From the preface to the first edition (1954)
The initiative for this publication was taken by the ‘Belgisch-Nederlands Interuniversitair Centrum voor Neerlandistiek’, a committee composed of all the professors of Dutch Language at Belgian and Dutch universities. It was their opinion that a short survey of methods and results in the study of the language of the Low Countries might have its uses for Germanists and other linguists abroad.
For the contents of this book, however, I myself am entirely responsible. It was not my intention to compile a complete bibliography, the very completeness and impersonality of which would have rendered it unpalatable. I had to be selective, therefore, and was not bound to refrain from giving my own opinions. Inevitably, both the selection and the opinions expressed are somewhat personal, and I do not expect every one to agree with them. Fellow-Netherlandists will perhaps regret the absence of certain publications, and be surprised at the presence of others. Moreover, omissions may be due, not to my lack of appreciation, but to my simply having overlooked the existence of some article or other. Nevertheless, I hope I have attained a sufficient degree of objectivity to render the book suitable both for scholars abroad and for Belgian, Dutch and South African students, as a survey of investigations and investigators in the field of Netherlandic linguistics.