Momenta desultoria
(1655)–Constantijn Huygens– AuteursrechtvrijVI.SI publicum munus cupis, tibi excide:
Si publicum munus capis, tibi dic vale.
Quicunque privum lumen ad Rempublicam
Affert, inepto sublevat lumen vitro.
Doemsticum & morale publico nocet:
Qui publicam sumit togam, suam exuat.
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VI.IF thou desire Magistracy, learn to forget thy self; If thou undertake it, bid thy selfe farewell; Hee that looks upon a common cause with private eyes, looks through false Glasses. In the exercise of thy Politique Office, thou must forget both Ethicks and Oeconomicks. He that puts on a publicke Gown, must put of a private Person. FINIS. |