel, w. to rove about |
Omswaai, w. to swing round |
Omswaggel, w. to swaddle |
Omswerwe, w. wander about |
Omswerwer, sn. wanderer, rover |
Omswerwing, sn. ramble |
Omswik, w. to fall down |
Omsyl, w. to sail round, circumnavigate |
Omtrek, sn. circumference, neighbourhood |
Omtrek, w. to pull down, encompass |
Omtrekkerig, bn. en bw. prolix |
Omtrent, bw. almost, near, about |
Omtuin, w. to enclose |
Omtuining, sn. enclosure |
Omwaai, w. to blow down |
Omwandel, w. to walk about |
Omwandeling, sn. walking about |
Omwentel, w. to turn, revolve |
Omwenteling, sn. revolution |
Omwerk, w. to dig up |
Omwoel, w. to surround, rummage |
Omwoeling, sn. turning up, rummaging |
Onaardig, bn. unpleasant |
Onafbetaald, bn. unpaid |
Onafgebroke, bn. en bw. uninterrupted -ly |
Onafgedaan, bn. unfinished |
Onafgelewerd, bn. undelivered |
Onafgelos, bn. unrelieved |
Onafgeskye, bn. inseparately |
Onafhankelik, bn. en bw. independent -ly |
Onafhankelikhyd, sn. independence |
Onafmetelik, bn. immeasurable |
Onafmetelikhyd, sn. immensity |
Onafskydelik, bn. en bw. inseparable -bly |
Onafskydelikhyd, sn. inseparability |
Onagbaar, bn. unworthy |
Onagbaarhyd, sn. unworthiness |
Onagsaam, bn. negligent, inattentive |
Onagsaamhyd, sn. inattention, negligence |
Onandagtig, bn. inattentive |
Onandagtighyd, sn. inattention |
Onangemerk, bn. unobserved |
Onangenaam, bn. en bw. disagreeable -bly |
Onangenaamhyd, sn. disagreeableness |
Onangeraak, bn. untouched |
Onangerand, bn. unattacked |
Onangeroerd, bn. untouched |
Onangesiin, bn. unregarded |
Onangesny, bn. uncut |
Onanmerkelik, bn. inconsiderable |
Onanmerkelikhyd, sn. inconsiderableness |
Onannemelik, bn. unacceptable, incredible |
Onannemelikhyd, sn. unacceptableness |
Onbaatsugtig, bn. disinterested |
Onbaatsugtighyd, sn. disinterestedness |
Onbandig, bn. unruly |
Onbandighyd, sn. unruliness |
Onbarmhartig, bn. en bw. unmerciful -ly |
Onbarmhartighyd, sn. unmercifulness |
Onbeangs, bn. fearless, intrepid |
Onbeantwoord, bn. en bw. unanswered |
Onbeantwoordelik, bn. unanswerable |
Onbeboubaar, bn. unfit for building |
Onbeboud, bn. not built upon |
Onbedagsaam, bn. en bw. inconsiderate -ly |
Onbedag-te, bn. en bw. thoughtlessly |
Onbedagthyd, onbedagsaamhyd, sn. inconsiderateness |
Onbedeeld, bn. unendowed |
Onbedrewe, bn. inexperienced, unskilful |
Onbedrewenhyd, sn. inexperience |
Onbedrywig, bn. inactive, dull |
Onbedrywighyd, sn. inactivity |
Onbeduidend, bn. insignificant |
Onbeduidendhyd, sn. insignificance |
Onbeëdigd, bn. unsworn |
Onbefaarbaar, bn. unnavigable |
Onbefallig, bn. ungraceful |
Onbefallighyd, sn. ungracefulness |
Onbefattelik, bn. incomprehensible |
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Onbefattelikhyd, sn. incomprehensibleness |
Onbefestig, bn. unconfirmed |
Onbeflek, bn. unspotted |
Onbeflekthyd, sn. purity |
Onbefooroordeeld, bn. unprejudiced |
Onbefoorregt, bn. impriviledged |
Onbefrind, bn. unbefriended |
Onbefryd, bn. unreleased |
Onbegaafd, bn. unendowed |
Onbegaafdhyd, sn. incapacity |
Onbegeerlik, bn. undesirable |
Onbegerig, bn. not desiring |
Onbegrensbaar, bn. boundless |
Onbegrensd, bn. unlimited |
Onbegrypelik, bn. incomprehensible |
Onbegrypelikhyd, sn. inconceivableness |
Onbegunstigd, bw. unfavoured |
Onbehaaglik, bn. unpleasing |
Onbehaaglikhyd, sn. unpleasingness |
Onbehage, sn. displeasure |
Onbehandeld, bn. not discussed |
Onbehendig, bn. unhandy |
Onbehendighyd, sn. unhandiness |
Onbehoed, bn. unprotected |
Onbehoedsaam, bn. inconsiderate |
Onbehoorlik, bn. en bw. unproper, indecent -ly |
Onbehoorlikhyd, sn. unpropriety |
Onbehoue, bn. rude, unmannerly |
Onbehulpsaam, bn. disobliging, clumsy |
Onbehulpsaamhyd, sn. helplessness |
Onbekeerd, bn. unconverted |
Onbekeerlik, bn. obstinate |
Onbekeerlikhyd, sn. obstinacy |
Onbekend, bn. unknown, unacquainted |
Onbekende, sn. stranger |
Onbekendhyd, sn. obscurity |
Onbeklaagd, bn. unpitied |
Onbeklimbaar, bn. inaccessable |
Onbeklimbaarhyd, sn. inaccessibility |
Onbekommerd, bn. unconcerned |
Onbekommerdhyd, sn. unconcern, carelessness |
Onbekoorlik, bn. unpleasing |
Onbekragtigd, bn. unconfirmed |
Onbekwaam, bn. incapable, unable |
Onbekwaamhyd, sn. inability, incapacity |
Onbelangrik, bn. unimportant |
Onbelas, bn. untaxed, unburdened |
Onbelasbaar, bn. not liable to be taxed |
Onbeledigd, bn. unhurt, unoffended |
Onbeleef, bn. unpolite, uncivil |
Onbeleefd, bn. en bw. unpolite -ly |
Onbeleefdhyd, sn. unpoliteness |
Onbelemmerd, bn. unencumbered |
Onbelemmerdhyd, sn. freeness |
Onbeloond, bn. unrewarded |
Onbemerk, bn. unobserved, unperceived |
Onbemiddeld, bn. not rich |
Onbemind, bn. unbeloved |
Onbeminlik, bn. unamiable |
Onbeminlikhyd, sn. unloveliness |
Onbenadeeld, bn. unprejudiced |
Onbenodigd, bn. not wanted |
Onbenoembaar, bn. not appointable |
Onbenoemd, bn. unnamed |
Onbenyd, bn. unenvied |
Onbepaald, bn. indefinite, unlimited, uncertain |
Onbepaaldhyd, sn. indefiniteness |
Onbepalend, bn. indefinite |
Onbeperkt, bn. boundless, unlimited |
Onbeplant, bn. unplanted |
Onbeploegbaar, bn. not arable |
Onbeploegd, bn. untilled, unploughed |
Onbeproefd, bn. untried |
Onberade, bn. inconsiderate |
Onberadenhyd, sn. inconsiderateness |
Onberekenbaar, bn. incalculable |
Onberekend, bn. incalculated |
Onberigt, bn. uninformed |
Onberispelik, bn. en bw. blameless, irreproachable, -bly |
Onberispelikhyd, sn. blamelessness |
Onberoepbaar, bn. not within call |
Onberoofd, bn. undeprived |
Onberyd, bn. unprepared, unready |
Onberydhyd, sn. unpreparedness |
Onberykbaar, bn. unattainable |
Onberykt, bn. unobtained |
Onbesaaid, bn. unsown |
Onbesadig-de, bn. heedless |
Onbesadighyd, sn. heedlessness |
Onbeschaamd, bn. shameless, impudent |
Onbeschaamdhyd, sn. impudence |
Onbeseffelik, bn. incomprehensible |
Onbeskaafd, bn. rude, uncivilized |
Onbeskaafdhyd, sn. rudeness, unpoliteness |
Onbeskadig, bn. en bw. unhurt, unimpared -ly |
Onbeskermd, bn. en bw. undefended |
Onbeskimmeld, bn. not mouldy |
Onbeskof, bn. en bw. insolent, rude, uncouth -ly |
Onbeskofthyd, sn. insolence, rudeness |
Onbeskonke, bn. sober |
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| |
Onbeskonkenhyd, sn. sobriety |
Onbeskrewe, bn. undescribed, unwritten |
Onbeskroomd, bn. bold, undaunted |
Onbeschroomdhyd, sn. boldness |
Onbeschryfelik, bn. inexpressible |
Onbeskryfelikhyd, sn. inexpressible |
Onbeskuldig, bn. unaccused |
Onbeskut, bn. unprotected |
Onbeskye, bn. en bw. impolite, indiscreet -ly |
Onbeskydenhyd, sn. indiscretion |
Onbeslis, bn. undecided, undetermined |
Onbesmet, bn. undefiled, uninfected |
Onbesmettelik, bn. not infectious |
Onbesnede, bn. uncircumcised |
Onbesnedenhyd, sn. uncircumcision |
Onbesnoeid, bn. unclipped |
Onbespeurd, bn. undiscovered |
Onbespiid, bn. unespied |
Onbesproeid, bn. unwatered |
Onbesproke, bn. en bw. blameless, unspoken |
Onbestaanbaar, bn. inconsistent |
Onbestaanbaarhyd, sn. inadmissability |
Onbestand, bn. not proof |
Onbesteed, bn. unspent |
Onbesteld, bn. unordered |
Onbestemd, bn. en bw. unfixed -ly |
Onbestendig, bn. unstaple, inconstant |
Onbestendighyd, sn. inconstancy |
Onbestraffelik, bn. en bw. blameless -ly |
Onbestraffelikhyd, sn. blamelessness |
Onbetaalbaar, bn. priceless |
Onbetaald, bn. unpaid |
Onbetamelik, bn. indecent, unbecoming |
Onbetamelikhyd, sn. indecency |
Onbetoombaar, bn. bridleless |
Onbetoomd, bn. unbridled |
Onbetreurd, bn. unlamented |
Onbetrokke, bn. unclouded |
Onbetwisbaar, bn. indisputable |
Onbetwisbaarhyd, sn. undisputableness |
Onbetwist, bn. undisputed |
Onbewaakte, bn. unguarded |
Onbewaarhyd, bn. not verified |
Onbeweegbaar, bn. unmovable |
Onbeweegbaarhyd, sn. unmovableness |
Onbeweeglik, bn. unmovable |
Onbewoge, bn. unmoved |
Onbewolkte, bn. unclouded |
Onbewoonbaar, bn. uninhabitable |
Onbewus, bn. unaware, ignorant |
Onbewusthyd, sn. ignorance |
Onbewysbaar, bn. not to be proved |
Onbillik, bn. en bw. unjust -ly |
Onbillikhyd, sn. injustice |
Onblusbaar, bn. unquenchable |
Onboetfaardig, bn. en bw. unpenitent |
Onboetfaardighyd, sn. unpenitence |
Onbreekbaar, bn. infrangible |
Onbroederlik, bn. unbrotherly |
Onbruikbaar, bn. unserviceable |
Onbruikbaarhyd, sn. unserviceableness |
Onbuigsaam, bn. inflexible |
Onbuigsaamhyd, sn. inflexibility |
Ondank, sn. ingratitude |
Ondankbaar, bn. ungrateful |
Ondankbaarhyd, sn. ingratitude |
Ondanks, fs. in spite of |
Ondeelbaar, bn. indivisible |
Ondeelbaarhyd, sn. indivisibility |
Ondenkbaar, bn. unimaginable |
Onder, fs. under, down, among, during |
Onder, sn. upcountry, interior |
Onderaards, bn. subterraneous |
Onderadmiraal, sn. vice-admiral |
Onderafdeling, sn. subdivision |
Onderbaas, sn. foreman |
Onderbaatji, sn. vest |
Onderbly, w. to remain downstairs or under water |
Onderbroek, sn. under-trousers |
Onderdaan, sn. subject |
Onderdanig, bn. subject, submissive |
Onderdanighyd, sn. submission |
Onderdeel, sn. subdivision |
Onderdeur, sn. lowerpart of a door |
Onderdoen, w. to succumb |
Onderdompel, w. to dive, immerse |
Onderdompeling, sn. immersion |
Onderdruk, w. to oppress, suppress |
Onderdrukker, sn. oppressor |
Onderdrukking, sn. oppression |
Onderfeld, sn. up-country |
Onderfeldse, bn. from upcountry |
Onderfelder, sn. person from up-country |
Onderferdeel, w. to subdivide |
Onderfinde, w. to experience |
Onderfinding, sn. experience |
Onderfra, w. to question, examine |
Onderfra'er, sn. examiner |
Onderfraging, sn. examination |
Ondergaan, w. to set, go down, undergo, suffer |
Ondergang, sn. setting, decline, destruction |
Ondergeskik, bn. subordinate |
Ondergeskikthyd, sn. dependence |
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| |
Ondergetekende, bn. en sn. undersigned |
Ondergrawe, w. to undermine |
Onderhandel, w. to negotiate |
Onderhandeling, sn. negotiation |
Onderhands, bn. en bw. underhand, secret -ly |
Onderhewig, bn. subject, liable |
Onderhewighyd, sn. liableness |
Onderhou, w. to support, keep under |
Onderhoud, sn. support, maintenance, interview |
Onderhouding, sn. maintenance |
Onderhouer, sn. maintainer |
Onderin, bw. in below |
Onderkant, sn. bottom |
Onderkantse, bn. under, lower |
Onderken, sn. double chin |
Onderkleed, sn. under garment |
Onderkoning, sn. viceroy |
Onderkry, w. to get the better of |
Onderlaag, sn. underlayer, defeat |
Onderlaken, sn. under sheet |
Onderland, sn. the interior, up-country |
Onderlandse, bn. from or belonging to the interior |
Onderlangs, bn. en bw. belonging to lower classes, also surreptitiously |
Onderlê, w. to put or lay under |
Onderling, bn. en bw. mutual -ly |
Onderlip, sn. underlip |
Onderlyf, sn. lower part of the body |
Ondermyn, w. to undermine |
Ondermyning, sn. undermining |
Onderneem, w. to undertake, attempt |
Ondernemend, bn. enterprising, daring |
Ondernemer, sn. undertaker |
Onderneming, sn. undertaking |
Onderop, bw. from below |
Onderpand, sn. pledge |
Onderreken, w. to count among |
Onderrig, w. to instruct, inform |
Onderrigter, sn. instructor |
Onderrigting, sn. instruction |
Onderrok, sn. petticoat |
Onderskik, w. to subordinate |
Onderskikking, sn. subordination |
Ondersky, w. to distinguish, discern |
Onderskyd, sn. difference, distinction |
Onderskydenhyd, sn. difference |
Onderskyding, sn. distinction |
Ondersoek, sn. inquiry, examination, exploration |
Ondersoek, w. to inquire, scrutenize |
Onderste, sn. undermost |
Onderstebo, bw. upside down, upset |
Ondersteun, w. to support |
Ondersteuner, sn. supporter |
Ondersteuning, sn. support |
Onderstreep, w. to underline |
Onderstut, w. to support |
Onderstutter, sn. supporter |
Onderstutting, sn. support |
Onderteken, w. to sign |
Ondertekening, sn. signature |
Onder-toe, bw. up-country, to the interior |
Ondertussen, bw. meanwhile |
Onderwaarts, bw. downwards |
Onderwerp, sn. subject |
Onderwerp, w. to subject, subdue |
Onderwerping, sn. submission |
Onderworpe, bn. subject |
Onderworpenhyd, sn. submission |
Onderwyl, bw. meanwhile |
Onderwys, sn. instruction |
Onderwyser, sn. master, teacher |
Onderwyseres, sn. mistress |
Onderwysing, sn. instruction |
Ondeug, sn. vice, mischief |
Ondeund, bn. naughty, wicked, vicious |
Ondeundhyd, sn. wickedness |
Ondig, sn. proze |
Ondig, bn. leaky, open, loose |
Ondiip, bn. shallow |
Ondiiphyd, sn. shallowness |
Ondiir, sn. monster |
Ondoenbaar (-lik), bn. impracticable |
Ondoenlikhyd, sn. impracticability |
Ondraaglik, bn. en bw. intolerable -bly |
Ondraaglikhyd, sn. intolerableness |
Ondrinkbaar, bn. not drinkable |
Onduidelik, bn. en bw. indistinct, confused -ly |
Onduidelikhyd, sn. indistinctness |
Onduursaam, bn. not lasting |
Onëdel, bn. ignoble |
Oneens, bw. at variance |
Oneenstemmig, bn. not unanimous |
Oneer, sn. dishonour, disgrace |
Oneerbiedig, bn. en bw. irreverent -ly |
Oneerbiedighyd, sn. irreverence |
Oneerlik, bn. en bw. dishonest, disgraceful -ly |
Oneerlikhyd, sn. dishonesty |
Oneetbaar, bn. uneatable |
Oneg, bn. illegitimate, false |
Onegtelik, bn. illegitimately |
Onënig, bn. discordant |
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| |
Onënighyd, sn. discord |
Onerfare, bn. inexperienced |
Onerfarenhyd, sn. inexperience |
Onerfelik, bn. not hereditary |
Onerkend, bn. unacknowledged |
Onerkentelik, bn. ungrateful |
Onerkentelikhyd, sn. ingratitude |
Onewenredig, bn. disproportional |
Onewenredighyd, sn. disproportion |
Onfatsoenlik, bn. en bw. unmannerly, rudely |
Onfatsoenlikhyd, sn. rudeness |
Onferskillig, bn. en bw. rash, heedless -ly |
Onferwags, bn. en bw. unexpected -ly |
Onfylbaar, bn. en bw. infallible -bly |
Onfylbaarhyd, sn. infallibility |
Ongaar, bn. underdone |
Ongeag, fw. in spite of, notwithstanding |
Ongeag, bn. not esteemed |
Ongebeurlik, bn. not likely to happen |
Ongebeurlikhyd, sn. impossibility |
Ongebleek, bn. unbleached |
Ongeboek, bn. not entered |
Ongebore, bn. unborn |
Ongedaagd, bn. unsummoned |
Ongedaan, bn. en bw. undone, unfinished |
Ongedeeld, bn. undivided |
Ongedeerd, bn. unhurt |
Ongedek, bn. uncovered |
Ongediinstig, bn. disobliging, unkind |
Ongediinstighyd, sn. unkindness |
Ongediirte, sn. vermin |
Ongedoop, bn. en bw. unbaptized |
Ongedruk, bn. unprinted |
Ongeduld, sn. impatience |
Ongeduldig, bn. en bw. impatient -ly |
Ongeduldighyd, sn. impatience |
Ongedwonge, bn. en bw. unconstrained, easy -ly |
Onge'eerd, bn. not honoured |
Onge'eg, bn. not harrowed |
Onge'ergerd, bn. unoffended |
Ongefal, sn. misfortune, accident |
Ongefeer, bw. almost, about |
Ongefiird, bn. en bw. uncellebrated |
Ongeflek, bn. unspotted |
Ongefoed, bn. unfed, not fed |
Ongefoelig, bn. insensible |
Ongefoelighyd, sn. insensibility |
Ongefoerd, bn. unlined |
Ongefou, bn. unfolded |
Ongefra, bn. unasked |
Ongefreesd, bn. unfeared |
Ongefyns, bn. unfeigned |
Ongefynshyd, sn. sincerity |
Ongegis-te, bn. unleavened |
Ongegrond, bn. en bw. groundless -ly |
Ongegrondhyd, sn. groundlessness |
Ongegund, bn. envied, grudged |
Ongehewelde, bn. unleavened |
Ongehinder-de, bn. en bw. unhindered -ly |
Ongeholpe, bn. unassisted |
Ongehoord, bn. unheard of |
Ongehoorsaam, bn. disobedient |
Ongehoorsaamhyd, sn. disobedience |
Ongehuwd, bn. unmarried |
Ongehylig-de, bn. unsanctified |
Ongekamd, bn. uncombed |
Ongekend, bn. unknown |
Ongekleed, bn. unclothed |
Ongekleurd, bn. uncoloured |
Ongekloof-te, bn. not cleft |
Ongeknak-te, bn. unbroken |
Ongekneus-de, bn. unbruised |
Ongeknip-te, bn. uncut |
Ongeknoop-te, bn. unbuttoned |
Ongekook-te, bn. unboiled |
Ongekurk-te, bn. uncorked |
Ongelaai-de, bn. unloaded |
Ongelak-te, bn. unsealed |
Ongelas-te, bn. not commanded |
Ongelasterd, bn. not slandered |
Ongeldig, bn. not valid, void |
Ongeldighyd, sn. invalidity |
Ongeleerd, bn. unlearned, ignorant |
Ongeleerdhyd, sn. ignorance |
Ongelege, bn. inconvenient |
Ongelegenhyd, sn. inconvenience |
Ongeles, bn. unquenched |
Ongeletterd, bn. unmarked, illiterate |
Ongelewerd, bn. undelivered |
Ongelogend, bn. not denied |
Ongeloof, sn. disbelief, unbelief |
Ongeloofbaar, bn. incredible |
Ongelooflik, bn. incredible |
Ongelooflikhyd, sn. incredibility |
Ongelowig, bn. unbelieving |
Ongelowige, sn. unbeliever, atheist |
Ongelowighyd, sn. incredulity |
Ongeluk, sn. accident, misfortune, ill-luck |
Ongelukkig, bn. en bw. unhappy, unfortunate -ly |
Ongelukkighyd, sn. unluckiness |
Ongeluksbode, sn. messenger of ill luck |
Ongeluksfo'el, sn. illominous bird |
Ongelukskind, sn. child of ill-luck |
Ongelyk, sn. injury, wrong |
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| |
Ongelyk, bn. en bw. unequal, uneven -ly |
Ongelykformig, bn. dissimilar |
Ongelykformighyd, sn. dissimilarity |
Ongelykhyd, sn. unevenness |
Ongelyktydig, bn. at different times |
Ongelyktydighyd, sn. not being simultaneous |
Ongemaak-te, bn. unaffected, easy |
Ongemaakthyd, sn. ease, unaffectedness |
Ongemak, sn. inconvenience, hardship |
Ongemakkelik, bn. en bw. uncomfortable -bly |
Ongemakkelikhyd, sn. difficulty, uncomfortableness |
Ongemaniird, bn. en bw. unmannerly |
Ongemeensaam, bn. not familiar |
Ongemeld, bn. unmentioned |
Ongemengde, bn. en bw. unmixed-ly |
Ongemerk, bn. unnoticed, unperceived |
Ongemis, bn. not missed |
Ongemoeid, bn. unmolested |
Ongenaakbaar, bn. unapproachable |
Ongenaakbaarhyd, sn. inaccessibility |
Ongenadig, bn. en bw. unmerciful, extreme-ly |
Ongeneeslik, (baar), bn. uncurable |
Ongeneeslikhyd, sn. uncurableness |
Ongenoege, sn. displeasure |
Ongenoeglik, bn. unpleasant |
Ongenoegsaam, bn. insufficient |
Ongenoegsaamhyd, sn. unsufficiency |
Ongenoemd, bn. unmentioned |
Ongenommerd, bn. en bw. unnumbered |
Ongenooi, bn. en bw. uninvited |
Ongeoefend, bn. inexercised |
Ongeoefendhyd, sn. inexperience |
Ongeoorloofd, bn. unpermitted |
Ongeopenbaard, bn. unrevealed |
Ongeopend, bn. unopened |
Ongepas-te, bn. en bw. improper, unsuitable -bly |
Ongepasthyd, sn. impropriety |
Ongeploeg-de, bn. untilled |
Ongeprese, bn. unpraised |
Ongepyl-de, bn. unfathomed |
Ongeraak-te, bn. not touched |
Ongered-de, bn. unsaved |
Ongereed, bn. unprepared |
Ongereedhyd, sn. unreadiness |
Ongereeld, bn. en bw. irregular-ly |
Ongereeldhyd, sn. irregularity |
Ongeregtig, bn. unjust |
Ongeregtighyd, sn. injustice |
Ongereken-de, bn. unreckoned |
Ongerek-te, bn. unstretched |
Ongerifelik, bn. en bw. inconvenient-ly |
Ongerifelikhyd, sn. inconvenience |
Ongeriif, sn. inconvenience |
Ongeroer-de, bn. unmoved, unstirred |
Ongerus-te, bn. uneasy, anxious |
Ongerusthyd, sn. uneasiness, anxiety |
Ongerymd, bn. absurd |
Ongerymdhyd, sn. absurdity |
Ongerynig-de, bn. uncleansed |
Ongesiird, bn. unadorned |
Ongeskat, bn. unvalued |
Ongeskeurd, bn. untorn |
Ongeskik-te, bn. unfit, unmannerly |
Ongeskikthyd, sn. unfitness, unmannerliness |
Ongeskilder-de, bn. unpainted |
Ongeskonde, bn. en bw. unhurt, inviolated -ly |
Ongeskrywe, bn. en bw. unwritten |
Ongeskud, bn. unshaken |
Ongeslag-te, bn. not killed |
Ongeslyp-te, bn. blunt, uncivil |
Ongesmelt, bn. unmelted |
Ongesnoei-de, bn. en bw. unpruned |
Ongesny-de, bn. en bw. uncut |
Ongestadig, bn. en bw. unsteady -ily |
Ongestadighyd, sn. unsteadiness |
Ongestamp-te, bn. unpounded |
Ongesteld, bn. indisposed, unwell |
Ongesteldhyd, sn. indisposition |
Ongestoord, bn. en bw. undisturbed, quietly |
Ongestorwe, bn. grass (widow or widower) |
Ongestraf-te, bn. unpunished |
Ongestreep-te, bn. unstriped |
Ongetekend, bn. not signed |
Ongeteld, bn. uncounted |
Ongetemd, bn. untamed |
Ongetemdhyd, sn. wildness |
Ongetrou, bn. unfaithful, disloyal |
Ongetroud, bn. unmarried |
Ongetrouhyd, sn. infidelity |
Ongetugtig, bn. unchastised |
Ongetwyfeld, bn. en bw. undoubted -ly |
Ongewaarborgd, bn. unwarranted |
Ongewaardeerd, bn. unvalued |
Ongewaarskuwd, bn. en bw. unwarned -ly |
Ongewapend, bn. unarmed |
Ongewas, bn. unwashed |
Ongewend, bn. unaccustomed |
Ongewens, bn. not wished |
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| |
Ongewillig, bn. unwilling |
Ongewillighyd, sn. unwillingness |
Ongewis, bn. uncertain |
Ongewishyd, sn. uncertainty |
Ongewisseld, bn. unchanged |
Ongewit, bn. not whitewashed |
Ongewoon, bn. unusual, unaccustomed |
Ongewoonhyd, sn. unusualness |
Ongewoonte, sn. disuse |
Ongewyd, bn. unhallowed |
Ongewyerd, bn. not refused |
Ongodsdiinstig, bn. irreligious |
Ongodsdiinstighyd, sn. irreligion |
Ongristelik, bn. unchristian, unchristianlike |
Ongunstig, bn. en bw. unfavourable -bly |
Onhandig, bn. unhandy, clumsy. |
Onhandighyd, sn. clumsiness, awkwardness |
Onhebbelik, bn. en bw. unmannerly, rude-ly |
Onhebbelikhyd, sn. clumsiness |
Onherbergsaam, bn. inhospitable |
Onherbergsaamhyd, sn. inhospitability |
Onherroepelik, bn. irrevocable |
Onherstelbaar, bn. en bw. irretrievable -bly |
Onhoudbaar, bn. untenable |
Onhuiselik, bn. undomestical |
Onhyl, sn. harm, calamity |
Onhylig, bn. unholy, profane |
Onhylighyd, sn. unholiness |
Onindagtig, bn. unmindful |
Oninge'ent, bn. non-vaccinated |
Oningewyd, bn. unconsecrated |
Oninneembaar, bn. impregnable |
Onjuis-te, bn. en bw. inaccurate-ly |
Onjuisthyd, sn. inaccuracy |
Onkenbaar (lik), bn. not to be recognized |
Onklaar, bn. unfinished |
Onkoste, sn. expenses, charges |
Onkruid, sn. weeds |
Onkuis, bn. unchaste, immodest |
Onkunde, sn. ignorance |
Onkundig, bn. ignorant, unskilful |
Onkundighyd, sn. unskilfulness |
Onkwesbaar, bn. invulnerable |
Onlangs, bw. lately, not long ago |
Onleersaam, bn. unteachable |
Onleesbaar, bn. en bw. illegible -bly |
Onleesbaarhyd, sn. illegibility |
Onlesbaar, bn. unquenchable |
Onlogenbaar, bn. undeniable |
Onlosbaar, bn. unredeemable |
Onlustig, bn. listless, dull |
Onmaakbaar, bn. unmakable |
Onmaatskappelik, bn. unsocia |
Onmag, sn. weakness, inability |
Onmagtig, bn. unable, impotent |
Onmaniirlik, bn. unmannerly |
Onmaniirlikhyd, sn. unmannerliness |
Onmatig, bn. en bw. intemperate-ly |
Onmatighyd, sn. intemperance |
Onmedelydend, bn. incompassionate |
Onmedogend, bn. en bw. unmerciful -ly |
Onmeetbaar, bn. en bw. unmeasurable -bly |
Onmens, sn. monster |
Onmenselik, bn. en bw. inhuman, barbarous-ly |
Onmenselikhyd, sn. inhumanity |
Onmerkbaar, bn. en bw. unperceptible -bly |
Onmiddelik, bn. en bw. immediate -ly |
Onmisbaar, bn. en bw. indispensable -bly |
Onmisbaarhyd, sn. indispensableness |
Onmogelik, bn. en bw. impossible -bly |
Onmogelikhyd, sn. impossibility |
Onnadenkend, bn. en bw. thoughtless -ly |
Onnatuurlik, bn. en bw. unnatural-ly |
Onnatuurlikhyd, sn. unnaturalness |
Onneembaar, bn. impregnable |
Onnodig, bn. en bw. unnecessary, useless -ly |
Onnosel, bn. stupid, simple |
Onnoselhyd, sn. stupidity |
Onnuttig, bn. needless, useless |
Onnuttighyd, sn. uselessness |
Onontbeerlik, bn. undeveloped, uneducated |
Ono'erdag, bn. en bw. thoughtless-ly |
Onooglik, bn. unsightly |
Onooglikhyd, sn. unsightliness |
Onoorbaar, bn. unbecoming |
Onopgefoed, bn. uneducated |
Onopgemerk, bn. en bw. unobserved |
Onophoudelik, bn. en bw. incessant-ly |
Onoplettend, bn. en bw. inattentive -ly |
Onoplettendhyd, sn. inattentiveness |
Onoplosbaar, bn. insoluble |
Onopmerksaam, bn. en bw. inattentive -ly |
Onopreg, bn. en bw. insincere, unfair -ly |
Onopregthyd, sn. insincerity |
Onordelik, bn. en bw. disorderly, unruly |
Onordentelik, bn. en bw. indecent-ly |
Onpaar, bn. odd, not matched |
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| |
Onpartydig, bn. impartial |
Onpartydighyd, sn. impartiality |
Onpersoonlik, bn. en bw. impersonal -ly |
Onplesirig, bn. unpleasant |
Onpylbaar, bn. unfathomable |
Onpylbaarhyd, sn. unfathomableness |
Onraad, sn. danger, disorder |
Onraadsaam, bn. unadvisable |
Onraadsaamhyd, sn. unadvisableness |
Onredelik, bn. en bw. unreasonable -bly |
Onredelikhyd, sn. unreasonableness |
Onreelmatig, bn. en bw. irregular -ly |
Onreg, sn. injustice, wrong |
Onregferdig, bn. injust, unrighteous |
Onregferdighyd, sn. injustice, unrighteousness |
Onrus, sn. anxiety, unquietude |
Onrustig, bn. restless, turbulent |
Onrustighyd, sn. restlessness |
Onryn, bn. unclean, impure |
Onrynhyd, sn. impurity, uncleanness |
Onryp, bn. unripe |
Onryphyd, sn. unripeness |
Ons, sn. ounce |
Ons, fn. us, we, our |
Onskadelik, bn. harmless |
Onskadelikhyd, sn. harmlessness |
Onskuld, sn. innocence |
Onskuldig, bn. en bw. innocent -ly |
Onslytbaar, bn. not to be worn out |
Onsmaaklik, bn. disagreeable |
Onsmakelikhyd, sn. unsavouriness, insipidity |
Onsmeltbaar, bn. not to be melted |
Onspoed, sn. adversity, ill-luck |
Onstandfastig, bn. en bw. inconstant -ly |
Onstandfastighyd, sn. inconstancy |
Onsterfelik, bn. en bw. immortal -ly |
Onsterfelikhyd, sn. immortality |
Onsterk, bn. not strong |
Onstigtelik, bn. offensive |
Onstigtelikhyd, sn. offensiveness |
Onstilbaar, bn. unappeasable |
Onstrafbaar, bn. unpunishable |
Onstuimig, bn. en bw. tempestuous, boisterous -ly |
Onstuimighyd, sn. turbulance, boisterousness |
Ontaard, bn. en bw. degenerate, cruel -ly |
Ontaard, w. to degenerate |
Ontaardhyd, sn. degeneracy |
Ontaarding, sn. degeneration |
Ontasbaar, bn. impalpable |
Ontasbaarhyd, sn. impalpability |
Ontbeer, w. to be in want of |
Ontbeerlik, bn. unnecessary |
Ontbering, sn. want, privation |
Ontbinde, w. to untie, decay |
Ontbinding, sn. release, dissolution |
Ontbloot, bn. naked, destitute |
Ontbloot, w. to strip, deprive |
Ontbloting, sn. uncovering, deprivation |
Ontboesem, w. to unbosom |
Ontbrand, w. to kindle |
Ontbranding, sn. kindling, combustion |
Ontbreek, w. to want, miss |
Ontbreking, sn. want, privation |
Ontdek, w. to discover, uncover |
Ontdekker, sn. discoverer |
Ontdekking, sn. discovery |
Ontdoen, w. to undo |
Ontduik, w. to avoid, escape |
Onteenseglik, bn. en bw. incontestable -bly |
Onteer, w. to dishonour, slander |
Onteerder, sn. slanderer, dishonourer |
Ontefrede, bn. discontented |
Ontefredenhyd, sn. discontentedness |
Ontelbaar, bn. en bw. innumerable -bly |
Ontelbaarhyd, sn. innumerableness |
Ontembaar, bn. untamable |
Ontering, sn. dishonouring |
Ontërwe, w. disinherit |
Ontërwing, sn. disinherison |
Ontferm, w. to pity, have mercy upon |
Ontfermend, bn. merciful |
Ontferming, sn. pity, commiseration |
Ontgaan, w. to avoid, escape |
Onthaal, sn. treat, reception |
Onthaal, w. to treat, receive |
Onthaler, sn. entertainer |
Onthoof, w. to behead, execute |
Onthoofder, sn. beheader, executor |
Onthoofding, sn. execution, decapitation |
Onthou, w. to withhold, remember, bear in mind, keep from |
Onthouding, sn. abstinence |
Onthul, w. to uncover, inaugurate |
Onthulling, sn. uncovering, inauguration |
Ontken, w. to deny, disown |
Ontkenbaar, bn. deniable |
Ontkend, bn. denied, disowned |
Ontkennend, bn. negative |
Ontkenning, sn. denial, negation |
Ontketen, w. to unchain |
Ontketening, sn. unchaining |
Ontkiim, w. to shoot, bud, spring forth |
Ontkiming, sn. budding, springing forth |
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| |
Ontklé, w. to undress |
Ontkléding, sn. undressing |
Ontknoop, w. to unbotton, untie, unravel |
Ontknoping, sn. unbuttoning, catastrophe |
Ontkom, w. to escape, avoid |
Ontkoming, sn. escape |
Ontlaai, w. to unload |
Ontlading, sn. unloading |
Ontlas, w. to discharge, free, unburden |
Ontlasting, sn. stool |
Ontleder, sn. anatomist |
Ontledig, w. to empty |
Ontlediging, sn. evacuation |
Ontleding, sn. dissection, parsing |
Ontleed, w. to analyse, dissect |
Ontleedkamer, sn. dissecting room |
Ontleedkunde, sn. anatomy |
Ontleedkundige, sn. anatomist |
Ontleedmes, sn. dissecting knife |
Ontleedtafel, sn. dissecting table |
Ontleen, w. to deprive, borrow |
Ontleer, w. to unlearn, forget |
Ontloop, w. to escape, run away |
Ontloping, sn. evasion, escape |
Ontluik, w. to open, expand |
Ontluiking, sn. opening |
Ontman, w. to castrate, effeminate |
Ontmanning, sn. castration |
Ontmantel, w. to dismantle |
Ontmanteling, sn. dismantling |
Ontmasker, w. to unmask |
Ontmoedig, w. to discourage, dishearten |
Ontmoediging, sn. discouragement |
Ontmoet, w. to meet, encounter |
Ontmoeting, sn. encounter, meeting, occurence |
Ontneem, w. to take away, deprive |
Ontneming, sn. deprivation |
Ontnugter, w. to sober again |
Ontoegankelik, bn. inaccessible |
Ontoegankelikhyd, sn. inaccessibleness |
Ontoegewend, bn. uncomplying |
Ontoegewendhyd, sn. disobligingness |
Ontoerykend, bn. insufficient |
Ontoombaar, bn. untamable |
Ontpak, w. to unpack |
Ontpakking, sn. unpacking |
Ontplof, w. to explode, detonate |
Ontploffing, sn. explosion |
Ontrafel, w. to unravel |
Ontriwe, w. to deprive of |
Ontriwing, sn. inconvenience |
Ontroer, w. to disturb, agitate |
Ontroerd, bn. thunderstruck, disturbed |
Ontroering, sn. agitation, emotion |
Ontrol, w. to unroll, unfurl |
Ontroosbaar, bn. unconsolable |
Ontrou, sn. unfaithful, disloyal |
Ontrouhyd, sn. unfaithfulness, disloyality |
Ontrowe, w. to rob, steal |
Ontrowing, sn. robbing |
Ontruim, w. to evacuate |
Ontruiming, sn. evacuation |
Ontruk, w. to snatch away |
Ontrus, w. to disturb, trouble |
Ontrusting, sn. disturbance |
Ontrynig, w. to pollute |
Ontryniging, sn. pollution |
Ontskeep, w. to disembark, unship |
Ontskeping, sn. disembarkment |
Ontskroewe, w. to unscrew |
Ontskuldig, w. to excuse, justify |
Ontskuldiger, sn. excuse, justification |
Ontslaan, w. to discharge, release |
Ontslaap, w. to die |
Ontslag, sn. discharge, release, resignation |
Ontslapene, sn. departed one |
Ontslaping, sn. decease |
Ontsluier, w. to unveil |
Ontsluip, w. to steal off |
Ontsluiping, sn. evasion |
Ontsluit, w. to unlock, open |
Ontsluiter, sn. unlocker |
Ontsluiting, sn. unlocking, opening |
Ontsnap, w. to escape |
Ontsnapping, sn. escape |
Ontspan, w. to relax, divert |
Ontspanning, sn. relaxation |
Ontspartel, w. to extricate one's self |
Ontspruit, w. to spring forth |
Ontstaan, w. to originate, arise |
Ontstaan, sn. origin, beginning |
Ontsteek, w. to kindle, provoke |
Ontsteking, sn. kindling, inflammation |
Ontstel, w. to disturb, alarm |
Ontsteld, bn. alarmed, frightened |
Ontsteltenis, sn. agitation, disturbance |
Ontstem, w. to put out of tune |
Ontstemd, bn. out of tune, discomposed |
Ontstig, w. to offend, disturb |
Ontstoke, bn. bereft, deprived |
Onttrek, w. to withdraw, withhold |
Onttrekking, sn. withdrawal |
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| |
Ontwaak, w. to awake |
Ontwaking, sn. awakening |
Ontwapen, w. to disarm |
Ontwapening, sn. disarming |
Ontwikkel, w. to develop, expand |
Ontwyfelbaar, bn. unquestionable |
Ontwyk, w. to avoid, to shun |
Ontwyking, sn. escape |
Ontydig, bn. en bw. unseasonable, untimely |
Ontydighyd, sn. unseasonableness |
Onuithoudelik, bn. en bw. untolerable -bly |
Onweer, sn. rainy weather, thunder |
Onwys, bn. unwise |
Onyndig, bn. infinite, eternal |
Onyndighyd, sn. infinity, eternity |
Oog, sn. eye, fountain, spring |
Oogappel, sn. eye-ball, pupil |
Oogarts, sn. oculist |
Ooggetuige, sn. eye-witness |
Ooghaar, sn. eye-lash |
Oogholte, sn. socket of the eye |
Oogkliir, sn. lacrimal gland |
Ooglid, sn. eye-lid |
Oogmerk, sn. aim, design, purpose |
Oogmiddel, sn. eye salve |
Oogontsteking, sn. ophthalmy |
Oogopslag, sn. glance |
Oogpunt, sn. point of view |
Oogtand, sn. eye-tooth |
Oogwater, sn. eye-water |
Oogwenk, sn. wink |
Ooi, sn. ewe |
Ooilam, sn. ewe-lamb |
Ooit, bw. ever |
Oom, sn. uncle |
Oond, sn. oven |
Oondkoek, sn. oven-cake |
Oop, ope, bn. open |
Oopbars, w. to burst asunder |
Oopbreek, w. to break open |
Oopdoen, w. to break open |
Oopdoen, w. to open |
Oopfal, w. to fall open, be vacant |
Oopflek, w. to cut open |
Oopgaan, w. to open, expand |
Oophou, w. to keep open |
Oopmaak, w. to open, unlock |
Oopslaan, w. to open |
Oopsluit, w. to unlock |
Oopsny, w. to cut open |
Oopstaan, w. to be open, be vacant |
Oopstaande, bn. open, unpaid |
Oor, sn. ear, handle |
Oorbaar, bn. expedient, useful |
Oorbaarhyd, sn. usefulness |
Oorbelletji, sn. ear-lap |
Oorblaser, sn. tale-bearer |
Oorblasing, sn. tale-bearing |
Oord, sn. place, region, quarter |
Oordeel, sn. judgement, sentence, opinion |
Oordeel, w. to judge |
Oordeelfelling, sn. judgment |
Oordiner, sn. tell-tale |
Oorfeeg, sn. box on the ear |
Oorgetuige, sn. ear-witness |
Oorkliir, sn. parotis |
Oorkrawwetji, sn. earring |
Oorkruiper, sn. earwig |
Oorkussing, sn. pillow |
Oorlam, bn. civilized, sly (vid Baar) |
Oorlog, sn. war |
Oorlogsbaniir, sn. banner of war |
Oorlogsbehoefte, sn. ammunition |
Oorlogsfeld, sn. battle-field |
Oorlogsferklaring, sn. declaration of war |
Oorlogsgod, sn. god of war |
Oorlogsheld, sn. warrior |
Oorlogskip, sn. man of war |
Oorlogsmag, sn. army, forces |
Oorlogsmoed, sn. heroism |
Oorlogsplan, sn. plan of operation |
Oorlogsrumoer, sn. tumult of war |
Oorlogstyd, sn. time of war |
Oorlogsugtig, bn. warlike |
Oorlogswet, sn. martial law |
Oorpyn, sn. ear-ache |
Oorpyp, sn. trumpet of the ear |
Oorsprong, sn. origin, rise |
Oorspronkelik, bn. en bw. original, primitive -ly |
Oorspronkelikhyd, sn. originality |
Oortji, sn. farthing |
Oortuiging, sn. conviction |
Oorsaak, sn. cause, origin |
Oorwaks, sn. box on the ear |
Oost, Ooste, sn. East, Orient |
Oosterling, sn. Oriental |
Oosters, bn. Eastern, Oriental |
Oostewind, sn. east wind |
Oostwaarts, bw. eastward |
Ootmoed, sn. humility, submission |
Ootmoedighyd, sn. humility |
Op, fs. on, upon, up, at, in, about |
Op, uw. up! courage! |
Opbaker, w. to swathe |
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| |
Opbetaal, w. to pay up |
Opbeur, w. to lift up, cheer up |
Opbeuring, sn. encouragement |
Opbide, w. to outbid |
Opbinde, w. to tie up |
Opbinding, sn. tying up |
Opblaas, w. to blow up |
Opbly, w. to sit up, watch |
Opborrel, w. to bubble up |
Opbou, w. to build, edify |
Opbouing, sn. building, edification |
Opbrand, w. to force payment |
Opbreek, w. to break up, close up |
Opbreking, sn. closing down, breaking up |
Opbreng, w. to bring up, conduct to prison, educate, rear |
Opbrenging, sn. education, capture |
Opbrengs, sn. produce, profit |
Opbruis, w. to effervesce, ferment |
Opdaag, w. to appear |
Opdaging, sn. appearance |
Opdamp, w. to rise in vapour |
Opdat, fw. that |
Opdel, sn. blow with fist |
Opdis, w. to serve, entertain |
Opdissing, sn. dishing up |
Opdoen, w. to lay in, buy, get |
Opdok, w. to pay |
Opdra, w. to carry up, charge with, dedicate |
Opdraai, w. to turn up, stand the risk |
Opdraand, bn. uphill |
Opdrag, sn. dedication, charge |
Opdrifsels, sn. washings-up |
Opdring, w. to force upon, to obtrude |
Opdringing, sn. obtrusion |
Opdroog, w. to dry up |
Opdroging, sn. drying, dessication |
Opdruk, w. to enforce payment |
Opdrywe, w. to drive along |
Opdrywer, sn. one who drives up or along |
Opdrywing, sn. driving up (along) |
Ope, bn. open, vacant, free |
Opeenhoop, w. to heap together, crowd |
Opeens, bw. together, at once |
Open, w. to open, explain |
Openbaar, w. to reveal, open |
Openbaar, bn. manifest, public, open |
Openbaar, sn. public |
Openbaarhyd, sn. publicity |
Openbaarmaking, sn. manifestation |
Openbaring, sn. revelation, discovery |
Openhartig, bn. en bw. frank, open-hearted -ly |
Openhartighyd, sn. frankness |
Openhyd, sn. openness |
Opeet, w. to eat up |
Ope-trek, ooptrek, w. to clear (e.g. weather) |
Opfaar, w. to go or sail up |
Opfaart, sn. ascension, going up |
Opfal, w. to fall upon |
Opfang, w. to catch up, to hear |
Opfat, w. to take up, apprehend, understand |
Opfatting, sn. conception, idea |
Opfé, w. to sweep (together) |
Opfis, w. to fish up |
Opfligend, bn. passionate |
Opfliig, w. to fly up, fall out |
Opfoed, w. to bring up, rear |
Opfoeder, sn. educator, tutor |
Opfoeding, sn. education |
Opfoer, w. to forage up, perform, act |
Opfoering, sn. performance |
Opfolg, w. to follow, succeed |
Opfolger, sn. follower, successor |
Opfolging, sn. succession |
Opfou, w. to fold up |
Opfreet, w. to devour (of animals) |
Opfris, w. to refresh |
Opfrolik, w. to gladden, cheer |
Opfrywe, w. to polish |
Opful, w. to fill up, cram |
Opfulling, sn. filling up |
Opfulsel, sn. stuffing |
Opfyl, w. to sell by auction |
Opfyler, sn. auctioneer |
Opfyling, sn. auction, sale |
Opfysel, w. to extol, praise |
Opfyseling, sn. extolment |
Opgaaf, sn. account, statement |
Opgaan, w. to go, walk up, ascend |
Opgaar, w. to collect, gather |
Opgaarder, sn. collector, gatherer |
Opgang, sn. ascent, rise, success |
Opgé, w. to give up, render, yield, resign, expectorate, propose |
Opgeblase, bn. vain, haughty |
Opgeblasenhyd, sn. vanity, haughtiness |
Opgebruik, w. to consume, eat up |
Opgenome, bn. taken up with |
Opgeruimd, bn. good-humoured, gay, cheerful |
Opgeruimdhyd, sn. good-humour, cheerfulness |
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Opgeskeep, bn. to be saddled with |
Opgeskik, bn. flaunting, gaudy |
Opgesteld, bn. neat |
Opgetoge, bn. ravished |
Opgetogenhyd, sn. rapture, ravishment |
Opgewek, bn. cheerful, sprightly |
Opgewekthyd, sn. gaiety |
Opgewonde, bn. excited, wound up |
Opgewondenhyd, sn. excitement |
Opgiit, w. to pour upon |
Opgooi, w. to throw up |
Opgrawe, w. to exhume, dig up |
Opgrawing, sn. exhumation, digging up |
Opgroei, w. to grow up |
Ophaal, w. to draw, pull, fetch, froist, snuff in, mention |
Ophaling, sn. hauling up, shrug, collection |
Ophang, w. to hang, hang up |
Ophark, w. to rake together |
Ophê, w. to have on, have eaten |
Ophef, sn. fuss |
Ophef, w. to lift, raise, extol |
Opheffing, sn. elevation, raising, abolishment |
Ophelder, w. to clear up, illustrate |
Opheldering, sn. explanation, elucidation |
Ophelp, w. to assist, raise |
Ophits, w. to set on, incite, instigate |
Ophitser, sn. inciter, instigator |
Ophitsing, sn. incitement |
Ophoop, w. to heap or hoard up, accumulate |
Ophoping, sn. accumulation |
Ophou, w. to hold up, support, keep up, keep on, stop |
Ophouding, sn. cessation, intermission |
Ophys, w. to hoist |
Ophysing, sn. hoisting |
Opja, w. to drive up, rouse |
Opkam, w. to comb up |
Opkamer, sn. upper room |
Opklaar, w. to clear up |
Opklim, w. to climb, ascend |
Opklimming, sn. ascent |
Opklop, w. to knock up |
Opklouter, w. to climb up |
Opknap, w. to trim up |
Opkoking, sn. boiling up |
Opkom, w. to come, rise, appear, thow, prosper |
Opkomend, bn. rising |
Opkoms, sn. rise |
Opkook, w. to boil up |
Opkoop, w. to buy up |
Opkoper, sn. engrosser, forestaller |
Opkort, w. to shorten |
Opkorting, sn. lessening |
Opkrimp, w. to shrink up, contract |
Opkrimping, sn. contraction |
Opkruie, w. to carry up in a wheelbarrow |
Opkruip, w. to creep up |
Opkrul, w. to curl, frizzle |
Opkry, w. to conceive, understand |
Opkry, w. to get up, get ready |
Opkweek, w. to bring up, rear, educate |
Opkweker, sn. raiser, educator |
Opkyk, w. to look up |
Oplaag, sn. edition, impression |
Oplaai, w. to load |
Oplaaier, sn. loader |
Oplap, w. to patch |
Oplê, w. to lay on, impose, inflict, charge |
Oplees, w. to read aloud |
Oplegging, sn. application, infliction, imposition |
Oplegsel, sn. trimming |
Oplesing, sn. reading |
Oplet, w. to pay attention, observe, mind |
Oplettend, bn. attentive |
Oplettendhyd, sn. attention |
Oplewer, w. to yield, bring about |
Oplig, w. to lift up, illuminate, carry off |
Oploop, sn. tumult, riot |
Oploop, w. to go up |
Oplopend, bn. passionate |
Oplopendhyd, sn. passionateness |
Oplos, w. to solve, dissolve |
Oplosbaar, bn. solvable, soluble |
Oplossing, sn. solution, explanation |
Opmaak, w. to make up, instigate, conclude, get ready |
Opmaker, sn. instigator |
Opmeet, w. to measure |
Opmerk, w. to notice, observe |
Opmerkelik, bn. remarkable |
Opmerker, sn. observer |
Opmerking, sn. observation, attention |
Opmerksaam, bn. en bw. attentive- ly |
Opmerksaamhyd, sn. attention |
Opmessel, w. to build up |
Opmesseling, sn. building up |
Opnaai, w. to stitch up |
Opnaaisel, sn. tuck |
Opneem, w. to take up, admit, receive, enlist, examine |
Opnemer, sn. examiner |
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Opneuk, w. to beat, give a drubbing (vulgar) |
Opnoem, w. to name, enumerate |
Opnoeming, sn. naming |
Opnuw, bw. anew, again, once more |
Opoffer, w. to sacrifice, devote |
Opoffering, sn. sacrifice |
Oponthoud, sn. delay, abode |
Oppak, w. to pack up, seize, arrest |
Oppas, w. to watch, wait on, take care of, nurse |
Oppasser, sn. nurse, servant |
Oppassing, sn. care, nursing |
Oppaster, sn. nurse |
Opper, bn. upper, chief |
Opperbefel, sn. chief-command |
Opperbefelhebber, sn. commander in chief |
Opperbestuur, sn. supreme direction |
Opperflakkig, bn. superficial |
Opperflakkighyd, sn. superficialness |
Opperflakte, sn. surface, superficies |
Oppergesag, sn. supreme authority |
Opperheer, sn. sovereign, lord paramount |
Opperheerser, sn. sovereign |
Opperheerskappy, sn. sovereignty |
Opperhoof, sn. chief, head |
Opperkleed, sn. upper-garment |
Oppermag, sn. supreme power |
Oppermagtig, bn. sovereign |
Opperste, bn. uppermost, highest |
Oppik, w. to peck up |
Opplak, w. to paste upon |
Oppoets, w. to clean, rub, polish |
Opprop, w. to fill, cram |
Oppropping, sn. filling, cramming |
Opraak, w. to be spent, be consumed |
Opraap, w. to pick up, take up |
Opregte, bn. en bw. sincere, true, genuine -ly |
Opregthyd, sn. sincerity, uprightness |
Opreken, w. to compute |
Oprekening, sn. computation |
Oprig, w. to erect, found, raise |
Oprigting, sn. erection |
Oproei, w. to row |
Oproep, w. to call up, summon |
Oproeper, sn. caller, rouser |
Oproeping, sn. summoning |
Oproer, sn. uproar, tumult |
Oproer, w. to stir up |
Oproerig, bn. tumultuous, turbulent |
Oproerighyd, sn. turbulence |
Oproermaker, sn. seditionary |
Oprol, w. to roll or tuck up |
Oprui, w. to excite, instigate |
Opruier, sn. instigator |
Opruiing, sn. instigation |
Opruim, w. to clear, make room |
Opry, w. to ride or drive up |
Oprys, w. to rise, arise |
Opsaal, w. to saddle |
Opsamel, w. to gather, collect |
Opsameling, sn. collection |
Opsê, w. to recite, rehearse, dismiss |
Opset, w. to put up |
Opset, sn. intention, design |
Opsettelik, bn. on purpose, premeditated |
Opsig, sn. regard, reference, direction |
Opsigter, sn. surveyor |
Opsiin, w. to look up |
Opsiir, w. to trim, adorn |
Opsiner, sn. overseer, inspector |
Opsiring, sn. embellishment |
Opsit, w. to sit up, mount |
Opskeep, w. to saddle with |
Opskep, w. to serve up, scoop, up, dish up |
Opskep-loer, w. to sponge, spunge |
Opskerp, w. to sharpen, provoke |
Opskeur, w. to tear |
Opskiit, w. to shoot up, grow up |
Opskik, w. to dress, adorn |
Opskilder, w. to paint |
Opskoffel, w. to weed |
Opskommel, w. to find out |
Opskort, w. to suspend, delay |
Opskorting, sn. suspension, delay |
Opskraap, w. to scrape hastily together, give a reprimand |
Opskrif, sn. inscription, direction |
Opskroewe, w. to screw up |
Opskrywe, w. to write down |
Opskrywer, sn. noter |
Opskud, w. to shake up |
Opskudding, sn. tumult, riot |
Opskuiwe, w. to move up, push up |
Opslaan, w. to put up, pitch, turn up |
Opslag, sn. glance, look, fresh weeds |
Opslurp, w. to sip, absorb |
Opsluit, w. to lock up, shut up |
Opsluiting, sn. locking up, confinement |
Opslyp, w. to whet, sharpen |
Opsmyt, w. to fling up |
Opsny, w. to cut up, carve |
Opsnuiwe, w. to snuff up |
Opsoek, w. to search for, look for |
Opsoeking, sn. search |
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Op-solder, sn. upstairs |
Opsom, w. to sum up, to calculate |
Opspelde, w. to pin up |
Opspoel, w. to wash up |
Opspring, w. to leap, jump up |
Opspruit, w. to shoot up |
Opstaan, w. to stand up, rise, revolt |
Opstand, sn. insurrection, revolt |
Opstandeling, sn. rebel, insurgent |
Opstanding, sn. resurrection |
Opstawel, w. to heap up |
Opsteek, w. to stick up, light, kindle |
Opsteker, sn. lamp-lighter, instigator |
Opsteking, sn. putting up |
Opstel, sn. exercise, composition |
Opstel, w. to compose, write |
Opsteller, sn. one who draws up |
Opstelling, sn. composition |
Opstoker, sn. instigator |
Opstokery, sn. underhand practice |
Opstoking, sn. instigation |
Opstook, w. to incite, instigate |
Opstoot, w. to push up |
Opstop, w. to fill up, preserve |
Opstowe, w. to stew again |
Opstrik, w. to tie up |
Opstry, w. to maintain one's point |
Opstryk, w. to iron, smooth |
Opsyl, w. to sail up |
Optakel, w. to adorn |
Opteken, w. to note down, record |
Optel, w. to add, cast up |
Optel, w. to lift, raise |
Optelling, sn. addition, casting up |
Optog, sn. procession, retinue |
Optooi, w. to attire, adorn |
Optooiïng, sn. adornment |
Optooisel, sn. attire |
Optoming, sn. bridling |
Optoom, w. to bridle, cock |
Optré, w. to step up, appear |
Optrek, w. to cast up, march, clear up (e.g. the weather) |
Optrek, opetrek, w. to clear (e.g. the weather) |
Opwaai, w. to blow up |
Opwaarts, bw. upward |
Opwag, w. to wait upon, expect |
Opwagter, sn. one who is waiting |
Opwakker, w. to rouse |
Opwarm, w. to warm up |
Opwarmer, sn. one who warms up |
Opwas, w. to grow up |
Opwek, w. to awake, rouse, provoke |
Opwekkend, bn. exciting, stirring |
Opwekking, sn. excitement, encouragement |
Opwerk, w. to work up |
Opwin, w. to wind up, instigate |
Opwinding, sn. winding up, excitement |
Oranje, sn. orange |
Orde, sn. order, rank, method |
Ordelik, bn. orderly |
Ordelikhyd, sn. regularity, orderliness |
Ordeloos, bn. disorderly |
Ordening, sn. ordination, orders |
Ordentelik, bn. fairly good, becoming |
Ordentelikhyd, sn. decency, decorum |
Order, sn. order, command |
Orgaan, sn. organ |
Organisasi, sn. organisation |
Organiseer, w. to organize |
Orkaan, sn. hurricane |
Orkest, sn. orchestra, bound |
Orlosi, sn. watch |
Orrel, orgel, sn. organ |
Orreldraaier, sn. organ-grinder |
Orrelpyp, sn. organ pipe |
Orrelspeuler, sn. organ-player |
Os, sn. ox, bullock |
Osagtig, bn. oxlike, stupid |
Ossewa, sn. bullock-wagon |
Ot, ottji, sn. en uw. pig |
Otter, sn. otter |
Ou, Outji, sn. old person, term of endearment, also of contempt |
Oud, oue, bn. old, aged, ancient, former |
Oudagtig, bn. oldish, elderly |
Ouderdom, sn. age, old age |
Ouderlik, bn. parental |
Ouderling, sn. elder |
Ouderloos, bn. parentless, orphan |
Ouderwets, bn. old-fashioned, antique, ancient |
Oudhede, sn. antiquities |
Oudhyd, sn. oldness, ancientness |
Ouditeer, w. to audit |
Ouditeur, sn. auditor |
Ouer, bn. older, elder |
Ouers, sn. parents |
Oujong, sn. old coloured servant |
Ou-jongmysi, sn. old maid |
Ou-jonkman, sn. old bachelor |
Oukêrel, sn. old governor (familiar for father) |
Ou-Koloni, sn. Cape Colony |
Ou-land, sn. fallow land |
Ou-lap, sn. penny |
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Ouma, sn. grandmother |
Ou-matji, sn. grandma |
Ou-mêmê, Ou-myd, sn. old coloured maidservant |
Ou-mens-peer, sn. Bou Chretien pear |
Oupa, sn. grandfather |
Ou-sanna, sn. oldfashioned gun |
Ou-Ta, Ou-Tata, sn. old coloured servant |
Outeur, sn. author |
Outorityt, sn. authority |
Owerhyd, o'erhyd, orighyd, sn. authority, magistracy |
Owerigens, bw. besides, moreover, as for the rest |
Owerpriister, sn. high priest |
Owerspel, sn. adultery |
Owerspeler, sn. adulterer |
Owerste, sn. chief, general, captain |
Outys, bn. en bw. old-fashioned-ly |