At 10: aclock the seabreze cominge in wayed againe & made the best of our way. ouer for the Castle ... about 5. At night we Anchord. in 5 faths about halfe amile from the Shoare, At 8. moord. caryd out our smal bower to the Wward, our best lyeinge to the Soward, the hardest winds here are SE. winds which sometymes come voyalently from the high Mountaines: soone after at an anchor, I sent our boate ashoare, with 2d: mate & P'sur, to request of the Gounr liberty to Watter &c which he very freely Acquested vnto; After we Moord, first veerd out acable & ½. Struck our Yards & topmast. bloweinge very hard at SE.
13th [Margin: ‘I prsented the Gounr with 2 Punch: Stronge Beere a bar Brum: Mumm*: a kegg of Sturgion, 2 Wfalia hams 6 tong: a gar Olives, a glass with capers, cauiare, Anchoues & a hamper with sack, claret, & reneis Wine 3 doz’] Tuseday this Morn had these bareings when moord, vizt charles Mount So½E: the Table hill SoSoW½ Wt. the Sugar loafe hill WtBSo½So. the SE End of Pengwin Ile NoNoW.-This morn helded our ship & scrubd one side, got abord 2 Longboates Watter for the which here is very good conuenancy the watter beinge caryd out by abridge or apeere hed [Jetty*] that fill the watter with the caske in the boate by 2: spoutes this morn came in agreat E india Dutch ship from Battauia [Europa, dr 23/11], that wintrd at Mauritious where winterd, alsoe 3. English Ships, vizt the President, the Pertia Marcht & Surat Marcht & went thence in Augt. I went ashoare to pay respects to the Gouener who Inuited me to diner, where he treated me very Kindely. after diner caryed me to his country house about 3 or 4 miles* in the Bay & is amost pleasant place as any in Europe, beinge planted with most sorts fruits & flowers with many pleasant walks in the garden [Constantia].
14 Wensday this morn Erley made an End, scrubing the other side & got a board 3 boates watter....
15 Thursday. this morn got vp our Yards & Topmasts & sent our boate for Watter this Afternoon the Gounr went Abord the Dutch Ship & as he past by vs Saluted hime with 5 guns goeinge & returninge the castle, returninge 3. in Answer.
16 Fryday ... fetcht Abord our best bower Anchor*, intendinge to saile in the Afternoone, but beinge little winde could not - Wee this Noo: See Aflag out vpon Sugar loafe hill beinge asignal for aship in sight, this forenoone I went ashoare, to pay my thancks to the Gounr for his Kindeness, & left with hime my letters for England beinge, Aletter to ... 3 of my Owners & aletter to my deere Wife, he promis'd to send them by this Ship in the Roade or p[er] first conueyance, for Europe - At takeinge leaue of the Gounr he pesented me with 10: very good Sheepe, agreat quantity of garden herbs, as collwarts, Spinage, lettis, carotts &c. he has indeede bine very courtious - he hath bine Gounr here 4 Yeares, his Name Simon vander Stell borne at Murutious.
17 [dr 27/11. Margin ‘At 8 this morn weigh'd from Saldina or Table Bay’] At 8 this morn weighd with asmall breeze at WNWt but soone after fell. little winde & varable, till towards Noo: then a fresh gale at So & SSWt: that we went betweene the Ile Pengwin & the cape, had soundings from 12: to :16 faths: the Ship that the flag was put out for proues to be a great dutch ship I supose form Euroape [Vryheyt, dr 27/11]....