Texts concerning the Revolt of the Netherlands
(1974)–E.H. Kossmann, A.F. Mellink– Auteursrechtelijk beschermd
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15 Instruction and advice for the Honourable Philip Marnix, lord of St Aldegonde etc., delegate of my gracious lord and prince, the prince of Orange, to go to the town of Dordrecht on behalf of His Highness and to address the assembly of the States as directed and charged by His Highness, 1572 Ga naar voetnoot1The meeting of the States of Holland on 19 July 1572 was convoked by the most ancient town of the province, Dordrecht. The stadholder was absent. Marnix of St Aldegonde, who had served the prince of Orange since early 1571 in various confidential capacities, attended as his deputy. i. As the States and the deputies from the surrounding towns convened in the town of Dordrecht by 15 July, intend to discuss the common government of the country, His Highness's deputy will insist that they unanimously decide to recognise His Highness as governor-general and stadholder of the king over Holland, Zeeland, Friesland and the bishopric of Utrecht. This is the office to which he was lawfully and duly appointed by His Royal Majesty, and from which he was never dismissed in the manner required by the customs and rights of the country. ii. That they shall also determine how to reach an agreement in this matter with the other countries and provinces which have never had His Highness as their governor but should recognise him (who in his capacity of chief member of the States General of the country is responsible for protecting the country from foreign tyrants and oppressors according to its old rights and privileges) as their protector and in the absence of His Royal Majesty, as their head.Ga naar voetnoot2 iii. That His Highness intends and desires that they shall recognise and accept the Honourable count van der Marck, lord of Lumey etc.,Ga naar voetnoot3 as lieutenant-general and stadholder of the county of Holland, commissioned and invested by His Highness. | |
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iv. On condition, however, that the count van der Marck conform to the contents of the commission, which His Highness has sent to him for this purpose; v. And that his lieutenancy shall not detract from the authority of other governors who have received from His Highness special commissions as governors of various towns.Ga naar voetnoot4 vi. The assembled States and deputies of the towns shall also debate and ordain the best and most suitable measures to take with regard to His Highness's warships, so that good and lawful order be established and maintained aboard them and over their commissioned officers; and similarly over the governors, captains, commanders and other commissioned officers. And also over the soldiery and others ashore, who hold any command or commission from His Highness within the county of Holland or are in some other way at his service, good and commendable order must be established and maintained for the protection of the country, with the least possible burden to the inhabitants so that all classes may be united in mutual harmony. vii. And to this end all governors, lieutenants and commanders, general as well as particular, shall maintain good relations with each other and so likewise the towns with each other. viii. They shall further discuss and ordain the best and most suitable means of restoring and re-establishing in their old form and full vigour all the old privileges, rights and usages of the towns, which may have been suppressed and taken away by Alva's tyranny or otherwise, in accordance with the privileges and rights the king has sworn to maintain. Moreover the afore-mentioned delegate shall inform the assembly that His Highness has no other purpose than to restore, under the lawful and worthy reign of the king of Spain, as duke of Brabant, LorraineGa naar voetnoot5 and Limburg, count of Flanders, Holland, Zeeland etc., the power, authority and reputation of the States to their former condition in accordance with the privileges and rights which the king has sworn to maintain. And without the States His Highness shall not endeavour to do or command anything that concerns the provinces or that may be harmful to them. ix. On the other hand His Highness hopes that the States assembled there shall bind themselves - and shall also ask the other provinces to do so - not to enter into any accord, compact or agreement, either with the king himself or with any one who might or could pretend to have received an | |
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order or commission from His Majesty, nor to do or to decide anything else concerning the whole of the country, without having His Highness's advice and consent and without consulting His Highness if he thinks this right. x. His Highness on his part shall also bind himself not to undertake nor to command anything without the advice and consent of the States or at least the majority of them, and without consulting these States and countries, if and when they desire this. xi. To this end the States assembled there and the delegates of the towns shall swear to His Highness between the hands of the delegate from His Highness, to be faithful to him forever and not to desert him, but to assist and help him in every possible way and faithfully to keep to these conditions in every respect. The afore-mentioned delegate from His Highness shall also promise by oath to protect them in every way and to keep to the said conditions, so far as they concern His Highness. xii. Moreover, the afore-mentioned delegate from His Highness shall inform the States and deputies assembled there in detail of the position and circumstances of His Highness, and also of the conditions on which he has come to an agreement with the commanders and stewards. xiii. And thereupon he shall request the town of Dordrecht together with the other deputies, every one for his own town, to stand security for three months' pay or at least to use their influence with the towns that this be done with all diligence and speed. xiv. And meanwhile they shall raise as much money as possible with all speed and diligence, each town its due share, as His Highness needs to start paying his soldiers. xv. It is understood that His Highness pledges on behalf of the towns, which will stand security, all the money which can be raised at Flushing, at Mons in HainaultGa naar voetnoot6 and elsewhere, either by laying a tribute on the enemy or in any other way, until they shall have got back their money; and that all the money His Highness shall take from such income and use for paying his soldiers, shall be deducted from the sum they have been asked to provide. xvi. That in order to make it possible for him to pay his soldiers they shall do all they can to raise money on bonds issued by His Highness, and covered by cash expected to come in from elsewhere or by some goods and merchandise which His Highness may sell somewhere else. xvii. The afore-mentioned delegate shall also ask them, on behalf of His | |
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Highness, to establish good relations with the other towns situated in Brabant, Flanders, Hainault, and in Gelderland, Overijssel, Friesland etc., and other provinces. xviii. And he shall adjure them with letters and other suitable means and vehemently insist that they attend to the freedom and the prosperity of the fatherland and join the common alliance and accord and, abandoning the cause of the Spaniards, determine to obey the king and to accept the protection of His Highness in accordance with their old rights and privileges. xix. He will make them see the firm unbreakable bond and the benefit which their union will give to the whole country. xx. And will discuss with them the best and most suitable means of inducing other towns like Utrecht, Amsterdam, Rotterdam etc., to join.Ga naar voetnoot7 xxi. And will discuss with them the nomination of magistrates and governors of the towns of Holland, asking their advice and that they submit the names of capable nobles for consideration and nominate such as are with His Highness. xxii. And will consider the best way to bring from Amsterdam the ships which are at anchor there. xxiii. (crossed out) xxiv. Will also discuss with them the best and fittest means of dealing with the clergy and others who have declared themselves in public adverse to this cause, and what must happen to their possessions as well as themselves.Ga naar voetnoot8 By His Highness at AldekerckenGa naar voetnoot9 in the district of Guelders on 13 July 1572. |