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Ha, uw. ha!' |
Haai, uw. hey! |
Haai, sn. shark |
Haak, w. to stick fast, get entangled |
Haak, sn. hook, clasp |
Haak-en-steek, sn. mimosa with one straight and one catsnail thorn |
Haakplek, sn. place of sticking fast |
Haakskeen, sn. heel |
Haal, w. to fetch |
Haal, sn. dash, stroke, pull |
Haan, sn. cock |
Haantji, sn. young-cock |
Haar, bn. her |
Haar, bw. to the right |
Haar -are, sn. hair |
Haarborsel, sn. hairbrush |
Haarbreedte, sn. hair's breadth |
Haard, sn. hearth, fireside |
Haargroei, sn. growth of hair |
Haarklyn, bw. in detail |
Haarknipper, sn. hair-cutter |
Haarlok, sn. lock of hair |
Haarloos, bn. bald, hairless |
Haarlooshyd, sn. baldness |
Haarnaald, sn. hairpin |
Haarom, bw. to the right |
Haarsnyer, sn. hair dresser |
Haartji, sn. small hair |
Haarwerk, sn. work made of hair |
Haarwurm, sn. sheep disease |
Haas, sn. hare |
Haasbek, bn. missing tooth |
Haasgras, sn. hare grass |
Haastig, bn. en bw. sudden, hasty -ily |
Haastighyd, sn. speed, hastiness |
Haat, sn. hatred, hate |
Haat, w. to hate |
Hagedis, sn. lizard |
Hagel, ha'el, sn. hail, shot |
Hagel, ha'el, w. to hail |
Hagel-, ha'elslag, sn. hail-storm |
Hagel-, ha'elsteen, sn. hail-stone |
Haggelik, bn. dangerous, critical |
Haggelikhyd, sn. risk, danger |
Hakbyl, sn. chopping knife |
Hakel, w. to stammer, stutter |
Hakelaar, sn. stammerer |
Hakelary, sn. stammering |
Hakerig, bn. hooked, crooked |
Hakmes, sn. chopping knife |
Haleluja, uw. Hallelujah |
Half, -we, bn. en bw. half |
Halfaam, sn. half-aum |
Halfkroon, sn. half a crown |
Halfnatji, sn. bastard, half cast |
Halfpad, bw. halfway |
Halfrond, bn. halfround |
Halfrond, sn. hemisphere |
Halfslyt, bn. second hand |
Halfwas, bn. half-grown |
Halfweg, bn. en bw. half-way |
Halm, sn. blade, spike |
Hals, sn. neck, throat |
Halsband, sn. collar |
Halsdoek, sn. neck-cloth |
Halssiraad, sn. neck-ornament |
Halsstarrig, bn. en bw. headstrong, obstinate -ly |
Halstarrighyd, sn. obstinacy |
Halter, sn. halter |
Halwe, bn. half |
Ham, sn. ham |
Hamel, sn. wether |
Hamer, sn. hammer, mallet |
Hamer, w. to hammer |
Hamerkop, sn. large bird |
Hand, sn. hand |
Handboei sn. handcuff |
Handboek, sn. handbook |
Handboeki, sn. pocket book |
Handbreedte, sn. hand breadth |
Handbybel, sn. small-sized bible |
Handbyl, sn. hatchet |
Handdoek, sn. towel |
Handel, sn. trade, commerce, deed |
Handel, w. to act, behave, trade |
Handeldrywend, bn. trading |
Handeling, sn. action, act |
Handeloos, bn. handless |
Handelsmaatskappy, sn. trading company |
Handfatsel, sn. handel |
Handfol, sn. handful |
Handhaaf, w. to maintain, vindicate |
Handhawer, sn. maintainer |
Handhawing, sn. maintenance |
Handig, bn. handy |
Handighyd, sn. handiness |
Handkyker, sn. palmist |
Handkykery, sn. palmistry |
Handlanger, sn. assistant |
Handmeul, sn. hand-mill |
Handpers, sn. hand-press |
Handsaag, sn. handsaw |
Handskoen, sn. glove, gauntlet |
Handskoenleer, sn. kid-leather |
Handskrif, sn. handwriting |
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Handskroef, sn. handscrew |
Handtekening, sn. signature |
Handwerk, sn. trade, calling, needlework |
Handwoordeboek, sn. pocket dictionary |
Hanekam, sn. cock's comb |
Hanepoot, sn. Muscat of Alexandria |
Hang, w. to hang, suspend |
Hangbord, sn. sign, sign-board |
Hangbrug, sn. suspension bridge |
Hangend, bn. hanging, pending |
Hangende, fs. pending |
Hanger, sn. hanger |
Hangmat, sn. hammock |
Hangslot, sn. padlock |
Hans, sn. orphan (animal) |
Hanswors, sn. Punch |
Hanteer, w. to handle |
Hap, sn. mouthful, bit, morsel |
Hap, w. to snap, bite into |
Haper, w. to falter, want |
Hapering, sn. hesitation, want |
Happi, sn. mouthful |
Hard, bn. en bw. hard, rough, afflicting, difficult, severe, loud-ly |
Hardagtig, bn. rather hard |
Harder, sn. small fish |
Hardhyd, sn. hardness, severity |
Hardhorig, bn. dull of hearing |
Hardighyd, sn. hardness, callosity |
Hardkoppig, sn. obstinate |
Hardloop, w. to run |
Hardlywig, bn. costive, constipated |
Hardlywighyd, sn. constipation |
Hardnekkig, bn. obstinate, stubborn |
Hardnekkighyd, sn. obstinacy |
Hardop, bn. loud, hardup |
Hare, fn. hers; sn. hair |
Harig, bn. hairy |
Harighyd, sn. hairiness |
Haring, sn. herring |
Hark, sn. rake |
Hark, w. to rake, harrow |
Harking, sn. harking |
Harlekyn, sn. harlequin, clown |
Harmoni, sn. harmony |
Harp, sn. harp |
Harpoen, sn. harpoon |
Harpuis, sn. rosin |
Harslag, sn. entrails |
Hart, sn. heart, courage, affection, core |
Hartader, sn. artery of the heart |
Hartbees, sn. antilope |
Hartbrekend, bn. heartbreaking |
Hartediif, sn. darling |
Harteleed, sn. grief of the heart |
Hartelik, bn. en bw. hearty, cordial -ly |
Hartelikhyd, sn. cordiality |
Harteloos, bn. heartless |
Hartelooshyd, sn. heartlessness |
Hartelus, sn. heart's desire |
Hartetaal, sn. words from the heart |
Hartewé, sn. grief, sorrow |
Hartewond, sn. hearts wound |
Hartferskeurend, bn. heartrending |
Hartformig, sn. heart shaped |
Hartji, sn. darling, dear, heart |
Hartkloppens, sn. palpitation of the heart |
Hartkwaal, sn. disease of the heart |
Hartontsteking, sn. inflammation of the heart |
Hartpyn, sn. heart-ache |
Hartroerend, bn. en bw. pathetic, moving -ly |
Hartseer, sn. grief, sorrow |
Hartstog, sn. passion |
Hartwater, sn. heart burn |
Hasejag, sn. hare-shooting |
Hasejagter, sn. hare-hunter |
Haselnoot, sn. hazelnut, filbert |
Haselnootboom, sn. hazelnut tree |
Hasepad-kiis, w. to take to one's heels |
Hasi, sn. hare, small hare |
Hatelik, bn. hateful, odious |
Hatelikhyd, sn. hatefulness |
Hater, sn. hater |
Hawe, sn. haven, harbour, goods, property |
Hawegeld, sn. harbour money |
Haweloos, bn. poor, ragged |
Hawelooshyd, sn. slovenliness |
Hawer, sn. oats |
Hawer-meel, sn. oat-meal |
Hawer-pap, sn. oat-porridge |
Hawersaad, sn. oat-seed |
Hawersak, sn. oats-bag |
Hawerstrooi, sn. oat-straw |
Hawestad, sn. sea-town |
Hê, uw. what? |
Hê -had -gehad, h.w. to have |
Hebbelikhyd, sn. habit, use |
Hebsug, sn. greed, covetousness |
Hebsugtig, bn. greedy, eager |
Hede, bn. today, at present |
Hedendaags, bw. now-a-days |
Hedendaagse, bn. modern |
Heel, bn. en bw. whole, entire, sound -ly |
Heel, w. to cure, heal |
Heelal, sn. universe |
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Heelbaar, bn. curable |
Heelbaarhyd, sn. curableness |
Heelhyd, sn. entireness, reservedness |
Heelkundige, sn. surgeon |
Heelkuns, (kunde), sn. surgery |
Heelmiddel, sn. healing, remedy |
Heen-en-weer, bw. hither and dither |
Heen, bw. away |
Heengaan, w. to go away |
Heenskeer, w. to go away |
Heer, sn. Lord, gentleman, master |
Heerboontjiis, sn. large bean |
Heerlik, bn. en bw. glorious, delicious -ly |
Heerlikhyd, sn. glory, magnificense |
Heers, w. to rule, govern, be in vogue, prevail |
Heersend, bn. dominant, prevalent, reigning |
Heerser, sn. ruler |
Heersing, sn. reign, dominion |
Heerskappy, sn. dominion, power, empire, reign |
Heersug, sn. ambition |
Heersugtig, bn. ambitious |
Heersugtighyd, sn. ambition |
Hees, bn. hoarse |
Heesagtig, bn. somewhat hoarse |
Heeshyd, sn. hoarseness |
Heet, bn. hot, eager, hasty |
Heet, w. to name, call |
Heethyd, sn. hotness |
Hef, w. to raise, lift, heave |
Heffing, sn. raising, tax |
Heftig, bn. violent |
Heftighyd, sn. violence, vehemence |
Heg, w. to join, fasten, attach |
Hegtenis, sn. custody, confinement |
Hegting, sn. joining, fastening |
Hegsel, sn. fastening |
Hek, sn. gate, stile, turnpike |
Hekel, w. to hook |
Hekelpennetji, sn. hook-pin |
Heks, sn. witch |
Heksewerk, sn. witchcraft, sorcery |
Hel, sn. hell |
Helaas, uw. alas! |
Held, sn. hero |
Heldedaad, sn. heroic action |
Heldedig, sn. epic poem |
Heldedood, sn. death of a hero |
Heldefolk, sn. heroic nation |
Heldemoed, sn. heroism |
Heldenbloed, sn. heroic blood |
Helderoem, sn. glory |
Helder, bn. en bw. clear, bright, clean, light-ly |
Helderhyd, sn. clearness, light |
Heldhaftig, bn. en bw. heroic -ally |
Heldhaftighyd, sn. heroism |
Heldin, sn. heroine |
Helfte, sn. half |
Heling, sn. healing |
Helling, sn. slope, inclination |
Helm, sn. helmet |
Help, w. to help, assist, relieve, aid |
Help, uw. help! |
Helper, sn. helper, assistant |
Hemel, sn. heaven, sky, roof |
Hemel, uw. heavens! |
Hemelbewoner, sn. inhabitant of heaven |
Hemelbode, sn. messenger from heaven, angel |
Hemelbol, sn. celestial globe |
Hemelfaart, sn. Ascension |
Hemelfaart-dag, sn. Ascension day |
Hemelfader, sn. Heavenly Father |
Hemelfreugde, sn. Heavenly joy |
Hemelhof, sn. paradise |
Hemelhoog, bn. en bw. as high as heaven |
Hemelhyr, sn. celestial host |
Hemelling, sn. inhabitant of heaven |
Hemelpoort, gate of heaven |
Hemelryk, sn. Kingdom of heaven |
Hemels, bn. heavenly, celestial |
Hemelsblou, bn. sky blue, azure blue |
Hemelwaarts, bw. Towards Heaven |
Hemp, sn. shirt, chemise |
Hen, sn. hen |
Hengs, sn. stallion |
Hengsel, sn. handle, hinge |
Herädem, w. to breathe again |
Herädeming, sn. respiration |
Herberg, sn. inn, public house |
Herberg, w. to lodge |
Herbergiir, sn. inn-keeper, host |
Herberging, sn. lodging |
Herbergsaam, bn. hospitable |
Herbergsaamhyd, sn. hospitality |
Herbou, w. to rebuild |
Herder, sn. shepherd, herdsman, pastor |
Herderlik, bn. pastoral |
Herderloos, bn. without shepherd or parson |
Herdoop, sn. rebaptism |
Herdoop, w. to rebaptise |
Herdruk, sn. reprint, new edition |
Hereen, w. to reunite |
Herenig, w. to reunite |
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Hereniging, sn. reunion |
Herfat, w. to resume |
Herfatting, sn. renewal |
Herform, w. to reform |
Herformd, bn. reformed |
Herformer, sn. reformer |
Herforming, sn. reformation |
Herfs, sn. autumn |
Herfswind, sn. autumnal wind |
Herhaal, w. to repeat |
Herhaald, bn. repeated |
Herhaaldelik, bw. repeatedly |
Herhaler, sn. repeater |
Herhaling, sn. repetition |
Herinner, w. to remember, remind, recollect |
Herinnering, sn. remembrance |
Herken, w. to recognize |
Herkenbaar, bn. recognizable |
Herkenning, sn. recognition |
Herkenningsteken, sn. sign by which to be recognized |
Herkiis, w. to re-elect |
Herkiisbaar, bn. re-eligible |
Herkiisbaarhyd, sn. re-eligibility |
Herkising, sn. re-election |
Herkou, w. ruminate, chew the cud |
Herkouer, sn. ruminator |
Herkouing, sn. rumination |
Herkry, w. to recover |
Herkryging, sn. recovery |
Herlees, w. to read over again |
Herlesing, sn. reading again |
Herlewe, w. to return to life, revive |
Herlewing, sn. revival |
Hermeet, w. to measure again |
Hermeting, sn. renewed measurement |
Hernuw, w. to renew |
Hernuwing, sn. renewal |
Heropen, w. to reopen |
Heropening, sn. reopening |
Herower, w. to reconquer |
Herpak, w. to pack over again |
Herplant, w. to replant |
Herreken, w. to calculate again |
Herroep, w. to recall, revoke |
Herroepelik, bn. revocable, repealable |
Herroeping, sn. revocation, repeal, recall |
Herrys, w. to rise again, revive |
Hersiin, w. to review, revise |
Hersining, sn. revision |
Herstel, w. to repair, restore |
Herstel, sn. recovery, redress |
Herstelbaar, bn. reparable, curable |
Hersteller, sn. restorer |
Herstelling, sn. repairing, restoration, recovery |
Herstem, w. to vote again |
Herstemming, sn. second voting |
Hertog, sn. duke, earl |
Hertogdom, sn. duchy, earldom |
Hertogin, sn. duchess |
Hertrou, w. to marry again |
Herwaarts, bw. hither |
Herwin, w. to regain, win back |
Herwinning, sn. regaining, recapture |
Heuning, sn. honey |
Heuningagtig, bn. honied |
Heuningfo'fel, sn. bird showing wild beehives |
Heuningsoet, bn. sweet as honey |
Heuningté, sn. wildgrowing schrub used for tea |
Heup, sn. hip, haunch |
Heupbeen, sn. hip-bone |
Heupjig, sn. sciatica |
Heuwel, sn. hill |
Heuwelagtig, bn. hilly |
Heuweltji, sn. hillock |
Hewig, bn. violent, vehement, fierce, intense |
Hewighyd, sn. vehemence, violence |
Hiil, sn. heel |
Hiir, bw. here, hither |
Hiiragter, bw. behind, below |
Hiiraf, bw. hereof |
Hiiran, bw. to this, annexed |
Hiirbinne, bw. within |
Hiirbo, bw. above, up there |
Hiirbuite, bw. outside |
Hiirby, bw. to this, enclosed |
Hiirdeur, bw. by this means |
Hiir-di, fn. this (daar-di, that) |
Hiirfan, bw. of that |
Hiirfoor, bw. for this |
Hiirheen, bw. this way |
Hiiro'er, bw. on this subject |
Hiirom, bw. therefore |
Hiironder, bw. underneath |
Hiirop, bw. thereupon |
Hiirteen, bw. against this |
Hiirtoe, bw. hitherto |
Hik, sn. hiccough |
Hik, w. to hiccough |
Hinder, w. to hinder, prevent, make uneasy |
Hindering, sn. hindrance |
Hinderlik, bn. inconvenient |
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Hindernis, sn. hinderance |
Hinnik, w. to neigh |
Historiis, bn. historical |
Hitte, sn. heat |
Hittig, bn. hot |
Hittighyd, sn. heat, eagerness |
Hobbelig, bn. rugged, rough |
Hobbelighyd, ruggedness, unevenness |
Hoe, bw. how |
Hoed, sn. hat, bonnet |
Hoedanig, fnw. what, whatever |
Hoedanighyd, sn. quality |
Hoede, sn. guard, protection |
Hoede, w. to guard, protect |
Hoededoos, sn. hat-trunk |
Hoeder, sn. keeper |
Hoef, w. to ought |
Hoef, sn. hoof |
Hoefbeslag, sn. shoeing |
Hoefeel, bw. how much |
Hoefeelhyd, sn. quantity |
Hoefeelste, bw. what (e.g. date of month) |
Hoefna'el, sn. hob-nail |
Hoefsmit, sn. farrier |
Hoefyster, sn. horseshoe |
Hoek, sn. corner, angle |
Hoekfenster, sn. corner window |
Hoekhuis, sn. corner house |
Hoekig, bn. angular |
Hoekighyd, sn. angularity |
Hoekkas, sn. corner closet |
Hoekmeting, sn. goniometry |
Hoekom, bw. why? |
Hoeks, bn. hookish |
Hoeksteen, sn. corner-stone |
Hoender, sn. fowl, hen |
Hoenderhok, sn. poultry house |
Hoenderpasty, sn. chicken pie |
Hoendersop, sn. chicken broth |
Hoepel, sn. hoop |
Hoepelbeen, sn. bandy-leg |
Hoepelrok, sn. farthingale |
Hoer, sn. prostitute, harlot |
Hoeragtig, bn. whorish |
Hoereer, w. to fornicate |
Hoereerder, sn. fornicator |
Hoerdery, sn. prostitution |
Hoerhuis, sn. house of prostitution |
Hoerkind, sn. bastard, natural child |
Hoes, sn. cough |
Hoes, w. to cough |
Hoesbui, sn. coughing fit |
Hoewel, bn. although, though |
Hof, sn. court |
Hofbediinde, sn. officer, servant of the court |
Hofdame, sn. maid of honour |
Hofdiins, sn. court-service |
Hoffelik, bn. courteous |
Hoffelikhyd, sn. courtesy |
Hofgebruik, sn. court-etiquette |
Hofprediker, sn. court-chaplain |
Hogepriister, sn. high priest |
Hogepriisterlik, bn. pontifical |
Hoger, ho'er, bn. higher |
Hogerhuis, sn. Legislative Council |
Hok, sn. sty, pen, dungeon, kennel |
Hol, w. to run away |
Hol, sn. cavern, cave, den |
Hol, bn. hollow, empty, concave |
Holagtig, bn. somewhat hollow |
Holderstebolder, bw. head over heels |
Holhyd, sn. hollowness |
Hollend, bn. running |
Hollighyd, sn. cavity, hollowness |
Holpyp, sn. shoemaker's tool |
Holt, E. nw. halt! |
Holt, E.w. to halt |
Holte, sn. hollow, cavity |
Hom, fn. him |
Hond, sn. dog, rascal |
Hondagtig, bn. doggish |
Hondebelasting, sn. dog-tax |
Hondehok, sn. dog-kennel |
Honderd, tw. en sn. hundred, cent |
Hondermaal, bw. a hundred times |
Honderdste, bn. hundredth |
Honderdtal, sn. hundred |
Honend, bn. insulting |
Honger, sn. hunger, appetite |
Hongerig, bn. hungry, starving |
Hongerighyd, sn. hungriness |
Hongersnood, sn. famine |
Hoog, hoge, ho'e, bn. high, tall, great, supreme, lofty |
Hoogferraad, sn. high treason |
Hoogge'eerd, bn. most reverend |
Hooggeleerd, bn. much learned |
Hooggeregshof, sn. Supreme Court |
Hooghyd, sn. highness |
Hoogland, sn. highland |
Hooglander, sn. highlander |
Hoogmoed, sn. pride |
Hoogmoedig, bn. proud |
Hoogmoedighyd, sn. pride |
Hoognodig, bn. very necessary |
Hoogste, bn. highest |
Hoogte, sn. height, elevation |
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Hoogwater, sn. mantis |
Hooi, sn. hay |
Hooihark, sn. hay-rake |
Hook, uw. halt |
Hoon, sn. injury, outrage |
Hoon, w. to sneer at |
Hoop, w. to hope |
Hoop, sn. hope, heap, pile |
Hoopfol, bn. hopeful |
Hoor, w. to hear, mind |
Hoorder, sn. hearer |
Hoorbaarhyd, sn. audibleness |
Hoorbaar, bn. audible, distinct |
Hoornig, bn. horny |
Hopeloos, bn. en bw. hopeless, desperate-ly |
Hopelooshyd, sn. hopelessness |
Hoppelperd, sn. rocking horse |
Horende, dw. hearing |
Horing, sn. horn |
Horingagtig, bn. horny |
Horingfé, sn. horned cattle |
Horingloos, bn. hornless |
Horison, sn. horizon |
Horlosi, sn. watch |
Horlosimaker, sn. watch-maker |
Horssweep, E. sn. horse whip |
Hospitaal, sn. hospital |
Hot, bw. to the left, (see Haar) |
Hotel, sn. hotel, inn |
Hotelhouer, sn. inn-keeper |
Hotom, bw. to the left; sn. sort porrage |
Hottentotsgod, sn. mantis |
Hottentotskooigoed, sn. a soft molly shrub |
Hottotsfyg, sn. wild fig |
Hou, sn. a blow |
Hou, w. to hold, retain, contain, fulfil, believe, take for look upon |
Houder, sn. holder, bearer |
Houding, sn. mein, air, carriage, bearing, attitude |
Hout, sn. wood, timber, fuel |
Hout, bn. wooden |
Houtagtig, bn. woody |
Houtagtighyd, sn. woodiness |
Houterig, bn. woody |
Houthak, w. to cut wood |
Houthakker, sn. wood cutter |
Houthandel, sn. wood-trade |
Houthandelaar, sn. wood merchant |
Houthok, sn. wood-house |
Houthoop, sn. pile of wood |
Houtou, bw. scarcely |
Houtskool, sn. charcoal |
Huig, sn. uvula |
Huigontsteking, sn. inflammation of the uvula |
Huil, w. to howl, cry, weep |
Huiler, sn. howler, crier |
Huis, sn. house, home, dwelling, race |
Huisaltaar, sn. house-altar, |
Huisbaas, sn. landlord |
Huisdiir, sn. domestic animal |
Huisbestuur, sn. housekeeping |
Huisbesoek, sn. pastoral visit |
Huisdokter, sn. family doctor |
Huiselik, bn. domestic |
Huisfader, sn. master of the house |
Huisfesting, sn. lodging |
Huisfrind, sn. friend of the family |
Huisfrou, sn. wife lady |
Huisgenoot, sn. inmate of the house |
Huisgesin, sn. family |
Huishen, sn. homekeeping person |
Huishond, sn. house-dog |
Huishuur, sn. house-rent |
Huisi, sn. small house |
Huiskat, sn. house-cat |
Huisklok, sn. house-clock |
Huismiddel, sn. domestic remedy |
Huismoeder, sn. matron |
Huismoeder, bn. housewifely |
Huismyd, sn. house-maid |
Huisraad, sn. furniture |
Huiswaarts, bw. homewards |
Huiwerig, bn. hesitating, reluctant |
Huiwerighyd, sn. hesitation |
Huiwering, sn. reluctance |
Hulde, sn. homage |
Hulle, hul, fnw. they, them |
Hulp, sn. aid, assistance relief |
Hulpeloos, bn. helpless |
Hulpelooshyd, sn. helplessness |
Hulpfaardig, bn. ready to help |
Hulpfaardighyd, sn. readiness to help |
Hulpmiddel, sn. remedy |
Hulponderwyser, sn. assistant master |
Hulpprediker, sn. assistant preacher, curate |
Hulpwerkwoord, sn. auxiliary verb |
Humeur, sn. humour, temper, disposition |
Huppel, w. to skip, hop |
Hups, bn. agreeable, genteel |
Hut, sn. cottage, hut |
Hutji, sn. cottage |
Huur, w. to hire, rent, lease, service |
Huurder, sn. lodger, tenant |
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Huurgeld, sn. renthire |
Huurhuis, sn. rented house |
Huurling, sn. hireling |
Huurloon, bn. wages, hire |
Huwelik, sn. marriage, matrimony, wedlock |
Huweliks, bn. nuptial, matrimonial |
Huweliksband, sn. nuptial tie |
Huweliksbootji, sn. hymen's boat |
Huweliksfoorwaarde, sn. marriagearticles, anti-nupial contract |
Huweliksgeluk, sn. nuptial bliss |
Huweliksgif, sn. marriage gift |
Huweliksgod, sn. hymen |
Huwelikskontrak, sn. marriage contract |
Huwelikslewe, sn. married-life |
Hy, nw. he |
Hyde, sn. heath, broom |
Hyden, bn. heathen |
Hydendom, sn. heathenism |
Hyg, w. to pant, long for |
Hyging, sn. panting |
Hyl, sn. happiness, welfare, bliss, safety |
Hyland, sn. Saviour, Messiah |
Hylbede, sn. good wish |
Hylbegerig, bn. desirous of happiness |
Hylbron, sn. fountain of bliss |
Hyldronk, sn. toast, health |
Hylig, bn. holy, sacred, godly |
Hylig, w. to sanctivy, hallow |
Hyligdom, sn. sanctuary |
Hylige, sn. saint, things-sacred |
Hyligend, bn. sanctifying |
Hylighyd, sn. holiness |
Hyliging, sn. sanctification |
Hylsaam, bn. wholesome, healthy |
Hylsaamhyd, sn. salubrity, benefit |
Hylweg, sn. way to salvation |
Hylwens, sn. felicitation |
Hymelik, bn. secret, private, clandestine |
Hymelikhyd, sn. secrecy, privacy |
Hymwé, sn. house sickness |
Hyning, sn. enclosure, hedge |
Hyr, sn. army, host |
Hyrkrag, sn. host |
Hyrskaar, sn. host |
Hysa! uw. huzza! |
Hys, w. hoist |