Briefwisseling. Deel 6: 1663-1687
(1917)–Constantijn Huygens–
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6765. Aan Lady GiffardGa naar voetnoot1). (K.A.)I had the fortune to find amongst a thousand the gracious letter your ladyship was pleased to send me with those papers concerning the opening of her Royal Highness the duchess of Orleans her miserable bodyGa naar voetnoot2). I hope, Madam, your ladyship will have the goodness either to forgett or to forgive my former negligence and, as for the matter, to receave here my humble thankes for the satisfying of my curiosity about that particular. Having perused all those sad relations, I fell considering, Madam, what a pittie it is, the true and inward constitution of a lady's breast and heart cannot be discovered but after she is dead and torn in peeces. Your ladyship hath read more then I, but it may be she never fell upon the book wherein we find, how at first our common parents were created open, so that every part of breast and belly could be distinguished and cured as occasion would require, but that those two nice persons growing weary of what they should have most esteemed of, got every one a lace and with the lacing of their skins, as now you doe your tichtGa naar voetnoot3) bodies, Adams lace was found so much too long as Eva's too short, of which inconvience it seemeth all mankind and both sexes to this very day doe wear a visible mark. As for my part, Madam, I could wish things had been left as they were for many a good reason, which I could expound you at large, if there did not stik something here, where I venture to write in a strange language without the help of a dictionary, which here I am unprovided of, as I feare too well will appeare. So I must hast to make an end, and leaving my anatomical historie unto your ladyships wiser consideration, to assure you, I am constantly ..... Hofwijck, 3 of Aug. 1670. |