Oeuvres complètes. Tome VII. Correspondance 1670-1675
(1897)–Christiaan Huygens–No 2039.
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[pagina 476]
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Since I haue read M. Hooks treatise about ye motion os ye EarthGa naar voetnoot1), I haue had some thoughts thereon, wch perchance (if not too obvious, and already known to you) may be of some consequence. Let C, D, be 2 fixt stars, S ye Sun, CDBA a plain going through ye 3 points C, D, S, and cutting ye orbe of ye Earth in A and B. Let a circle pass through ye points A, C, D, cutting CB in E. The sine of ye Angle CAD is to ye sine of ye angle CBD as DB to DE; wch proportion may be pretty sensible, if ye Star D be much nearer than C; yea sometimes perchance so sensible, yt D may from B seem on ye one side of C, and from A on ye other side. The points A, B, in ye Orbe of ye Earth, may be
![]() with ease found out more precisely, than is required fore this busines. My thoughts briefly are these: If from A and B ye Angles CAD, CBD be observed and found vnequal, from thence two things may be inferr'd, hitherto question'd, viz. ye motion of ye Earth, and ye unequal distance of ye Fixt Stars. And these Angles (as to their inequality, if such a thing be) may be observ'd easily, because any two Stars in ye firmament, if they fall wthin one view of ye Telescope, may be chosen for this effect; one of which may be a larger Star of ye 1. magnit; and consequently in all probability near to vs; and ye other of ye 6th; yea perhaps of ye 60th magnitude, and far from vs. And wch ye most of all, this, without any considerable praeparation, may be easily and exactly observ'd by any sort of a micrometer; or (if D. be seen on both sides of C, wich may sometimes fall out), wth a simple Telescope. If it be said, yt from this only can be gathered yt ye Fixt Stars haue parallax, and not how much it is in this or yt Star; I answer, yt 't is ye main busines to prove, they haue parallax: And yet from a third observation, as suppose at F, may be gathered geometrically ye parallax of both C and D, if yt be esteemed operae pretiumGa naar voetnoot2). A Monsieur Monsieur Christian Hugens de Zulichem, dans la bibliotheque du Roy, a Paris. 10 β |