Chapter Four
4.0 Acceptability (inburgering) and linguistic change
In order to discuss the acceptability (i.e. inburgering or ingeburgerdheid) of anglicisms in Afrikaans, one first needs to look more closely at what is understood by standard Afrikaans. If a given linguistic structure is regarded as ‘correct’ Afrikaans, or erken, or toelaatbaar, or ingeburger, what in fact is meant by these vaguely synonymous terms and how does a structure qualify for such a label? Is frequency in the spoken language alone sufficient or must it also be common in the written language too to be regarded as standard Afrikaans? At what point in its assimilation into Afrikaans, with or without displacement (verdringing) of an indigenous phenomenon, can an anglicism be regarded as having given rise to linguistic change? These issues are all interconnected and constitute the contents of this chapter.