100. How many glasses would you allow a man to drink in an evening?
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 glasses/d.n.k./n.a.
and a woman?
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 glasses/d.n.k./n.a.
101. When you consume alcoholic drinks why do you do it, in fact? (use cards!)
a. because others drink and I do not wish to cut a poor figure
b. it tastes good
c. to forget bad luck and misery
d. I feel better
e. to gain self-confidence
f. to get warm or to get rid of a cold
g. I find it healthy
h. I find it nice (gezellig) and sociable
Other reasons .....
102. What would you call the misuse of alcohol? .....
103. Would you find it objectionable if someone of your family:
a. was drunk, now and then? yes/no/d.n.k./n.a.
b. was tipsy, now and then? yes/no/d.n.k./n.a.
c. was drunk every week? yes/no/d.n.k./n.a.
d. would drink a glass before or after dinner every day? yes/no/d.n.k./n.a.
e. would be intoxicated by evening, every day? yes/no/d.n.k./n.a.
f. would not drink alcohol, at all, on principle? yes/no/d.n.k./n.a.
104. Can you understand why some persons become alcoholics, addicted to alcohol? yes/no/d.n.k./n.a.
105. Did you have a feeling, at some time of your life or another, that you needed alcohol? yes/no/d.n.k./n.a.
When was it about? ..... ago.
106. Why, do you think? .....
107. Did you stop drinking?
If yes, how did it happen? .....
108. Young men commit all kinds of foolish deeds. We put some of these here down; choose two of them that you think to be about the worst: (employ cards!)
a. to get drunk by oneself at home, alone;
b. to drive a car or a motor recklessly;
c. to seek one's pleasure with prostitutes;
d. to become aggressive, when heavily drunk;
e. to steal or embezzle money;
f. to charm the girls and leave them with a baby behind;
g. to blaspheme God;
h. to commit treason;
i. to be reckless about one's health;
j. the abortion of one's own child.
Which one of the two you chose do you find the worse? .....
Which one do you find the least objectionable? .....
And then? .....