Briefwisseling. Deel 5: 1649-1663
(1916)–Constantijn Huygens–5660. Aan N. OudartGa naar voetnoot3). (K.A.)For our Orenge businesse, your Royal Mistriss may be sure, we are mindfull enough of what her Highnesse was pleased to tell us at our last meeting. There was a word spoken amongst others, touching I know not what partiality. Thereupon, Sir, you may freely assure her Royal High.e that I know no partiality, neither in myselfe, nor in our collegues, but for the interests of the Prince her sonn, and those that were otherwayes affected would declare themselve meere ridiculous fools. For what is to me the good or ill of the howse of Orenge, but for the Masters good and service, to whom I am sworn? Or have I anie relation to a count of Dona, or anything to hope or expect from him? As for the account he is to give, he has told us d'abord, that it is the onely subject of his comming hitherGa naar voetnoot4); and so we expect him with the first, | |
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both by word of mouth and in writing, whereof her Royal Hig.e shall have notice, as is our dutie. To day it seemeth, the commissioners of Holland are to conferre with the Princesse Douager about the two maine points, our Masters education, and the administration of the estateGa naar voetnoot1). For the first I will be glad to see the governments instruction mended and wel executed. In the second I am confident, they will find the hitherto honest men and faithfull are medling with it. For the rest, if they can find a way to redress us without monie, erunt mihi magni Apollines, Let not us neglect those meanes, which in my judgment are the onely sacrae anchorae; and so I doe entreate you most seriously to be mindfull of what is to be procured both in Madrit and in Whitehall. If we doe not thrive that way, God assist us. 22 Oct. 1660. |