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Lijst van publikaties
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Bruce, M., The Coming of the Welfare State, Londen 1968
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Bruce, M., The Rise of the Welfare State: English Social
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Burg, F.H. van der, ‘Is het wenselijk dat de overheid maatregelen neemt
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Commager, H.S. (ed.), Lester and the Welfare State,
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Dahrendorf, R., The New Liberty: Survival and Justice in a
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Deleeck, H., Opstellen over inkomensverdeling, sociale
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Ferber, Chr. von, en F.-X. Kaufmann (Hrg.), ‘Soziologie und
Sozialpolitik’, in: Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und
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Fraser, D., The Evolution of the British Welfare State,
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Galbraith, J.K., The Affluent Society, Londen 1958. |
George, V., Social Security: Beveridge and After, Londen
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George, V., Social Security and Society, Londen 1973. |
George, V. en P. Wilding, Ideology and Social Welfare,
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Harrington, M., ‘The Welfare State and its Neo-conservative Critics’, in
Dissent, Fall 1975, blz. 435-454. |
Heek, F. van. Verzorgingsstaat en sociologie, Meppel
1972. |
Heek, F. van, Van hoogkapitalisme naar verzorgingsstaat: Een
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Hill, M., The State, Administration and the Individual,
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Hoogendijk, W.C.D. ‘Van verzuiling naar decentralisatie: Overheid en
particulier initiatief in een veranderend cultuurpatroon’, in Preadviezen Welzijnscongres 1976, Nationale Raad voor
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Howard, D.S., Values and Social Welfare: Ends and Means,
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Idenburg, Ph.A., ‘Plaats en taak van het particulier initiatief: Vragen en
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Janowitz, M., Social Control of the Welfare State, New
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Kallen, D.J, en D. Miller, ‘Public Attitudes Towards Welfare’, in Social Work, XVI, 1971, blz. 83-90. |
Kraemer, P.E., The Societal State: The Modern Osmosis of
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Kreveld, J.H. van, ‘In hoeverre mogen en moeten bij het verlenen van
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blz. 59-153. |
Lapré, R.M. (red.), De economie van de welzijnszorg,
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Lasch, Chr., ‘The Narcissistic Personality of our Time’, in Partisan Review, XLIV, 1977, blz. 9-19. |
Marsh, D., The future of the Welfare State, Londen 1964. |
Marsh, D., The Welfare State, Londen 1970. |
Marshall, T.H., Class, Citizenship, and Social
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Marshall, T.H., Social Policy in the 20th Century,
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Marshall, T.H., ‘Value Problems of Welfare-Capitalism’, in Journal of Social Policy, I, 1, 1972, blz. 15-32. |
Miliband, R., Parliamentary Socialism, Londen 1961. |
Miliband, R., The State in Capitalist Society, Londen
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Miller, S.M. en P.N. Roby, The Future of Inequality, New
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Mishra, R., Society and Social Policy: Theoretical
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Myrdal, G., Beyond the Welfare State, New Haven 1960. |
Pen, J., ‘De grenzen van de welvaartsstaat’, in Sociologische
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Peper, A., Vorming van welzijnsbeleid: evolutie en evaluatie
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het opbouwwerk, Meppel 1972. |
Pinker, R., Social Theory and Social Policy, Londen
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Pinker, R., ‘Social Policy and Social Justice’, in Journal of
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Piven, F.F. en R.A. Cloward, Regulating the Poor: The
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Reich, Ch., ‘Individual Rights and Social Welfare: The Emerging Legal
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Robson, W.A., Welfare State and Welfare Society: Illusion and
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Romanyshyn, J.M., Social Welfare: Charity to Justice,
New York 1971. |
Runciman, W.G., Relative Deprivation and Social Justice: A
Study of Attitudes to Social Inequality in Twentieth-century
England, Londen 1966; uitgebreide herdruk in Pelican Books, 1972. |
Samuelsson, K., From Great Power to Welfare State: The
Swedish Experience, 1969. |
Schottland, Ch.I. (ed.), The Welfare State, New York
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Steiner, G., The State of Welfare, Washington 1971. |
Street, H., Justice in the Welfare State, Londen 1975
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Swaan, A. de, ‘De mens is de mens een zorg: over verstatelijking van
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Thoenes, P., De elite in de verzorgingsstaat, Leiden
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Townsend, P., Sociology and Social Policy, Harmondsworth
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Titmuss, R.M., ‘The Welfare State: Images and Realities’, in Social Service Review, XXXVII, 1963, blz. 1-11. |
Titmuss, R.M., Income Distribution and Social Change,
Londen 1962. |
Titmuss, R.M., Essays on ‘The Welfare State’, Londen
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Titmuss, R.M., ‘Welfare Rights: Law and Discretion’, in Political Quarterly, XLIV, 1971, blz. 113-132. |
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Vall, M. van de, ‘De welvaartsstaat als economisch milieu’, in Sociologische Gids, X, 1961, blz. 77-90. |
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