article does not indicate the name of its author, copyright belongs to the publisher and is effective for 70 years after publication. If the author's name is indicated, however, the copyright is his or hers and remains in force until 70 years after his or her death. As long as an article or photograph is copyrighted, one essentially needs permission from the copyright owner to use it. An exception is the right to quote, where the context in which a quote is included has a real and functional relation to the quoted work, for instance when a newspaper article is used to substantiate one's story. Still, in that case the source (and, if known, the author) of the quote must be clearly referred to.
Can researchers also access the data directly?
Yes. Scholars and researchers are allowed access to all texts, images, and metadata on Delpher, for various purposes such as Text and Data Mining (TDM). Some data sets are freely available, such as the texts of the ANP (the Dutch news agency), and books published before 1800. For datasets which also contain copyright-protected materials, such as newspapers and magazines, advance permission is required. More information about gaining access to the data sets can be found on; one is also welcome to email
Why have magazines not been made available on a per-article basis?
During digitisation, material is semi-automatically subdivided in various ways. When it comes to newspapers, for instance, a distinction has been made between advertisements, articles, family notices, and captioned illustrations. Because of budgetary restrictions at the time the decision had to be made, this has not been done for magazines. The software therefore treats a magazine on Delpher as one entity. That's a pity, of course, because it makes it impossible to search for separate articles or to include a link to a specific article when citing your sources. The KB is currently investigating the costs of retro-application of article segmentation to the magazine set. The results of that investigation will determine whether or not such segmentation will be implemented.
What kind of new functionality on Delpher can we look forward to?
Top priority currently lies with improving the search options. With every addition of new material, it becomes more and more important that the search function operates optimally, enabling users to rapidly find what they are looking for. For instance, we are working on optimising relevance scores, improving metadata, renewing indexes, and working with automatically generated selection lists, which show only those filters which actually apply to a particular search result. In 2016, we will also be working on a Delpher design for small mobile devices, such as smartphones, and we will be adding geolocation metadata to our newspaper set, making it possible to search by place name or the GPS of a phone.