17 Albrecht Herport
(See also item 9.) Sailed from Batavia on October 6, 1667 in Wapen van Hoorn, with Constantia, Alfen: Iversen (item 16) was in the same fleet. Cocos Islands. Mauritius.
On the 13th [December] we saw land in the early morning, and recognised it as the Capo Falso. That same day at noon it began to blow hard, so that we again ran out to sea, and afterwards must heave to there, and let outselves drift at the mercy of GOD. This storm lasted for nine full days, whereby one of our ships, Constantia, was driven away from us. After this the wind changed to our advantage, so that we could again set sail.
On the 22nd we again sighted land, this being again the Capo Falso, wherefore we returned out to sea again, and next day sighted the Capo de Bona Sperança, and could also recognise the Lion and Table Mountains.
On December 24th, being Christmas Eve, we arrived safely in the harbour, and anchored there, where the ship Constantia rejoined us [dr 24/12 has them as outside the bay]. That same evening we had a strong offshore wind which came from the mountains, so that we must lower our yard and topmast [read ‘yards and topmasts’], and the ship must lie to two anchors.
After this we went ashore, and refreshed ourselves with all sorts of fresh foods,