Briefwisseling. Deel 4: 1644-1649
(1915)–Constantijn Huygens–4762. Aan Utricia SwannGa naar voetnoot3). (K.A.)We doe live in so well policed an age, that the ravishing of honest wenches is held a notable crime. Lett the Princesse Royall her High.s bee pleased to consider what she has done in stealing from us, out of the middest of the Haghe, a marryed lady, that, to my knowledge, passeth for honest till this very day. If I were disposed for the journey, I could find in my heart to bee revenged of the affront by an entreprise upon Teilingen, there to trouble the feast with the harshnesse of a certain tiorbe and the hoarsnesse of a certain voice, both of them fitt to dash and dazzle the perfect harmony her High.s hath deprived us of something tirannically. But finding myselfe not able to goe and discharge my cholere so farr from home, I come to tell you for some mortification, that in your absence, Lady, wee are not alltogether | |
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out of tune, but that Mr. StöfkinsGa naar voetnoot1) and I are doing a kinde of wonders upon two leereway (?) viols, which could bring us in danger of ravishing, if there were another Teilinghen capable of the mischiefe, and that in time of necessitie I have hands enough to playe a wofull Lachrimae and such other stuffe upon my organs, to have that wonderfull bow rowle upon my bases. See if you will make hast te heare ou[r] miracles. And now my gall is out, beleeve, that either staying or running, ravished or ravishing - which is your part - you will find me, Ravissante ou ravie, Tous les jours de ma vie ..... 23 Feb. 1648. |