Briefwisseling en aantekeningen. Deel 1
(1934)–Willem Bentinck–Den Haag, 28 November 1747.......All I can tell you of Gelderland is, that everything is there in the greatest confusion. Mr. de Rosendaal and his brother shew by their behaviour that they have very little perspicacity and knowledge of men. All their opposition will only expose them. They have been in great danger for their persons. I dont know whether the story of the Flower de luces (?) is true or not; but it is certain that all the ugly fine things at Rosendaal have been in great danger. Mr. de Rosendaal has had the Assembly of the States convoqued at Nimegen tho' it be this year the turn of Zutphen. How that will succeed, I cannot tell. But it is contrary to all orderGa naar voetnoot3). His reason is that he is afraid of going to Zutphen, not thinking himself | |
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there so safe with a Hanoverian garrison against the mob, as at Nimegen where there is a National Garrison. This is very foolish reasoning, which he may chance to be the dupe of. I own all the reasonings from England about us, are equally unjust, unfair, and ill-grounded, and if I had a mind to expose the government in England, I could find materials enough. But I never will spoil affairs. People in England don't consider that all that railing against the Dutch, is playing the game of France. And they who do it are either knaves or dupes. You may tell 'em all so from me. I cannot think of it with patience. |