Afb. 50. Eekhoornhaar. Dwarsdoorsnede. 360 ×.
(Vgl. Brief 21, aant. 11, blz. 354.)
Ill. 50. Hair of a squirrel. Transverse section. 360 ×.
(See Letter 21, note 6, p. 355.)
Afb. 51. Konijnenhaar. 460 ×
(Vgl. Brief 21, aant. 11, blz. 354.)
Ill. 51. Rabbit-hair. 460 ×.
(See Letter 21, note 6, p. 355.)
Afb. 52. Haar met merg van den arm van den mensch. 360 ×.
(Vgl. Brief 21, aant. 14, blz. 356.)
Ill. 52. Hair with medulla from the arm of a man. 360 ×.
(See Letter 21, note 8, p. 357.)