Briefwisseling en aantekeningen. Deel 1
(1934)–Willem Bentinck–
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Sorgvliet, 1 Juni 1745.......The account of the battle of Tournay published in England is a good and faithful account...... (Rechtvaardigt de actie van KönigseggGa naar voetnoot1) en Cumberland, o.a. met een verslag uit Fransche bron.) If all our infantry had done as well as four regiments did, of which our gards was one, no doubt but the victory had been on our side. Nay, if Brigadier Ingolsby had done his duty, the right wing alone would probably have done the business. The infantry not advancing, the horse was of no use. But they stood their ground very well, all except one regiment, whose Coll. and Major ran away at the first shott, and carry'd with 'em most of the regiment, tho' some subaltern officers did all their endeavours to rally their men; but not succeeding they went and set themselves at the head of other regiments who remained. Tournay, you know, is taken. But the Citadel holds, and will hold, I hope, to the last extremity. At least, the Governor has received fresh orders to detain the French Army there as long as he has powder and victuals. We have above the 40,000 men we were engaged for, under the command of the Duke of Cumberland. People talk of what they don't understand. Part of these 40,000 were not arrived, because the army was not sooner assembled; part is still in Tournay. The position the Army was in, did not permitt the drawing out the garrisons all the number that could have been joined to the army if it had been before as it was behind Tournay. I don't care to take the part of the Republick right or wrong; but truth must remain truth. And I do maintain that we have satisfy'd that part of our engagement, neither has it been reproached to us by anybody. If people will find | |
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fault there are reasons enough without forging false ones. But pray where were the 40,000 promised by England? 24,000 English, and 8,000 Hannoverians make but 32,000. I say this only to make people hold their tonguesGa naar voetnoot1). For I am satisfy'd it is not the fault of the Ministry that the stipulated number was not there in time. In short, this whole affair of Tournay was an unsuccesfull attempt, but no defeat. Our army is together, stronger than before the battle, but the reinforcements we have sent over and above the 40.000. The affairs in Germany have a favorable aspect, and it might easily happen that this campain might (end) as gloriously as it has unluckily begun...... |