90 John Merry
Transcribed from xerographs of his log (MR 116) kept in Fleet, frigate*, sailing for Batavia on October 20, 1698. His dates are of course all Old Style*, though he shows the year as ‘1698/9’.
February 15th [1699:dr 25/2]: This day at 2 a clock after noone we anchored in Table Bay at Cape Bona Esperance (for which mercy God be praised) haveing all my men in perfect health, depth of Water 6 fathams. The Fort bore from us SSW, Green Point NWBW, and the boddy of Penquin Isle NBWt, wee rid a large mile off shoar. soe soone as my anchor was gone I salluted the Forte with 11 Gunns then 5, 3, and one they gave me Gunn for Gun....
Sent my Purser a shoar this after noone to the Governer to acquaint him whence I came and to desire leave for Water & refreshment he answered that Water there was Enough. but as for Refreshment hee could spare me none but what the ffreemen could they should have liberty soe to doe &c.
16th: This morning I went on shoar and waited on the Governer who told me just as he had sent me word by my Purser that by reason of their owne Shipps being here could spare me nothing but the freemen might &c : he was just goeing to Cape falco [dr 21/2]