Exhibitions in the Van Gogh Museum
January 1997-July 1998
1997 |
Sir Lawrence Alma-Tadema
29 November 1996-2 March
exhib. cat. Sir Lawrence Alma-Tadema, Zwolle 1996
(ISBN 90 400 9847 6) |
Vienna 1900
Portrait and interior
21 March-15 June
(Organised in conjunction with the Österreichische Galerie
Belvedere, Vienna. The exhibition travelled to the Von der Heydt-Museum, Wuppertal.)
Exhib. cat. Wenen 1900: portret en interieur, Zwolle 1997
(ISBN 90 400 9938 3) |
Vincent van Gogh: the drawings of the Van Gogh
Museum. Part II: Nuenen 1883-1885
20 June-12 October
Exhib. cat. Vincent van Gogh: drawings: Nuenen 1883-1885, Naarden 1997
(ISBN 90 6611 5114) |
Auguste Préault 1809-1879
Romanticism in bronze
17 October-11 January 1998
(Organised in conjunction with the Réunion des Musées
Nationaux/Musée d'Orsay and the Musée des Beaux-Arts du château de Blois)
Exhib. cat. Auguste Préault 1809-1979: Romantiek in brons/Romanticism in bronze, Zwolle 1997
(ISBN 90 400 9967 7) |
1998 |
Utagawa Kuniyoshi, 1798-1861: Heroes and ghosts
30 January-5 April
(Organised in conjunction with the Society for Japanese Arts. The exhibition travelled to the Philadelphia Museum of Art.)
Exhib. cat. Heroes and ghosts: Japanese prints by Kuniyoshi 1797-1861, Bergeyk 1998
(ISBN 90 74822 10 X) |
Jewels from a photographic collection: photographs of the Leiden University Print Room, 1860-1900
17 April-31 August
Exhib. cat. Juwelen uit een fotocollectie: Foto's uit de collectie van het Prentenkabinet van de Rijksuniversiteit Leiden/Jewels from a photo-collection: photographs from the collection of the ‘Prentenkabinet’ of the University of Leiden, Leiden 1998
(ISBN 90 804274 1 1) |
Compiled by Andreas Blühm