Who are the No. 1 War Criminals?
(2001)–Willem Oltmans–
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PinochetWorldwide ignorance about the true nature of the Rogue tentacles of the United States reaching out to all continents, including Monroe's Latin paradise, is profoundly shocking. Having been a resident of New York City from 1958-1992 I can testify to the fact that most Americans themselves have no clue as to what their Government and their intelligence services are capable off. Chomsky raised indirectly in What Uncle Sam Really WantsGa naar eind57 the subject of globalisation: ‘The International Monetary Fund (imf) is a more cost-effective instrument than the Marines and the cia if it can do the job. But the “iron fist” must be poised in the background, available when needed,’ he wrote. Professor Chomsky referred to the installation of cia puppets like, Suharto, Mobutu and Pinochet as a United States ‘rent-a-thug’ policy.Ga naar eind58 Chomsky: ‘The us has pursued these ends largely through the Pentagon system. (...) We are now locked into these devices for maintaining electronics, computers and our high-tech industry generally. (...) The transfer of resources to wealthy minorities and other government policies led to a vast wave of financial manipulations and a consumption binge. But there was little in the way of productive investment, and the country was saddled with huge debts: government, corporate, household and the incalculable debt of unmet social needs as society drifts towards a Third World pattern, with islands of great wealth and privilege in a sea of misery and suffering.’ Professor Chomsky explained, that when a superpower like the us becomes entangled in these policies, it must also find ways to divert the population from seeing what is actually happening. Standard procedure is to frighten them with images of terrible enemies everywhere. With the evil of the Soviet empire fallen apart, the Clinton's and Bush'es are saving Americans from mortal dangers looming elsewhere. The Qaddafi's and mysterious terrorists like Osama bin Laden serve as deterrent dangers. Thanks to the courage of Bill Clinton, who fired missiles at Sudan and Afghanistan, dangers of terrorism at home could be kept away from America's sacred home land. Saddam Hussein is already serving for a decade as an imminent danger to the West. The media in the West are painting nightmare scenarios about Saddam's nuclear or biological warfare capabilities to justify the continuation of illegal acts of war by ultramodern us and British war planes over Iraq. The Rogue record of the Secret Team, the cia and the invisible government in general grows steadily. Who dropped the first nuclear devices over densely populated Japanese cities? Who first launched chemical warfare in Southeast Asia? President Salvador Allende Gossens, a Marxist physician became President of Chili on September 4, 1970, when the Chilean Congress voted him 153 to 35 into po- | |
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wer. He became the first president elected in Monroe Doctrine territory on a Marxist-Leninist platform. Washington was in an uproar. The Donovan boys were doing overtime. Fidel was one thing, but a freely elected communist was taboo. Allende began to implement his program, but discovered the cost of living rose 160 percent in two years. Yet, during legislative elections in 1973, Allende's coalition won more seats in both houses. That did it. Washington decided, he had to go. The military took over in September 1973, Allende was killed. Augusto Pinochet Ugarte was chosen chairman of a four-member junta. The 1925 Constitution was suspended and political parties were banned. The cia scenario for military intervention was introduced. Mass arrests followed. Washington was asked for assistance to set up concentration camps, just like in Indonesia in 1965, when General Suharto asked and received us assistance to set up an entire island, by the name of Buru, which became one huge prison for more than 100.000 Indonesians who were opposed to the cia installed fascist dictatorship. Allende had already in 1972 delivered a speech to the United Nations in which he accused the International Telephone and Telegraph Corporation (itt) of having driven its rogue tentacles deep into the Chilean economy and was trying its utmost to disrupt the country. The President went as far as to warn that the itt was promoting civil war. British author Anthony Sampson published in 1973, The Sovereign State, The Secret History of lTT.Ga naar eind59 In his 288 page report, Sampson detailed the close cooperation between itt and the cia. It's an aspect grossly overlooked when opposition is being organised against globalisation. itt was hardly the sole multi-national misused by cia gangsters and the Donovan boys. In particular, the British writer researched the role of the then Czar of criminal manipulations in Washington, Henry Kissinger, the latter-day Nobel Prize winner. This crook headed at the time the super secret Forty Committee. It was an interdepartmental group of invisibles, which had on top of its agenda in those days how to get rid of Allende. How could economic instability in Chili be quickly promoted? How could banks be forced to stop making loans available? How could unions be bribed to cause further troubles for the Marxist President? Companies were urged to drag their feet spending money in Chili. Shipping deliveries of spare parts were intentionally slowed down or halted. Technical assistance to Chili was stopped. The cia advised Kissinger and his co-conspirators that these measures would hasten Allende's fall. Washington was not only promoting civil war in Chili as Allende had warned, Washington was engaged in an illegal fullscale war short of sending warships and bombers. In Secret Agencies, us Intelligence in a Hostile World, Loch Johnson demonstrated how the Nixon Administration and Kissinger relied heavily on a policy of economic destruction for Chili, and how they organised a truckers | |
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strike, that even further disrupted economic life. Another servant of the White House gangsters, us ambassador Edward Korry, forwarded a set of secret cables to his us bosses in which he proudly confirmed, ‘not a nut or a bolt will be allowed to reach Chili under Allende.’Ga naar eind60 David Wise noted in The American Police State, The Government against the People that the underworld mentality of the Nixon White House was rampant at the time.Ga naar eind61 The cia approved the spending of millions of dollars to unseat the democratically elected Allende. Harold Geneen, the big boss of itt, privately donated another million to hasten the liquidation of the Chilean President. Wise also reconstructed events, that led to the murder of Orlando Letelier in 1976. He was a former Chilean ambassador in Washington, later Allende's Minister of Defense. Pinochet had him arrested. He was brought to Dawson Island. He spent eight gruelling months on the Chilean version of Suharto's concentration camp on Buru island - both cia inventions - before he was released and sought refuge in Washington where he was simply executed in bright daylight driving happily along. Both Wise and New York Times journalist, Seymour Hersh, discovered a direct link between the Watergate break-in and a similar incident at the Chilean Embassy in Washington followed by Letelier's liquidation. Notorious Watergate burgler, Frank Sturgis, was again involved. ABC television managed May 30, 1975 to get Sturgis to admit on camera to the crime of having broken into the Chilean Embassy. This shady character had once been a trusted security guard of Fidel Castro, was working secretly for the cia. He was back in the cia womb to continue his dirty tricks in the streets of Washington. Step by step David Wise - whom I interviewed in his study in Santa Barbara, California -reconstructed the depth of what the various loose cia dogs had written into their sordid record of murderous and treacherous deceptions. He found that shortly after President Nixon had ordered, that Salvador Allende should be blocked to become President of Chili, General Rene Schneider, Commander in Chief of the Chilean Army was killed during a kidnap attempt on October 22, 1970. The cia had supplied machine guns and ammunition to a group of Chilean officers. Wise: ‘cia covert operations, from rigging elections abroad to overthrowing governments and instituting political assassinations should be specifically barred by law in peacetime. It has been amply demonstrated by now that the cost of covert operations to our own system is too high.’Ga naar eind62 Even journalist Wise came up with the argument that rogue behaviour for a superpower was unacceptable, not because it was unethical, undemocratic, immoral and in violation of international law, but it was too expensive. His advise in 1976 was of course ignored. He gave the wrong reason for an urgent change of us conduct in Foreign Affairs. To radically change the rogue behaviour of | |
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Washington decisionmakers, it is necessary to first decode the nonsense out of us brains, that Americans are the chosen people, who have to teach - and if that doesn't work - have to enforce the American way of life on mankind as the ultimate salvation for all. The self assuredness, the devotion, the passion and the utter vehemence by which Yankees try to spread their liberating gospel to all corners of the globe does indeed recall the fundamental spirit of the crusades, when Christians, for the love of their God, mounted their horses on the way to Constantinople to slit the throats of Muslims. The poor horses were unable to carry them even further East to massacre the Ayatollahs, the Hindus and the Buddhists as well, while Confucius & Co. had wisely blockaded themselves behind the Chinese wall, to keep the boys of Jesus out. But a dozen centuries later, the West seems to be finally infiltrating the lands of the Sung and Ming dynasties, if not by sending spy planes and espionage rockets over the Wall, then by seeding capitalism and super individualism into Chinese minds. Or by bequeathing a stock-exchange on them and introducing Microsoft computers, Internet, deodorant, Coca Cola, blue jeans, Kentucky Fried Chickens, and last but not least invade the former Han empire with Olympic Games at a time when the Chinese Communist Party might have celebrated its 85th birthday. Deputy cia director Richard Bissell finally admitted before the Senate Intelligence Committee chaired by Senator Frank Church, that he never told the Special Group, which was the predecessor of Kissinger's Forty Committee, that the cia had used underworld figures to kill, for instance, Castro. Richard Nixon instructed the cia not to tell the Forty Committee about its covert operations against the Allende Government. Relations between the cia and the Forty Club were in the end reduced to telephone calls. Of course, Kissinger knew exactly what was cooking, including the fact that Nixon freed 10 million dollars to assist in blocking Allende's democratic election. David Wise, after the massive data he alone collected on illegal activities by the intelligence services, called it a myth that covert operations would ever be employed sparingly, only if necessary, and carefully controlled. The taste for secret operations to impose America's will on others, was running wild ever since Donovan designed basic us spy networks. The clock of the us spy genius could not be turned back. It became unstoppable. Admiral Elmo R. Zumwalt, Jr, Chief us Naval Operations wrote a memoir, On Watch.Ga naar eind63 He visited President Salvador Allende on February 19, 1971 in the summer palace in Valparaiso. The Admiral wrote: ‘I found him one of the most fascinating men I ever met.’ At the end of the meeting Allende even suggested, that the nuclear powered aircraft carrier Enterprise visiting Rio de Janeiro would stop at Valparaiso on its way back to San-Diego. He would himself very much like to visit the us warship. | |
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Zumwalt recalls that everyone was for it, even ambassador Edward Korry. ‘All the Defense people, Tom Moorer, Melvin Laird, Dave Packard agreed (...) but the State Department and the cia were solidly against it and so was Henry Kissinger.’Ga naar eind64 The Admiral added: ‘Kissinger was in a black rage (...) for me having started the whole thing.’ Zumwalt wrote about Kissinger's ‘bizarre personality’. ‘Henry was altogether capable of flying into a fury for no reason, as indeed his principal (Nixon) often was.’ The Admiral, as White House insider, offered a rare glimpse of the two men who got the us entangled in the biggest scandal in American history. Deputy Attorney General Richard Kleindienst - working for Attorney General John Mitchell, a Nixon confidant, who went to jail for his role in the Watergate disaster - was testifying in 1972 in the Senate about illegal government behaviour, when journalist Jack Anderson broke the news, that itt had cooperated with the cia to make Allende lose the election. Anthony Sampson said in his book, that Anderson had only succeeded, because the relevant documents ‘had escaped shredding.’Ga naar eind65 The select clique dealing with these Mafia practices in the name of people of the United States included besides Nixon himself, of course Kissinger again, also John McCone, who had shifted from Director of the cia to boss of itt, and an additional host of other mostly invisible lawbreakers in the Washington ruling elite. People might be aware that the fascist military regime of Pinochet was imposed in secret on Chileans by the top of the Washington power structure, but everyone seems to intentionally ignore, that similar covert operations are taking place every single day all over the world. Americans prefer to remain blind to these unpleasant realities and rather wait for a future muckraker like Anderson, to surface and find new proof that 20, 30, 40 years ago, as some commentators suspected and wrote all along, indeed, for instance, the uck Albanian Liberation Army in Kosovo was a full-scale cia covert operation after all, initiated by the invisible government of 1999, to destabilize the Balkans and to be able to issue in the end a free ride for the last Communist dictator in the region to the War Crimes Tribunal in The Hague. |