Briefwisseling. Deel 5: 1649-1663
(1916)–Constantijn Huygens–5593. Margaret van NewcastleGa naar voetnoot1). (H.A.)Give me leave to chalengs your promas which was to faour my book and so me by it, so much as to present it to the university liberary of Layden, for though my book hath nether witt nor worthe enouf to dissarve a place in that liberary, yet by the honour that it will reseve from your hands it may find a good actseeptanceGa naar voetnoot2). Thus, Sir, I trouble you, but no man lives without som troubles, and thos persons that are most emenant are offnest soleseted to doe faours, and your faour in this will ever obleg meGa naar voetnoot3). |