New Nazis
(2002)–Willem Oltmans–
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as shock troops for the Iranian Islamic Revolution. The US identified them as Shiite terrorists. They carried out waves of suicide bombings, airline hijackings and numerous hostage takings. Especially among young Muslims post colonial Arab ruling elite's, who play ball with the US are sharply rejected. The more Bush connives with Sharon against the PLO, the more anti-American passions will rise in the Afro-Asian world. Al Queda is simply an extension of earlier blunt warnings to the West, that unless America stopped interfering in the internal affairs of the Muslim world - by example the free delivery of the latest most deadly weapons, rockets and technologies to Israel - more freedom fighters would be ready to bring the ultimate sacrifice. It makes George Bush's question, ‘why do they hate us?’ his very first asinine reaction to 09-11. If the man had done his homework, he could have answered himself. Americans are totally in the dark about the global mischief their governments have been manufacturing since World War II. After the twin towers collapsed in Manhattan, ‘they felt their innocence had been shattered,’ said anthropologist Wade Davis of the National Geographic. Innocent? Americans are as guilty as hell! The only response to whatever they do not understand regarding the feelings or motivations of peoples in far away lands, is ‘get the B-52's and B-1B's ready and load them with precision-guided laser bombs.’ All of us, including the suicide bombers who are engaged in a Jihad against Israel and America, now live in the so-called American age. The British journalist Henry Fairlie, who for several decades worked for The Times in Washington, defined America as ‘The Spoiled Child of the Western World’ (Double Day, New York, 1976). Alexander the Great slept with the Iliad under his pillow. He found his heroes in the noble spirits of Achilles and Hercules. As British historian, Thomas Carlyle once wrote, ‘Napoleon was our last great man, because modern times deny both the existence as the desirability of great men.’ The current Yankee hero, George the Great seems to never skip an episode of The Bold and the Beautiful. All he is, is the epitome of a spoiled kid from a nouveau riche Texan oil clan. Hardly the ideal choice amongst 280 million Americans to guide the nation through stormy weather. When from the White House rose garden Bush delivered June 24, 2002 his long awaited speech on the Middle East, an Israeli cabinet minister remarked to the Dutch paper NRC-Handelsblad, ‘It looks as if the Likud (Sharon's party) wrote the text.’ The Israeli paper Ha'aretz commented, that the Bush Administration had accepted the Israeli line on the conflict with Arafat and apparently approved Israeli war crimes in the occupied territories. Yasser Arafat seemed to have entered the mind of this US president as the latest member of his concept of an Axis of Evil. | |
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Unsurprisingly, Sharon and his supporters were elated. But was this fateful speech of Bush Jr. really in the interest of Israel or the United States? Bush seemed only sensitive to deceptions by Arafat and the PLO. But what about the deceptions of Sharon & Cc? They promised the world that there would be no new settlements in Palestinian occupied territories. Instead, ‘new settlements sprout daily like poisoned mushrooms,’ said Yossi Sarid, leader of the Israeli opposition party Meretz. Bush's call for a new Palestinian leadership and the removal of Arafat as chairman of the PLO was apparently inspired, as we were told in The New York Times, by the revelation that US intelligence services discovered that Arafat had made a payment of 20.000 dollars to a group that claimed a recent suicide attack in Jerusalem. The document came to Washington through the Mossad, Israel's most important spy organization, created by David Ben-Gurion in 1951. Other Israeli intelligence organizations are: the IDF (military), Amman (intelligence branch of the IDF), API (Air Force), BP (Paramilitary border police and occupied territories), NI (Naval Intelligence), GSS (or Shin Bet or SHABEK, internal security) and RPPC (Research and Political Planning Center) (The Secret History of the Mossad, Gordon Thomas, St. Martin Press, New York, 1999) For the RPPC it is standard procedure to manufacture on demand any desired document. As here, a far too convenient transparent was used as proof to convince dilettante statesman Bush, that Arafat was giving money to suicide bombers and therefore is an evil man. Nor would junior be the first US president to fall for similar tricks played by intelligence services. Bernard Wasserstein, History professor at Glasgow University told The Times (June 30, 2002) that indeed the by then notorious speech on the crisis in the Near-East did fan terror in the region even more. ‘The shallowness of real concern for democratic reform is indicated in the fact that, by all accounts, the favored American (and Israeli) candidate to replace Arafat is a former chief of the Palestinian secret police,’ Wasserstein said. The British historian feared that with his call for Arafat to disappear from the scene Bush had undercut his own political objectives by driving Palestinians even more into the arms of their godfathers. In short: new legions of suicide bombers will be lining up following Bush's manifest babble about condoning the continued war crimes by Israel against Muslims in Palestine. An Al Queda guerrilla is one answer to renewed and unparalleled aggressive US imperialism. Even Joseph Stalin drew the conclusion after the USSR had first come under attack by German fascists, that ‘not heroes make history, but history makes heroes’. Osama bin Laden is a clear historic Muslim emergency answer to US-Israeli aggression. Many in the Afro-Asian world asked themselves, who else will oppose the dollarization of the globe led by the gang of four in Washington? | |
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Heroism is not just bravery. Heroism is a virtue: the virtues of the Romans. ‘Virtues included ideas of valour and excellence,’ wrote British journalist Henry Fairlie. ‘Valor is again different from courage. It is a quality that makes us courageous when it matters, the character that makes the courage seem more than an act of bravery. Heroism is courage given a value that is beyond courage.’ (Too rich for heroes, Harper's Magazine, November 1978). Suicide bombers of the 21st century are genuine heroes. History produced them. They fight against US -Israeli interventionism and new and provocative military intrusions of their holy grounds by using bare hands and naked bodies. This time, the ‘new world’ descended on Muslims to subdue and exploit them and induce them to accept the American way of life as the sole road to happiness and prosperity for all. But, like the crusaders of the 12th century, Western invaders find Mujahideen and Al Queda blocking their evil schemes. Palestinians have no other weapons to resist Israel than with human bombs. Young men, and even girls, blow themselves up at places where it hurts Israel most. The PLO has no tanks, no armored personnel carriers to wrap their freedom fighters safely in steel, to protect them from enemy bullets or to be able to counter-attack their invaders. After all, who invaded whom first? Jews committed a forced entrance of Palestine exactly the same way Hitler invaded the Netherlands. We also formed resistance bands to sabotage and kill our unwanted trespassers. When Dutch guerrilla fighters killed German soldiers, the Nazis immediately took innocent hostages and executed them. Sharon does exactly the same in Palestine. In response, Hamas warriors retaliate, who cannot get close to military targets in Israel, because they would be immediately detected and destroyed before inflicting damage. What else should they do? ‘But these Hamas criminals kill innocent civilians!’ Americans shouted in exasperation, when I was in New York following 09-11. My reply: ‘Did Americans loose any sleep over becoming the first nation in history to use the atomic bomb over Hiroshima and Nagasaki filled with innocent civilians, causing 224.000 deaths and an equal number of seriously wounded? Did any of you ever figure out how many Japanese pizza parlors were hit by those two atomic sweeps alone? Don't accuse others with your own mass-murdering record of atomic and chemical warfare record everywhere in the world.’ |