Briefwisseling. Deel 2: 1634-1639
(1913)–Constantijn Huygens–1324. Aan sir J. ColepeperGa naar voetnoot3). (K.A.)I have heard the best physitians of the armey say, that against the cold of this season there is nothing so warme and wholesome as a wastkote cutt out of a coronels acte, in somertime nothing cooler, nay that in the very spring and harvest it will ease an honest man of many incommodities. So that some dare compare it to the wing of a pertrigge, which they maintaine to be good 13 months in the yeare. There upon I have made bold to present you this morning with so soveraine a receat, hoping, that you will accept of it the more kindly, seeing and beleeving, it is signed not onely with the hand, but also with the heart of ..... 6 Dec. 1635, Arnhem. |