Briefwisseling en aantekeningen. Deel 1
(1934)–Willem Bentinck–
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Den Haag, 14 Juni 1743.......The Greffier shew'd me the printed paper in which I make such a fine figureGa naar voetnoot1). Mr. de HarenGa naar voetnoot2) and I are pretty well together, and in general we agree as to publick affairs; but he is very hot and troublesome, and wants steddiness in the execution of what he undertakes, sometimes rashly. There are sometimes things relating to domestick affairs on which we do not agree, and in which we observe one another very narrowly. I shall not make your compliments to his wife, for she does not deserve them; and has made her husband play a very ridiculous part both as to interest, and as to honour ever since they have been marry'd, in one very important point. As to the affair of the marching of the troops, it is the work of the Pensionary. It is true I have help'd him under hand and publicly as much as I could. But the whole conduct of it is his, and the honour due to him; because it has been his plan from the very beginning, and would may be have been sooner executed if things had been sooner on a better foot at your side of the water. I don't alledge this as an excuse for us. We have none good. And what has determin'd the matter at last among a certain sett of People is not their extended views, not their principles of honour, nor courage, nor persuasion of the true interest of the Republick, but their cowardice, which I own I did not expect would operate so soon and | |
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so violently. This may seem a paradox. But I assure you its true; and I can make it very plain if you can't guess it: which you need but to let me knowGa naar voetnoot1)...... |