De Thiende
(1965)–Simon Stevin–
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I. De Thiende
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in Stevin's days will agree that this proposal was indeed very clever and we cannot but admire Stevin not only because of the fact that he introduced the arithmetical operations with his new decimals but also fully saw the possible practical advantages.
At this time only a few copies of the original edition of De Thiende (1585) still are extant. E.J. Dijksterhuis mentions (a, p. 37) 3 copies viz. in Rotterdam, Gemeente Bibliotheek (Municipal Library), and in Antwerp, Stads-bibliotheek (Municipal Library) and Museum Plantin-Moretus. He also makes mention (a, p. 34) of investigations in connection with preserved copies of Stevin's works, made by Th. Morren in the beginning of this century. With the help of the results of these investigations - which can be consulted in the Gemeente Archief (the Archives) in the Hague - we were able to trace another copy of the original edition of De Thiende, viz. in the Stadt- und Universitätsbibliothek (Municipal and University Library) at Bern. From personal investigations it has become clear to us that there is another copy in the British Museum in LondonGa naar eind1).
The book was reprinted for the first timeGa naar eind2) in | |
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Rotterdam in 1621. This reprint, edited by Jan van Waesbergen, differs from the original edition in this that the decimal signs are not printed in a circle but between two vertical linesGa naar eind3). A.J.J. van de Velde mentions (p. 24), as a separate edition De Thiende ... Leiden, Jan Cloesz van Dorp, 1626Ga naar eind4). In works of Ezechiël De Decker the book was reprinted twice, viz. in Eerste deel van de nieuwe telkonst 1626 and in Nieuwe Rabattafels 1630, both printed at Gouda by Pieter Rammaseyn. A facsimile with an introduction by H. Bosmans appeared in 1924Ga naar eind5). A new facsimile with an introduction by D.J. Struik and with an English translation occurs in the second volume, part I, of The principal works of Simon Stevin 1958Ga naar eind6). Simon Stevin himself translated De Thiende into French. Under the title of La Disme, this translation appeared, also in the year 1585 and at Leyden, as part of his La Pratique d' Arithmetique (pp. 132 up to 160 inclusive). At the foot of the title-page of La Disme we read: premierement descripte en Flameng, conuertie en François par Simon Stevin de Bruges, (written first in Flemish and now done into French by Simon Stevin of Bruges). | |
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This makes it evident that the Dutch text is the olderGa naar eind7).
The explanatory notes in the margins of some pages of De Thiende are lacking in La DismeGa naar eind8). Further the Dutch text has (p. II): Alle voorgestelde heel ghetal, noemen vvy Beghin,... but for this we read in La Disme: Toute nombre propose se dict Commencement,... so the adjective ‘heel’ (whole) is not translated into FrenchGa naar eind9). This La Disme also occurs in L' Arithmetique de Simon Stevin de Bruges, Reveuë, corrigee & augmentee de plusieurs traictez et annotations par Albert Girard Samielois ... Leyden 1625 and in Les Oeuvres Mathematiques de Simon Stevin de Bruges. Par Albert Girard, Leyden 1634. G.A. Sarton wrote an extensive introduction to a facsimile of La Disme in ‘Isis’ 1935.
As translations or adaptations of De Thiende E.J. Dijksterhuis also states (a, pp. 37, 38): | |
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De la Londe, Traité de l'arithmétique dixme, Liège 1605. Robert Norton, Dime: The Art of Tenths, or Decimall Arithmetic, London 1608. Henry Lyte, The Art of tenths, or decimall arithmeticke, London 1619.
In A source book in mathematics 1929 (second edition 1959) published by D.E. Smith occurs an English translation of La Disme. Quite recently, in 1965, a German translation appeared by H. Gericke and K. Vogel. |