de Twaelfste, The Twelfth. |
Twaelf-stecken, To Play at Checker-board. |
Twalch, ofte twalck, Cockle, Darnell, or Tares. |
Twantelen, To Doubt, or to be Ambiguous. |
Twee, Two. |
Twee en twee, Two and two. |
Twee dagen langh, Two dayes longe. |
Twee palmen langh, Two palmes longe. |
de Tweede, The Second. |
het Tweede gerechte, The Second course. |
ten Tweeden, Secondly, or Secondarily. |
Tweederley, ofte tweederhande, In Two sorts, manner, or parts. |
met Tweederley verstandt spreecken, To Speake Doubtfull, in two Meanings, or to Equivocate. |
Twee-back, Biscuit, or Twise-backed. |
Twee-borelingen, Twinnes borne at one birth. |
Twee-dagigh, Of Two dayes. |
Twee-dracht, ofte twee-drachtigheydt, Discord, Division, Dissension, or Contention. |
Twee-drachtigh, Dis-agreeing, Discording, Dividing, or Dissenting. |
Twee-drachtigh zijn, To Be at Discord or at Dissension, to be Dis-agreeing, or of a Contrarie opinion one to an other, or to Dissent. |
Twee gelijcken, Two Like one an other, or Two Resembling one an other. |
Tweeheydt, Twonesse, or Dualitie. |
een Twee-hoeck, ofte twee-wegh, A Streete with two Corners or Nookes, Two wayes, or Two angles. |
Twee-jarigh, Of Two yeares. |
een Twee-klincker. A Dipthongue. |
Twee-licht, ofte twylicht, The Twilight in the evening or morning. |
Tweelingh, Twinnes come out of one belly. |
Twee-mael, twee reysen, ofte twee-werf, Twise, or two times. |
Twee-maels daeghs, Twise a day. |
Twee-mael grooter, Two times greater, or bigger. |
Twee-scheydigh, Divided or Separated into two parts or shares. |
Twee-scheydigheydt, A Division, or Put into two parts. |
Tweesins, In two Sorts, Kinds, or Manners. |
Twee-snedigh, ofte twee-snijdigh, Two-edged. |
een twee-snijdigh swaert, A Two-edged sword. |
Twee-spalt, Discord, or Dissension. |
een Twee-sprongh, A place where Two wayes meete, or a way having Two pathes. |
Twee-tongigh, Two-tongued, or Double-tongued. |
Twee-verwigh, Two-coloured, or Partie-coloured. |
Twee-voetigh, Two-footed, or double-footed. |
Twee-vorckigh, Two-forked. |
Tweevoudigh ofte Dobbel, Two-fold, or double. |
Tweevoudigheydt, Duplicitie, or Doublenesse. |
Tweevoudighlick, Two-foldly, or Doubly. |
een Twee-wegh, A Two-way, or a double way. |
Twee-wegigh, That hath Two wayes. |
Twee-werf, Two-times. |
Tween, To Discord, or to Dis-agree. |
Twernen, ofte twijnen, To Twinne yarne. |
Twern ofte twijn, Twinned yarne or thread. |
een Twern ofte twijn-molen, A Twinning-mill. |
Twijfelen, ofte twyfelen, To Doubt, to be Ambiguous, Suspicious, or to be in Suspence. |
Twijfelachtigh, Doubtfull, or Ambiguous. |
Twijfelachtigheydt, ofte twijfelickheydt, Doubtfulnesse, or Ambiguity. |
Twijfelachtighlick, Doubtfully, or Ambiguously. |
Twijfelachtighlick spreken, To Speake Doubtfully. |
een Twijfelaer, A Doubter. |
een Twijfel, ofte twijfelingh, A Doubt, or a Doubting. |
sonder Twijfel, Without Doubt or Question. |
Twijfelmoedigh, Doubtfull, Doubtfull-minded, or Despairing. |
Twijfelmoedigheydt, Doubtfull-mindednesse, or Despaire. |
en Twijgh, A Twigge, or the Shout of a tree. |
Twintigh, Twentie. |
Twintigh-mael, Twentie times. |
de Twintighste, The Twentieth. |
Twisten, To Chide, to Brawle, or to Quarrell. |
een Twist-scheyder, An Arbitratour, or an Umpire. |
den Twist des booms, The Boughe or Branche that Twist about a tree. |
Twijgen, To Plant, Graft, or In-oculate. |