Apartheid. USA 1988
(1989)–Willem Oltmans–December 10, 1987:The New York City Taxi and Limousine Commission and the Human Rights Commission discovered the folowing: Cabbies ignored 25 percent of the white decoys put on the streets to test the system and they passed over 39 percent of the black would-be passengers. On the Upper East Side, blacks were passed over twice as often as whites. Black and Hispanic drivers were less likely to deny service than were white drivers. Generally, cabbies insist it isn't personal. Blacks, they say, often live in unsafe and outlying neighborhoods from which drivers probably won't return with a paying passenger. Statistically, blacks are also more likely to commit crime. Black men are suspects in at least five of the seven murders of medallion cabbies this year.Ga naar voetnoot180. |