Apartheid. USA 1988
(1989)–Willem Oltmans–March 21, 1987:Black Police Commissioner, Benjamin Ward said that slow progress in recruiting and promoting blacks would leave few ready for promotion to top jobs when senior black officers left the department. Mr Ward mentioned his own departure as a case in point, suggesting that he might leave before his term expired in January 1991. He also cited a growing number of Hispanic officers and said that blacks had to be more aggressive in lobbying for hiring and promo- | |
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tion of black officers. He said three of the seven borough commanders are black, but that few blacks were coming up through the ranks. Of the 27 161 officers in uniform as of last September, 78.6 percent were classified as white, 10.8 percent as black, 10 percent as Hispanic and 0.6 percent as Asian and Pacific islanders.Ga naar voetnoot71. |