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Index of subjects
Activity, 4 |
Advice, harsh juridical, 85-88 |
Agriculture, 303 |
Anselmi horologium, 173 |
Antibarbarorum Liber, 670-671 |
Apologia, 142 |
Apostatae, 285, 512, 634 |
Approval of the Brethren, 276 |
Ascesis, 314, 339, 523 |
Astrology, 90 |
Augustine, Rule of St., 313 |
Barbarorum rabies, 358 |
Beghardi, see Bogards |
Beguines, 2, 69, 277-279 |
Beguttae, 69 |
Bernard, de Amore, 109; Meditationes, 173 |
Bogards, 278-279 |
Bible, study of, 306; revision of, 304-308; distribution of, 313; Paris text, 306; St. Jerome's text, 307 |
Biographies of famous men, 194 |
Bonsenfants, 413 |
Boni mores, 350 |
Books, see Copying and Printing |
Brethren, education of future priests, 254; transition to chapters, 448-454 |
Bride mystique, 458 |
Brotherhood, foundation of the, 198-203 |
Brotherhouse, Chapter, 436-463 |
Brothers, (clerici), become priests without theological training, 209 |
Bursae, 247-248, 251-252, 367 |
Canons Regular, life of, 309 |
Care of schoolboys, 249, 253, 368 - see also under names of cities |
Causae secundae, 340 |
Ceremonies, 238 |
Chapter, transition to, 450-453 |
Chapter of Neuss, incorporation in the Windesheim union, 505-506 |
Chiropsalterium, 537, 544-546 |
Choirbooks, revision of, 305, 307 |
Choralis, 250 |
Chronicles, 194-196, 443 |
Clausura, see Enclosure |
Clerici attain the priesthood, 205-206, 221, 362-365, 385, 424 |
Clerici and presbyteri, 205-206, 344, 362-363, 385, 433 |
Codices of the Imitation, Italian, 531-533 |
Collationes, 236, 245, 593 |
Collecta quaedam, 258 |
Collegia, 247 |
Colloquium Monasteriense, 424-426, 450, 454-463, 627 |
Colloquium Zwollense, 355, 362, 370, 374, 404, 454-463, 580-581, 602 |
Commissarii, 502 |
Cologne, doctores, 281-283 |
Communion, 238, 334, 354, 358, 368, 500, 536, 544 |
Communion, spiritual, 236 |
Confession, confessor, 110-114, 117, 233, 244-258, 266, 350, 358, 362-364, 368-369, 385, 387-389, 408-409, 433, 435-436, 454, 458, 481, 484-485, 489, 496, 499, 636 |
Congregation of Holland, 313 |
Constitution of Pius V, 589 |
Consuetudines, 340, 423 |
Consuetudines of the Brethren of Deventer, Zwolle and 's Hertogenbosch, 232-239, 355 |
Contemplation, 334-341 |
Contemplative life, 169 |
Contemptus mundi, 172, 316, 375, 660-670 |
Contisti, 111 |
Copying of books, 346-349 |
Critique, historical, of Groote, 109 |
Definitores, 308 |
Dei emulatores, 115 |
Devoti presbyteri, 212 |
Devotion, inward, 117-108, 174, 237, 239 |
Devotum exercitium, 258 |
Dialectica, 84 |
Dogma and piety, 655 |
Dominicans, 291-292 |
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Domus pauperum, 247, 250-251 - see also under names of cities |
Donati, 297 |
Dissolutus homo, 175 |
Dos, 67-74 |
‘Edercauwen’, 499 |
Eloquentia, 561 |
Enclosure, 67, 312, 389, 506-507, 511 |
Epikie, 82 |
Excurs of Peter of Dieburg, 464-465 |
Exemption from the parish priest, 369 |
Expenditure on behalf of Brethren, 233 |
Extranei, 246 |
Fasting, 174 |
Focarists, the struggle against the, 129-149 |
Franciscan against Groote, 116-117 |
Fratres mendicantes, 273 |
Fratres presbyteri, 248-249 |
Free Spirits, 121, 278 |
Fugitivi, 512, 635-636 |
General chapter of Windesheim, acta of, 502 |
General chapter renewed, 651 |
General Union, 460 |
Gherardinorum secta, 280 |
Grace, 168 |
Greek, 561 et sq. |
Haereticorum malleus, 29, 179 |
Haereticorum persecutor, 29 |
Heretics, 121-123 |
Hermit, 65 |
Hospitium, see Bursae |
Humanism, 554, 561, 574, 625, 630, 657; a new culture, 554 sq.; Brothers not pioneers of, 574, 582; spirit of, 421 |
Humanist expression, 384 |
Humanist school reform, work of Brethren in, 560-563 |
Humiliation of Brothers, 241-242 |
Humility, 175, 241 |
Illuminating, 367 |
Imitation of Christ, 107-108, 320, 340, 523; author of the, 525-534; contents of, 533-536 |
Inobservance, 310 |
Inquisition, 279, 281, 284-288 |
Instruction, religious, 236-237 |
Intranei, 246, 248 |
Inward devotion, see Devotion, inward |
Italians, thesis of, 535 |
Jesuits, 611, 620 |
Joint ownership, 77 |
Justice, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit, 165 |
Justitia et pax, 116 |
Juvenes bonae voluntatis, 20 |
Kempist, 529 |
‘Kirchenfreie’ belief, 429 |
Ladders of meditation, see Scalae meditationis |
Lay movement, 364 |
Libraries, 306 |
Lollards, see Bogards |
Lutherei, 627 |
Manual work, 96 |
Marriage, 159-162 |
Masses, vigils, memoriae, 238, 354 |
Meditation, 232, 240, 322-325, 328-330, 340, 400, 402; in manu depicta, 378, 402 |
Memoriae, 238 |
Merit, 168 |
Mission, 80-85 |
Monasteries, and convents, 51-74; founded in the country, 303; decline of in Germany, 639-642; relationship to episcopal authority, 645-646 |
Monastic spirit, 303 |
Mysticism, 310 |
Neo-Pelagianism, 168 |
Nominalism, 162-165 |
Non-conformity, 23-49 |
Notabilia Verba, 240, 258, 314, 322-323, 339 |
Observant movement, 311, 515 |
Opposition to Brethren and Sisters, 273-280 |
Oral prayers, 354 |
Paedagogus, 361 |
Palm Sunday sermon, 73 |
Pastoral care, the ars artium, 110-114, 654; of the Sisters in, 345 |
Pastoral work, 513 |
Personal possessions, 412 |
Philosophia Christi, 658 |
Philosophy, 434 |
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Philosophy of Groote, 162-165 |
Prague, students in, 222-223 |
Prayer, 241 |
Preachers, 82-85 |
Preaching, 81 |
Priests, the leaders, 205-206 |
Primariae preces, 62 |
Primarius, 347 |
Primitia, 636 |
Printing by the Devotionalists, 551-553 |
Priores superiores, 503 |
Prisons, 635-636 |
Profugus, 513 |
Proprietarii, 67-74, 636 |
Provinces, division into seven, 643-644 |
Puerilia, 347 |
Punctuation marks, 307 |
Rapiaria, 313-314, 318, 542 |
Recedite, 130 |
Recruitment, 210, 365, 388, 504; straight from the school, 365 |
Rector scolarium, 368 |
Rectors of Sisterhouses, 496 |
Redditus et donatus, 299 |
Reform of the Chapter, 642-643 |
Reform of the order, 648 |
Reformation, 606, 620, 624-625, 630, 656; no sign of in Zwolle, 583 |
Rhymed text, 178-180 |
Rigorism, 170 |
Rule of St. Augustine, 493 |
Rule of St. Francis, 493 |
Ruminare, 96 |
Rumination, 235, 323-325, 328-329, 400 |
Scala communionis, 544 |
Scalae meditationis, 537, 539, 550 |
Schism, 149-159; of Utrecht, 345, 351-353 |
Schola publica, 254 |
Scholastery, 392, 569 |
Scholasticalia, 350 |
School, 231, 404 - see also Deventer and other cities |
School Rectors, see Rector scolarium |
Scientia, 368, 372, 420 |
Scriptorium, 347, 350 |
Secundarius, 344 |
Sermo contra Focaristas, analysis of, 133-137; reaction to, 137-149 |
Sermons, 404; of the Brethren, 244 |
Servitores Dei, 76 |
Simony, 69, 85-88 |
Simplicity, 65, 348, 451 |
Sion, chapter of, 312-313 |
Sisters, and Sisterhouses, 259-272, 458, 493-501; devotion of, 497-501; and Tertiaries, 270-272; in Flanders, 493; and colloquium of Münster, 496; in conflict with weavers and spinners, 495 |
Socii, 74-80, 197, 199 |
Spirituales, 76, 198 |
Spirituality, 309, 314-348 |
Statutes of Herford, 423 |
Statutes of Master Geert's House, 260-265 |
Suspension from preaching, 137-149, 170 |
Synod of Utrecht, 130 |
Teaching of the Brothers, 365-367 |
Teaching or administering, 553-580 |
Tertianus, 344 |
Tertiaries, 287, 312, 493; chapters of Utrecht and Venlo, 312 |
Theological studies of the Brothers, 208 |
Theology, 367, 434; of Groote, 168 |
Third order of St. Francis, 312-313 |
Toleration, 23-49 |
Translations, 165 |
Trent, Council of, 646 |
Universities, no Brethren at, 209 |
Universus clerus, 132 |
Utrecht, chapter of, 270-272 |
Via illuminitiva, 318 |
Via moderna, 483-487 |
Vicarius Christi, rector as, 242 |
Visitation, 593 |
Visitators, 308, 455, 502 |
Vita, interior, 170; exterior 170; Vita deperdita, 177 |
Vitae, 176-178; Gerardi Magni, 176-196 |
Vocation, 253-254, 637 |
Windesheim, chapter of 296; organization of chapter, 309; in fifteenth century, 502-520; in France, 633-635; and humanism, 633-635 |
Writing of books, 99-103 |
Writings of first Devotionalists, 313-348 |
Zwestriones, 279 |