100 William Dampier
(And see item 75.) He sailed in Roebuck of the British Admiralty from the Downs on January 14, ‘1698/9’: his dates are Old Style* but he gives the year here in both Styles. Tenerife for wine (‘the true Malmsey’) and brandy. Maio. São Tiago for water. Brazil. Passed Cape unsighted. ‘New Holland’ (Australia), Timor, New Guinea (discovering the Strait named for him), Timor again, Sunda Strait. Batavia until October 17, careening there, and on October 19 catching up with the Dutch ‘Ostresteen’, ‘Three Crowns’, ‘Vanheusen’ under ‘Jacob Uncright’ (Oosterstein, Drie Kroonen, Venhuysen; Onkruijd). ‘The 30th of December [DR not shown] we arrived at the Cape of Good Hope, and departed again on the 11th of January 1700/1701.’ [DR not shown]. Saint Helena February 2 to 13. Ascension February 21, leak found to be beyond repair, ship warped* in close to shore and sunk, sails rafted ashore for tents. April 6 HMS Anglesey, Hastings, Lizard [of item 95, now homeward] and the East-Indiaman Canterbury took them all, sailing April 8. May 8 he himself and officers changed over into Canterbury for England.