Briefwisseling. Deel 4: 1644-1649
(1915)–Constantijn Huygens–4527. W. SwannGa naar voetnoot7). (L.B.)By this enclosed of our friend Mons. BeersGa naar voetnoot5) you may sec I am not forgetfull of him, whom I have lett know, how much hee is obliget unto you in remembring and wishing him wan of that quyre of musyck his Hysse is now erectingGa naar voetnoot8), and to that end have desired him to lett mee know with all speed, whether hee still was inclined to change his condition, to live amongst more reasonabel creatures then now hee doth, especially in the knowledge of his faculty, which if hee dit, I doubtet not hut that, upon his earnest suit unt[o you]Ga naar voetnoot9), hee myth upon this occasion feele effectually your faveur and inclination unto him; I doubt not, Sir, but hee will most gladly and speedely for that purpose make his addresses unto you, and withall to lett you know more particular his present condition there. Sir, I doe heere send another inclosed to that end unto him, to heasten his answer, the directing of which I leave unto you, according to the postscript of his letter, which is the surest direction I can give. My wife presents her humbel service to you and greefs much for the losse of her voice, which a great could has taken from her, especially since she hears of so rare a FrenshmanGa naar voetnoot10) that is come to you, but I hoope, eere long shee will bee fitt againe to beare her part in musyck with your consort, which I long to heare, as lykewise to assure you how much wee are ..... Breda, this 24 of January A.o 1647. |